HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-06-27, Page 1FIRST SECTION
.1} ' ►. ♦N �: J . y.��„ SNA Y, •�.s•.J..• .1 - ' .�. .,�.l..
Wingh&M, Wedneadsy, June ?7.1979
Several new faces appear on. ard
o.. owin osannu',lmeet*
a o
There are several new faces on interna in the hospital. More breakthrough. state of flux `regarding funding field came to be left the board,
the board of governors of than 180 memberships in the He added that some projects, made it impossible to present a noting the municipalities
Wingham and District Hospital association were purchased in such as the wholistic health budget to the board this year. reproented are those which
following the hospital aasocia- preparation for the meeting and centre, have had to be tem- He also reported the auditors contributed to an early building
tion's annual meeting last week. about 85 people attended. porardy shelved until the funding have been requested to present a program at the hospital.
Jack Kopas and Raye Elmslie However it displayed little of issue is resolved, but have not proposal for financial controls to It was also pointed out that
are new representatives from the the controversy that has been a been abandoned. the board (see story this issue) . more patients from that township
town of Wingham, replacing feature of other public meetings In his executive director's He noted the hospital has a go to Goderich hospital than
retiring members Jack Hodgins since the bed cuts were an- report Norman Hayes noted a considerable economic impact on come to Wingham, but Ashfield
and Don Kennedy. nounced early this year. Aside slight increase in outpatient' work the community, with $2.5 million Reeve Warren Zinn said his
Frank McKenzie of Kinloss from a few questions about the at the hospital during the past paid out last year in salaries. township is not now represented
Township is the new member for budget surplus last year there year, which appears to be a His report that the hospital bad on the board of any hospital and
Lucknow, Kinloss and. West was little discussion from the continuing trend. He predicted to return $34,566 in unspent would be interested in
Wawanosh, taking the place of floor and most elections were, as the future will see more out- funding to the ministry at the end representation here, perhaps as
Wallace Conn who also stepped usual, by acclamation. patient treatment at hospitals of the fiscal year drew several part of a group with Lucknow,
down. Mr. Hodgins, the outgoing and fewer admissions, noting the questions on why the money had Kihkws and West Wawanosh.
In the only other change board chairman, opened the ministry is pushing for this quite not been spent. Mr. Hayes explained the
William Newton replaced Harold meeting by welcoming everyone vigorously. Ian Deslauriers asked why the matter had been discussed at a
Robinson as the representative and expressing appreciation for He also declined to make any money hadn't been used to board meeting the previous night
from Howick Township. their interest and the support predictions for the coming year, Purchase equipment and another and it had been decided the new
The meeting drew the largest shown for the hospital. saying the hospital is following questioner wondered why it hoard should review the rep -
crowd of any annual meeting in He noted the past year has been up a number of avenues but still hadn't been turned over to the resentation from all municipali-
recent history as the debate with a difficult one for the board and doesn't know where it stands hospital foundation for future ties, including Ashfield.
the Ontario health ministry over said the positions of the hospital regarding beds and funding. use. Leading up to the election of
funding has sparked a renewed and the ministry regarding the Mr. Kennedy, reporting for the Mr. Hayes explained that board members Secretary John
funding cutback are still un- finance and audit committee of under the terms of the funding Strong pointed out that eight of
changed. The hospital is at- the board, presented highlights agreement with the ministry the the 17 -member board were not
tempting to negotiate, he said, from last year's financial money could be used only for coming up for reelection. Boris
but has so far achieved no statement and added that the operating expenses and had to be Milosevic and Dr. G. A. Williams,
returned if not spent. He com- two of the four representatives
mented that he doesn't expect the elected from Wingham, still have
hospital will be returning any another year to go in their two-
Canadette corps has money at the end of this year. year terms; Ken Saxton and
Mr. Kennedy also pointed out William Walden are appointed by
i that the hospital- tries to budget P� dg the county and town respec-
o as close to the line as possible and
a sues ssful season the $34'000' while it m t sound 11"y; Mary Vpr is
of the
an ex officio
member as president
like a large sum, represents only lospital auxiliary; and Doctors
The competition members of about one per cent of the Treleaven, R. D. Wilkins and D.
Pe Gilmore as ,olnivt, whi,h mo4w ho-spi"I
— J ".1 iiivaivii UUU5CL. Mowbray are on the board as
the Wingham Canadette the corps' performance a much The chairmen of the board's executive members of the
Majorette Corps have suc- flashier display. other committees also gave brief medical staff.
cessfully completed another The corps was definitely the reports on their activities during The two Wingham members
season of performing required highlight of the performance the past year, as well as Dr. R. B. who had reached the end of their
routines at National Baton "Canadettes on Parade" last Treleaven for the medical staff terms, Mr. Hens and Mr.
Twirlers Association com- week at the F. E. Madill and Mrs. Jean Ellacott for the Kennedy, declined to run again,
petitions. In all 30 girls and Drum Secondary School. Close to 300 Nursing Assistants Training and four persons were nominated
Major Tom Gilmore formed friends, relatives and supporters Centre. to fill the seats: Rev. John Swan,
three competition groups which were entertained with fire Under new business two Jack Kopas, Raye Elmshe and
attended four events. batons, pompon and dance notices of motion for amend- Jack Hayes. Mr. Kopas and Mrs.
is For each performance the routines and a special per- ments to the hospital bylaws Elms!;e were elected.
young people and assisting formance by the Canadette Tiny were given. Mr. Deslauriers gave The only other election held
CINDY THORNTON mothers were up and on the road Tots of the "Wingham Centennial notice of a motion that wo was for the representative from
Cindy Susan Thornton, by 4 a.m. to meet the inspection Bedtime Story". allow voting by proxy at annuai Turnberry Township, where the
dau hter of Mr. and Mrs, deadlines of 7:30. Dave Curzon and Ward meet; g council had nominated Louise
9 ngs and Mrs. Eh'-pbe ave
Wilson Thornton, Bluevale, The club won W trophies and Robertson emceed the program notice of a motion that would Marritt to replace Harold Elliott. GRANDFATHER CLOCK—This magnificent grandfather clock was donated to the WIng-
received her Honors Bachelor got higher reviews and marks and special recognition was. allow Ashfield Township to be In an uncharacteristic move— ham Museum last week by Norm Welwood. Mr. Welwood has had it since `he 1950s, wher
of Arts degree in political this season than in the past. The given to the 11 mothers who form represented on the hospital normally the association abides be obtained it from Bill Riddle who brought it from Toronto. He said It s well over 100
oflToronto, St.ence from tMichael's he Ciol- dancer,group hKerriedBray, gourrnflag Directorast- the nPattitRobertsontand all Bave by rry Wenger, a past board
by the wishes of the municipal years old and was probably made in Scotland. It had stood for a number of years in the
council—Boris Milosevic, board lobby of the Wingham Motel -
lege, on June 20. Cindy is a twirlers, and now features Tom the Canadette members. chairman, explained how Ash- vice chairman, nominated Mr.
1975 Ontario Scholar from F. Elliott to run against Mrs.
E. Madill Secondary School,Merritt and he was subsequently
Wingham. ` elected. Semidetachedome
Following the conferring of 'p � ' ;� � All other positions were filled
degrees by'the chancellor, the by, acclamation: Isobel Arbuckle
graduates and their parents returned for Blyth and East '
attended a garden party at Wawanosh; Isabel Garniss "
Hart House hosted by Toronto returned for Morris; Gerald def'ion e plan
University. In the evening, St.;> Gibson returned for Brussels;
Michael's College was host to Doug Button returned for
a buffett supper and dance f Teeswater and Culross; and Mr. The controversy in Wingham the common carport planned. noted.
held in Brennan Hall. Newton and Mr. McKenzie taking over the definition of a semi In 1978 all but council's ap- CRUiCKSHANK PARK
Mr. and Mrs. Wl Ison Thorn- > x the seats for Howick and detached home is over, at least as pointed members on the planning Jim Watt, planning board
ton attended the graduationLucknow, Kinloss and West far as the town's planning board board resigned over a con-
X.cochairman, complained that he
exercises. r IliWawanosh respectively. is concerned. troversy surrounding semi has been getting phone calls
9 °4s u The planning board defined thedetached homes in the Maitland about the town's decision to sell
term at its June 20 meeting. Estates subdivision in the north- part of Cruickshank Park to the
According to the board a semi east part of Wingham. Ontario Housing Corporation for
Deadline Fridaydetached home is a structure The planning board at the time $24,000. He wanted to know why
divided by a wall habitable on felt homes constructed in the the planning board has yet to be
NOTICE M. o for adYert�si �n either side for at least half the subdivision didn't meet its semi consulted on the matter, which
> side of the building.detached requirements, as there Would require a zone change
Centennial issue The definition describes "one is about six feet between each before construction could begin.
Annual Staff big house divided right down the half of the 'single semis'. Mayor William Walden ex-
The Advance -Times adver- middle" according to board At last week's meeting the Plained that one of the conditions .
Holidays tising staff has contacted practi- member Earl Jenkins. planning board also objected to of the sale of the land is that a
Cally every business and organi- The planning board defined the the size of the lot on which each zone change be made. The
zation in Wingham to let them term when it received a site plan Smith building would be situated. planning board will have a say on
a < know about our Centennial from Kincardine developer Each double home would have a whether the park's zoning will be
The Advance -Times Souvenir Edition. Bruce Smith for the area at the 69.6 foot frontage and the result changed to residential from the
will not be published r i ; Some 90 advertisers have corner of Victoria and William is similar to zero lot line lots in present open space designation.
July 2 or July 11 already reserved space. In case streets, which proposed a some cities, on which a building Mr. Watt expressed some
we have missed anyone who building with a common carport can be constructed flush with one concern over whether the site
would like to be included we will in the middle.side lot line. was suitable for senior citizens'
OFFICE CLOSED y w! move the deadline ahead. How- Mike Chappell, public works "i don't know whether we're apartments, which is the use
E commissioner, suggested the
.> ever we can accept no ads after gg ready for zero lot lines," plan intended by the housing Cor
July 2 - 13 Inclusivez, 1F'.. i►'s',„ �►;,,,, ? noon on Friday of this week. The Proposal didn't meet the criteria Hing board member Lloyd Gilroy potation.
phone number is 357-2320 and of a common wall. stated. "I don't know whether the
00000000000000 DUET TROPHIESCameron and Tracey MacDonald pose with their second place closing time is Friday n, J"It's not a true wall either, it's "We certainly can't have them senior citizens should be on the
trophies won In competition
petition at the Hamilton city championships. noon, June all over town," Mr. Chappell main street," he said.
a supported structure," he said of
t"W'SlIA-AIR ►ACKAGil Tm1m
Susin*" or pleasure - book now!
Listowel, 00"rio .^ 2!1.2111
Call Toll Free i-OW2".3220
Single CoPX Not Over 35c
Planning board recommends change to allow plaza
The Wingham Planning Board
according to Maitland Valley
at least 180 spaces.
financial institution, beautician,
has recommended that the
Conservation Authority specifi-
The Wingham Planning Board
sports goods store, drug store,
town's official plan be amended
cations and 4) that the munici-
spent almost no time discussing
fabric store, industrial supply.
to allow Landawn Shopping
pality require a developer's
the change at its recent meeting
restaurant, veterinary clinic.
Centres Ltd. to build a plaza
agreement under the planning
because it discussed the situation
liquor or beer store and
south of Canadian Tire.
immediately after a May 6 public
automotive supply store.
The planning board made the
The amendment to the official
meeting which attracted about
These are just proposals by the
recommendation June 20 and it
plan will allow a supermarket of
130 Wingham and area people
consultant. if town council ap-
will be brought up at town
more than 1,000 square metres
interested in the proposed plaza
proves the official plan amend -
council's regular meeting July 3.
(about 10,000 square feet) on the
ment, the zoning bylaw and
Recommendations of the
proposed plaza site.
Most of the public concern at
developer's agreement. will
Huron County Planning Board
Landawn has proposed that a
the meeting was on the effects of
stipulate the types of stores to be
were accepted by the local
15,000 square foot supermarket
adding enough land fill to the 2.8
planning board and they include:
be built in the development along
acre site to keep it above the
1) that a new designation be
with several other stores with
spring flood levels of the
established in the official plan,
additional retail space of 15,750
Maitland River.
'grouped commercial' 2) that the
square feet. Off-street parking
In a report for Landawn,
In 1978 the previous planning
range of retail stores in the plaza
would meet the Wingham zoning
consultant Ian Mac Naughton
board asked Landawn's planning
'be strictly specified in the zoning
bylaw's requirement of six
pointed out that beside the
consultant to show the need for a
bylaw prior to development' 3)
parking spaces for each 1,000
supermarket, tenants might
large food store and to indicate
the filling of the site be done
square feet M gross floor area, or
include operations such as a
the impact of the proposed
associated retail plaza space on
Wingham's downtown.
A study for Landawn by A. E.
LePage Invertment and
Professional Services Company
judged that the Wingham trade
area extended about 10 miles in
each direction from the town and
has a population of about 12,150
people. Existing Wingham
supermarket facilities have only
a 30 per cent share of the $9.3
million annual food sales in that
area, the study estimated.
With a new 15,000 square foot
supermarket in a plaza,
Wingham's supermarkets could
capture 65 per cent of the food
dollars in the, trade area, the
study continued. it indicated that
there is room for an even larger
supermarket than the one
planned for the Highway 4 plaza.
The market study claimed that
the 8,000 square foot IGA with
parking for 15 vehicles and the
6,000 square foot Red Front
supermarket with parking for 30
vehicles don't offer the variety
demanded by such a large
market area.
Objecting to the proposed plaza
and in particular the super-
market was M. Loeb Ltd., sup-
plier of iGA food stores.
its objection to the plaza
Proposal centred on its view that
the market area of Wingham
ends at the town limits, with a
market population of 3,000. With
this view in mind, E. L. Elwood,
solicitor for Loeb, suggested that
existing grocery store space
'may be more than sufficient for
the size of the population of the
community and, at the very
least, may be adequate per
capita for a rural area'.
Mr. Elwood doesn't believe, as
Landawn's consultant does, that
a plaza will draw many more
shoppers into Wingham.
The Huron planning board
recommended that the plaza he
allowed if the types of outlets be
restricted so the downtown core
of Wingham wouldn't receive
much damage from the plaza.
The county planning board also
argued that the location of the
proposed plaza site is a good one
because it is so close to the
downtown area and could be
regarded as an extension of the
core area.
Before's plaza could be built at
the site, town council would have
to approve the official plan
amendment, a zoning bylaw
would have to be drawn up, given
local approval and Ontario
Municipal Board approval if
there were objections and finally
a development agreement bet-
ween the town and Landawn
would have to be reached