HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-07-18, Page 12■ 1-
pap It—?lie Wingham Advance -Times, July 18, 1979 .1
told money collection will be
: a
BelgravePersonal Notes
odin splay at the T=D
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Barry Logan, Michael analo given sole responsibility for the
Willard Armstrong is a patient in Shawn of Burlington, Mr. and ; t A display of bpnknotes from The displays illustrate the
issue of paper currency in
the Wingham the Toronto -Dominion Bank's old In and District Hospi- Mrs. Ralph Logan, Kevin and rapid evolution of money Canada. In 190 the lint paper
tel. Trevor of Wyoming; Mr. and ,�° money collection will be on Canada. The first paper money notes of the Bank of Canada were
Mn. Elizabeth Leslie fell last Mrs. Americo Arruda, Maria and f` z ..R 3 display at the Wingham branch issued was "playing card issued, with each denomination
week and fractured her hip. She Michelle of Toronto. They all beginning August 1. mono common use for ap-
is a patient in the Wingham and attended the Brandon Cemetery - " The exhibit will be available proximately n ately 75 years id the beteg bilingual for the Brat time.
District Hospital. Memorial service which was held for public viewing during regular colon of New France. Few During the ne=t is years the
P 1 Y chartered banks were requested
Mrs. Harry McGuire returned in Knox United Church, Belgrave banking hours Monday through examples of this money exist to decrease their notes by per_
home from the Wingham and on Sunday afternoon. . ; Friday. An antique gold weighing today, probably because
cenlagea. By -WO, in accordance
District Hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Wide, 1 scale will also be exhibited. retention after the redemption
Sheila Lynn Anderson, Andrea Kimberley, Jennifer and Trevor Included in the two displays of a date was punishable by death. ban the program, chartered
over 25 old banknotes will be an P banks paid to the Bank of Canada
Marquerite Coultes, Janet Marie of Mount Hope spent the weekend Later bank notes were issued sufficient funds to redeem the
McIntosh, Kim Yvonne Mcln- with her parents Mr. and Mrs 1857 one dollar note from the City by private bankers and, mer amount of their notes`still In the
tosh, Meribeth Ann Scott, Garner Nicholson. Bank, a three dollar note issued chants, predominantly in Lower hands of the public'sova i13
Melanie Rose Scott a4d Julie Ann Mr.'and Mrs. William McArtee by the Farmer's Joint Stock Canada. During the pre
Gna were confirmed b Rev. of RR 4 Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. # 1 Banking Company in 1848, an million.
y y Confederation 1850s and 1860s
John G. Roberts in Knox United James Walsh, Blyth, Mr. and { 1863 one dollar note from St. banks obtained charters and The last note of the Bank of
Church, Belgrave on Sunday July Mrs. Raymond Green of Kincar- Stephen's Bank and a five dollar issued their own currencies. Toronto was issued in 1937 and
1. The sacrament of the Lord's dine, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook, note issued by the Maritime Bank The central bank, the Bank of the Dominion Bank issued its last
Supper was a1Ro observed. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook, Mrs. of the Dominion of Canada in Canada, was created in 1934 and note in 1938. Today few people see
anything but Bank of Canada notes except in collections or
Mrs. John McIntosh, Mrs, George Cook, Miss Annie Cook all tRRt
Dorothy Logan, Mrs. Laura of Belgrave attended the wedding
Johnston, Mrs. Ross Anderson, of Janice Paton to Douglas —
Mrs. William Coultes, Mrs. McQueen of Mossley at the � MRS. ALLAN GRIFFITH Nick O Donohue, manager of,
Donald Dow and Dawn, Mrs. Harrietville and Mossley United the Wingham branch, said he e
Bryan Coultes, Jason and Bran- Church on Saturday July 7. The very pleased to .bring the
don all attended the leadership recepChurchion
helurdat Springfield. The GIDEON LIFE MEMBERSHIP—Richard Kilpatrick of Wingham recently was awarded Wroxeter Personals collection to Wingham and hopes
event "Calling All Marys and Mrs. Don McLeod, Moosomin, a life membership in Gidons International after being an active member of the organize- many people will come into the
Marthas" at Camp Menesetung, Sask. and Miss Rose Marie tiorLsinre 1958. PrPSPnfinn tha awarri are Fred Howson. president of the local group, Vic Frank Cook of Winnipeg, London. branch to see the exhibit. The
Goderich, last Monday. Over 150 McLeod of Moose Jaw, Sask, re- ihetler, field representative from the head office at Guelph, and Sam Shantz, zone leader Manitoba, visited with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, collection will be on display until
women and children enjoyed the turned home on last Thursday rom Hanover. Mrs. Lloyd Townsend and Mrs. Jamestown, accompanied by his August 10.
day of fellowship. after spending two weeks with Margaret Townsend recently. mother, Mrs. Margaret Adams,
Due to inclement weather the her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barnard, motored to Orangeville on
} MRS. VICTOR EMERSON Toronto, visited duringlast week -Sunday to visit the formers' son
Brandon Cemetery Memorial and Mrs. James Lamont.
service was held at Knox United Neighbors and friends of this with Mrs. Margaret Adams. Jim and Mrs. Adams. Jim has R. W. BELL
Church, Belgrave on Sunday, comnTunity wish to extend hearty Whitechurch Personals Mrs. Doris Clark, Drayton been on the police force in Owen
Valle Alberta, and four Sound and has been promoted to
July 1 at 3 p.m. Rev. John G. congratulations to Mrs. Cora 3 y' OPTOMETRIST
Roberts conducted the service McGill who celebrated her 83rd Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bell of children are visiting Mr. and Corporal and transferred to the
with Miss Alison Roberts pre birthday July 11. delivered by Rev. Gerald Mrs. John (Pud e) Gibson and OPP Training Branch, Toronto.
Walkerton brought little Robin to Thompson of Teeswater. also her mother n -law, Mrs. Tait He is residing in Orangeville. GODERICH
siding at the organ. visit with her grandparents, Rev. P The Square 5247661
Mrs. Telford Cook attended the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Judd, and and Mrs. John Bell, while they
wedding of Muriel Jacklin to Mr. and Mrs. Len Robertson of weekend with his son-in-law and weeks before going on to her visited with friends in Guelph'on daughter, Albert Coultes spent the Clark, .Goderich, for a couple of
Larry Gibson at the Listowel Calgary visited for a few days the weekendThey returned for g er, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert family in New Brunswick where
Presbyterian Church on Satur . last week with their great aunt, Schwichtenberg, and family, Mr. Clark will join them in WARD & U PT I G RO V E
Robin on Sunda
9h f/,
day. Mrs. Cora McGill. y' fort Elgin. in. � s. �a August.
.1r. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse Mr. and Mrs. Alex Styles, Mr. Paul Falconer, Sarnia, spent Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beecroft Mrs. Bonnie MacDougall, Listowel
the weekend with his grand
ac:;.bmpanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Mrs. Len Clark of Toronto and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burlington, visited her parents,
Walker of mother, Mrs. Robert Mowbray. (519 291-3040
Gpderich on Saturday were last Sunday visitors with Beecroft of Wiligham enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs. London Gibson. �
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan da
to the 50th annual Rath reunion their aunt, `Mrs. Cora McGill. y of shopping Tuesday in Mrs. W. B. Gibson of Dundas CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
returned from her father's
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Also visiting at the same home Kitchener. and daughters, Michelle and
William Rath of Putwan, the site was Mrs. Isabel Geddes of funeral in Prince Edward IslandMr. and Mrsl Bert Bell and son Tania, spent a day last week with
Pat P
d M
f M
home ome or. anMrs. a
of the first reunion held 50 years Goderich. to of Montreal are visiting with his Miss Marion Gibson.-
9bson.- -
a o. This was a s Donnelly and family, Street parents, Rev. and Mrs. John Bell, RECEIVES AWARD Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart,
g pedal reunion
with iM members signing the re- Mrs. Leonard James returned Wille. They were joined there by . at the manse. Gordon Kinahan, RR 2, Kitchener, were weekend guests /�► •
g g Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer, g HoWlck Lions Pooh Vorrie
giste r.� u �� Y, spendingg y y ng Lucknow, son of Mr. and Mrs. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les
peen with her daughter 'Timm , and Amy. and '. '0111 Kina --
I 1„uo � ,.,,...►.,._ �t people �_--- ' , - � Clara Milligan, returning home p^^. y* ani nniannn nes been award- ;ougias. Public Swimming . 2 - 4 p.m. , 7 -.9 p.m.
home Sunday after s ease ae 13. meeting o e
.�.................�, ,,. lC from g 'eP aid sou -Lan gide Cemetery Board was
this area attended the 12th of July in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roger cancelled because of ed the Academic Proficiencv Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mothers & Tots - 4 - S p.m.
on SaturdayIn Blyth. Pearson of Toronto. Saturday evening. ten ance. The meets is now Award from Lambton.Coll Clement spent a few days in
y ege P Y Classes now registering for August 6 classes.
f Kitd
Barara uron o
Miss Hazel Young and .Mrs. Dr. Ronald Taylor, St. John's, Miss rescheduled for July 25 at 8:30 in in Sarnia for outstanding Toronto with relatives. Pre -beginners to bronze.
Ella Green of Westport are Newfoundland, and Mr. and Mrs. chener spent a few days last Whitechurch C o m m•u n i t y academic performance dur- Ross Pope of Owen Sound,
spending this week with their Jack Taylor visited last week week with her parents, Mr. and Memorial Hall. ing the past year. Gordon was formerly of Wroxeter, called on Pool available for ball teams - scouts - family -
sister, Mrs. Sara Anderson. with Mark Taylor of Leamington, Mrs. William Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul former friends in the village. or church groups by the hour.
Y g a first year student and hopes g
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Verstee
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, g, were Sunday visitors with Mr. to return for two more years Ms's. Allan Griffith spent a -
Saskatoon, Sask. and Mr. and Sarnia, and their aunt, Mrs. Anne Andy and Linda were in London and Mrs. Bradley Speiran, in markets As his award, couple of days with Mr. and Mrs.
L; Collins, also of Sarnia. on Friday where Andy had the Brussels. James Robertson in Goderich Phone Gorrle 335 3451 or &M-6310
Mrs. Irwin Gibson uh Listowel bands es"removed from the hand he will have all tuition fees
'visited last Tuesday with Mr. and g Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bott of paid for 1979-80. last week. She and Mrs.
lie lacerated in. the- lawn mnwpr. r.._.gus and her daughter, Mrc, � Robertson Spent TIIUTSda .ln
Mrs. Robert Grasby. They also `" _ �• 6�, •._•...... ..._�____ , _._ y
vibited - with . Mn. --Ma The injured hand has healed very
--Mary Arm- •; Scheffer, Jennifer and Jeffery of
strong of Huronview, Clinton. Man I n 1h1 r@d in Lethbridge, visited Thursday -
We are sorry to hear that Mrsobserved by Presbytery Sunday A recognition service was with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pur -
Gordon Higgins is a patient in farm accident don, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Rin-
Wingham District Hospital. evening at Chalmers toul, Mrs. Curran and Mrs. Hazel
Mr. and Mrs. James A Wroxeter area man was Presbyterian Church for Rev. Purdon, Lucknow. Th f
Stephenson and Nancy of RR 4, admitted to Wingham and John Bell. The sermon was
Woodstock visited last Sunday District Hospital Sunday after VFW—
with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt. being injured in a farming ac Steven Nixon, Paul Cook and cident.Billie Scott left last Saturday for Larry Elliott of RR 1, West.Wroxeter, was apparently in
Last weekend visitors with jured when a tractor turned over -f y
Mrs. Cliff Logan were Mr. and while working on his farm.
The Blyth Summer Festival
McGillicuddy's Lost
Keith Roulston
Open July 24 at 8:30 p.m.
in Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, Ont.
Adults $4.25 - Senior Citizens $3.50 - Children $2.50
Reserve by calling 523-9300
Or in Listowel at Basically Books
Or in Wingham at the Waxworks Boutique
Queen's Hotel
Appearing this Wed. to Sat. -
Skye Blue
All next week -
Monday to Saturday
TV and recording star
Nancy Ryan
active in sports for many years and continues to remain
This %%vek's participacrion
rification Program
personalit, selected by the
Last summer when the Ontario
\\ Ingham Recreation Board is
Fitness Van %vas in Wingham
Doug Neil. a teacher at F. E
Doug signed up to be tested and
Madill Secondary School
the experts suggested a jogging
As a boy gro%%Ing up in Tara.
program for him With good
Ontario. Doug played minor
«gather here he jogs three miles
haseball and at age 18 began
, da'\ four or five times a week
placmg fastball When he came
and V%en in winter managed to
to \1ing'ham to teach he was
get out twice a week lie says
pla\ Ing for a Waterloo team and
logging makes hirn4eel great and
drove back and forth for games
he hates to miss one of his
there He has played in-
regular da\% -
termediate fastball in, Wingham
iloug has also hunted and
and at present is coach of that
fished locally and is a keen
golfer He golfs a ith 'he men's
Wednesda\ Night League with a
Hockey is another of Doug's
handicap of in or 11
igterests He played minor
Doug attributes his love of
hoc•kcy in Tara. then intramural
sports to tbo fact he grew up in a
hockey while he attended the
small town where sports ac -
University of Waterloo. He joined
hyihes Mere a� ailahle and he
the intermediate team where he
\c as encouraged at home to take
ca a to Wingham. coached the
part His father as sports-
tams for seven years and for
minded and coached several of
the past two years has been a
the teams on which Doug piaved.
coach in the beginners' hockey
He has enjoyed good success in
program He is also involved with
sports and the; continue to be an
the National Coaching Cer-
enimahle p,, -t of his life
OnlyTrifight has 60 calories.
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