HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-06-27, Page 7WARD & UPTIGROVE
` Pick your own
in a weed -free patch.
Soalson Opon f4ow
Open daily 8:00 a.m, to noon oxeopt Sundays
Form is 6 miles east of Brussels, 6 miles south of Moleswort
and 6 miles w"t of Newry. Briny your own qt., A qt. or 6 qt.
containers, or we can $ell you qt. and 6 qt. baskets.
Mdesworth Highway Ba 4Uowel
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I , Swww tarn from cornerwt
Welton Monkton
Raspberry (pick your own) season opens approximately
July 20th. We will also have potatoes for sale this fall.
Crest 50 Ml.
Scope 1 L.
Dodd's 70's
KIDNEY, )US 1.79
Palmolive Liquid 1'/z L.
Stayfree 48's
Open 9 a.m to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sundays Noon to Six
�., -&
A9 A-V
Al '
Are bargain ,
a girl's best
Thr Wu►ghauf Advance'Times, June •17,118—Yaffe 7
Shower for
Doreen Taylor
BELGRAVE — A large a-awd
from this community attended a
miscellaneous sboWth
er in e Hd-
' grave Institute Hall last Wedws-
%�i' day evening in honor of Mia
Doreen Taylor, prior to her
marriage in July.
Mrs. M'ac Scott welcomed
everyone, followed by a game
h s conducted by Mrs. Tom
Miss Alison Roberts
favored with a piano adectim
and Mrs. Bill McKeon read a
h unorous poem which she had
..l of Dut•een'4 life story.
-` Dgreen was then presented
EAST WAWKNOSH GRADUATES.—Seventeen studenis graduated from Hastings, Joan Higgins, Jennifer Johns, Jonas Kaclulls Kevin Koehler, w.ith many gifts and warm
Grade 8 at East Wawanosh Public School this week. They are: (not In order) Helga Muscheld, Renata Muscheld, Lisa Rodger, Allan Scoff, Erika woes` Her mother, Mrs. Law-
rence Taylor, and maid of honor,
Murray Campbell, Bradley Cook, Andrea Coultes, Ju110 Gnay, Murray Stpingen, Scott Itevernon, Marion Taylor and Shawn Taylor., Miss Donelda Lamont, assisted
t •. e 'in opening the gifts.
Doreen thanked ev
Life in Chino is depicted the lovely gifts and �,n,�
helped plan the shower, followed
s by Belmore WMS speaker*
by a delicious lunch.
3 BELMORE—Two films on people loved their fellow men
z China, which she had a more
<t �� procured the world would be a
'from the Chinese Embassy, were y different place to live.
,y lb Mrs. Clark Renwick is.
` shown by Mrs. Sun Park of "We must pray for wisdom and
N 6' Mildmay at the June meeting of guidance to recognize and solve presently a patient in Wingham
the Presbyterian Women's the problems in our own land, °' and Distri#_Hospital.
A presentation was held on
Missionary Society at Knox she concluded. June 23 for Brenda McCann and
Church, Belmore. Mrs. Alvin Mundell exhibited
Joe Weishar who are engaged to
.h ,.;• Power developments, new her poster, "A Garden of
railways, industrial development Prayer", and led in directed married.
} in electronics and programmed prayer for the workers supported Doug Inglis was married
Saturday to Sandra Darter in a
manufacturing, as well as the by the Presbyterian Church in
crafts of the weaver and potter, Canada. The' hymns, "Take my ceremony solemnized in Mild -
°Life" and "Christ, for the World may.
were graphically presented. Mrs.
Park was dressed in traditional We Sing", expressed the mission 41 softball action last week, the
Korean costume and answered of the individual and the church
Belmore Squirts were defeated
many questions about her �Y• 27-15 by Wroxeter. However,
An invitation was read to the Brian Busby and Michael Mulvey
y homeland. She was thanked by achieved a double play at third
Mrs. John Stokes, service of dedication for the new base. Belmore Midget Boys
Mrs. Ralph Dickson welcomed building at Camp Kintail on July g y
I 11 at 7:30 m. luckily sneaked by Teeswater 8-8
v. ;r visitors from Teeswater and p- Anyone visiting but the Pee Woes were defeated
Gorrie and opened the meeting Sauble Beach is invited to par-
<_ .•
14-13 in a close game with Ethel.with a poem entrtledtionPato in the summer program -
The Pee Wee Girls were vie -
"Prescription". Mrs. Kenneth at Huron Feathers. Sunday torious in their nines defeating
Dickson read the 12th chapter of began on June 10 and
services g
Da C Winthrop 27-17 and Belgrave 21-
.; Paul's letter to the Romans and Y amp 6eg� July 9.
Mrs. Elmer Jeffray based her The president closed the 20. The Midget Girls entered a
x a_ meditation on "The Races of the meeting with a prayer for tournament at Maryhill on
` severance b Marjorie Holmes. �: Saturday. The girls played two
Earth", remarking that had Y J aL_ ,_
Lunch was served during the ga...--, um
first game io
es .os --
w)* fellowship hour. Wellesley 6-4 and the second to
,;. fl Moorefield by a 16-11 score.
Mrs D Harper
CRAFTS MADE BY Brookhaven Nursing Home residents were on sale Saturday after- i
noon as part of the open house there. Above, Mrs. Bert Harris and daughter Tanya of conducts study HOUSE
Teeswater buy some crafts from Mrs. Erica During,.Janet Murray and Mrs. Hans
Kuyvenhoven. for McIntosh UCW PAINTING
McIntosh United Church Reliable Service First Class Materials
. Women's meeting was given by Free Estimates
WhitMrs. David Harper and uble
e c h into h P s o n a l s who
"A Teenager in Trouble
wFound God". Fifteen � Ver o Visions
members gathered in the church
Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer and Jeffrey went fishing at Sauble her farewell sermon at the basement on June 20.
Julie of Waterloo spent theFalls. United Church on Sunday after Mrs. Robert Wood opened the
weekend with her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaunt four years of service. Her new ineeting with a poem entitled
and Mrs. Bill Rintoul, while her and Jennifer of Chatham visited charge is in Varna and Goshen. "God Cares". Mrs. Len Metcalfe
husband Dave Oberholtzer and on the weekend with her parents, On Sunday, July 1, the United led the meditation and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon. church congregation will attend Wilfred Johann read scripture
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul service, when Rev. John Ball, the from the 12th chapter of St.
visited Sunday with her brother new preacher, will be in charge. Luke's Gospel. She closed the
338-3640Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Caldwell of At the close of the service devotions with a poem and
Blyth. Sunday, Clifford Laidlaw spoke prayer.
Melvin Webster of Clinton and words of appreciation to Miss The roll call was answered with
Jack Webster of Edmonton were Brbwn. Jack Whytock and Dave each lady's favorite flower. Mrs. Harriston Ontario
Monday evening callers at the Gibb presented her with a clock Graham Wright filed a report on
home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor and mirror. Miss Brown thanked the church supper held the
Emerson. all for their kindness for previous week. The members of
Mrs. Gertie Tiffin and Mrs. remembering her in this way. the UCW will conduct the mor- SIGNS - GRAPHIC - MURALS
Edwards of Wingham were The Whitechurch Women's ning worship service on July 8.
Sunday evening callers on Mr. Institute resolutions meeting will The meeting closed with
and Mrs. Fred Tiffin. be July 11 in the community prayer by Mrs. Haskins and
Thursday visitors with Mr. and memorial hall at 8 p.m., with lunch was served by Mrs. Carl
Mrs. Carl McClenaghan were Mrs. F. Ross as hostess. Bailey and Mrs. Lewis.
Mrs. Agnes Thompson and Mrs. \
Bertha Stinson of Lucknow.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin were Mr. and
J '� I
Mrs. Larry Henderson and Mrs.
I Jim Henderson of Brantford.
Visitors last week with Mrs. 1 ' t 1 •
Robert Mowbray were Paul t f
�I�qFalconer and Lynn of Sarnia,`.
10 � Mrs. Jack Harkness and i ' •I '
daughters Winnie, Mildred and
Lorna of Brantford and Rev. and,,, %
Mrs. Angus MacKay of London
on their way to their cottage at
the lake. 7
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin of
Wingham visited Monday with>.'" We uu Kodak paper
' For the Rood look
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. 6 ,
Rev. and Mrs. John Bill spent 4 .< 2 8 x 10
Hardly. Because they tend to be inferior stones, often the weekend with relatives at 2 5 x 7
Niagara, returning home on 10 wallet size • o
not worth the discount price. That's a "bargain" you Monday. -
can't afford. Instead, come in and see our collection of The United Church held a ALL
board meeting at Whitechurch'
quality gems, fairly priced. We base our diamond Sunday evening and"extended a FOR -19
pricing on cutting, colour, clarity and carat weight Of the call to student Mr. Perry for,;; JUST
n Whitechurch and Bluevale
stone. As American Gem Society jewellers we guoran- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
tee the quality of every diamond we Sell. You can be Jamieson, Lori, Marilyn andGordon visited Sunday with Mr
sure of getting true value for your money. and Mrs. Garry Baker of it s
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Evans were their
granddaughter Mrs. Pitcher of
Alliston and her grandmother y" (ON OF LIVERY)
Mrs. Mayne Donaldson of
A E Brucelea Havan. Walkerton, 1 1 l 1
JEWELLERS LIMITED Murray Gibb left last week to ,
work for the holidays in Manitoba
with Mr d M C 1
482 3901 235-2468 527-1720
We also have accredited Gem Laboratory
. an rs. ar Glbb In SITTING FEE $1.00 per person
the Brandon vicinity. - - - --
TUES VNf,r litL_1P1 F SAt
To celebrate Bill Snowden Jr.'s - - -
203 DURHAM E. JULY 6 7
third birthday, Wingham Joe - --- -
WALKERTON Tiffin, Joey and Mrs. Elizabeth a, HOURS tl - 8 10 - 5
881-0122 Tiffin were at Goderich on • FULL PACKAGE ORDERS ONLY
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill t w CHEERFULLY REFUNDED
Snowden. Enlargement Portrait Available with Package at
On Sunday at the May Fair DISCOUNT PRICE
Restaurant banquet room a
kitchen shower was held for
Wendy England. A large crowd JOAN HIGGINS received the East Wawanosh Public
attended. School citizenship awdrd Monday night at the school's DEPT. STORES!ltrcllsM
Rev. Wilena Brown preached Grade 8 graduation. /