The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-06-13, Page 9WARD & UPTIGROVE
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IUWingh&m Advance -Times, June 10, It179—Vogt 9
Township _tax rise held to 3"Aper CA cent Min. ALLAN
Despite an ineralue of to per schools. The rate for eleslspWy charged on overdue taxes to one buildingofficial well
cent in the school board levies, Pic schools want up to 41,40 per cent a month from one half of Aldi g as as Wroxeter Personals'
East Wawanosh Towmibip from 34.048 for farms allied she per cent. This brings it into Mr. Taylor noted be babh't
manalilsd to bold the trisa in its resdemes, an increase of 15 PW We with what other atuoicipgi- been sure quite what to do and so Mrs. Margaret Townsend, Mrs. Lance Gibson.
mill rate to only 3% pm Calk this cent, and the separate school rate sties are charging and is intended lead marked an the perollt that it Mildred Coupland, Mrs. Lil Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith
year. Tble was aeesmpYsbad,by climbed 13%. per oat to 42.018 to cut the interest lases on hadn't yet boon approved by C4W&bw and Mrs,. Margaret visited Sunday evening with Mr.
actually reducing the township from 3 9N. money the township must borrow council. Adams attended the spring rally and Mrs. Russell Hayden in
portion of the taxa from the 1978 The increase in the rate for to cover unpaid taxes. + Foli$wing the approval of the bold in the Lucknow Legion Hall Palmerston.
level and was helped by a small secondary schools was about five In other business at the permits council upped its for .the southern zone of United Guests at the weekend with Mr.
reduction in the county levy. per cent, climbing to 95.950 frau meeting council .passed a zoning building permit fees to 0D for the Senor Citizens of Ontario on and Mrs. Reg Watson were Mr.
The farm and residential mill 31.443 for farms and residsti M. bylaw prepared by the county first $1,000 of construction from Wednesday, June 6. The speaker and Mrs. James Watson, Naples,
rate for public school supporters At the same time the general planning department for the $10. The rest of the fee schedule was David Alderson of Guelph, Florida; Ron Watson, Cran-
is•127.534 for 1979, up 4-% mills township mill rate for farms and proposed construction of an remains the same at one doll, Field Officer representative for brook, and Mr. and Mrs. GMWV
from the 1978 level of 125.0. The residences dropped to 32.499 from agricultural -commercial eq- for every additional $1,000 of Canada PMsioos. Watson and family, KitchoW.
business and commercial mill 34.666 a year ago and the business terprise on the farm owned by construction. ms's. Peter Shipman and
rate is up about five mills to and commercial rate came down Mrs. Harold C.ongram. The, Mr. Taylor had told council at a daughter Lfsa returned to their
145.179 from 140.295 while the a similar amount, dropping to bylaw sets out the allowed uses of previous meeting that while the home in Scarborough on Sunday• 1Fwus sTos19110h18E
farm and residential rate for 38.234 from 40.784. The county the five- acre lot as well as top end of the scale was plenty after spending the past week Vith } -'
separate school supporters is levy was reduced only frac- restrictions and requires a 15- high, ttie bottom end was too low her mother, Mrs. Audrey Millar, Be�g1'aYe
128.201, up from 124.024. tionally, dropping by about two- foot -wide planting strip of trees to cover his expenses in con- and brother Tom.
The increase in taxes is solely tenths of a mill for both and shrubs between it and the ducting the inspections. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pen- Mr. and Mrs, James John"
due to the school levies, which residential and commercial Hutton Heights subdivision. Taylor is paid an amount nington and family, London, of Welland are speta t thb
jumped considerably for both properties. The bylaw must now be cir- equivalent to the permit fen. visitea at the weekend with her ~reek with his brodwr and sista'-
public and separate elementary The mill rate for Auburn is the culated to all property owners Council recommended ap- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 8'ert
same as the residential township within 400 feet of the property, proval of a severance application Adams. Johnston.
rate and this year for the first who have 21 days in which to file from Raymond Hallshan, who Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson Mrs. J. H. Anderson and-ber,
time all the tastes collected there an objection. If there are no wants to sever his shop and 1 ih accompanied Mrs. Bonnie son-in-law, Bill Guthrie of
will revert directly to the village. objections the bylaw goes into acres from the ,rest of the farm, MacDougall of Burlington to Low, called on Mrs, Haien
In the past Auburn taxes included force and construction on the and alto indicated it had no ob- Monkton on Saturday to attend Martin on Sunday afternoon.
both a village rate and a reduced project can proceed. jections to severance ap- the wedding of their grandson, Mrs. Adah Snaith of Brwsels
township rate. The proposed enterprise had plications from Mel Jermyn and visited Monday with Mrs. Helen
Council set the new mill rates been strongly opposed by several Ronald and Gloria Kingsbury in Martin and other relatives.
at its regular meeting last week, residents of Hutton Heights, who Morris Township and John Cox in Mrs Mac Allan
at which it also adopted the 1979 claimed it would decrease their Turnberry. •
1 budget prepared and recom- property values. A decision on severance ap-
mended by its auditors, MacGil- Council approved building plications from Jim Coultas and hosts tri@@ti11g
livray and Co. of Listowel• permits for Gary Thacker, an Mrs. Congram was postponed
The budget features an in- implement shed; Hebo Siert- until the zoning bylaws for the WROXETER—Mrs. Mac Allan
crease in the roads budget which sem a, an addition to a shed and two areas involved are com- was the hostess for the meeting of
steel granary;, Adrian Vos, a new leted the Wroxeter Women's Institute
is mostly offset by a larger P June 5.
provincial subsidy, Other areas
home; Donald Dow, an addition Council also granted $400 to the on Tuesday afternoon,
t _ P y' to his house; Orland Irwin, a new East Wawanosh Recreation and The president opened the
of the budget remain sub-
' " stantially the same as last year. house on Part Lot 30, Con. 14; and Community Centre Board to help meeting in the usual manner with
Bob Marshall, an addition to an June expenses. Councillor the fining Ode and Creed. She
1 There was some discussion pay Pa
among councillors whether it was implement shed. It also gave Neil Vincent, who is also also read a poem called "This
t } approval to a permit issued chairman of the board, reported Day God Hath Made".
a good idea to lower the township Po
mill rate. Clerk treasurer earlier in the month by Building Morris Township also chipped in A report of the District Annual
lit.Inspector Jim Taylor to . Mrs. $400 but noted the board will was given by the District b
Winona Thompson noted that Harold Congram for a steel need nearly pay Director, Mrs. Allan. In keeping
when the late Alex McBurney y 13,000 to bills P n8
building. until it gets the proceeds frdm the with the International Year of the
was treasurer he preferred to g
There was some discussion annual fowl supper. Child theme, a topic entitled
hold the rate the same and put PPe
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce additional money into reserves wtiettrer the Congram permHe said Morris doesn't want to "The Family" was read by Mrs.
should have been issued before ken subsidize the board and Les Douglas and Mrs. William
Mary and George Romania, the new owners of the Wingham rather than lower it. P n6
Reeve Simon Hallah3n noted corning to council, but township thinks it should pay its own way, Wright. Mrs. Allan had prepared
Motel.however that the township has solicitor Robert Campbell, who but added he feels this would the topic.
e ea
attended the part of the force the fees so hi no one A Dutch auction was held and
We would like to thank the people of Wingham and
about as much as it, needs in �
reserves anmuchuch he chinks the meeting, said a chief building would use the arena. Several Mrs. Allan was the winner.
surrounding area, the local businesses And industry for mill rate recommended by the official must issue a permit so coLincillo>`s commented that Members were delighted with a
auditors is sufficient- long as it complies with the while East Wawanosh carries visit by `Sandy' and his wife,
their support Over the past ars and we wish Mary and Road Superintendent Uarence township building bylaw. He also most of the burden of the arena Portrayed in a humorous skit by EARNSDEGREE
George many successful ye
figure out why the school levy is Hanna commented he can't suggested the council should there are actually more people Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Greig. Douglas Leitch, son of Mr. and
from w
designate Mr. Taylor as chief Morris use it. The Institute will hold its July Mrs Ken Leitch of W'
going up so much when the meeting at the member
cottage on graduated with honors from ��
July 10. Each member is to bring
township can actually lower its University of Guelph, earning the
Ste a and John Dabrowski rates although its expenses are , an item for the program. A picnic
g Perr MRS. LEWIS STONEHOUSE lunch will 81x0 be enjoyed- dee Of Bachelor Of Science 1n
up too in many areas. Engineering. Convocation
At the close of the meeting,
At the same time council Mrs. Allan demonstrated making exercises were held Wednesday,
f��J/ /J�/���-�`-M�-:10 _J �/-��� /-��� decided to raise the interest Belgrave Persona Notes a tote bag. Lunch was served by June 6. Doug has accepted a
Mrs Greig assisted by the Position with Maitland
New Lamps on the -Way
We must clear out all existing stock
Now is the time to get that wedding gift .
Good choice of Swag Lamps, Table Lamps, Floor
Lamps, Boudoir Lamps -
Don't forget our Father's Day Special
Kroehler Recliner $139.95 Sale endsJune 30th
MI'*d etonI s
Home Fumishings
At the Home Place
- Wingham Phone 357-1411
'Che June meeting of the Bel-
Lamont of Fleming, Sask. re-
hostess. ing, Wingham.
grave Women's Institute will be
turned home last Thursday after
held in the WI Hall on June 19 at
spending a few days with Mr. and
8:15 p.m. The convener is Mrs.
Mrs. James Lamont and family..
Ross Higgins. The roll call,
"Invite a mother of a 4-H club
Cecil Skinner of Huronview,
Clinton spent the weekend with
member or a friend and intro-
duce her". Music will be by Bill
his daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Mason.
Chalk, music teacher, East
Wawanosh School. There will be
Mrs. Stewart Procter attended
Mrs. Winona McDougall's Music
„displays of 4-H homemaking
clubs and the guest speaker is
Recital in Blyth United Church
on Saturday evening.
Miss Jean Siertsema, Huron
Mrs. Harold Procter, Mr. and
Mrs. John Spivey of Ingersoll,
County Dairy Princess.
committee is Mrs. James
Miss Margaret Curtis of Brook -
Hunter, Mrs. Clare Van Camp,
haven Nursing Home, Wingham
and Mrs. Sara Anderson.
called on Mrs. Stewart Procter
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson, and
Mrs. Cyril Canning of Stratford
Miss Doreen Anderson attended
and Mrs. Grenfell Page of Mit-
— --
` the wedding of Dale Lougheed
chell were Sunday visitors with
and Margaret Hewson at the
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes
Church of the Epiphany, Sudbury
and attended the Calvin -Brick
on Saturday, June 9,
anniversary service.
Miss Alice Beecroft graduated
Ray Nicholson of Toronto spent
A > » A -.-
on Thursday, June 7 from King's
last weekend with his parents,
College, University of Western
Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nicholson.
Ontario, London, with honors in
Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Wide, Kim -
history and sociology. A family
berly, Jennifer and Trevor of
gathering was held on Saturday
Mount Hope also spent a few days
evening at the Little Inn at Bay-
with her parents.
George Michie and Robert Hib-
Mrs. Donald Vincent and Pat-
berd attended the United Church
rick of Riverview, New Bruns-
Men's Club Conference at Dela-
wick are visiting with her
wana Inn, Honey Harbor on the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Webster of Whitechurch and Mr.
Mrs. Robert Hibberd visited on
No. FN011M
and Mrs. Harold Vincent.
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
- Seiko Lc Dig tai a,arti
Chronograph Stainless steel,
Mrs: Jessie Lamont. Mrs.
Warren Zurbrigg in Harriston
black dial frame. water tested
Dorothy Lamont of Moosomin,
and attended the 47th annual
to 100 ft (30 meters). Also
Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. George
reunion of the Gedke family at
ava,lable m yellow -
the Kurtzville Community Centre
on Sunday.
A surprise party was hefd at
A smartly compact watch that truly
the home of Mrs. Jean Swanson
expands your boundaries'of timekeeping.
on Saturday evening for Mr. and
It tells the time, day, date and month,
Mrs. Lorne Jamieson, Stewart
turns into a stopwatch that records hours,
-Jamieson and Douglas Hanna.
The), were presented with a clock
minutes and seconds up to 12 hours, too.
from the neighbors. A welcoming
And it does it all with superb Seiko
pVty for Mr. and Mrs. Irwin
accuracy and elegance of style. It's an
kjrtHC auu Rii.i,&iU ul MiLchuli
extraordinary watch to give to an
who have bought the Jamieson
farm, presented them with a
extraordinary person -like yourself.
lovely dish .
Seiko Quartz.
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Fines of RR 1, Blue -
vale, graduated with honors
from the College of Family
and Ggnsumer Studies at the
University of Guelph, Cathy
majored in Applied Human
Nutrition, Convocation cere-
monies were held June 6 on
the university's front cam-
Lucknow class
spends four
days in Ottawa
FIELGRAVE — Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Wheeler were two of the
chaperones who accompanied
the Grade 8 students of the Luck -
now Central School on a tour of
Ottawa which also included Old
Fort Henry, at Kingston and
Upper Canada Village at Morris -
In the Parliament buildings
Robert McKinley conducted the
group throughout their stay
there. Later on everyone met and
spoke with Mr. Pierre Trudesu at
33 Sussex Drive. It was an enjoy
able and educational four days
See our complete collection,
great for Father's Day.
482 3901 527-1720
284 MAIN ST. 203 DURHAM E.
235-2468 881-0122