HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-06-27, Page 81a
P e &—tU */bWhxtn Advanceimes. June 27, 1979 -Zar
Get Vacation Cash �. 0) -- --x �
with goods sold here
• 357-2320 ;
CLASSIFIED - Farm Machinery Work Wanted Miscellaneous
DEADLINE JOHN DEERE 141 baler. WILLING TO DO any type of Phone Mrrs.LJames, 357-3657. Township of
Works Se"Ices
well. Phone 848-5884. work, baby-sitting etc. in the rrb
335-3627. IF YOU ARE a friend ox relative
TWO TRACTORS 8N and 9N SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED: PORTABLE WELDING of an alcoholic, the AI -Anon Wawanosh'
MONdJA YS 12:00 NOON Fords in excellent condition. Modern new equipment. Over 20 WILL DO portable welding and FARM BOY requires summer Family Group may be able to
Phone 367 5370.
The Advance-Timrs is open on Mondays with the years experience. Phone 887-6m. in -she repair work. Phone SiPa employment. Phone 357-2747. help you solve your side of the PIT RUN GRAVEL
exception of a Mondaystatute holiday. To lace one of Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels. Bakker, RR5, Lucknow, 528-20m11. problem. Please contact Past Of-
statutory y p FORD 3000 diesel tractor with 640 2 rrb STUDENTS for summer and TENDERS 1979
these action acts, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office 11 rrb fiee Box 1135 Wingham.
hours, differential 19ck, power casual help. Call CECS 291-2922. rrb Sealed tenders will be recefv-
or Phony: steering, live pto, Saf-Gard cab AIR HAMMER work, backhoein YULE'S DEAD STOCK removal. ed until 6:00 p.m.
3.57-2320 with heater, 6 ply tires; 3 pth and septic bed installation. Cecil Proprietors Dan and Bev Lamb- CAPABLE Young man willing to
Massey Ferguson model 74, 3 Cranston, RR 2, Auburn, 529-7691. kin. We pay on the spot for large do any type of odd jobs in Wing TENDER NOTICE Tuesday,
furrow plow, 14"; Geo. White ik ham and surrounding area. Call Sealed tenders will be receiv- July 3, 1979
14 rrb fresh dead animals and disabled ed b the undersigned until
Sons Sanderum cultivator, 12' animals. Continued free service 357-2649. Y 9 by either the Road Superin-
For Sale For Sale wide; Heim snow blower, 7' wide. CUSTOM MADE ornamental for small animals. License 635C- 13-20-17 12:00 o'clock NOON, July 6, tendent or the Clerk at the
Phone Jack Kerr 357-1979. 1979,for the following railings, made to order, inside or 78. For prompt reliable service 7 g con -
Municipal Office, RR 2, Luck -
CHOICE top soil. Phone 327-8920. BLACK AND TAN PUPS. Call outside. For free estimates call days a week, phone Cargill col- SMALL CARPENTRY JOBS. struction project. now, for loading and hauling
Andrew Allan, Lakelet. FULL RANGE OF FARM 357-2429. lett 366-2713. Will build cabinets, vanities etc., Reconstruction of two (2) con
523-9549. approximately 20,000 cu. yds.
20-27 20-27
EQUIPMENT 6-13-20-27 20 rrb and repair broken furniture. trete front entrance steps to pit run gravel to Sidorood 21 -
son, Phone Bill Thom528-3715 include the removal and dis
CLAY—Silo unloaders, feeders, 22 Concession 1-2, Township
cleaners, stabling, leg elevators, DOG GROOMING all breeds, b afterA p.m. 28 rrb posal of existing steps, supply of West Wawanosh. Tenders
TWENTY ACRES of alfalfa and BERG STABLE cleaners and cleaners,
manureequipment, h y BULLDOZING: Bill Robinson, and installation of concrete
timothyha Phone 529-7570. stabling. Bunk feeders and water liquidhog professional. For appointment must be submitted on Town -
20 -27 bowls. Silo unloaders and far- equipment. call 357-2790. 28 rrb Help Wanted in accordance with plans and ship tender forms available at
rowing Y crates. Lloyd Johnston, BUTLER -Silo unloaders, feeder 20-27 the Municipal Office, and be
specifications, and any neces
RR 3, Hol rood. Pone 395-5390. conveyors. accompanied by certified
Phone 1971 SUZUKI 350, good running y FARMATIC—Mills augers, etc. CHILD'S PLAY unique line of spry sidewalk construction. the ue for $1,000. Lowest or
condition, new back tire, battery rrb ACORN — Cleaners, heated wa= GEORGE LUBBERS Construe- PHIL'S REFRIGERATION and children's books and games Plans, specifications and de q
and recent tune-up. Best offer. tion. Phone 357-3457 Whitechurch. Appliance Service, 24-hour emer- tails are available from the any tender not necessarily ac -
Phone 887 9272 after 5 m. SOLAR SWIMMING �ecers. Cottages, adtgions, renovations. gency service used appliance needs consultants and managers. cepted. All tenders subject to
p. pool heating-, WESTEIy-ROSCO—Granaries, No deliveries. Own house. Excel- office of the undersigned.
rrb sales. Phone 887-9062. approval by Ministry of Trans -
June 27, July 18 systems cost less than any pres- B and L Hog Panelling. Srrb lent weekly earnings. Call 366 Lowest or any tender not net- portation and Communico-
ent conventional gas or oil units. Lowry Farm Systems. Ltd., 9927. essarily accepted. tions.
AFRICAN VIOLETS IN full They work as well but have NO OIL BURNER SERVICES
bloom. Mrs. L. McDougall, 357- FURTHER FUEL BILLS. Can be Clean, repair and install. Phone George Humphrey,
Phone 395-5286 RESPONSIBLE teenage girl to SERVICES LTD. g P Y'
1726. installed by the do-it-yourselfer Joe Craig, Wroxeter, 335-3398.. TOP PRICES paid for dead or - Box 170 Road Superintendent.
rrb baby-sit 4 children, ages 10, 6, 4
with our technical advice (or our 22 rrb disabled cows and horses. For and 4 from Jul 16 to Jul Z0. 149 Josephine St.
BEAUTIFUL flowered living experts can do it for you). We fresh animals over 500 Ib. $1 a Must have permission to live-in 449 JosWInghaephine
Ont., NOG 2W0 Joan Armstrong,
room couch, and matching swivel specialize in energy conservation Notice Wanted redweight. Cows and horses and be able to cook and do light Phone: [519] 357-1621 Cleric.
chair; end tables etc. H. C. Scott, and have the largest display of over 1200 lb. $15; calves and housework. Both parents will be
Wroxeter, 335-6357. high efficient wood stoves, solar swine picked up free of charge.
panels, hydroponics, hot tubs and LAIDLAW APPLIANCE. w 11 be WAN'T'ED OLD brick N—lildin a Four-wheel , • away. Phnnn 357 �m�
Pa�-�go r uu► -wueei unve, radio diSpaLCn- •
SAVE TO $160-20 lbs. Hodgdon saunas etc. Visit our store for closed for vacation from July 16 for demolition and salvage pur- ed trucks; 24-hour service 7 days
powders $7.95-1b. 4895, 4831, 4227, something different. Phone to July 30 inclusive. Poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 a week. Brussels Pet Food Sup- REGISTERED NURSE holding * Watch for Continuing Weekly Specials
4198. Shotgun powders $7.35-1b. 21 ahead if driving from a distance. 27, July 18 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 1-542-4088; plies. Local calls 887-9334; toll current Ontario registration for
pounds delivered to many rail Closed Wednesdays. Atwood Ontario's largest supplier of re- free 1-800-2651267. full-time day shift position withThis'.Wnit's
destinations. May be assorted. Solar, 356-9002. claimed bricks. 14 rrb excellent benefits in modern and
CCI primers, BOOKSHOP open Thursday, 14 rrb nursing Apply
from 59.50-1000. 23-A29 progressive Hors home. A 1
Hornady bullets, from American June 14 at 59 Albert St., Wing- in person to David Newbold at
prices. AmmoMart, Renfrew, ham. Hours will be 11 a.m. to 6 Pinecrest Manor Ltd., Lucknow. (Quantities Limited) *"
Ont Livestock For Sale p.m. from Monday to Friday. Phone 528-2820.
Will buy used books. Phone Announcements 20-27CAKES FOR ALL occasions, $7 SMALL PONY. Phone 335-6242. 357-2649. 132027 "
each. Phone Cecelia Laidlaw,
357-1927. BOAR AND GILT sale, 130 ttirk- FOR PORTRAIT'S, landscapesSERVICE ADVISOR Stirling Built-in
shire and Landrace. Health ap ,
URINE -ERASE saves carp is proved, ROP tested at Maitland etc. in oils, acrylics, pastels, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Anger and Required to co-ordinate work
Guarantees removal dog, cat, Manor Farm, July 7. Don Henry, watercolor and graphite. Call Gorrie, would like to announce Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, between customer, shop and DISHWASHERS
human urine stains, odors, from RR 2, Bluevale, Ont., (519) Bondi Studio, Wingham 357-2391. the forthcoming marriage of Wingham wish to announce the parts department'
carpets; Free brochure. Dept. A., 335-3240. then^daughter Brenda Colleen, to forthcoming marriage of their - •4 cycles
Must be able to communicate
Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, FOR PORTRAITS, landscapes Mr.Douglas Gordon Browne, son children Joanne Mary and Mur- witheo le. \ — -- 92 speed wash and rinse
London, Ont. of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Browne, ray John. The wedding to take p p - = •self-cleaning filter
GOATS, FOR SALE. Phone 335 etc. in acrylics, pastels or water Gorrie, on Saturday,July quired. 14, place in Sacred Heart Church, Automotive experience re- sIn-the-door cutlery
1978 SUZUKI GS550, LTD, 4 eter 335-6362. 1979, at 7 p.m. in St. Stephen's Wingham, on Saturday, July 28 at
colors call Darling Studio, Wrox-ecom g
cylinder only 1300 km, in excel- Anglican Church, Gorrie, Ont- 6 P•m• 5 day work week.
lent condition, price $'1450. Phone ONE PUREBRED mature Polled rob ario. "^ l and drug plan.
�j Become part of a growing
357-3482 or 887-6439. Hereford bull. Phone 357-2870. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Drager, B� � j
20 rrb WINGHAM DRIVE-IN Cleaners Mr. and MrsAlohn Dentinger RR 2, Mitchell, are pleased to an- team. THIS WEEKi
1968 VOLKSWAGEN camper in will be closed from July 1 for two are pleased to announce the nounce the- forthcoming mar- Apply to: ONLY
good condition. Phone Mr. Gord- weeks. Open Tuesday, July 17. forthcoming marriage of their nage of 'their daughter, Beryl
on Francis 357-2958. SERVICE AGE York, Hamp and Please have clothing picked up daughter Catherine Grace to Elsie to Richard Joseph Wall, Fred Brewer
Hamp X York boars; also open
gilts. Bob Robinson, RR 4, before closing. Kenneth William McKenzie, son Kitchener, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cullen Chev-Olds
SIMPLICITY spin washer, 5 Walton, Phone 345-2317. of Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie Grant Wall of Wingham. The Box 729, Wingham
years old, like new condition. 27-18.25 of Mildmay. The wedding to take Wedding to take place at Under- Phone 357-2323
Phone 357-2420 after 6 p.m. or TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to Place in the Teeswater United wood, Ont. on Friday, July 27,
have more cents at North Huron Church on Saturday, July 14 at 7 1979.
357-237? anytime. All colours in stock
20 Y� Cars 8r Trucks Credit Union, 8 Alfred St. Open p.m.
rrb Mr. and Mrs. Ba Caswell of
hours: Monday 10 to 12; Tuesday Barry ,,:,
led OLDS DELTA 88, 4 door y y • Owen Sound wish to announce the Help Convertible - Portable models sli htl more,
SWIMMING POOLS. beading sedan, V8 automatic, ps-pb, $600 to Thursday 10 to 5; Friday 10 to
distributor has above ground certified. Phone 357-2159. 6. Free personal chequing ac- r• Magee forthcoming marriage of their g Y
is on sale, complete with counts. Deposit accounts now daughter Catherine Lorraine to Wanted
I PEvething you'd expect .
filter, motor, pump, skimmer, 1975 DART Swinger Special 2 paying 10 per cent. Phone 357- to appear at �. William Allan Brown, son of • �
walk around, patio and fencing. door hardtop, power steering, Mil. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown of and then some.
16 rrb local church Wingham. The weddin�1I take Set Up Person
Reg. Call now$13331 while supply radio, automatic, trailer hitch; place on Saturday, Julys"i, at 3:30 for woodworking machines. CAL
lasts. Call collect i-51923-4351. reasonable; will certify. Phone BI�RKE ElectricLTD.
20 rrb 357-1167 after 6 p.m. Wanted To Buy Rev. Lynn Van Buren, known Oenin�Weside United Church, Must be experienced in
to many as Mr. Magic, will ap moulders and shapers. t
FRENCH PROVINCIAL arm 1972 MAVERICK, very good pear at the Wingham Baptist Permanent position. Wingham
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Currie, RR 3, p Electrical Supplies -Service
chair, gold brocade, deep but- condition. Must sell. Best offer. REFRIGERATOR for cottage Church Sunday, July 15, at 7 p.m. Wingham, are pleased to an- pp
Phone 335-3303. use, left hand door preferred. Mr. Magic has travelled the Apply APPLIANCE SALES AND SERVICE
tons. If interested phone 357-3655. pounce the forthcoming mar- pp y 357-2450
Call 357-1749. United States and Canada for the ria a of their daughter, Joan
PUREBRED German Shepherd 1973 DODGE MONACO 2 door past several years and appeared Anne to Mr. David Black, son of Acme Ruler ,Where Service Sells and Qualitv Tells"
pup, 10 months old, vaccinated, hardtop, very good condition, HORSE DRAWN buggy, in good on more than 100 television Mrs. Margaret Black of Luck -
dewormed and well marked, ex- 52000 miles. Call 357-3284 after 6 stations. He is known for some ofeatest effects in Co. Ltd.
cellent watch dog. Phone 357- P.m. time. g
condition. Phone 887-9054 any- now, Ont. The wedding is to take the worl's r '
1278. 20-27 magic and illusion, using the Place in St. Andrews Presby -
terian Church, Wingham, on Sat- 323-3100 Mount Forest
world of illusion to take hjs urda Jul 21, at 6:30 m. Q •
WANTED TO BUY used fume- audience to the world of reality in y' Y P• Business WINGHAM
TWELVE ACRES alfalfa and 1972 PLYMOUTH Satellite, 53000 ture, appliances and antiques.
Christ. He is tactful, entertaining
timothy. Phone 357-2809. miles, safety checked, body in Call Jack's Place, Lucknow and clear in his presentation of
good condition. Phone 357-3429. 528-2625. 7rrb P - and MEMORIALS
WOOD'S TENT trailer, Slee 4, Christ. The illusion is used to ^T�*�Ot* ��
� reveal the Lord Jesus Christ. the MLa'/,Uv[�a aN, • GUARANTEED GRANITF,B
good condition. Phone 357-3762. 1972 DODGE Swinger Special, 2 DEAD STOCK: Will pay $10 for miracle of God. EMPIflyMM Profess�ona� CEMETERY LETTERING
door, automatic, uncertified. fresh animals over 1000 pounds; Everyone is urged to attend Conestoga College Certificate Programs REASONABLE PRICES
PHOTO COPY PAPER: 8%" x Very good condition. Phone 357- E5 for animals over 700 Pe pounds. this unique presentation of the Buy Direct and gave
11", $6.50 lus taxes r 1000 1879 after 6 p.m. ntWould you like to upgrade your job skills? Get back in the Directory Bus Ph 857.1918
P Smaller animals picked up free. gospel with this renoN ped work force? Move ahead in the work force?
sheets in carton lots of 4000 1975 MONTEGO 4 door, new Radio -equipped trucks. Call toll evangelist. work
Pit, 857-101a
sheets. Wingham Printing Ser- free 1-800-265-3011. Graf Animal Conestoga College, Clinton Compus offers certificate pro -
vice 357-3800 radials and exhaust system, $2250 Foods Ltd., RR 1, Chepstow. Ps grams in the following areas:
21 rrb or best offer. Phone 357-3203 after 20 rrb / Frederick F. Homuth
FIBREGLASS cap in good condi- r
",- �Socretarial/Clerical � O.D.
tion, fits all GM Fleetside pick Arrangements were made at Carol E. Homuth,MCCREERY the third meetin of the Clark Typist Charteredups. Phone Leland Harkness g Bookkeo in Clerk Mrs. H. Viola Homuth,O.D.
367-22M after 6 p.m. AUTO WRECKERSHowickTurnberry 4 H Horse and P 9 Attountant
20-27 �r Pony Club to have a baseball Stenographer General Wingham, Ontario Optometrists
RR 2, Wroxoter game against the Howick 4-H
on Highway 86 Swine Club. Programs ora offered on o continuous intake basis through- T@lePhone
STANDING mixed hay near 9 Y out the year. Tasting and counselling for program selection HARRISTON Ontario
Wingham. Phone 357-3826. Wdway between W,nghom The horse and pony club ore available and you may be eligible for funding orris- (519)357-1087
and l,00wfljj meeting was held at the home of tante. 338-2712
club members Rodney and
APPROXIMATELY 30 acres of j- ---- Raymond Ven Engen,
standing hay. John Wray, RR 1, USED CARS a TRUCKS The games committee for the For mor• Information on this or ony of our programs call,
Wingham. Phone 357 2609. 21 HOUR TOWING SERVICE ASKES BROS. Planned campout consists of, write or drop In to the Clinton Campus, vanestre Rd., REID
PROWLER, Golden Falcon, Kendra Jacklin, Kevin Maw and uz-uSS. AND PETERSO
C8r3 Ws11tElId' CONSTRUCTION LTD. Kevin Ruttan.
Lionel, Bellevue, Baler travel Mrs. Dinsmore distributed
trailers, hardtop tent trailers, Hj� ��- GeneralContractin booklets on horse foot care After g�__ COnestogaCollege Chartered Accountants
truck tops and campers, 5th 0 Phone S28-276 studying the booklets the ofAppI SMS 218 Josephine St., Win ham
wheels. Camp -Out Rental and Phone members did a quiz. andTechnobgy g
SaleR, Huron St. West, Stratford, LISTOWEL 291-4159 or 357-3053 The next meeting will consist of 1Mr'wpot,bttosAan. Ph: 357-1522
393-5918. Closed Sundays. GORRIE 33S-3311 Free Estimator a barbecue at the home of J.A. Peterson, C.A.
23 J27 Marjorie McMichael, Wroxeter. B.W. Reid, C.A.