The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-25, Page 16J
bp %--TM Win0am Advance -Times, April 25, 1979
TOWN PLAYERS—The Wingham Towne Players are
busily working on the upcoming production of "Remember
When ...", the centennial play written for them by Keith
Roulsion. The cast includes Kim -McGregor, Jan Vander -
horst, Tracey MacKay, Norm Welwood, Harold Wild, Dale
Edgar, Marg Hogg; John Bradley, Steve Penny, Cheryl
Haldenby, Rick Holmes, Diane Thynne, . Kemp Currie,
Report from Quer:
Treasurer Frank Miller has
such as cable TV fees, telex and
presented his first budget to the
teletype services.
Legislature, calling for higher
The land transfer tax will be
health insurance premiums and
raised, costing the buyer of a
higher taxes on gasoline,
$60,000 home $300 instead of the
tobacco, domestic liquor, wine
present $255. The rates, which
and beer. The budget also gives
are effective immediately, are
breaks to mining and tourism
0.4 per cent on the first $45,000 of
and to those who want to risk
the transaction, and 0.8 per cent
capital in a small company.
on the balance.
Mr. Miller said that the re-
Ontario Health Insurance pre-
sulting increase in revenue of
miums will rise in October by $12
$181 million will go to reduce the
a year for individuals and $24 a
$1.3 billion provincial debt to
year for families, bringing the
about $1.15 billion by next year.
new rates to $240 a year for single
Succession duties„were ended,
subscribers, and twice that
effective immediately, and the
amount for families.
sales tax will be taken off kitchen
The provincial gasoline and
machinery and restaurant equipdiesel
tax will rise by almost 2ment,
at least until March 31,
cents a gallon, or 0.4 cents per
1981. Purchases of furniture for
and will double to 1.32
use in tourist accommodationlitre,
cents per litre on aviation fuel.
also will be exempt for the same
Locomotive diesel fuel will .2exemption
period. The present sales tax
taxed for the first time, at 2.2
on rates in Ontario
cents per litre.
tourist accommodation is also
extended until 1981.
Beer will cost 10 cents more for
The top mining tax rate will be
a case of 24 on April 20, and Cana -
cut from 40 to 30 per cent, and the
dian spirits and Ontario wines
basic exemption from mining tax
Fill rise in cost by about 20 cents
raised from the first $100,000 to
a bottle. A package of twenty
the first $200,000 of mining pro-
cigarettes cost two cents more,
fits, in an attempt to encourage
effective immediately, and taxes
the creation of more small
on cigars and cut tobacco rise by
an equivalent percentage.
mining companies.
Individuals and companies will
The sales tax exemption on
be allowed to set up new corpora-
candy and soft drinks will rise
tions to invest in new'or expand-
from 20 cents to 49 cents, and the
ing small businesses. Each $1,000
exemption on admission fees for
investment in a new Small Busi-
theatre and other entertainment
ness Development Corporation
events will rise from $3 to $3.50.
would mean a $300 rebate from
Charitable events will be exempt
the Revenue Ministry. The
from the ten per cent entertain -
government hopes that these
ment tax.
measures will entice capital out
of tax shelters such as retirement
To encourage energy con -
savings plans and into industrial
servation, rebates of the sales tax
will be made on solar heating
equipment, and home smoke
Two hundred million dollars
alarms will be exempt. Yard
will be made available in an em-
goods and clothing patterns will
ployment development fund to
no longer be subject to retail
attract major companies to the
sales tax.
province. The money could be in
the form �bf loan guarantees,
Although both projects were
grants, loans or a share in the
considered for cancellation, On -
company by the government, de-
tario Hydro has announced it will
pending on each application.
continue on schedule with the
The general corporate income
first two reactors of Bruce B, and
tax rate will rise from 13 to 15 per
the last two reactors of the $2.9
cent, although small businesses
billion four -reactor B station will
will continue to be taxed at 10 per
be delayed until tN6 and 1987 re-
cent and manufacturing and pro-
spectively, to help Hydro match
ceasing industries at 13 per cent.
anticipated future power demand
Sales tax will now be collected
with generating capacity. Hydro
on telecommunications services
also indicated that they would ex -
Karleen Nevery and Steve Gaunt. Also in the case but not
shown are Sheila Stapleton, Jeff Moore and Chuck
Henderson. The play will run May 23-26 at the Winghamtown hall. The group is still in urgent need of army and banduniforms to use as costumes. Anyone who can lend either
should contact Diane Simpson at 357-2098.
Health Minister Dennis Timbrell.
Both meetings pursued at some
length.the matter of active treat -
n 's Park bed cutbacks. The Ministry
acknowledged that both hospitals
were under -bedded in terms of
chronic care, and agreed to con-
tend the construction schedules sider adjustments. In the case of
of Darlington and the Atikokan Wingham there was some dis-
coal-fired plant in. Northwestern cussion concerning the setting up
Ontario. of a pilot project on the basis of a
Delegates from Goderich and health services organization.
Wingham Hospitals met with That matter will be pursued.
Pruning —
Gorrie Personal Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hockridge
Sunday evening.
of Scarborough spent last
During the past week, Mrs.
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Allan
James BrieWn of Pickering and
Rev. W. A. Henderson of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Melville of
Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs.
Teviotdale visited last Sunday
Alvin Mundell. On Saturday they
with Mrs. Edward BohuWw and
all attended the wedding of their
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bolander.
nephew, Angus G.. MacDonald, to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton,
Carol Anne Joyce in Port Elgin
Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Baptist Church.
Hayden, Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. Ernest Fellows of
Graham Bridge, Palmerston,
Stephenville, Newfoundland, has
were Sunday visitors at the home
accepted a call to the
of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger.
congregations of Wroxeter and
Mr. and. Mrs. James Moloney
Gorrie United Churches.
of Bramalea spent the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mann and
with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
family spent the weekend with
COtcheon. Christopher Moloney,
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hindle of
who had spent a few days with his
- Heathcote and Mr. and Mrs.
grandparents, returned home
Merle Weber, Kimberley.
with his parents.
Dr. Donald Watt, superin-
A number of ladies attended
tendent .of the Board of Missions
the Easter Thankoffering service
of the United Church of Canada,
in Fordwich United Church on
will be guest speaker for Mission
Day, Sunday, April 20, at 8 p.m.,
in the United Church. All are
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown
spent a few days at Carlisle.
Among those who attended the
funeral of Gerald Galbraith from
a distance were Paul Galbraith of
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia; Donald
Galbraith, Ste. Anne de Bellevue,
Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. James-
Fydell, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Fuller and Mr. and Mrs.
David Fuller, Watford; Mrs.
William Martin, Florida.
rar raE .
WA#r AN1
Tom Millar
See Page 12
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