The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-25, Page 4A&ance Times, April 'Lli, 19?8
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ANTIQUES and other delights were on display at the booth run by Merridy Watt and
Colleen Schenk of Wingham at the Howick craft fair last weekend.
Presu'ytericl hosts
syno is
a m ee n
Huron Presbyterial hosted the return to Canada she found times Walkerton; the new treasurer is
32nd meeting the had altered even more Margaret Alexander of Fort Erie
drastically and the new corresponding
Synodical of Hamilton and
London of the Women's In other business at the secretary is Mrs. Hugh Nugent of
eetings an invitation from the Ripley.
Missionary Society (WD) at m
Knox Presbyterian Church, Paris Presbyterial to hold the Each session began with a
Goderich, April 10-11. This 1980 annual meeting at Brantford lively singsong led by Mary Jane
church, established in 1895, has was received and accepted. Mrs. Bisset of Sarnia, with Mrs.
continued its witness ever since Dorothy Neal of Sarnia, a Robert The
Forest as
member of the camp board, W ich COC and
from the same plot of ground.
Devotions on both days were announced � annual ladies' Junior Choir performed on
conducted by Beatrice Scott a camp will be held this year at Tuesday evening and the Young
Camp Kintail June 15 17. People's Society of South Kinloss
Port Elgin, a missionary from Ida White, a missionary on and Lucknow presented a skit in
India, and werebased on the drama and music portraying
theme, 'The Light of the World'. furlough from India, installed the 1?0 ying
speaker for the synodical officers. Returned as president events in the life of Jesus from
SpecialMrs. Carl Remus of Palm Sunday to the resurrection.
was Margaret Kennedy of was
Willowdale, a retired missionary
from the Bhil field in India who
was instrumental in the for-
mation of the United Church off
North India.
Her addresses vividly
illustrated the growth and meets at Brussels
progress India has made since BRUSSELS --President Mrs. Citizens on May 15 in answer to
the arrival of the first Thomas conficted the their invitation. The ALPHA
Canadian missionaries,
naries, two H.
young women. She stressed that meeting of the Senior Friendship Huron group invited the seniors
although India is disappointed in Club held in the Legion Hall on to be guests at its meeting which
the moral leadership of the West, �yednesday afternoon of last was held Tuesday evening.
week.Following the business meeting
it still looks westward forro
financial and spiritual support. The program opened with the progressive euchre was played
She concluded with the ob- singing of "O Canada" and with 10 tables of players. High
servation that if changes have consisted of solos by Mrs. Van- scores were held by Miss Sadie
taken place in India, on her Vliet and violin instrumentals by McDonald and Mrs. Dave
Fred Thuell. Watson; low scores, Mrs. Edna
The group was reminded of the Hackwell and Mrs. Jack Ritchie.
Zone 8 district meeting on May 1 A prize went to Mrs. Annie Engel
Third Annual
APRIL 29v 30 end
speaker: REV. WESLEY UARe �
King Street United, London
Former Pulp and Paper Mill
Labourer and Businessman
Hymn Sing beginning at 7:45 p.m.
Mass Choir plus Special Music
Come and bring your friends
Arranged by Blyth Inter -Church Fellowship
Satin shorts
Summer and Dress Blouses 012.
long and short sleeves
Drop in for more bargains
887-6062 Brussels
Tue•dav - Saturday.
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
We have a good selection of
White sewing
Plus ... quality accessories,
bobbins, scissors, belts,
Schmetz needles and more!
Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
* The Second Sunday after Easter
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m.—Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Mottins & Sermon
7:00 p.m.—Choral Evensong and Sermon. The music
will be sung by the men and boys of St. Michael's
Choir, Walkerton, under the direction of
Mr. William Sewers.
10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
8:00 p.m.—The Board of Management
You are Invited
to hear
Millar Memorial Bible
Institute Choir
From Pambrun, Saskatchewan
Song and Testimony
Boland Street
APRIL 27,8:00 P.M.
Everyone Welcome
Church Women met April 18.
Mrs. Gordon Wright led a
singsong of favorite hymns to
begin the meeting. Mrs. Norman Going out of Business
Newans led devotions based on
portions of the 24th chapter of St.
Luke's Gospel and centred
Mrs. Joyce Bainbridge of Mrs. Hugh Carmichael of around the Easter theme. She
Tambridge, England, is visitin Willowdale has been visiting with closed her worship with prayer.
with her aunt. Mrs. Jean Crum Mrs. Frank Hopper for the past Twenty members answered the
of John Street. week. roll call with an Easter thought.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Following the business of the
Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mrs. Wallace Conn were Mr. and meeting a Dutch auction was
Gaunt of Chatham left Thursday Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor. held. The meeting closed with the
and visited with Mr and . Mrs. London, Mr. and Mrs. Doug benediction and lunch was served
Don Dirstein and family of Ajax. Conley and Jason, Wingham; Mr. by Mrs. Oliver Dustow and Mrs. —
All attended the wedding of Miss and Mrs. Mac Armstrong and Everett Dustow Everyone Is talking about Inflation.
June Elliott and Murray Gibson family of Culross. The family Well this is your chance to beat inflation)
in Ottawa on Saturday. was celebrating Mr. Conn's
Weekend visitors with Mrs birthday and as part of the Aux • to buy
Gershom Johnston, Catherine special occasion, took their everything
Street, were Mrs. Jack Johnston parents out to dinner.
of St. Pauls and her mother. Mrs. Mrs. Jean Crump has returned new equipment in the store except
Stanley of Lucknow; Mr. and home after visiting relatives in
Mrs. Charles Wood. Egmond Winnipeg and KindersleN , for hospital candy & cigarettes
ville Mrs. Lois McMichael of Saskatchewan. While in the west.
Seaforth: Jack Johnston. Mr. and she also attended the 50th wed -
Mrs. Jim Johnston and Carol ding anniversary celebration of Members of the Auxiliary to There is something for every member of the family:
Ann. Listowel: Mr. and Mrs her brother-in-law. Sid Crump. the Wingham and District
Jones of Bluevale and Mrs. Crump at Kerrobert. Hospital, meeting Monday
Saskatchewan. evening at the nurses' training
Keith Humphrey of Blue, ale centre, decided to buy some new f
— t conducted the Sunday morning equipment for use in the hospital. ✓,
'r` worship service in St. Andrew- s They will purchase another
Presbyterian Church in the whirlpool tub, at a cost of 52,200;,>` 1t��
absence of Rev. Dr. R9 rt H also a stretcher bed to be used in
'* Armstrong who was in charge of the outpatients' department, at
communion services at Bluevale an approximate cost of 51.500.
f and Belmore. Mr Humphrey s Hospital Tag Days will be from
sermon title was ''Ever Before May 11 to 18 during which time
Us", Miss Olive Lapp sang two volunteers will conduct a door -to -
solos during the service door canvass in the community
Rev K Barry Passmore They are hoping to receive 6650
n as conducted the morrung worship which will enable them to pur-
service in the United Church chase an immobilizer and
J„ ® Lavonne Ballagh w•a5 guest positioner for the radiology Jewellery
speaker. choosing as her theme department The purpose of this
]k "The Easter - Around and within equipment. is to lessen the ex -
Us— A youth group. Kathy and posure to radiation for children
Aileen Underwood. Sherri undergoing x-rays
Green. Warren Wray and Jim' A pot luck supper preceded this
Laidlaw. sang agroup of liver annunn
al meeting. Ai report
songs with guitar and piano were given during the business
accompaniment The senior session which was conducted by
choir also sang an anthem Mrs. Dom Vair A cheque in the
Following the service members amount of s1,0o0 was presented
of the teen class. with their by the convener of the gift case.
teacher Mrs. Jim Ward. served Mrs. Robert Ritter, representing
188 Josephine St., Wingham Tel. 357-2262 lunch in the Sunday School room the pmceeds from the case
of the church during the last 15 months.
•games •gifts *boots
*cards, etc.
*housewares *shoes
Come in and see that your dollars will buy a lot more
just like the good old days
Belmore WMS
near Grand Bend. Represen-
for having the most fours on her
hosts husbands
tatives from Brussels plan to
attend. Those who can also plan
score card.
The May meeting will be held
to visit the Atwood Senior
Wednesday afternoon, May 16.
BELMORE—The Women's
Missionary Society of Knox
Church met last Wednesday
Belmore Women's Institute
evening at the church with the
members' husbands as special
holds its annual
The president, Deanne
Dickson, called the meeting to
BELMORE—Following a
Don MacAdam reminded all
order and, following the singing
delicious pot luck luncheon, the
those who plan to attend to take
of a hymn, Margaret Nickel ledWomen's
Institute held its annual
note of the supply table for the
in devotions and prayer, reading
meeting in the library room of
display, "Enjoy the Year of the _
from John 15: 1 8. Roll call was a
the community centre on April
Child". Mrs. Don Eadie and Mrs.
thought or peon about spring,
Wallace will make plans for
and was responded to with manySecretary-treasurerMrs.
a bus trip to view a play during
interesting poems and EasterRutherford
read the minutes of
the summer.
the 1977-78 annual meeting and
Officers for the ensuing year
During the business session the
roll call was answered by the
are: past president, Mrs.
ladies accepted an invitation to
payment of fees. Committee
MacAdam; president, Mrs. Stan
visit the Goforth Auxiliary May
conveners then gave their
Hays; first vice president, Mrs.
reports. Officers and committee
Hank Bos; secretary -treasurer,
Marilyn McPherson presented
conveners will meet in the
Mrs. Rutherford; district
the evening's c on the current
topic �
library room of the community
director, Mrs. MacAdam; public
study of. China, "A revolution iscentre
to plan 1979-80 programs
relations, Mrs. Walter Woods;
LL -not
a picnic". The informative
on Wednesday (tonight) at 8 p.m.
pianist, Mrs. Wilfred Johann;
resume of recut Chinese history
The District Annual will be
curator, Mrs. Norman Newans;
was capably presented and most
held in Kincardine Lutheran
assistant curators, Mrs Gordon
interesting. Marlene Darling
Church on Tuesday, May 15. Mrs.
Weir, Mrs. Dave Eadie;
conducted a contest and the
nominating committee, Mrs.
guests of the evening sang an
Newans, Mrs. Rutherford;
Easter hymn.
E'V1/o� �tCI1
Cheerio officers, Mrs. Newans,
Beth Nickel was presented with.
Mrs. Dave Eadie, Mrs. Arnold
a life membership certificate and
on behalf of the Belmore
I@Qds UCW study
Jeffray, Mrs. John Dickson, Mrs.
Eldon Renwick; auditors, Mrs.
` N
WMS and the meeting closed with
John Dickson, Mrs. Elmer
BELMORE—The origin of
FURNITURE—Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Plummer of Kitchener were at the
An hour of fellowship followed
in keeping
Helen Allen's column, "Today's
The Curator's meeting will be
May 9,
the miniature furniture Mr. Plummer makes.
the meeting and, with
• Child", and television series,
held on Wednesday, at
Howick craft fair displaying examples of
be used for jewel boxes, include scaled down copies of old
the study of China, a delicious
"Family Finder", was the topic
8:30 p.m. in the library room. of
The little pieces, which can
Chinese buffet was served.
of a study led by Mrs. Elwood
the community centre.
patterns and original designs.
Fitch when the McIntosh United
Satin shorts
Summer and Dress Blouses 012.
long and short sleeves
Drop in for more bargains
887-6062 Brussels
Tue•dav - Saturday.
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
We have a good selection of
White sewing
Plus ... quality accessories,
bobbins, scissors, belts,
Schmetz needles and more!
Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
* The Second Sunday after Easter
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m.—Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Mottins & Sermon
7:00 p.m.—Choral Evensong and Sermon. The music
will be sung by the men and boys of St. Michael's
Choir, Walkerton, under the direction of
Mr. William Sewers.
10:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
8:00 p.m.—The Board of Management
You are Invited
to hear
Millar Memorial Bible
Institute Choir
From Pambrun, Saskatchewan
Song and Testimony
Boland Street
APRIL 27,8:00 P.M.
Everyone Welcome
Church Women met April 18.
Mrs. Gordon Wright led a
singsong of favorite hymns to
begin the meeting. Mrs. Norman Going out of Business
Newans led devotions based on
portions of the 24th chapter of St.
Luke's Gospel and centred
Mrs. Joyce Bainbridge of Mrs. Hugh Carmichael of around the Easter theme. She
Tambridge, England, is visitin Willowdale has been visiting with closed her worship with prayer.
with her aunt. Mrs. Jean Crum Mrs. Frank Hopper for the past Twenty members answered the
of John Street. week. roll call with an Easter thought.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Following the business of the
Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mrs. Wallace Conn were Mr. and meeting a Dutch auction was
Gaunt of Chatham left Thursday Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor. held. The meeting closed with the
and visited with Mr and . Mrs. London, Mr. and Mrs. Doug benediction and lunch was served
Don Dirstein and family of Ajax. Conley and Jason, Wingham; Mr. by Mrs. Oliver Dustow and Mrs. —
All attended the wedding of Miss and Mrs. Mac Armstrong and Everett Dustow Everyone Is talking about Inflation.
June Elliott and Murray Gibson family of Culross. The family Well this is your chance to beat inflation)
in Ottawa on Saturday. was celebrating Mr. Conn's
Weekend visitors with Mrs birthday and as part of the Aux • to buy
Gershom Johnston, Catherine special occasion, took their everything
Street, were Mrs. Jack Johnston parents out to dinner.
of St. Pauls and her mother. Mrs. Mrs. Jean Crump has returned new equipment in the store except
Stanley of Lucknow; Mr. and home after visiting relatives in
Mrs. Charles Wood. Egmond Winnipeg and KindersleN , for hospital candy & cigarettes
ville Mrs. Lois McMichael of Saskatchewan. While in the west.
Seaforth: Jack Johnston. Mr. and she also attended the 50th wed -
Mrs. Jim Johnston and Carol ding anniversary celebration of Members of the Auxiliary to There is something for every member of the family:
Ann. Listowel: Mr. and Mrs her brother-in-law. Sid Crump. the Wingham and District
Jones of Bluevale and Mrs. Crump at Kerrobert. Hospital, meeting Monday
Saskatchewan. evening at the nurses' training
Keith Humphrey of Blue, ale centre, decided to buy some new f
— t conducted the Sunday morning equipment for use in the hospital. ✓,
'r` worship service in St. Andrew- s They will purchase another
Presbyterian Church in the whirlpool tub, at a cost of 52,200;,>` 1t��
absence of Rev. Dr. R9 rt H also a stretcher bed to be used in
'* Armstrong who was in charge of the outpatients' department, at
communion services at Bluevale an approximate cost of 51.500.
f and Belmore. Mr Humphrey s Hospital Tag Days will be from
sermon title was ''Ever Before May 11 to 18 during which time
Us", Miss Olive Lapp sang two volunteers will conduct a door -to -
solos during the service door canvass in the community
Rev K Barry Passmore They are hoping to receive 6650
n as conducted the morrung worship which will enable them to pur-
service in the United Church chase an immobilizer and
J„ ® Lavonne Ballagh w•a5 guest positioner for the radiology Jewellery
speaker. choosing as her theme department The purpose of this
]k "The Easter - Around and within equipment. is to lessen the ex -
Us— A youth group. Kathy and posure to radiation for children
Aileen Underwood. Sherri undergoing x-rays
Green. Warren Wray and Jim' A pot luck supper preceded this
Laidlaw. sang agroup of liver annunn
al meeting. Ai report
songs with guitar and piano were given during the business
accompaniment The senior session which was conducted by
choir also sang an anthem Mrs. Dom Vair A cheque in the
Following the service members amount of s1,0o0 was presented
of the teen class. with their by the convener of the gift case.
teacher Mrs. Jim Ward. served Mrs. Robert Ritter, representing
188 Josephine St., Wingham Tel. 357-2262 lunch in the Sunday School room the pmceeds from the case
of the church during the last 15 months.
•games •gifts *boots
*cards, etc.
*housewares *shoes
Come in and see that your dollars will buy a lot more
just like the good old days