HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-06-27, Page 5y • i �Ir','
. LEWIS STONENOUSE a 'l rw W Imighmn Advoi r•• 'trim,,. June C7. 19797P,te 3
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Blyth Summer Festival 1979 -`
- Op•nirV -
Belgrave Personal Notes n�ogdflonsays
'Viii" I=&' Jut 29, 8:30 p.m.
%A for Tes 1sfW9 Alibi' July 3, 8:30 p.m. A weekend holiday was much Saskatchewan. They leave for cousins. Mr. and Mrs. George � Rev.and AArs.- Wesleyenjoyed when Mr. and Mrs. Puerto Rico on June 30, where Procter, Katherine and Jennifer. �„
ft 1110ah■sses d �� isl NON Gordon Howatt and Mr. and lltl�. they will participate in the Pan- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Storer of
Clarence Rath took a motor tri American Games. Kitchener spent the weekend
Most sus � 2 brochure fo north as far as Timmins. Thep Geor a Michie and Robert with her G binds —'Blest be the tis reedvad into the church by laugh at God and scoff at His
y g patents, Mr. and Mrs. that binds our hearts in ChrWisa baptism. Mr. and Mrs. 8lfdne
Ph00r tiro box Tick• o► see the fes , s niitifor the who chile of returned home by Manitoulin Hibberd attended the Fordwich Clarence Hanna. love Y ���' They cord � majeetiC
Perforrrrarrces. Tickets: adults y1.2S, senior citizens >)3.50, children ,the fdbwslhip of ki0dred Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Robert words
$2.50. Tickets are available by tolling 523-93M or at any ticket ovri•t: island, the largest fresb-water United Church Men's Club on Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson, minds is like to that above,' Harper, Mrs. Muriel Alcorn, in Genesis that saythat
The wax works Boutique, Wf N island in the world, cr Monda of last week and gave a Stewart Jamieson and Do God created the beeveos and
T eplrention's, Stratford; Kitchener 101"' lastcol aceta, Listowel; over Y Douglas The Gorrie United Church, Robert Sanderson, Donald earth and they laugh with
Ltd., Kincardine. Chamber of Commerce; Lompmon's Co Tobermory on the new Chi- report, along with James Greer Hanna have moved to their new filled to capacity, attested to this Shoemaker and Russel Janes -. „ cjsm. "We believe the Bide
Cheemaun boat. and Alex Donaldson, of their trip home on 348 Summit Drive, kindred spirit in the serv>iR'e of joined the fellowship of the be true," a Ball e t
Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh of to the United Church men's coy Wingham worship Sunday, June 24,.as Rev, church on • , fession of faith. tocongregationtrue"r.ll 'hold a
aild, urging
Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. William ference at Delawana Inn, Hone About 25 relatives attended a Wesley B. Ban p his Mr. B� based his set mon an his elief in the Wood d on t
McArter, Joanne and Gary of RR Harbor. surprise birthday party at the farewell sermon to his people. chapter six of St. Luke's Gospel,
4, Brussels, Mrs. George Cook Miss Ruth Martin of Bridge- home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eathut ticslly Mr. Ball neat
in Special music for the service goosing as his tett, "For the spoke of the laughter of spiritual
and Miss Annie Cook attended an port. Connecticut. returned tholm` �Ami�°enchonor of her' sister, was provided by the retired time will come when you shall esdhaltatian, when the show joy of
Open House at the home of Mr. last week after visitingorganist, Mrs. John Freeman, laugh with joy". He spoke of the > �wdWig spirit *db up in
i and Mus. James Paton, Moseley, atld Mrs. Velma Mann difficulty of putting together a h"*w.
SORRY on Sunday in honor of their ` ` a , pianist,
daughter, Janet, whose w • • Pude of familiar hymns. A closing message for peoWf to Finally, he mentioned the
takes place on dui T.8 Bluevale VVI VIs�tS trio from the Gospel singing whom he has mipisterod for the laughter of eternal triumph
group, The Ambassadors, Kevin past five years but in trying to "vim Satan can no longer tempt
On knmven�O Belgrave friends are sorry that Shoemaker, Ken Vines and sum up the things he has tried to � and w� are free t �
William Gow is a patient in the a Wayne Shuteller, gave generously em Gospel, earthly burdens, when we join in
Wingham and District Hospital. seniors cd Brussels of their talent and were greatly introduced the theme, "He vrb the joy of the heavenly reumon
CLOSED FOR INVENTORY Donald Stonehouse of Guelph •'�, appreciated. The choir also ,sang laughs last, laughs best", and where only the sunny burs are
was a Sunday visitor with Mr. %LUEVALE—Members of the A trip to the Blyth Summer a very fitting anthem, "I'll Go spoke of the various kinlka
FRIDAY JUNE and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse. Bluevale Women's Institute Festival will replace the July Where You Want Me To Go". laughter mentioned in Bible In -. • usion, Mr. gall lett his
Mrs. Harry McGuire returned visited at the Callander Nursing iiteeting The institute plans to Devin Wayne, infant son of Mr. He spoke first of the laughter of
/ � people with this message:
home on Sunday with her Home, Brussels, to present a see 'I'll be Back for You Before and Mrs. Wayne Connors, was cynicism and the people who "March under the unfurled
e e daughter, Mrs. Norman Hili of short program and wish ,the Midnight'. banes, of your, faith. March with
U Toronto, after spending a few Q residents celebrating June birth- The roll call was answered by your eyes on Jesus Christ. Hold
days with her. days a happy birthday. 17 members and several visitors Rev.Wilena Brown highthe banner that others tray
B@Igrav@, Ont.Mrs. John McIntosh, Mrs. Cliff Happy birthday greetings were' expressing views on their be ted to follow with you. For the
Logan, Mrs. Laura Johnston, sung to Ed Pollard, Charlie Buck, thoughts on euthanasia. laughter best
Mrs. Ross Anderson, Mrs. Mabel Jane Montgomery and Lunch was provided by Mrs. • After the service, Harold
William Coultes, Mrs. Don Dow Loretta Sturdy. They were Sparling Johnston, Mrs. Gordonfor Varna.'eav1n Robinson, clerk of session, Mdand Dawn, Mrs. Bryan Coultes, presented with gifts and cup- Holt and Mrs. Charles Mathers. gGrieg, chairman of the board el
Jason and Brandon, attended the cakes and tea were served. It was served by Mrs.
UCW leadership event, "Calling Mrs. Charles Mathers, Nicholson's daughter Rose Marie BLUEVALE—Rev. Wilena another, as'Jesus instructed. stewards, and Mrs. Donna Nay,
• all Marys and Marthas", at president of the institute, read a Bishop and daughters-in-law Brown conducted service at the After the benediction Robert president of the United Churg
Camp Menesetung, Goderich, on poem and then introduced the Hannah Carol and Shirley Bluevale United Church Sunday Fraser, clerk of session, asked Women, presented Mr. and Mrs,
• s • Monday of last week. More than musical numbers, which began Nicholson. morning for the last Sunday of Miss Brown to remain at the Ball and their family with
150 women and children enjoyed with two solos by Mrs. Walter. her pastorate in Bluevale and front of the church while Mrs. suitable gifts on behalf of the
the day of fellowship. Willits. Whitechurch. Ross Nicholson read words of " _!,'Aion. One gift of special
Elmer Bruce and Robert Donna Johnston played several Drivers injured in On Wednesday she moved to appreciation for the cooperation, significance was a painting of the
10Hibberd attended the North numbers on the piano. Lee -Anne Varna, where she will be in- untiring efforts and dedicated Gonne United Church and the
% Huron County LOL in the Blyth and Cheryl Nicholson sang three two -car collision ducted Friday morning .as the work in the church and com- manse, the artistry of Mrs.
INTEREST Orange Hall on Tuesday of last duets and then Cheryl did a step minister of the Varna-Gashen munity Miss Brown has given. Miles Greggory.
week. dance, accompanied by her A Walton area woman and a pastoral charge. A table and folding chairs were Another meaningful gift to the
q Mr. and Mrs. Warren 7,urbrigg p' Lucknow man were injured when Ball family was a poem written
PLUS 3 Free Cheques each month mother on rano. presented and Miss Brown '
er cars collided last Friday, Miss Brown's sermon was a thanked all. by Harvey Sparling who, at the
PLUS A Passbook Record of all your of Harriston visited on Sunday Mrs. Keith Nicholson sang their Y,
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rib- several numbers and asked the provincial police at the Wingham farewell to the people of the A social hour was spent and age of 95, Paid his own special
transactions detachment report. tribute to Mr. Ban.
PLUS Free Che uin for senior citizens berd. audience to join with her in some Po congregation. She spoke of the lunch was served to the
q g A large crowd attended the old favorites. Mrs. Carl Johnston Shirley Shobbrook of RR 3, love of Jesus and said with roots congregation and visitors from Mr. Sparling's poem was read
60 years of age and over annual Welsh Country Fayre in was pianist. Walton, and James R. Hackett of in Jesus Christ, people can build the Presbyterian church. The to Mr. and Mrs. Ball by his
PLUS Cheque Forms provided by the Belgrave CommunAy Centre A business meeting followed at Lucknow were involved in a two- their lives suitably. United church will be closed for daughter, Miss Jean Sparling.
STANDARD TRUST on Saturday, which was spon- the home of Mrs. Jack Nicholson. car collision on County Road 9 July and members are invited to Refreshments were served in the
sored by Knox United Church. Concern was expressed for the east of Highway 4. She concluded the talk by worship with the Presbyterian chinch hall and a time of
OPEN A Mrs. Rod McLeod and Pamela marry sick people H, t,`rc tv,.t- A total of tutee*. m- 9tor vehicle saying "fare ;;.,,11" and by telling congregation where Keith fellowship and visiting brought to
STANDAR13 TRUST and Mr. and Mrs. James inanity• ons � p
collisions duri the ast week those assembled to love one Humphrey will be in charge. a conclusion a memorable oc-
Savalaro and family of Etobicoke The members voted to send a caused an estimated $4,000 in casion.
CHEQUING-SAVINGS ACCOUNT spent the weekend with Mrs. Nel- donation of $40 to Family and property damage in addition to
A C C O U N T TODAY son Higgins, Dorothy and Charlie Children's Services of Huron the two injuries, police reported. -
STANDARD and attended the Country Fayre County, which will send a child to Planning underway N O W OPEN PEN
on Saturday and the Higgins re- camp this summer. for avenin $Cllool
tv TRUST union on Sunday. The grasp decided not to cater Institute g Under New Ownership and Management
Miss Doris Coultes of Milverton to the Howick Fall Fair Board
left last Thursday for Orlando, this fall, but decided to cater at Preliminary planning for the
W aw 237 Josephine Street, phone 357 2022 Florida, with the National Ladies Turnberry, Central School1 at the at the
evening school program
high school is already well FABRICATING
fastball team from Saskatoon, Tuesday iii ci:• GORRIE=IVlembers of the underway and organizers hope to
Gorrie Women's Institute and make several new courses (formerly Maitland Metal and Fabricating)
ladies from Wroxeter; Fordwich available, enrolment permitting. "SPECIALISTS IN ALUMINUM WELDING"
and Molesworth spent a'day last
week on a bus trip. Ballet for beginners and Casey Verwey - Shop Manager
Following a tour of the custom drapes and sheers are announce their opening at 446 Josephine St.,
Winghain Centennial nd lunch
Greenhouses at Dundas two new courses being con
and lunch at the Lloyd B. Jackson templated for the fall opening. A Winghtam-
Square in Hamilton the ladies ballet teacher is needed and Hours of business:
1879 1979 1879 1979 had a tour of the Andres Wine anyone in the area who wishes to Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to S:bO p.m.
Company at Winona. teach this group, as well as
The ladies had a wine and prospective teachersforany of Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
WINGHAM Parade chees party in the Andres the other courses, should contact Phone 357-ZZZL
WINGHAM hospitality room. On the way E. C. Beard at F. E. Madill
CENTENNIAL CENTENNIAL home the group stopped at Stone Secondary School as soon as
Road Mall in Guelph for supper. Dossible.
Saturday, August 4, 1979.
Commencing at 1:00 p.m.
Registration Deadline Tuesday, July 10, 1979
Best Overall Float
Most Original
Most Humorous
Best Commercial
Best Non -Commercial
Best Horse & Rider in Dress
Best Horse & Carriage
Best Horse Team
1 St
$100 & Carling
O'Keefe Trophy
(Please Detach and Return by July 10, 1979)
To: Mr. Tom Deyell,
Box 1164, WINGHAM, Ontorio, NOG 2WO
Name of Entrant:
Name of Contact Person: _
Phone No.:
CLASS OF ENTRY (Pisose circle one)
Humorous Horse 8 Rider (dress) Bond
Original Horse 8 Carriage Maiorettes
Commercial Horse Team Display Unit
Non-commercial Children's Miscellaneous
THE FISH POND was popular at the Belgrave Welsh
Country Fayre last Saturday. Christopher Jamleson tries
his luck while his grandmother Mrs. John Jamieson looks
on. At Is", Jeff Pletch, 8, also fishes.
Air Fares
It's so easy to book
a SunfGght charter'
Direct flights from Toronto Internatianol Airport Terminol $2091 . vin Ovebecoir Boeing 707 or Terminof 2, vio PWA
Boeing 737 Choice of 1. 2 o, 3 week vacoti m
Dep+b- Fridoys to Orpober 1,9
Direct flights from Toronro Wootionol Airport Terminal $179 � ��*
2. vio PWA Boeing 737 Choice of 1, 2 or 3 week
Deport: Saturdays to Sepfembw 22
Direct WAR from Toronto Choice
of 1 .tionoi Airport Termfnol $
. 189*
7. via PWA Boeing 737 Choice of l , 2 or 3 week
Deports Satvrdoys to September I
Direct flights from Toronto lntemotionoi Airport Terminal $90"
2 vio PWA or Tmnsoir Bice Bering 737 Choof 11 /12 m
18 19 night vocotiom
Deporn S„ndoyt ro October f4
Direct flighty from Torontomys tionol Airport Terminal $ 1691 vio EwNrn ►rovinclol Airways BoNr,g 737 Choice o/ 1, 2
or 3 week vocallom
Deports Fridays to August 31
Olcott Highs from Toronto waynotio�pl Airport Tenni 1 $129
1 29
1 vio Eastern ►rovinc bl Airways Boei 737 Choice of 1 ..
7 or 3 week varationt
Deporh Sundays to September 2
Reservations mustbe made 30 days In advance.
We recommend you book much sooner than that)
• Prices may vory with departure date, and some departures
may be sold out or become unavailable.
Winghom 357-2701