The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-16, Page 9.. « ...... •-w..►.•.►..w-..w..�.. �,,,i..,-«,. ^y. v-. w.u+`i►wM�••r+••ar.4rw+..-�M'iAWn/^M�h wu tr t
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0 Ylre ila61 declared Advance-Tisiles. AJq iWL ,g
BODY SHOP � ...:.. .:. .. •
The Advance -Tinea has
Although the r ,.. _.,. ..._ .
declared a winner of the =100 � expanse to � with Rene Levesque. Clam dews into difficulty over any of his
contest was not as great as we reason and understanding; flies policies (e.g. Bryce
SID AQAMS reward in i4 election essay had hoped we are pleased with role as a leader would act as a and the postal union) the
contest. The reward was offered the number of people who took catalyst, binding our people minister shuffles his cabinet to +
�� TM SCE tot e person who best answered the time to set down on paper together. I don't believe Clark take him out of the controversial
question:the "gym should I their reasons for backing a knows all the answers; no limelight. A different person
vote for in the next federal party
for ? particular candidate or t uncal leader ever does. His gives the population new ho
election and why?" political pow Pe
upcoming election. `
Automobiles, light Trucks, The y • � policy of allowing people to claim and conftdence. Using this theory
winning essay, as selected Reprinted below is the wine I
Form Tractors by the publisher and editorial m8 mortgage interest as an expensed that it is time for the
staff of the may, submitted by John Wray on income tax forms is a positive Canadian People to shuffle their '
Now Rod Cores paper, was chosen not of RR 1, Wingham• cabinet w to speak. The
on the basis of an step. It will assist anyone buying Pe y should
y P>�e WINNING ESSAY replace the Liberal government
Rodding consideration but rather for the a home. More homes will be btWt eP
Whom should I vote for in the with Joe Clan and the Con
Clean) A Flush) thought it showed and the , to meet the demand. More jobs
tW next federal election? Should Iwill be created. Our local Con servatives. Give them a chance
14 North St. 367-1102 reasonable nature of its vote for Pierre Trudeau and theto prove their worth.
arguments. Its selection does not servative candidate, R. E. (Bob)
Liberals Joe Clark and the Mc has u ards of 12 I don't like the worn out cliche
constitute an endorsement of its Conservatives or Ed Broadbent "It's time for a
'views by this newspaper. and the New Democratic Party? year;'. `" i i. , . ence serving tiiC � � change". I Prefer ,
Why? y • people' of this area in his owh y. A new broom sweeps
1040, y . These questions are being quiet, staid way. He will be a real clean Jhe Clark and the Con
Canadian Radio-televisioli, Conseil de is radiodinusion\ asked by more people—as the asset to a new Conservative servative party is that "new
' and Telecommunications at des 161ecommunications polls show—than ever before. Abroom".
Commission canadlennes large portion of the population When a cabinet minister gets John Wray
DECISION remains undecided.
I should like to discuss each
leader and gi ■ f! .�•.
Party and then give Plan car rally to aid .
reasons why we should vote to
Following a Public Hearing held in Toronto. Ontario on 6 and 7 elect Joe Clark and a Con -
March 1979, the Canadian Radio -television and Telecommuni- servative goverment. ,
cations tomrnission announces the following decision effec- Pierre Trudeau is an ex-
tiwHowick forthwith. perienced politician; however in
recent times he has run into -
Declsl0n CRTC 79.311 difficulty with .the population he A" _
attempts to govern—frequent Car rallies can be fun — if you along a bag of cookies and
THUNDER BAY, SAULT STE. MARIE, TIMMINS, SUDBURY, NORTH opposition and heckling during don't get lost. perhaps a car game for
DAY, OTTAWA VALLEY, PETER•oROUGH, KINGSTON, TOR, his speeches. He preaches unity Setting out for a "couple of youngsters . The navigator -
ONTO, SAME. LONDON, WINGHAM, ONTARIO . I Is" but breathes dissent with every hours" Sunday afternoon three (besides having excellent vision)
word that he utters; dissent not women checking out the should not only know left from
Chelwynd Films Ltd, only between the French and proposed route for the big right., but east from west and
English but between farmers and Howick Township car rally on north from south — definitely '
Application for a broadcasting licence for an English language consumers and management and June 3 experienced the im- north from south. The navigator
television network consisting of CKPR-TV Thunder Boy, CKCY- labor as well. The Liberal party possible. They got lost. should also take along a notebook
TV Sault Ste. Marie, CFCL-TV Timmins, CKNC-TV Sudbury, CHNB- is no longer able to act as a To this day however, the three or a few spare pages of paper.
TV North Bay, CHRO-Tv Ottawa valley, CHER-TV Peterborough, cohesive force holding our people (who shall remain nameless) are And if the vehicle is one of those SPRING FUN—Though the temperature had dropped quite a bit by last weekend from
CKWS-TV Kingston, CITY -TV Toronto, CKVR-TV Barrie, CFPL- together. convinced the "trial" directions brgnd new ones equipped with sweltering highs during the week, Christa Finley, .3; i Linda Lyttle, 7 and Adam
TV London, CKNX-TV Wingham, Ontario for the purpose of Ed Broadbent has made many they were carefully following only metric measurements, a Deslauriers, 4, spent some time Saturday playing on a awing set.
broadcasting the Ontario Association for the Mentally Re- excellent points in Parliament. contained an inexcusable error, metric converter will come in
forded "Cash For Life" lottery television program series. He acts to keep the other parties instructing them to turn left when handy. o a a
on their toes. He, Decision: as his in fact they should turn right.
Deslon: APPROVED party, has .recentltl School board finalizes y made a Before the afternoon was over AS for the driver, if he or she policy o n
serious mistake: that of joining the women spent nearly 4 % happens to be lead -footed when it
The Commission issues a licence expiring 31 December 1979, forces with Dennis McDermott hours on the road instead of the comes to driving country roads, handling teXf'boo subject to conditions to be specified therein. and the labor movement. This "two hours'and a bit" they had they are going to have to ease up. mp'ai nts .'
alienates the business segment of q
eg planned on. As one mentioned it When the organizers instruct
The affiliates of the CBC television network must ensure that the country from his party. was quite a way to spend entrants to drive 30 mph for four BY Jeff Seddon That upset another group that made to the principal o
their network affiliation agreements are respected, and that the Joe Clark comes to the political Mother's Day. minutes, they mean 30 mph and As of May .7 approval—or P P Pru f the
scheduling of the "Cash For life" program series does not scene as a new face, free of all Besides correct- the errors not 40 or 50 m h. disapproval—of textbooks for use
felt dropping the books was a school concerned. The coin -
contravene their affiliation agreements. p in Huron Count schools will be restriction of freedom and the plainant will be given a
s grudges, and is therefore able to they found in the route however, board found itself caught in the questionnaire . to complete
have rapport with all Canadians. the women have a few tips for all According to organizers John handled by the book. The county middle. P
Ottawa, J. G. Patenaude He speaks French as well as those people who will tackle the Armstrong and Jerry Potts of RR
board of education gave final detailing his or her objections
I May 1979 Actin Secreta General English and should make gains ry approval last Monday to a policyAnxious to prevent a and a meeting will be set ss with
Acting Secretary ng g great Hawick Car Rally for 1, Fordwich and Bob Templeman that sets out procedures brecurrence of the problem the the principal to discuss the
for the Conservatives a Quebec. earnest on June 3. of Gorrie over 30 entries have P board decided to establish matter.
He holds no confrontation role They advise parents to take followed in approving books for •
already signed up for the rally classroom use and in handl' Policies that would not only The principal, deaprtment
which will commence at 1 p.m. complaints about those books support any material for head and teacher will meet with
June 3 at the Howick Community The policy adopted was the classroom use but also provide the complainant to discuss "in -
Centre. The deadline for entriesthird draft prepared by board an avenue for parents or students amicable fashion" the com-
is May 25 with the cost being $10 administration, school prin- or wishing to complain about the plainant's point of view.
HowsflydwWs a way.. per vehicle. Contestants are cipals, department heads and books.ks• Problems are to be handled
A' y.. en
encouraged to make the event a teachers. Guidelines were set The boards aim was to make promptly, quietly and routinely
consider yourself one of family outing. All proceeds will ago 4nd a draft teachers responsible for materio and if a student or parent is
several months
go to minor sports in Howick fa,. they choose to use in the adamant about ,A • text
Open a V&G Chequing or Savin s Account. VVe believe our services a board:in•April:
P q 9 9 Township. classroom. Teachers must now as alternative is to be offered.
are the best: Savings Account — 91/2 % interest, Chequing Board approval is only be prepared to convince the If no solution can be reached at
Account — 4% interest plus free cheques and much more. required for textbooks not beard the books they want to use this level the complaint will be
Come in and ask us about them. It's a crime you don't know.
n Contestants are also requested Previously approved by the are beneficial and to defend their forwarded to the education
to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy education ministry. The province
el t
during the talldecides the texts to be used in s ec ions if parents don t like the committee. The committee can
y choices. include the school :1 in
n�+-rY11l3 A Just a couple of more things: subjects such as mathematics,
V IC l lJ[ A Contact our office: P the sciences and languages, The policy demands that discussions or just talk with the
make sure your vehicle has a fullteachers examine overall pur- complainant tot and resolve
T` Main Street East tank of gas (the impossible could leaving material for use in ase, timeliness, importance, ce, the rroblem. It can then either
V V K� English classes up to individual P P P
Listowel happen to you), and make sure boards quality of writing, the reputation make a recommendation to the
U� 291.1450 you ve got 8 navigator who s Not having a policy for ap- of the author, artist or composer board or just send the matter on
smart enough to read in- and the rice of the book before for the board to handle.
Since 1844 structions three or four points Proving texts or handling cam- recommendi it fora ro
ahead.plaints about them caused the oB pp vel. Trustees had no objections to
board a great deal of grief last Once the teachers and principals the policy, but wanted to make
Happy motoring, or perhaps have selected the books the ever effort to keep
Chequing or Savings Accounts Bon Voyage would be more Year. A group of percale, upset nt the material will be taken to informed about textbook parents
Member. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation appropriate. If you haven't en- over the content of some English 3 esu superintendent of education p -
literature texts, prevailed upon provals. Goderich Trustee
tered get in touch with the the board to have those texts and a meeting will be arranged Dorothy Wallace suggested
organizers. dropped from classroom use. between the teachers and the posting a list of approved texts in
board education committee. public libraries in the county. She
If the education committee said this would give parents a
agrees with the selections a chance to see what material will
recommendation to approve the be used in the classrooms and an
books will be forwarded to the opportunity to read it them-
a board. If the committee doesn't selves.
' like a book its reasons for
` ; ,.•
disapproval will be sent in � ���
<, writing to the teacher or
. y Q department head who chose the
fifi t& �•. ,_., `{ Complaints about texts will be
handled in a similar fashion.
Inquiries about textbooks may be yyINCHAM 357-2320
Coff" and Doughnuts
Balloons and Colouring
Books for the Klddisis
In Lucknow
4 big Days
May 16, 17, 18, 19
Draiws will be node SaWay, May 19
Between 5 and 6 p.m.
CKNX will be broadcasting from this location
on Friday afternoon
� Prizes o/
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objectively and accurately. And they want it
when it happens.
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The Wingham
Advance -Times