The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-23, Page 111 P4 I J -7
FIRST SECTION V Wingli4m. Wodaft sy. May 23, 1979
Condeit,ioons, made in, approva,l
oow -f �dwgrd Street aioartrt��nts
The Wingham Planning Board mendations Baden developer Edward Street when he is
gave its approval to a proposed Helmut Krauck will have to finished with the sewers and said
15 -unit apartment building on provide enlarged sanitary sewers he must have an agreement with
Edward Street when it met May from the corner of Victoria and the local public utilities com-
16, but added some expensive Edward streets to the 196 Ed- mission for water and hydro
conditions to the approval. ward St. site of the planned facilities.
If town council goes along with apartment building. Zoning of the site would have to
the planning board's recom- The planning board also called be changed before any
Jnr the developer to resurface development is started and the
planning board gave its approval
to amending the site to an R3
Conservatives will form designation from the present R2,
allowing a greater residential
a minority government
Joe Clark, 39, will form the first 17 PCs were elected, 13 Liberals
federal Progressive Con- and two NDPs. In Quebec where
servative government in Canada the Liberals counted on con -
in 16 years following T esday's
tinuing strong support they got it
federal general election.
with 67 candidates elected six
Mr. Clark's Tory part won 135
Social Credit candidates won and
seats the 2n�eatAliouse of
just two seats were taken by the
Commons, not enough for a
majority government but Pierre
In Ontario the Conservatives
Trudeau, prime minister of the
won 57 seats, the Liberals 32 and
country for the last 11 years,
the NDP six. PC support was
conceded defeat early Wed-
strong across the Prairies, but
nesday morning when it was
was lessened somewhat by
his party would have about
strengthening NDP positions.
20 fewer seats in the house. At 7
The Conservatives won 38 seats,
a.m. Wednesday the Liberals
the NDP nine and the Liberals
held 114 seats, the New
von two.
Democratic Party under Ed
In British Columbia, the last
Broadbent held the balance of
area in the country to vote, the
power and 26 seats and Fabien
Conservatives brought 19 can -
Roy's Social Credit Party held
didates to power, the NDP eight
six seats, all in Quebec.
and the Liberals none if they
One seat had still to be decided.
don't win the Vancouver Centre
Vancouver Centre votes were
being recounted and there are a
Though Mr. Clark's Con -
number of other seats so closely
servatives were fairly close to
contested there will be recounts.
winning a majority of the seats in
parliament his party received
Locally, encumbent Bob Mc-
only 35.8 per cent of the ballots
Kinley, the PC who has held the
Continued on Page 2
Huron -Bruce seat for 14 years,
won again with a majority of the
votes cast. The final count for the " `1I1f6717V
riding was 19,261 votes for Mr.
McKinley, 10,968 votes for
Graeme Craig and 2,531 votes for
v' VW
NDP candidate Moira Couper.
A letter to the editor was
The McKinley victory was part of
received this week which made
a big win for the Conservatives in
some very sensible suggestions
Ontario, where big party gains
regarding the matter of garbage
were made. In Wingham Mr. Me-
collection. Unfortunately we are
Kinley won 983 votes, about 400
unable to read the name of the
more than Mr. Craig.
writer. If the writer will provide
Across the country, here is how
us with his or her name the letter
the areas will be represented in
will appear next week.
parliament. Iu Atlantic Canada
Local student
is winner in
speaking contests
Natalie Campeau, a Grade 8
student at Sacred Heart School,
Wingham, won three levels of
competition in the Legion public
speaking contests held earlier
this year.
She was the winner at the
Branch competition here Feb. 17,
at the Zone level in Brussels Mar.
3 and at the District level at
Hanover on April 8. On April 28
the Area contest was held at
Branch 42 in Toronto and there
she finished as runner-up. A win
at this level would have sent her
to the Ontario finals in Cop-
percliff May 5.
This is one of the few occasions
on which a representative from
Branch 180 has achieved this
measure of success, and the local
Ldlsn offers hearty eaWand&-
thes to Natalie on a job well
done. The, Legion notes it is
pleased when students from the
surrounding schools take part in
Its contests and especially when a
Young Perera from the areachi
aeves such success.
Natalie is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Campeau of
Wingham .
ensity development.
In a presentation to the April
planning board meeting, Mr.
Krauck said the apartment
building would contain 15 one -
bedroom units and would be 3 1/2
storeys high. Copies of a site
survey were presented at the
planning board meeting last
week and showed plans for a
paved driveway at each side of
the building and parking at the
rear for 18 cars.
Planning board member Tom
Greenall was given instructions
to develop regulations and a map
indicating the areas in town
where the planning board would
consider allowing single family
residences on 35 -foot frontage
lots. To date special provisions
have been made to allow the
small frontage lots in Maitland
Estates subdivision only. A 60 -
foot frontage lot is required in the
rest of town for single family
The three areas considered f
NDP leader promises
support for hospital
Michael Cassidy, leader of the the funding it needs, Mr. Cassidy
Ontario New Democratic Party, commented that the government
last week pledged at least a has talked a great deal about
measure of support for Wingham local autonomy and said it would
and District Hospital in its fight be a "pretty sorry definition" if it
to keep 100 beds. holds only for as long as you
Following a tour of the hospital agree with the government.
and lunch with Administrator He also promised his party
Norman Hayes, Board Chairman would not support any legislation
Jack Hodgins and John Mann, which it saw as designed to
head of the Citizens' Action punish this hospital for its action
Committee Mr Cassid wished ' t
Burin*ss or pl*osur• - book novo!
MASERVICElistowal, Ontario e 2l1-2111
Call Toll Fro* 1-800-2"-3210
Single Copy Not Over 35c
I .t.
SUPPORT SCOUTING—Rick Whiteley, chairman of the Wingham Scouts' Group Com-
mittee, accepts a $500 donation from President Don Carter of the Wingham Kinsmen Club.
The money will go to purchase equipment and support Scouting activities during the year.
The Wingham Kinsmen are the sponsors for the local Scouts.
or , y - m rying to retam its beds. •
the small lots are (in the nor- them luck and promised ta't�ke' In addition he called for the Chamber helpstheast part of Wingham) north of their concerns to Queen's Park. Ontario Hospital Association to eommun1
the Maitland River to the B line He said he will raise the issue stand up and be counted in this
and east to the town's eastern of health care cutbacks, as he has matter. If the OHA isn't aware of
boundary; behind F. E. Madill done already, and declared be 'the harmful effects of the cut_ work together r .
Secondary School and Satred thinks the cutbacks are harm acks it's not doing its job, he roup.
Heart Separate School east to the and alternative services such as declared, adding that he feels , g
town's eastern boundary, south a chronic home care program most hospital boards have
to Highway 86 and north to John and more nursing home beds reacted too calmly to the cuts. "If we don't all work together clout a chamber of'commerce "You have a lot commerce going for you,
Street; and again in the north should be put into place before He said he thinks polls have in these small communities we're can offer. she said. "You've got some good
east part of town from the the cuts are made. showed that most people are going to be gobbled up," Sandy The name of Wingham's ideas and some excellent
Maitland River on the north, Ontario needs an orientation willing to pay more if necessary Arlein, president of the Listowel business group implies that only people."
south along Remington Drive toward community-based health to keep hospital beds open and Chamber of Commerce, told the retail merchants are welcome, A chamber of commerce could
(Hanna Road)_ west along care—social services integrated pointed out the contradiction Wingham Business Association she said, while professionals, include representatives from
Charles Street to Moore Court, with health care, he added. between giving large handouts to last Thursday. industry representatives and industry, professions, schools,
south along Shuter Street on the Asked about the possible multi-nationalcorporations She was at the business even individual citizens who Junior Citizens, service clubs and
west to the CNR line and east to consequences of the local . whose profits are going up every association's May meeting with aren't in business can belong to a representatives of other groups
the town's eastern boundary. hospital board's decision to fight year and cutting back the Bert Johnson of Listowel to tell chamber of commerce. or institutions which contribute
Mr. Greenall warned that the ministry if necessary to get budgets of small hospitals. the group about the benefits and Chambers of commerce each to the general welfare of the
have one delegate to the Ontario community.
Chamber of Commerce, so small The Listowel chamber has a
municipalities like Atwood and retail merchants branch which
Listowel have the same say in the concentrates on things con -
provincial organization as does a cerning retail businesses, but
community like Toronto. since each chamber of commerce
O The Ontario chamber in turn serves a different community
Hspireaff carries a lot of clout because once With varying needs, the
e 'r� each year it resents a organization of each s � Y P book of g ch chamber is
recommendations to the cabinet decided by local people.
of the provincial government and The Listowel chamber is active
often gets action on its in trying to get new industries to
suggestions, Mrs. Arlein told move to its town and a Wingham
against Wingham business people. chamber could do the same sort
O A bone of
sing ass association 1 promotion, like the Mrs. Arleen
s e � P said. ,
local one has no parent body to Mr. Johnson encouraged
represent its recommendations Wingham business people to
The board of governors of Wingham 'MENU BILLING' SYSTEM cause for alarm. He suggested the Goderich hospital which had its deficit or suggestions. promote their town. The 1978
and District Hospital has reaffirmed its The court confrontation, while not hospital would go to court on behalf of a last year partially covered by the Despite the limitations Mrs. International Plowing Match was
stand against closing beds or cutting inevitable, would probably occur if the Patient if OHIP refused payment for a ministry. He also told the board this Arlein sees in the organization one of the greatest advertising
back services here. hospital made the threatened switch to a legitimate bill, adding that if a cash flow hospital would probably not be alone in representing Wingham business, features a town could have, with
At a meeting last week the board 'menu billing' system from its current problem developed while the matter was running a deficit, reporting that about to there are some impressive about 150,000 people in the area
Passed a motion vowing to maintain "at global budget. being fought out the hospital would other hospitals will be submitting deficit strengths. who had probably never been to
all costs" the hospital's status as a 100- Under menu billing the hospital, in- borrow rather than dunning patients for budgets for 1979-80. Wingham before. Another ex -
bed institution. stead of receiving a lump sum from the Payment. He noted that although board members cellent chance to promote the
It empowered Executive Director ministry each year, would bill the On- The board has already moved to lay can be held individually responsible for community is coming up in
Norman Hayes to negotiate with the tario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for , some of the groundwork necessary for a payment of wages at the hospital it is August when Wingham
Ontario health ministry for the $142,000 individual services rendered to patients switch to menu billing. At the meeting it unlikely they would be required to dig Felebrates its centenary, he said.
he calculates the hospital still needs to on a case by case basis. agreed to go along with a recom- into their pockets to make up any deficit. The amount a town benefits
keep all the beds open. If that fails the Although solicitor Robert Campbell mendation from the finance and audit If the ministry refused to pay the money fr¢m these big activities depends
board is prepared to take the ministry to has assured the board there is nothingcommittee to hire a firm of auditors to could y on how much the town puts into
in probably be raised in the com-
court or to run into the red in an attempt current health legislation to prevent it study a cbst accounting system. It was munity, he said. That is the way hospital them, he suggested.
to get the additional funds it believes the taking this step it is ex explained such a system would be boards used to raise money during the Members of the business
hospital deserves. ministry expected the necessary to back up the claims for 1950x. community were invited to the
P minist would challenge the action and
The board action is a response to the refuse to pay the bills. Dr. Dyer recently Payment of individual bills. The cost of In discussing the alternative courses of Listowel Chamber of Commerce
gauntlet thrown down by Deputy Health declared the ministry isn't afraid of the survey is not to exceed $6,500, action open to them several board June 20 meeting to find out more
`-'-ter nr- Allan Dyer during a testing the legislation in court, adding although the price tag for operating a members cited mistrust of the ministry's about chambers of commerce.
,. -'
meeting here May 8. At that time Dr. tl:at if 't '-sn't strong enough new cost accounting system once it is in place motives as their main reason for .,op- WiLI. HELP FUND
Dyer crushed hopes that an agreement legislation woWd be passed immediately co::!d run around t3o,o00 a year. posing the cutbacks. PARKING STUDY
had been reached with the ministry to plug the loophole. The board also discussed hiring a team Mary Vair said if she could believe this After some discussion the
allowing the hospital to retain the 14 beds from the Ontario Hospital Association to was a genuine cost-cutting measure she business associaiion pleu�c: ,'�
designated as sur los under the Board members are counting on the do a cost effectiveness survey on the would feel different, but she thinks the to help pay for the wages of three
P opposition parties to keep the minority
provincial funding formula. Instead he hospital, hopefully pinpointing areas ministry is out to close the hospital and students this summer, provided e
government from passing such
offered only that seven of the 14 beds legislation. They received some support where money can be saved. This survey she will fight that " study of parking is carried out by
and nail". y
could be converted to chronic care. from Michael Cassidy, leader of the `Would cover all departments except Dr. R. D. Wilkins agreed that he the students.
He also dampened the board's en- provincial New Democratic Party, who nursing and would carry a price tag of' believes the government is trying to use Mike Chappell, commissioner
thusiasm for the health services during a visit to the hospital May 17 about $5,700. The matter was referred to financial stringency as an excuse to close of public works in Wingham,
organization (HSO) proposed by the declared Dr. Dyer was "talking through the management committee for study the small hospitals. reported that the Ontario
ministry as a pilot project here by an- his hat" when he made the prediction. and recommendation. Board Chairman Jack Hodgins urged Housing Corporation had granted
nouncing that the ministry is not Dr. Dyer challenged the board May 8 to the members to explore all the avenues the town 80 per cent of the wages
prepared to put up any capital funds to "If they wanted legislation like that as bring in a team of experts and prove the before jumping into something which he HONORS BSc of three students for 14 weeks to
get the project off the ground. a means of bludgeoning a hospital like hospital is actually operate ng, struggle. Janet Elizabeth Bishop,allow a community to
this one the c g y ng as of predicted will be a to hard st inventory of land se, perking
Mr. Hayes and some members of the Y certainly won't et the ficientl as it claims to be. However he added: "f don't feel we ng
board are meets with minis support of our daughter and planning.
ng try officials PPo party," he declared. 9 er of Mr. and Mrs.
er 20 per
at No decision has been made DEFICIT BUDGET pursue should �t as far ack off aas we point.
We Enid Douglas Bishop, will receive cent, amoutting to $thlo5 must
Queen's Park today in a final attempt yet on just her Honors BSc degree under
to get back the money deducted from the when the hospital would begin menu If the board failed in an attempt to Harold Robinson suggested the be gathered locally.
hospital budget as a penalty for the billing. Once it began patients would be establish the menu billing system it is spending cues might be a reasonable the Co-op Kinesiology pro- If a parking study is completed
'surplus' beds. However no one held out asked to sign bills for their hospital prepared to run into the red this year to gram at the University of with the aid of the students and
treatment or stays keep all the beds o thing. Mr. Hayes agreed, but said he
much hope for the success of their ys which would then be P Pen. it would then try can't accept the way in which it's being ` Waterloo May F.
Janet Ise the business association proceeds
mission. forwarded to OHIP for payment, to persuade the ministry to cover its done. He called it a "meat axe a graduate of F. E. Madill with plans to increase parking
If it fails the board is prepared to face Although Patients can be held in-. deficit at the end of the year. proach", chopping beds across the Secondary School. She has availability near the downtown
the ministry in court in order to get the dividually responsible for any bills not Mr. Hayes said there is a precedent for province without any concern for accepted a position In List- core. the group could get a 75 per
operating funds it needs, paid by OHIP Mr. Hayes said there is no this, most recently in the case of the hospital efficiency. owel as sportsfest co-ordin- cent grant on land purchase and
ator for the Lake Huron Rec- other major expenditures, Mr.
reation Zone. Chappell said.
11 11 1 IvM" i.', ii I
unless the planning board sets
officials were worried that an
down policies for land use it could
Ontario Municipal Board
be approached to have houses
decision might force the town to
built on small subdivided lots in
take Lower Town land as well as
the older sections of town and the
the highly desirable property
decisions made would be more
east of Wingham.
arbitrary than thought out.
If additional land isn't
Huron County Planning
available within town, the
Director Gary Davidson said
municipality could be forced at
problems could develop if houses
some time to allow houses built in
on small lots are allowed in
the three outlined areas to be
neighborhoods with large lots.
built on small lots.
There isn't much land left
In other business Jim Watt,
within -the town boundaries for
planning board cochairman,
development, Mr. Greenall
complained that the board hadn't
been consulted on the town's sale
s pretty well gone," Mr.
of land in Cruickshank Park for
Davidson agreed. He said in the
senior citizens apartments. The
past there have been discussions
board will probably find out
about annexing land surrounding
about it when it's all over, he
the town, but that Wingham
NDP leader promises
support for hospital
Michael Cassidy, leader of the the funding it needs, Mr. Cassidy
Ontario New Democratic Party, commented that the government
last week pledged at least a has talked a great deal about
measure of support for Wingham local autonomy and said it would
and District Hospital in its fight be a "pretty sorry definition" if it
to keep 100 beds. holds only for as long as you
Following a tour of the hospital agree with the government.
and lunch with Administrator He also promised his party
Norman Hayes, Board Chairman would not support any legislation
Jack Hodgins and John Mann, which it saw as designed to
head of the Citizens' Action punish this hospital for its action
Committee Mr Cassid wished ' t
Burin*ss or pl*osur• - book novo!
MASERVICElistowal, Ontario e 2l1-2111
Call Toll Fro* 1-800-2"-3210
Single Copy Not Over 35c
I .t.
SUPPORT SCOUTING—Rick Whiteley, chairman of the Wingham Scouts' Group Com-
mittee, accepts a $500 donation from President Don Carter of the Wingham Kinsmen Club.
The money will go to purchase equipment and support Scouting activities during the year.
The Wingham Kinsmen are the sponsors for the local Scouts.
or , y - m rying to retam its beds. •
the small lots are (in the nor- them luck and promised ta't�ke' In addition he called for the Chamber helpstheast part of Wingham) north of their concerns to Queen's Park. Ontario Hospital Association to eommun1
the Maitland River to the B line He said he will raise the issue stand up and be counted in this
and east to the town's eastern of health care cutbacks, as he has matter. If the OHA isn't aware of
boundary; behind F. E. Madill done already, and declared be 'the harmful effects of the cut_ work together r .
Secondary School and Satred thinks the cutbacks are harm acks it's not doing its job, he roup.
Heart Separate School east to the and alternative services such as declared, adding that he feels , g
town's eastern boundary, south a chronic home care program most hospital boards have
to Highway 86 and north to John and more nursing home beds reacted too calmly to the cuts. "If we don't all work together clout a chamber of'commerce "You have a lot commerce going for you,
Street; and again in the north should be put into place before He said he thinks polls have in these small communities we're can offer. she said. "You've got some good
east part of town from the the cuts are made. showed that most people are going to be gobbled up," Sandy The name of Wingham's ideas and some excellent
Maitland River on the north, Ontario needs an orientation willing to pay more if necessary Arlein, president of the Listowel business group implies that only people."
south along Remington Drive toward community-based health to keep hospital beds open and Chamber of Commerce, told the retail merchants are welcome, A chamber of commerce could
(Hanna Road)_ west along care—social services integrated pointed out the contradiction Wingham Business Association she said, while professionals, include representatives from
Charles Street to Moore Court, with health care, he added. between giving large handouts to last Thursday. industry representatives and industry, professions, schools,
south along Shuter Street on the Asked about the possible multi-nationalcorporations She was at the business even individual citizens who Junior Citizens, service clubs and
west to the CNR line and east to consequences of the local . whose profits are going up every association's May meeting with aren't in business can belong to a representatives of other groups
the town's eastern boundary. hospital board's decision to fight year and cutting back the Bert Johnson of Listowel to tell chamber of commerce. or institutions which contribute
Mr. Greenall warned that the ministry if necessary to get budgets of small hospitals. the group about the benefits and Chambers of commerce each to the general welfare of the
have one delegate to the Ontario community.
Chamber of Commerce, so small The Listowel chamber has a
municipalities like Atwood and retail merchants branch which
Listowel have the same say in the concentrates on things con -
provincial organization as does a cerning retail businesses, but
community like Toronto. since each chamber of commerce
O The Ontario chamber in turn serves a different community
Hspireaff carries a lot of clout because once With varying needs, the
e 'r� each year it resents a organization of each s � Y P book of g ch chamber is
recommendations to the cabinet decided by local people.
of the provincial government and The Listowel chamber is active
often gets action on its in trying to get new industries to
suggestions, Mrs. Arlein told move to its town and a Wingham
against Wingham business people. chamber could do the same sort
O A bone of
sing ass association 1 promotion, like the Mrs. Arleen
s e � P said. ,
local one has no parent body to Mr. Johnson encouraged
represent its recommendations Wingham business people to
The board of governors of Wingham 'MENU BILLING' SYSTEM cause for alarm. He suggested the Goderich hospital which had its deficit or suggestions. promote their town. The 1978
and District Hospital has reaffirmed its The court confrontation, while not hospital would go to court on behalf of a last year partially covered by the Despite the limitations Mrs. International Plowing Match was
stand against closing beds or cutting inevitable, would probably occur if the Patient if OHIP refused payment for a ministry. He also told the board this Arlein sees in the organization one of the greatest advertising
back services here. hospital made the threatened switch to a legitimate bill, adding that if a cash flow hospital would probably not be alone in representing Wingham business, features a town could have, with
At a meeting last week the board 'menu billing' system from its current problem developed while the matter was running a deficit, reporting that about to there are some impressive about 150,000 people in the area
Passed a motion vowing to maintain "at global budget. being fought out the hospital would other hospitals will be submitting deficit strengths. who had probably never been to
all costs" the hospital's status as a 100- Under menu billing the hospital, in- borrow rather than dunning patients for budgets for 1979-80. Wingham before. Another ex -
bed institution. stead of receiving a lump sum from the Payment. He noted that although board members cellent chance to promote the
It empowered Executive Director ministry each year, would bill the On- The board has already moved to lay can be held individually responsible for community is coming up in
Norman Hayes to negotiate with the tario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for , some of the groundwork necessary for a payment of wages at the hospital it is August when Wingham
Ontario health ministry for the $142,000 individual services rendered to patients switch to menu billing. At the meeting it unlikely they would be required to dig Felebrates its centenary, he said.
he calculates the hospital still needs to on a case by case basis. agreed to go along with a recom- into their pockets to make up any deficit. The amount a town benefits
keep all the beds open. If that fails the Although solicitor Robert Campbell mendation from the finance and audit If the ministry refused to pay the money fr¢m these big activities depends
board is prepared to take the ministry to has assured the board there is nothingcommittee to hire a firm of auditors to could y on how much the town puts into
in probably be raised in the com-
court or to run into the red in an attempt current health legislation to prevent it study a cbst accounting system. It was munity, he said. That is the way hospital them, he suggested.
to get the additional funds it believes the taking this step it is ex explained such a system would be boards used to raise money during the Members of the business
hospital deserves. ministry expected the necessary to back up the claims for 1950x. community were invited to the
P minist would challenge the action and
The board action is a response to the refuse to pay the bills. Dr. Dyer recently Payment of individual bills. The cost of In discussing the alternative courses of Listowel Chamber of Commerce
gauntlet thrown down by Deputy Health declared the ministry isn't afraid of the survey is not to exceed $6,500, action open to them several board June 20 meeting to find out more
`-'-ter nr- Allan Dyer during a testing the legislation in court, adding although the price tag for operating a members cited mistrust of the ministry's about chambers of commerce.
,. -'
meeting here May 8. At that time Dr. tl:at if 't '-sn't strong enough new cost accounting system once it is in place motives as their main reason for .,op- WiLI. HELP FUND
Dyer crushed hopes that an agreement legislation woWd be passed immediately co::!d run around t3o,o00 a year. posing the cutbacks. PARKING STUDY
had been reached with the ministry to plug the loophole. The board also discussed hiring a team Mary Vair said if she could believe this After some discussion the
allowing the hospital to retain the 14 beds from the Ontario Hospital Association to was a genuine cost-cutting measure she business associaiion pleu�c: ,'�
designated as sur los under the Board members are counting on the do a cost effectiveness survey on the would feel different, but she thinks the to help pay for the wages of three
P opposition parties to keep the minority
provincial funding formula. Instead he hospital, hopefully pinpointing areas ministry is out to close the hospital and students this summer, provided e
government from passing such
offered only that seven of the 14 beds legislation. They received some support where money can be saved. This survey she will fight that " study of parking is carried out by
and nail". y
could be converted to chronic care. from Michael Cassidy, leader of the `Would cover all departments except Dr. R. D. Wilkins agreed that he the students.
He also dampened the board's en- provincial New Democratic Party, who nursing and would carry a price tag of' believes the government is trying to use Mike Chappell, commissioner
thusiasm for the health services during a visit to the hospital May 17 about $5,700. The matter was referred to financial stringency as an excuse to close of public works in Wingham,
organization (HSO) proposed by the declared Dr. Dyer was "talking through the management committee for study the small hospitals. reported that the Ontario
ministry as a pilot project here by an- his hat" when he made the prediction. and recommendation. Board Chairman Jack Hodgins urged Housing Corporation had granted
nouncing that the ministry is not Dr. Dyer challenged the board May 8 to the members to explore all the avenues the town 80 per cent of the wages
prepared to put up any capital funds to "If they wanted legislation like that as bring in a team of experts and prove the before jumping into something which he HONORS BSc of three students for 14 weeks to
get the project off the ground. a means of bludgeoning a hospital like hospital is actually operate ng, struggle. Janet Elizabeth Bishop,allow a community to
this one the c g y ng as of predicted will be a to hard st inventory of land se, perking
Mr. Hayes and some members of the Y certainly won't et the ficientl as it claims to be. However he added: "f don't feel we ng
board are meets with minis support of our daughter and planning.
ng try officials PPo party," he declared. 9 er of Mr. and Mrs.
er 20 per
at No decision has been made DEFICIT BUDGET pursue should �t as far ack off aas we point.
We Enid Douglas Bishop, will receive cent, amoutting to $thlo5 must
Queen's Park today in a final attempt yet on just her Honors BSc degree under
to get back the money deducted from the when the hospital would begin menu If the board failed in an attempt to Harold Robinson suggested the be gathered locally.
hospital budget as a penalty for the billing. Once it began patients would be establish the menu billing system it is spending cues might be a reasonable the Co-op Kinesiology pro- If a parking study is completed
'surplus' beds. However no one held out asked to sign bills for their hospital prepared to run into the red this year to gram at the University of with the aid of the students and
treatment or stays keep all the beds o thing. Mr. Hayes agreed, but said he
much hope for the success of their ys which would then be P Pen. it would then try can't accept the way in which it's being ` Waterloo May F.
Janet Ise the business association proceeds
mission. forwarded to OHIP for payment, to persuade the ministry to cover its done. He called it a "meat axe a graduate of F. E. Madill with plans to increase parking
If it fails the board is prepared to face Although Patients can be held in-. deficit at the end of the year. proach", chopping beds across the Secondary School. She has availability near the downtown
the ministry in court in order to get the dividually responsible for any bills not Mr. Hayes said there is a precedent for province without any concern for accepted a position In List- core. the group could get a 75 per
operating funds it needs, paid by OHIP Mr. Hayes said there is no this, most recently in the case of the hospital efficiency. owel as sportsfest co-ordin- cent grant on land purchase and
ator for the Lake Huron Rec- other major expenditures, Mr.
reation Zone. Chappell said.
11 11 1 IvM" i.', ii I