The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-05-09, Page 29
Pale S --r, Wingham Advance -Times. Mal 9. IM
Dra'i* tenders wel
u nesti ma
'benders on the construction of compares to the engineer's respectively. Council again Mr. Shifflett recommen" title assessment had been received so
two rawAmpal drains in East estimate of $WON Other tinder's accepted the low tender on its council accept this tender.glhjsec the court adjourned im-
Wawanoah Township came in ranged from SM9117 up to $311,514. enginerr''s advice. The work is to to checking by himself and his mediately.
well under the engineer's Council accepted the low be done between May t and June staff to make sure the company In other business at the
estimate. The tenders were tender on the recommendation of 15. took everything into account in meeting council responded to a
opened at a meeting of council its engineer, E. W. Shifflett. The Tenders on the Edgar Daer its bid. The second choice is the request from Ken Wheeler and
I" week and culu,cillors were tender calls for the work to be drainage works were also opened tender of D. A. Inglis at $17,400. Ross Anderson of the Brandon
jlwssmtty surprised both at the done between Sept. 1 and Oct. 1, and councillors were slightly Van Bree included'a letter with Cemetery board by agreeing to
of tenders received and but Mr. Shifflett said he would incredulous when the low tender its bid providing references as to donate 1660 to the cemetery,
at the prions see what he could do about came in at only two thirds of the the quality of its work. located at Belgrave. The two men
Seven tenders were received getting the dates moved ahead• estimated cost of the drain. The Earlier in the meeting council said the money is being used for
for the closed work on the Low tender for the open work engineer had estimated the cost had adjourned to hold a court of the purchase of two acres of land
Juwucivu n�,., ,-..,�..a drains and tante from R.Itfie4n41tron of of construction at 119,650 while revision on the Daer drain, with to extend the cemetery. y
five for the open work. The low Sebringville, with prices of $1,050 the tender from Van Bree Hullett Reeve Joe Hunking reported they have already
tender for the closed work of for the Johnston drain and $2,70o Drainage of Forest bid the job at present as a member of the court. received donations from the
$22,300 came from D. A. Inglis for the Ellison. Estimates on the only $12,995. Other tenders East Wowanosh Reeve Simon Belgrave and District Kinsmen
Construction of Walkerton and work had been $1,090 and $4,000 ranged up to well over $20,000. Hallahan reported no appeals of Club and other groups and are
hoping for a matching donation of
5650 from Morris Township.
Building permit 'applications
were approved for Ken Lubbers
�� for a liquid manure ta�1k, subject
andidates air viewspublicgto the purchase of the landC Gerald Edwards for an extension
Continued fmm ftent Page anyone can make an assessment Bev Brown, a local farmer, armed forces wouldn't do any to his garage: Jim Hallahan for
multinationals- It would also unless he is an expert in the field. inquired about the candidates' harm. he observed. Mr. Craig an addition to the barn; Ken
work for equality for women, she In response to a question on positions on capital punishment . said he doesn't know the party Pewtress for a car and truck
pledged- gun control Mr. McKinley said he Mr. Craig told her he used to policy. but personally he doesn't garage; and John Hallahan for a
Graeme Craig, the Liberal opposes strict controls and favors favor capital punishment but favor the proposal. lean-to barn.
candidate, said he sees the issues a further easing of the present changed his mind because, •'I Candidates les also fielded Building Inspector Jim Taylor
in the election as the economy, legislation. He said he believes wouldn't want to be the person to questions on their parties' told council ea needs more
leadership, unity and energy and people who shouldn't have pull the plug on someone unless I spending policies. with Mrs. money or at least p have his
he defended the party's policies firearms shouldn't be able to get was 100 per cent sure he was bringoupr saying the NDP wants to mileage paid to keep doing the
in these areas. hold of one, but admitted he's not guilty." However he called for cuing home some of the money job. fie said last year his pay
Although he admitted unem- sure just how to accomplish this heavier prison terms. with a 25 currently being spent outside worked out to less than $15 per
Canada and Mr. McKinley permit, which isn't worthwhile if
ployment iso problem he said the in law. year minimum before parole for declaring the Conservatives he has to make more than one
government has created a large Mr. Craig said he believes if a capital crimes. would aim to balance the budget inspection visit.
number of jobs; inflation is high, person is going to shoot Mr. McKinley said he voted within four vears by trimming
but better than in the United somebody it won't make much twice in favor of retaining the At present Mr. Taylor's fees
waste and reducing the ranks of are equivalent to the permit fees,
States; and if government difference if he has to get a noose for first degree murder and civil servants through attrition. which start at $10 for the first
spending is looked at in light of certificate to purchase a firearm would vote for it again since he
the total national debt the per- first and noted some sportsmen believes it is a deterrent. thousand dollars of construction
Adrian Vas questioned Mr. and go up one dollar per thousand
centage is better than it was are concerned their rights to Mrs. Couper said the NDP Mc Kinlev on' his promise to over that. He said the majority of
during the '5os, he claimed. recreation are being taken away. voted against capital punishment protect farmers with tariffs, permit fees work out to under $15.
He also defended energy and Mrs. Couper said the NDP and repeated her conviction that noting that when this was tried -Councillors suggested perhaps
food policies, noting the govern- favors gun control registry and the place to start is to do recently with beef coming in the minimum fee could be raised,
ment is spending $4.5 million safety training, but she per- something about the conditions of from the U.S: hog farmers lost noting it's been a year since the
starting up a farm export cor- sonally feels there is a need to society which lead to murder. hundreds of thousands of dollars fees were set. The matter was to
poration. (A later questioner improve the conditions of society In other questions Fran ' through retaliation. Mr- be discussed further at a special
criticised the government for to keep people from shooting McQuail asked where the can- McKinley responded by charging council meeting set for Monday
downgrading this corporation to each otter. didates stand on peace tax that Agriculture Minister Eugene night to hear the auditor's report.
purely advisory status.) Dairy legislation, under which a tax- Whelan vacillated for two 'or Council also reviewed its in -
farmers are better off in Canada Another questioner asked payer could designate the 13 per three years before providing any surance coverage with agent
than anywhere else, in the world, about the candidates' positions cent of his or her taxes which protection from offshore beef and
he declared, and beef producers on abortion. Mr. Craigdeclared I Tom Miller. The township in-
ure reasonablyhappy now too. goes to military spending to be said the present government also surance policies were switched to
PP he believes abortion on demand used for peaceful purposes in- stands condemned for its inac- McMaster Insurance, Wingham,
He said he would like to see is wrong, calling it "murder six stead. tivity in developing export sales this year after McMaster sub -
lower interest rates for farmers months early". Mr. McKinley Mrs. Couper said she per- potential. mitted a bid that was Con-
or small businessmen getting also said he doesn't agree with sonally favors the proposal. Mr. Craig reacted to the charge siderably less than East
started for the first time and abortion on demand, while Mrs. However Mr. McKinley said he by declaring Mr. Whelan is the Wawanosh had been paying
promised, if elected, to be Couper said the NDP believes believes there is a need to keep best agriculture minister the Frank Cowan Insurance,
"totally accessible". abortion is a matter between a the armed forces well equipped country has ever had, a Stratford, for comparable
woman and her doctor. and the morale high so he doesn't pronouncement which was coverage.
NUCLEAR POWER favor it. A few more people in the greeted by scattered applause.
During the question period
which followed candidates were Standard Trust
quizzed on their positions on _
nuclear power and two of the reports income
three called for an in
Your toothpaste comes in
millilitres (mL)
20T is a good room temperature
30T is swimming time
100E wear a coat
Why have so many.ministers left the
cabinet? This has to tell us something!
An effective voice for Ontario no longer holds
Its proper place in federal government
decisions under the present administration
- A Progressive Conservative
tonin wovld restore Ontario's
Prefer influence in d*dsions
That .Nat act of W.
- A Progressive Conservative
government wotdd also ensure
Parliamentary control over
government spending wbicb
ba mot been the aro since
the Present Prime Minister
A g*d On rales in the Novae
of Commons in 1969 by the
closer* method.
Progressive Conservative
On May ZZ
Progressive Conservative
Cesrlsi11s N , Zwkh - 2364351
Csalslittss Room - Golfs" - 524-2149,
C h"m - 4112-9494, Ssefortll - 527-0979,
E:eter - 235-0133, wilglmo - 357-2305
Published by the Huron -Brum PC Association
study of the, safety-. -of _nuclear up .p@r C@i1f
generating stations.
1 Mrs. Couper said the NDP
wants a moratorium on further Net operating income for
nuclear construction until people Standard Trust Company in -
can decide whether the risks are creased 72 per cent to »$7,971 for
worthwhile and also called for the first quarter of 1979 as CHISHOLM FUELS LTI)•
L. more research into alternative of compared to the first quarter of
energy, noting that less than 1978, company president Brian
three per cent of the research O'Malley announced. Total LUCKNOW
budget is spent on renewable assets of the company increased
energy sources compared to by 45 per cent to more than $302.2
per cant on nuclear energy. million during the same period.
Net operating income for the
' Mr. McKinley said every year period was up 15 per cent to 53
he asks the experts about the cents a share and there were
safety of nuclear power plants 416,996 shares outstanding in the
and he has always been assured first quarter of 1979 as compared is pleased to announce that Mr.. Neil Bieman is our representative
that nothing serious has ever to 297,744 in 1978. in the Wingham area. Neil comes from a well known area family,
happened here.
I believe they're doing a During the quarter branches
o trying and been involved with
tremendously good job r'yi g to were opened in Wingham and having attended school in Wingha
supply power safely," he said, Parise Ontario, and a building Wingham hockey and fastball teams. Neil joined Chisholm Fuels
but added he would like to see a was purchased in Chatham to
report on safety from an in- accommodate the expansion of
� year one a o and has successfully completed an oil burner course
dependent authority with the branch operations in that city. A Y 9
necessary expertise. new branch will be opened in at Geor a Brown College, Toronto. He also holds a Propane
Mr. Craig said he agrees the Perth, Ontario, early this month
danger needs to be studied, but and the company expects to Handlers'
Licence. As Chisholm Fuels representative in the
added he doesn't know how expand into western ;Canada in
the Second quarter- Wingham area, Neil can offer you:
Firestone Dealer
We have a mobile tire repair
uniT Tor on -roan or on -i vaad
work with chloride equipment.
All tractor, truck and car sizes
In stock.
Call Lucknow
•Complete line of famous "Sunoco" custom blended gasoline and
heating fuels
*Bulk deliveries of "No Lead" gasoline.
•"Sunoco" Sunfleet line of motor and grease
•"Complete" home heat plan
0"24 Hour" burner and cleaning service
•"Parts Insurance" program
*Sunoco custom air furnaces to fit your needs
•"New mac" combination wood and oil furnaces
For first class service,
contact Nen at
87 Victoria Street, Wingham
Wood and Oil Combination Furnace
For swan greaw heating capacity than the 03-95 modals, thaw
feature on extra large 17'h x 171A firebox door with twin 10"
blowers. Whether It's to haat a vacation home ora large country
dwelling, Newtttoc often the modals, features and o*poeklM to.
give you o worm feeling all winter long.