The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-25, Page 3WARD & UPTIGROVE
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Madill Madill wins
Student interviews
whenis yom
j vounwarlte �
about spring?" I thought that tlls
1 can ride my motorbike,"
The Mirror takes great
answer should came easily. Alter
Terry Hoy, 9E.
pleasure in announcing that
all, spring has been long awaited.
"The birds and the bees,"
Madill has bochosen to receive
by many and the most pleMigg
Lynne Williams, 11M.
a Canada Council Grant worth
aspect of this fresh season should
"Everyttting — bikinis too,"
;TSO. The grant in in the form of
not by difficult to express. Yep,
Paul Lowry, 9E.
100 books, all in French, which
students seemed stumped at fin t
"No more snow — I hope,"
will become a part of our library
when I pounced upon them in the
Karen Doelman, 12C.
— to the considerable delight of
hall with the question. Alter some
The varied answers all were
Mr. Mountford.
hemming and hawing and 1,e-
given in an optimistic tone.. By
Receipt of the books was timed
visions of the answers given, the
this, the change of season from
to coincide with the council's pro-
results were compiled.
that unmentionable season (win -
motion of the National Book
"Summer is getting closer,"
ter) to spring, is a welcome one.
Mike Chambers, 9B.
Still, I am surprised myself that
M. Campeau nous a donne une
"The muck and mud," Murray
none i mourning overt
lista des titres, et il. a re-
Gilchrist, IOC.
have any
commende quelques-uns qu'il
"Knowing that summer heli-
more storm days.
gime particulierent, par exemple
days aren't far away," Diane
Dianne McBride 11F
"Bonheur d'occaaion",
"Kamouraska" et "Prochain
While we wish ' reflect the de- — s 00L SPO
light of the school's many French
language enthusiasts, don't hold
your breath waiting for the,
Mirror's first book review en SENIOR BADMINTON the semi-finals and was the third
Francais! Last week in Listowel F. E. best singles player, truly a
Madill was represented by ten of courageous effort in her first
its finest players at the Senior senior tournament.
REWARD Huron -Perth Badminton The girl's doubles team of Kim
The first student to submit an Championships. Mark HillLeslie and Karen Douglas played
acceptable review en Francais of i s P and Chris Orin and six tense matches, reached the
any of the Canada Council Grant a gym' finals and lost b close 15-11, 11 -
Books will be given the o r Ian Mann, playing mixed Y
pp° doubles, turned in fine efforts. 15 15-11 scores to Exeter. WATER COLOR BY TAMMY CAMPBELL 118
tunity, ABSOLUTELY FREE to Janet Wood, with painful The boy's doubles team of Bill
read the other ninety-nine. muscle tears in both legs, played Ohm and Steve MacKay also had
six grueling matches, reached six long matches, reaching the EDITORIAL:
finals before losing 15-11, 6-15, 15-
6 to Listowel. P
Canadian music
a , Congratulations to Listowel for winning the team title and o"Across the snowy mantle sold
Th.� vVWfha■ A6ame-TMw, April 16, 19 —pARL
!'O�s Erilors l�w1 w� .
and clean" — as the strains of
Standard Trust makes banking° Tracy MacKay and Brent "Snowbird" resound on the radio
a Johnston for filling in as capable KATIE by Clara Bernice Miller: I am reminded of the 1979 Juno
asye alternates and providing moral Everyone must settle in her well as the lives of the rest of the awards
su rt Amish
PP° own life, at some time, what hercommunity m times of Canadian music has 1 been
This was the first year for our religious beliefs are or if she has change. mocked for years by people from
players in senior after Y There is evidence everywhere
an at all. In Clara Miller s fir- in the book that Clara Miller all walks of life, but now it can be
the junior championship last tional novel "Katie" the pro- knows her sub mocked no more. At the '79 Juno$
year. Withoyt exception, they all tagonist of the story is trying to no Jett. novel it was announced that American
played the best badminton the do 'ust that. Her name of course thing is a startling revelation; radio stations are now
coach has ever seen them la ! , nothing is strange and un- Playing 90
�C and the school is proud of play
is Katie. familiar; and nothing is beyond Per cent Canadian content.
effort and determination. Bill, Katie is an Amish girl of the belief or reason. The simple Although this may not sound like
Steve, Kim, Karen, and Janet Old Order. The bishop preaches everyday facts of life build much, considering that Canadian
will represent F. E. Madill in the of the beliefs of*
the forefathers gradually to a climax. The stations used to Play So per cent
WOSSA championships a week and everyone is to�accept this as language is not sophisticated, but American it is quite an imprme-
P the gospel truth". Katie does rather the everyday meat. Singers like Dan Hill
from Saturday in Woodstock. e1Y Y language of �VVe Toudi")
GIRLS' GYMNASTICS riot' and as a result she is criti- the Amish people. Clara was ("Sometimes When
On April 11 the girls'gymnastic by the Amish community. raised in an Amish area and the and A- ne Murray ("You Needed
P gir gymnastic Her parents feel she will leave eve of the book are of her wn h .e ') are getting international
team participated in -the Huron- the chinch for one that does not `a- fa. le.
personal experiences or ex -
Perth gymnastic_ meet in St, bold to traditional ideas. lances of I'his kind of international
Marys. There were a total of Pei people she know.
seven schools rt in the This *novel deals with Katie's This helps the reader to put her -
Seven for C �dian music not
meet. The Madill team t coni- spiritual struggle within herself self in Katie's position and feel on]) ` -inns Canadian "fame and
to come to an inner peace on her what she feels. The theme, as f Aunt 'lot it for' ri(the coon_
prised of three junior competi- religious beliefs. At the middle of clearly brought out through try as a ••')e•
tors:. Shelley Letteau, Caryn the novel she makes her dis-
Mann and Karen Wood. These Katie's feelings and trials, is do
girls had been training since covery. not believe everything you are Typing con .'est
early December in preparation "It was enough. No longer did told: even old religions can be in
Yesterday the 1 •,)vincial
the demons shriek around her need of updating.
for this competition.
The morning's activities got off ears. Closing the Bible, she un- Clara Miller fills the novel with typing contest was be o Madill
to a good start with Shelley dressed and crawled between warmth and concern for the students pastic'pated ai are to
Letteau winning the junior bars the covers. The Bible was to be Young individual, as well as be congratulated for their out -
event. She continued to perform relied on and the firefathers, showing concern for the parents standing performance at the
well in the afternoon's events, good and well-meaning as they and children of these young county level. Here are ou.- re-
capturing first place in junior had probably been, were only adults. Clara's second novel, sults
vault. In keeping with this People such as she. Drawing a "Katie", makes enjoyable as Novice category: Joan Cardiff,
winning trend set by their team= deep breath of peace,_she went well as informative reading on first; Debbie Shore, second.
the Amish, as did her first novel, Novice team: Debbie Shore and
mate, Karen Wood and Caren to sleep. also on the Amish, called "The Bev Green, first.
Mann performed extremely well The remainder of the novel Crying Heart". Junior category: Patti Mann,
in the junior floor exercise. They deals with her criticized life as Karen Doelman 12C first. Patti's composure at the
placed second and fourth re- typewriter led her to score the
n spectively in a field of 24 com-
S ve 0 petitors a highest speed of the day! Karelnashook
These three gymnasts will be
eacher Interew- Purdon, third. Junior team: • travelling to Sarnia on April 21 Karen Purdon and Nancy
Thompson, first.
for the -Sarnia
gymnastic Senior category: M L
cheauinv coni tition. Ho full the will ry'�'y� � Pe Y, Y If you are one of the many who Cayley, first; Carol Wheeler,
be able to duplicate their fine 1 n
a to take further edu
savi P cation second Susie Pow n ell fourth.
Performances , urtti.
per rmances of the past. Good after secondary school, you will Senior team: Susie Powell and
luck girls! be happy to know that it will Carol Wheeler, first.
SENIOR SOCCER "broaden your outlook on life". � w The top three papers from each
The senior soccer team has had At least this is what Mr. Lobb, the category are being mailed to To-
a good turn out to the practices. present�ay science and agriculronto for provincial judging. We
They have been trainin for twotraining lure teacher at F E Madill be- wish our t Sud
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and Will Rogers, Ben Franklin.
accounts opened up to May 4, well Pleased with the effort
determination of the
players and because it is left up to the in- "A politician is a contortionist
will receive interest from the feels confident that the Mustangs of adividcademic studies.what he-sheual does outside who can sit r a fence and yet
are in for a winning,if not keep both ears to the ground."
first of May! So come on in to championship, season. fromMr. experience con ee Lobb must be rn speaking MR. LOBB "I always voted at my party's
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ng I' s
own scholastic days.
Election results He was born in Seaforth but
was raised in Goderich Town -
T6.. -.t__•:__ --.— _I chin whara ha }}an Aad - ___
forced him to live in Guelph while and I never thought of thinking
his wife took a teaching job in for myself at all."
London for a year. When that