The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-25, Page 14Swift V%Osm Advance -Times, April BIT. IM
u m e res ignso,
ratepayers support road superintendent
cheaper for the two sides to from the township office he A couple of council members school experience Mr. Baird had allow residents to drain their lots
Coun. Brian McBurney re- reconcile differences than to started to do the books during said one of the reasons they think gained when it didn't use his was Wed. The petition called on
signed his 'seat on Turnberry make council's changes. working hours and was paid the it is a good idea to make Mr. buffet, he claimed. , council Eadie and tits oto build the drain and pay
Township council April 17 m the Jackson Dunkin, spokesman regular hourly rate plus the $600. Baird a grader operator is that he produced conflict' rd In a tlnutoidl�tl �' �g
middle of a discussion between does a fine job at that, but isn't,as P m8 figures for the ratepayers, asked the Council was aware of thethe cost of overtime in 1978 in the land's are assessed for the
council members and 24 three council members who had practice last fall but didn't make s� in his duties as road roads department and couldn't cost of construction and council
ratepayers who asked that a voted in favor of the changes to any changes until recently, when superintendent. agree onththe cost of overtime felt a drain in the area should be
bearing be held into the road One ratepayer noted it was g
superintendent's job status explain why they wouldn't it cut the en' allowance. curious if that were the feeling of council's plan will eliminate. that type, including an eaginees's
reconsider the move. "We weren't going to pay him Council took no action in the report, which is required under'
mange. council that it offered him the
Deputy Reeve Harold Elliott twice to do the road books," Mr.
Mr: McBurney didn't express choice of art -time rand road superintendent matter. the drainage act.
p said he didn't want to reconsider Fortune said. P In other business council The Lower Town people in, regrets about the decision council's decision because he felt Mr. Baird said he decided to superintendent or grader
made earlier this month to make operator. passed a motion with unanimous volved "don't want an engineer,
Mr. Baird sometimes didn't take both allowances for the road rt that it ask Mr. AdcBurne they don't want an engineer's
Len Baird a grader operator and BUDGET CHANGED support y
follow council's instructions and bookwork when extra work rt and the don't want to
hire apart -time road superin- Council wasn't satisfied with to return to sit on council and to � Y
cited a couple of examples. associated with reconstruction of
tendert to replace him. He McBurney said council's the B line developedHe had the the road budget prepared for 18?9 express its confidence in his pay," clerk Dorothy Kelly said.
defended the move and said . r. members felt it was way out, so Murray Elston,
by MBaird and all council capabilities as a councillor. Council approved the $6,5W
council and Mr. Baird had been
decision should stand because understanding council agreed township Inglis Contracting Ltd. bid for
arguing about the matter for six council had worked so long to with the arrangement and knew the 1978 road budgets from neigh- solicitor, reported the deal was work on the Bryce Drain and
weeks and that a decision had to come up with a plan acceptable council was aware of it. boring East Wawanosh and closed on the purchase of the $5,006 tender by Roth Drainage
to Mr. Baird and had even of- Council decided to make Mr.
be made. Howick townships were used to Allen McGill farm. Council Ltd• for the Number 10 Drain.
He said he was resigning fered him the job of part-time Baird a grader operator after he help council make up the 1W9 bought the 142 -acre farm for After a drain meeting council
superintendent. didn't decide if he wanted that
because he didn't want to take road su Pel' Turnberry road budget. Mr. 1160,000 and intends to sell the gave first and second readings to
Coun. Do Fortune said he job or the job of -time road
any more criticism about wouldn't reconsider his position superintendent. part-time
had Baird's budget was abandoned buildings and about 40 acres bylaws allowing cleanup of the
moves, especially from because plenty of consideration given him the choice, but didn't despite his experience, Mr. while PETITION the FILED year. Work on the Band Drain isBaird and Number 10 set at
some people who phoned his Dunkin said.
of the move had been given at give him information on the new A petition calling on council to $14,099 and is $13,641 on the
home and refused to give their various council meetings over positions, so he didn't know how Council abandoned the five Pet
names while criticizing. years of road superintendents build a drain in Lower Town to Number 10 Drain.
The ratepayers' group met several years. to choose, he said.
with council to ask why its earlier Coun. Ben Maida had a slightly
demands were not met. different view.
"I do not like what we are doing
St. John Ambulance offers a the official First Aid training
variety of First Aid courses to the agency for the Workmen's
general public, to schools and to Compensation Board, Ontario.
industry. St. John Ambulance is
Public Meeting
Wingham Planning Board
will hold a Public Meeting
Tuesday, May 8
8:00 P.M.
Wingham Town Hall
To discuss a proposal for a grouped commercial de-
velopment on the east side of Josephine Street, south
of the Canadian Tire Store.
Comments and participation are welcome from all
interested persons.
For more information call
Bill Renwick
Clerk - Town of Wingham
The group had asked council to and what we have been doing,"
delay for 30 days its decision to he said. "What I do not like either SALE STARTS APRIL 11th UNTIL APRIL 28th 1979
expand the roads department to r was the relationship between Len ■
team of two full-time grader and us (council)."
operators and a part-time road He said there had been a lot of
superintendent. Presently Mr. bickering going on between
Baird acts full-time as road council and its road superin-
superintendent and grader tendent and it would be better to
operator and is assisted by a full- change the man in the position.
time road grader operator. The COUNCIL AGGRAVATED '
change will be made May 1. ROAD SUPERINTENDENT?
With the change Mr. Baird will "Council had done many things 1177
no longer be road superintendent, to aggravate Len, maybe even to
but will be a grader operator at get him to resign," Mr. Dunkin •
the same pay.
charged. In recent weeks council
The ratepayers' group wanted
tcut his wages by $600 and brought
o delay the change in the roads -
department to allow time for in a department of labor official
council to explain its reasons for to show Mr. Baird was doing time -
demoting Mr. Baird, to reconcile sheets improperly.
/ `✓
the differences between council Mr. Fortune said the $600 theroad superintendent was
and the road superintendent and originally allowed was for doing
allow council to reconsider the the road books in his own time.
move to expand the roads When Mr. Baird was told he
department, saying it would be couldn't take the adding machine
Business assoc. holds
spring. dinner meetin-:.:_.: .�; � «
g Economical 4 -cycle Clipper„
FORDWICH—The local lights for the ballpark if there is Push Lawnmower from CO -Op
business association held its enough interest. Anyone in -
annual spring dinner meeting in terested in playing softball is Features dependable 3.0 hp Briggs & Stratton
the Anglican church basement. asked to register at the ballpark engine with recoil start and automatic choke. Upper
The Anglican church ladies this Saturday between 10 a.m, handle -mounted throttle control for safety and fast
served a delicious roast beef and noon. Norm Wilson and Jack Engine response. Front and rear baffles for positive
discharge. Long-lasting Ultra Lift blade.
dinner followed by the business Ruttan are in charge- of Easy -to -push 7 x 1.50” front and rear
meeting. registration. wheels with adjustable settings.
After hearing reports from the An area is to be cleaned up at 545-294
secretary and treasurer the the other park along the river
group discussed plans for a dance with sand put in to make a place
to be held in the Howick Com- for the children to play. Park
munity Centre May 12. Music will signs are to be erected and prices
be supplied by "The Banker and are to be considered for a tennis
Little Interest", with proceeds court.
going , toward park im- The next meeting will be May Ea.
provements. Lunch will be 17 at 8:30 p.m. in Klaassen's p
provided. Tickets are available Store. The association hopes for a H P
. from any business person in the good turnout to enable it to
village. finalize its park improvement 4
The association is considering plans.
Automobiles, Light Trucks,
Farm Tractors
New Rad Cores
Cleaning A Flushing
14 North St. 357-1102
on many occasions, and are
bringing them to the attention of
the general public through our
releases and speaking opportuni-
At times like this, we must be
most thankful that hospitals have
been able to maintain sufficient
autonomy to be governed still by
trustees who can reflect local
feelings and, when necessary, go
to bat for the community on be-
half of its hospital needs.
Your actions are, I am sure,
most heartening to the people
who run and work in the Wing -
ham and District Hospital, and
demonstrate the high regard in
which you hold the hospital.
R. Alan Hay,
Executive Director, OHA
Dear Mr. Mann:
Thank you for sending me
copies of the many letters written
to the Hon. Dennis Timbrell on
the part of Wingham and district
As I know you are aware,
Murray Gaunt has been fighting
these cutbacks, both in the
Legislature and outside. We in
the Liberal Caucus believe that
insufficient consideration was
given by the government to the
impact of these latest cutbacks
on communities such as yours —
communities with special needs.
We look forward to the emer-
gence of positive results from
current discussions with the
Stuart Sthith
22" Four -Cycle 13133 22" Power 9Push Mower Ea Propelled Mower1759Ea
Check these features' 3 5 hp Briggs & Front pinion drive concept Is a simple.
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handle -mounted throttle control front that allows pivoting on rear wheels 3 5 hp
and rear baffles Ultra Lift blade 8 x 1 75 Briggs & Stratton engine Durable steel
front and rear wheels with long lasting hub wheels 545-304
steel hub 545-302
vA� Alli Wingham
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5.0 hp recoil -start engine with single adjust cutting height from seat 26 cut.
speed (forward, neutral, reverse) Disc brakes .. 54F 401
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12 -volt system key ignition start in- bined with a 5 -speed automatic over-
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Features 4 -cycle. 16 hp Briggs &
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Delco -Remy starter generator Dual
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headlights 4 -speed Transaxle with
40" rotary tiller attachment Heavy
automatic overdrive 4 working speed
duty design 545-423 $557.99 Ea.
selection with 4 -speed range in each
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