HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-07-18, Page 1FlJW SECTION
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Wingham. Wed=wdw,
Council takehss step feo ��Ilow
Business or p4osurisi - book now!
Ustowol, Cletwila. Ve 291.2111
Call Toll Froia 140.2".3220
Single Copy Not Over She
sh in Plaza c
He also noted the town =Wt U everything goes right con -
Town council has taken one of drawn up by the county planning the county -planning department still amend the zoni% bybw ,.spruction of the plaza could start
explained. The minister will then construction C" bg#1A
the steps necessary to pave the department, had earlier received before "* _ , am year, he added.
way for development of a the approval of the town planning either approve it, with or without and that amendment 8 .1110 PETITION OPPOSES s.
shopping plaza in Wingham. board in the wake of a public changes, or reject it. STANDARDS BYLAW ..........
circulated to all property
meeting at which most sentiment Anyone wishing to object to the Councillors were presented
At its meeting July 6 council within 400 feet for objectieft.
favored allowing construction of bylaw can still request the with a petition at the meeting
passed a bylaw amending the minister to refer the matter to said normal procedure is
official plan to permit con- the plaza. taking any action on tft 4"ing the recently passed
struction of the plaza with a The bylaw now goes to the the Ontario Municipal Board for bylaw until there is son"_ pWrty standards bylaw as well
supermarket and other shops ministry of housing, which will a hearing, he said. If there are no
objections approval usually takes dication the amendment to #*' 4b other actions of council. The
south of the Canadian Tire store. circulate it to various agenciesan w
official plan be appvvell-' 'pdition had been signed by 128
The amendment, which was for comment, Gary Davidson of about 90 days. citizens of Wingham.
Mayor William Walden
;responded that council is running
the town to the best of its ability
and the persons who had signed
the petition were invited to attend
0c next meeting of council,,vset
for 7 p.m. August 7.
In other business at the
t councillor Allan
_Mrrison presented a draft of a
noise pollution bylaw for con-
sideration. It was noted the police
,-.bave been receiving complaints
w` about noisy parties and other
and the town has no
• bylaw to deal with the situation.
ouncil was told the town
soClicitor has reviewed the
proposed bylaw and 'made
various changes, but it decided to
give the matter further study
before taking action.
Councillor David Cameron
reviewed the works com-
missioner's report and said
savings to the town are showing
UP on the Charles Street con -
ruction as well as repair of
sidewalks. Mike Chappell
presented a list of estimated
s to May 31 totalling
icil accepted a.proposal
refuse together with the Y"
rgarbage nickup at a cost
a* additional $5,000 for the
remainder of the year.
ditmcil is reconsidering its
decision to purchase a recon
GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY—Rev. and Mrs. John Ostrom of Minnie Stream celebrated
ditioned compressor for the theirgolden wedding anniversary with a reception June 30. They were married In Toronto
Wingham arena in light of some
June 29, 1929.
advice from R. Thompson of
Teeswater Creamery that a used
machini would not be a good
investment. Hospital attempt at menu billing
Councillors had been con-
cerned that it might take a while
to get a new machine, but learned
COLLIDED WITH TRUCK—The tangled remains of this driver of thenar, Nancy McDougall, later died In a,1ondon that new ones are readily turned downhealth ministry
Chevrolet Vega testify to the force with which It collided hospital while a passenger, Shirley Cassidy, remains In available and could be installed
with a large truck during the early hours of July 13. The critical condition. within a week if the current Wingham and District Hos- :been given a chance to read (the Finance Director Gordon
machine broke down. Councillor pital's, first venture into the report had been distributed to the Baxter estimated it would take 10
Ray Walker also reported a 25 as had the board only at the I start of the days to set up the system at a cost
S I *If G, Board growers per cent grant is available from held of 'menu billing'h meeting). He and Raye Elmslie in the . neighborhood of $5,000,
or may the Ontario ministry of culture anticipated result: the provincial abstained from voting, but the although it could run as high as -
Cc*ide,nt claim hake own and recreation for purchase of a health ministry has. refused to other board members voted to $7,000. He added the preAiminary
new, machine. pay the bill.
choice of class Both sides are now sitting tight accept the report without discus- survey probably will not cost
0 Bob Crawford expressed and waiting for the next move, sion. over, $4,000; the board had
The 75 Wingham and area men concern to council over use of Norman Hayes, hospital ad- Mr. Hayes noted Mr. -Newton's budgeted, $6,500 to cover
who entered the centennial beard Cruickshank Park for con- perating the
one woman critical growing contest in, January have struction of a senior citizens' ministrator, told the board of objection, but he urged the board ongoing costs of o
until the end of July to decide in apartment building. He urged governors at its inaugural not to hold off its approval since system' a,re estimated at $3,000
meeting June 27 that the hospital he said the hospital needs to get per year.
A violent head-on collision just north of Wingham. was -southbound on the highway which category they will com- that the park should be retained has submitted to the general the system into place. Boris Milosevic, who had
between a car and a truck last A passenger in the car, Shirley when it collided with the nor- pete. for commercial use. Mr. Walden manager of the Ontario Health He said a system to document served as vice chairman of the
week has claimed the life of a Cassidy, remains in critical thbound truck driven by Brian J. The beards will be judged Aug. told him he could voice his ob- m treatment I Insurance Plan (OHIP) bills for the costs of patient t board for the past two years, was
Wingham woman and left a condition at the London hospital King of RR2, Teeswater ' and I at 6 p.m. at the arena and jection when the bylaw rezoning would be needed if the hospital acclaimed to the position of
second in critical condition in where the two were taken owned by Canada Packers. Mr. contestants will parade during the land is circulated. everyone treated during the went to court in an attempt to board chairman for the next
hospital. following the crash. King received minor injuries in the centennial queen competition Council decided to raise' the months of April and May. force the ministry to pay its bills, year, taking the place of Jack
Ncy McDougall died at Provincial police at the the accident. intermission. interest on tax arrears to 1 14 per He said the hospital had
. ed no reaction up to that adding it would be a good idea to Hodgins who retired.
Uni rslty Hospital, London, Wingham detachment report the Nancy McDougall was the wife Contestants may decide by the cent a month from one per cent received have it in any case to pinpoint Harold Elliott was acclaimed
July 15, two days after the car accident occurred just before 2 of the late Terry Gordon Mc- end of July whether they will and the clerk was instructed to time, but predicted this will hosts. to the vice chairmanship and will
she was driving collided' with a a.m. on July 13. The Chevrolet Dougall and the daughter of compete in the longest, best draw up a bylaw making the "Probably lead us into some - He said cost accounting has head -the management com-
tractor-trailer along Highway 4 Vega driven by Mrs. McDougall Charles W. Krohn of RR 3, trimmed or most colorful change. interesting times". He later This raises the interest added the case could be in court been tried tentatively by some of mittee. Mr. Newton, William
11 Wingham. categories. Each beard grower rate on unpaid taxes to 15 per " the bigger hospitals but hasn't Walden, Jack Kopas, Dr. G. A.
She'was the mother of three, may enter in only one class. Andy cent a year from 12 per cent. relatively soon". yet been attempted on the basis Williams and Dr. Doug Mowbray
Penny, Brenda and Kenneth, and Ste. Marie's barbershop and Council had earlier decided Last week Mr. Hayes reported of a business approach, "and we were elected to the management
the sister of Wayne and Ted George of Brussels' hairstyling that from now on any payments OHIP has acknowledged receipt
Krohn, both of Calgary, Jim and of the bngs, but has declined to have to have a business approach committee.
Subdivision agreement will note the category choices of made on late taxes will be ap- pay them. if we go further down this road". Dr. Williams' will chair the
John Krohn, both of Listowel., and contestants. plied to accumulated interest ''We knew that would happen "I finance and audit committee,
Doug, Fred and Stan Krohn of The winner of each category before any reduction is made in with members Mr. Elliott,
not signed at meeting Wingham; also Ruth (Mrs. Bill will win $50. the principal. he commented. adding that the Gerald Gibson, Dr. R. B.
Martin) of Teeswater, Pat (Mrs. hospital is reviewing its legal Treleaven and Mr. Newton.
council said it wasn't necessary. Danny Stacey) and Mary Anne position and he was not sure what •
Ken Saxton will chair the
Beigrave developer Sam ip will Montgomery of Wingham, and the next step would be, He said, Decorating
Pletch and his lawyer Robert Before the township Sharlene (Mrs. John Herd) of there had been no effort by either property committee, with
Campbell didn't get much assume the roadways in the Wilford Caslick elected members Frank McKenzie, Doug
satisfaction when they met with Pletch subdivision, council wants Listowel. side to reopen negotiations Button, Dr. Treleaven, Mr.
Morris Township Council at the roads and ditches completed. She was predeceased by her A closed meeting of the board contest Aug. 1 Walden and Mr. Gibson.
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Krohn, to 100F Grand Master has been called for tonight, The public relations committee
council's July 9 monthly meeting Mr. Elston said. three sisters and two brothers. Wednesday. and this topic will be The Wingham Horticultural
because they couldn't get the Mr. Pletch told council he'd items on the agenda. Society is offering a total of $100 will have Mr. Kopas as its
township to sign a development deal with someone else if he can't She rested at the Currie Chapel C Wilford Caslick of Wingham one of the chairman, with other members
agreement. reach agreement with council in of the Currie -Walker Funeral has been elected district deputy In the meantime the hospital in prize money in a centennial Mary Vair, Mrs. Elmslie, Dr. R.
At a June council meeting the the near future. Home where a funeral service grand master of Huron District 8 continues to receive its regular home and business decorating
D. Wilkins, Isobel Garniss and
In other was held Wednesday at 2 p.m. of the Independent Order of Odd budget from the health ministry. contest
two sides agreed to draw up a business Joe and earlier There are two categories in the Barry Wenger and John Strong
new agreement for the Belgrave Joanne Phelan met with council Interment followed at the Fellows, although Mr Hayes ear contest residential and as media representatives.
subdivision, organizing the terms to ask why Morris doesn't par- Wingham cemetery. Mr. Caslick, a member of the warned the board this will The joint conference com-
at ticipate in the Ontario Home Mrs. McDougall was in her 31st Maitland Lodge No. 119 of probably not he sufficient to see it commercial -industrial. In each ee ill be chaired by Mr.
of previous agreements, but Wingham since 1953, received his through'the year. Nearly $170,000 class there will be prizes of $25, mitt I
last week's meeting the township Renewal Program (OHRP). y ea r
ip commission from Grand Master \va, deducted from the budget $15 and $10 for the best centennial Milosevic with Mr. Hayes, Dr.
Under the program individuals in Treleaven, Dr. Mowbray, Dr.
wasn't prepared to sign because Donald Murdock of Kars, On- this year in an attempt to force displays.
it hadn't had a chance to consult participating municipalities can tario. at the Grand ' Lodge closure of 14 active treatment All buildings, displays and Wilkins, Dr. Williams and Isabel
its lawyer about a couple of receive grants and low interest 93rd birthday storefronts will be judged by an Arbuckle as members.
loans to have their homes Sessions in Toronto in June beds,
All these committees were
points. repaired to municipal standards. BELGRAVE — Mrs. Cora, As district deputy grand I,, other business at the out of town committee Wed
Reeve William Elston noted McGill was pleasantly surprised master his duties are to act as the meeting board members learned nesday, Aug. I Winners will be appointed by the management
that one of the problems with the Council explained that it committee.
Morris doesn't have housing standards. on Sunday July 8 afternoon when representative of the grand lodge the initial survey on a cost ac- announced that evening at the c Under unfinished business the
agreement was that Morr it has no building bylaw or the congregation of Trinity in matters- relating to the counting system for the hospital centennial queen competition at board agreed to open an account
would require an easement on the
Pletch property leading to the building inspector and would Anglican Church gathered at her working of the order and to hAve had been completed and gave the arena.
with the Bank of Montreal in
portion of the Coultes have to have these to implement home to offer best wishes on the general supervision of the Odd their approval to going ahead and Wingham people will be
open occasion of her 93rd birthday Fellow lodges in his district �iettinp q) the qvcztem automatically in the contest as Teeswater to handle bills paid by
municipal drain. OHRP. It could be an expensiveShe was presented with a cor- Huron District comprises lodges William Newton, the re re judges will tour the whole town to Master Charge credit cards. Mt.
Mr. Campbell said that that pr6gram to administrate and in Seaforth, Gode' view the residential and com- Hayes explained the hospital now
"uIdn't be a 'problem because council is trying to keep down sage of white roses and following rich, Exeter, sentative from Howick Township, accepts credit cards for payment
w Clinton, Brussels, Brucefield and objected to being asked to mercial-industrial. centennial
the easement had been offered to municipal spending, the Phelans asocial hour the ladies served Hensall as well as Wingham. Wit . ford Caslick approve of bills.
council about a year ago but were told. birthday cake and ice cream. ve something he hadn't displays.
Iliad . . . . . .
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