The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-16, Page 54owa o:
wmis Am
The Corporation of the Town of Wingham is
seeking interested ratepayers to form a
Committee of Property Standards. Any rate-
payer over the age of 18 who is not a
councillor or an employee of the municipality
Is eligible. Interested parties should contact:
William Renwick
Town Clerk
All Car Owners
Over Age, 6
We have a special insurance plan for any person 60
years to 103 that owns his own car. An example of
this is -
$300,000 Bodily Injury and Property Change Coverage
$25,000 Accident Benefits
$250 Diductable Collision
$25 Deductable Comprehensive
Annual Premium $ 1 6 2 00
Pityments Available
The above premium is based on:
(1) no accidents or convictions in 3 years
(2) no driving to work.
(3) on a 1977, 1979 or 1979 Chev, Ford or Plymouth
(4) for full time farmers, futher discounts applied -
Other rotes by phone.
No application, membership or policy
fee necessary.
Drive to work rates slightly higher.
Mc -Master
Insurace Agencies
327 Josepliiao St., Whgh is
3S7-1227 or after howii; 3S7-1289
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271-6940 or tell free 1 -800 -26S -8S32
IT'S A MIGHTY BIG RIG—Trucker Clayt Ruppel of Gorrie had fun telling these three
youngsters about the big rig he drives for Hyndman Transport Ltd. at the grand opening
of the company's new facilities near Wroxeter on Friday evening. The youngsters, from
bottom are Dean, Michael and Angela Weishar, children of Frank and Marlene Welshar of
RR 2, Teeswater.
la, -
Visitors on Sunday with Mrs.
Sandy Murray and Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Murray were Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Giles and family, Port
Elgin, Mrs. Elmer Giles, Arkona,
Mrs. Arthur Hossfeld, Walker-
ton, and Hugh Douglas.
Mrs. Esther Jacques visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Reidt. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Catidle
and Mrs. Dave Braun called at
the same home, as well as
visiting other former neighbors
in Lakelet.
y 23, 24, 25, 26
at the Wingham Town Hall Auditorium
8:30 p.m.
written by Keith Roulston
and performed by the Winger Towne Players
Guarantee your seat and buy your tickets from:
Triangle Diaoourrt Waxworks Boutique
SORRY- No Senior Citizens Discount for this
special production.
—1111Li-W . iMW't.�
;f�rylFyf.w ...
The Wiogham Advanv*-Times, May 1E3. 1978 -_Pa +fie b
Tributepaid.Gordecoup le
GORRiE—Last month, George and young people. This example and relax and do aH those things
Keil announced the sale of in life cannot help but 'rub off' you've always wanted to do to -a
Farmatic Ltd. in Gorrie after over the years. never had the Uh,,, w do. May
having served the village and "We believe un the adage, you have many happy years in
area for many years. Very often "Behind every successful man is this community where you live
accomplishments like that of Mr. a woman". 'Master' of the and are loved. God Wens you
Keil pass unnoticed as people culinary arts, the kind and gentle both. "
leave community life and settle hand of a nurse... but it doesn't
down to a quieter existence. stop there. Fran is just as at
One couple in the Gorrie area, home' in her rubber boots and
known to friends as "Pawsy and hard hat, driving the Ranchero,, Mrs. Alvin Mundell
Mawsy", felt such contribution to garden tractor or lawn mower,
life must not be overlooked. They earnestly going about her next attends graduation
speak for many people in the project in mind, whether it be
Gorrie area when they express stone masonry or planting power of local minister
gratitude in this letter, included seeds.
in a congratulatory retirement "But, again we say, it does not GORRIE—Last week, Mrs.
card sent to Mr. and Mrs. Keil stop there. She is just as at home Alvin Mundell attended the
before Farmatic changed hands. and genuine in entertaining annual council meeting of the
"We cannot let your hard work family, friends, travelling or Women's Missionary Society
and accomplishments over the , tripping the light fantastic on the (W.D.) of the Presbyterian
j ears go unnoticed. Many times arm of her devoted husband, Church in Canada as an ob-
things are left undone and un- George. This is what counts in server. Mrs. Hugh Nugent was
spoken... we only want, in part, to life, when we can hold hands and the Bible study leader and Mrs.
make up for the times we have look back at what we have ac- Wiiliam Munshaw of Luckww
stood by and watched, as smug complished together. Sharing led a Bible study discussion
citizens, happy in our own world. life's joys and sorrows is what group.
"If anyone in a community makes us stronger and better The sessions were held in
deserves recognition and a people. And then knowing to Ewart College, Toronto, and the
'thank -you' and given credit pause and take time out for -the delegates were invited to attend
where credit is due, it is people, well deserved cup of tea .....and a the convocation exercises of
not like you, but you. Success in chat with friends. And always to Knox College on Wednesday
life does not come easy. We have thank God for all His blessings evening when Ivey Osborne,
watched your company, Far- and help each day in our lives. B•A•, who has beed ministering to
uratic, grow from a 'fledgling'. "This phase in your lives does the congregation of Chalmers
With honesty and integrity you not let you stop here for we all Presbyterian Church,
nurtured it along, shaping its know that doing nothing is not Whitechurch, graduated and
destiny, and all can see how it your lifestyle. All we ask is that received the degree of Master of
mushroomed into the great you enjoy yourselves together Divinity.
success it is today. Rev. Harrold Morris of
"You can be justly proud .... but Listowel, chairman of the Board
so are we, as citizens of thisof World Mission, conducted the
community. You have helped to Opinion closing session of the Council.
put Gorrie on the map, not just on ,
this continent, but in other lands. ■w/and
Imagine the great helpthis I�
automation has brought to so
many peoples ..... and "Your nations' dogs
interest and concern
never did stop here. You possess
a genuine feeling for the welfare GORRIE A new bylaw
and lives of your family, friends, regarding the fees for dog
acquaintances, co-workers. staff licenses and kennel licenses was
provisionally adopted by Howick
Township Council *at its May
The fee structure set up by
council is as follows: $10 for a
male dog and a spayed female,
$15 for a non -spayed female, and
$20 for any subsequent dog(s).
A resolution passed by council
which will accompany the bylaw Rick Gibbons
states that under no cir- ILO,
cumstances will a kennel license tate Farm has be issued for within the villages
or hamlets. A kennel license may LI insurance,
issued where dogs are or are
eligible for registration in the too
Canadian kennel club or kept in a
confined area.
The fee for a kennel license in for details"
Howick will 'be $30.
Council will advertise the
bylaw in newspapers, hoping for
a response from the public.
At a special meeting in April,
council decided to temporarily t
disband the bylaw regardingdogs. The township no longer is tlltft.
requires an animal control of-
ficer until a new bylaw is passed. 9 A ffred $t. E.
RESULTS you'll applaud Wingham
With WANT ADS swr.r „u7in- r
357-2320 Canadian HeW oftic•. Sc°'b°""'o". Ontorio
E,d'Fs Sidimng
A PROUD ACHIEVEMENT—Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen
stand in front of one of the transport trucks owned by Hyndman Transport Ltd. at the of-
ficial opening of the company's new facilities near Wroxeter on Friday. As the licence
plates show, the company is known across Canada. Mr. Fisher is the president of Hynd-
man while Mr. Allen Is the manager.
For A Strong, Fresh Voice
ON MA r 22nd ELECT
Bring the family and meet Graeme May 17th at Goderich Arena)
Beef On A Bon - 5t00 p.m. - 7 01 p.m.
•Huron -Bruce needs a voice that will speak out and get Involved In the
*Huron -Bruce needs a member who will open up a pipeline between
Ottawa and Huron -Bruce
For Information, Transportation, or If Yeo Wish to Work - Phone Walton 887.6886,
Exeter 235-2788, Clinton 482-7801, Sedforth 527-0607, Gocierich 524-2161,
Wingham 357.1560
Published by The Official Agent for Graeme Graig, Walton, Ontario.
• Vinyl and Alumirfum Siding
• Soffit and Fascia
• Shutters and Awnings
• Esfen Insulation
NEWI Esfen 1'/4" Insulation can be applied
on the outside of your home.
"Factory On Wheels"
We manufacture 5" aluminum seamless eavestrough.
We install or deliver any length.
Coll Ed now before the spring rush 1