The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-25, Page 11a• r• v .,,. •..M: � . :.. :... .... � ...�,. �Y•+►MN'.rw+tM H+"tM�,w,suvrr `.lw.r1✓ r++h,.�nA ., ..+w •`
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Farmatic sold
GORRIE — Eric and Anne
with an MA in business, Mrs.
Jarmain of London recently
Jarman will be responsible for
tie finances and marketing end
purchased Farmatic and have
)wen Sound, Hanover, Clinton
nnd Exeter who are involved with
expansion plans, but these do not
of the business.
include moving the company out
In their plans for a physical
of the village.
expansion, the Jarmains have
Mr. Jarmain explained that
purchased what was once an old
when the former owner, George
hotel in the village, and they will
Keil was selling, he stipulated the
tear it down, salvaging the
company remain in Gorrie.
bricks. They intend to use the
"Everything we saw we liked,"
brick to make a common front
said Mr. Jarmain about Gorrie.
along the street -
He explains tate expansion is
Plans also include the restoring
necessary, beeause with sales
of the building where the office is
increasing, production will have
Mrs. Crump told some of her
to reach a capacity to fill the
personal experiences with
non contagious disease. MS is a
needs of the consumer.
disease of the nerves which
The Jarmains believe in the
control body muscles that is hard
product they sell, the farm,
automatic feeding system. Mrs.
be other diseases and attacks can
Jarmain refers to it as an �Iex-
be spread over several years.
cellent" product.
The couple have no previous
It's hard for healthy people to
experience in the agricultural
understand MS because one day
field, but said when they were
a victim of the disease may
looking for a business to buy,
appear quite healthy and active,
they were looking for something
but then be homebound by
with a "top" product.
weakness, pain and in-
It was pointed out that Mrs.
flammation. Some MS victims
Jarmain is an egwl partner in
reach the chronic stage and are
the company, sewing as vice-
in wheelchairs. Mrs. Crump is
president, while her husband is
generally able to get around and
J president. A graduate of the
can sometimes attend social
University of Western Ontario
located to its original state. The
Jarmains said they lave an in-
terest in architectural design and
want to preserve the original
state of the building for this
There are more than 50 em-
ployees at Farmatic, a figure
that fluctuates with the season.
The company, besides the
automatic feeders, sell grain
elevators, auger systems, roller
mills, and bolted buildings,
something similar to pre-
fabricated buildings. A total of
600 items are sold at Farmatic.
The only new staff to start at
the present time is Roy Conn of
London, who will become the
general manager, a new position
at Farmatic.
The couple have moved to
Gorrie and presently live in an
apartment, until they can find a
suitable home.
The Jarmains find the at-
mosphere different in Gorrie
than it was in London.
"It's a lot less formal," said
Mr. Jarmain.
They said they were very well
received, not only by the en•
ployees but by the people of the
Easter means hope to Christian people
BELGRAVE — When the
Afternoon Unit of the UCW held
their Easter meeting the call to
worship was a verse of scripture
from Mark which read "and
looking up; they see that the
stone is rolled back". Mrs. Law-
rence Taylor led the meeting and
chose the hymn, Sweet the
Moments, Rich in Blessing with
Mrs. Leslie Bolt at the piano.
Mrs. Taylor continued with a
meditation in which she re-
minded all that when Jesus was
asked, which was the greatest
commandment His answer was,
"Thous shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and with
all thy soul, and with all thy mind
and, thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself". The religion of Jesus
triumphs; with faith as its
foundation, love as its power,
hope as its finality. Because
these things are so all grave-
stones must be. rolled away.
Readings were given concern-
ing those who saw Jesus after His
Resurrection, namely Mary
Magdalene, Peter, the two dis-
ciples on the road to Emmaus,
and Thomas. Repeatedly Jesus
appeared to His disciples,
assuring them of the abiding
presence and power of the Spirit.
The hymn "Near the Cross" was
sung. Mrs. Olive Campbell read,
"The Empty Tomb", and Mrs
Taylor led in prayer.
Minutes were read, visits t
sick and shut-ins recorded an
the offering received and dent
Mrs. Helen Martin chose fc
the mission study the work
Myer Murray Goldstein,
distinguished worker for hums
rights in penitentiaries. Mr
Fenton spoke on The Message i
Good News, the good news of tt
truth, of hope, of peace, of pr,
mise, of immortality and saly,
tion. The meeting closed wiL_
hymn "The Morning Light is
Breaking" and prayer.
GOOD TOYS were for sale at the hospital auxiliary rummage sale held last Thursday at
the Armouries. Micah Hussey, 2, and big brother Matthew, 4, had fun with some of the
News Items from Old Files' MVCA awaits approval of
IM Il►*&= Advanoe-Timss, April ffi• IiR—kPade 11
0, child abuse topics
cit RNA health
people Crow as far away as
problems, she finds it bad to be
)wen Sound, Hanover, Clinton
nnd Exeter who are involved with
easy' on bwsdf -
' ,When You fed well, wbeD you
health care were at the Wihjhaw
fed good. it's so bard to say,
;,egion hall lag Thus sdsy to bear
not going to do any more," she
tanel discussions and ask
about child abuse and
told s
the -1 work brtW on
multiple sclerosis.
fatigue and a minor MS attack.
The workshop, sponsored by
the Wingbam registered nursing
Liz Jury, a pihydotherapist and
assistants, drew a capacity
patient service coordinator for
the MS society, said because
crowd to the hall.
A highlight of the afternoon
there is no cure for the disease
session on multiple scleragis was
a doctor -patient interview with
the object of treatweat is to
maintain the Independence of the
Dr. Jack McKim of Lucknow and
his patient Rita Crump of
Because � to
thooseuse their
Mrs. Crump told some of her
muscles at times, therapy is
important to help than maintain
personal experiences with
non contagious disease. MS is a
their muscle power.
disease of the nerves which
If a patient is confined to a
control body muscles that is hard
wheelchair and no new problems
to detect because it can appear to
are developing the NZ patient
be other diseases and attacks can
should be to transfer' from
be spread over several years.
Nurses and nia'aing assistants
It's hard for healthy people to
should make sure before an MS
understand MS because one day
patient is sent home from a
a victim of the disease may
hospital stay that there will be
appear quite healthy and active,
someone to help look after the MS
but then be homebound by
patient and that the patient will
weakness, pain and in-
be able to get around in the home,
flammation. Some MS victims
Mrs. Jury said.
reach the chronic stage and are
Water therapy is effective in
in wheelchairs. Mrs. Crump is
treating MS patients because
generally able to get around and
water allows there to move more
can sometimes attend social
freely and even a warm water
functions without any sign of
bath helps because it stimulates
being an MS victim.
Emotional and physical _stress
The MS society can teach those
are hard on people with the
who suffer from the disease more
disease, Mrs. Crump said,
about it, can allow them just to
because MS sufferers become
talk with someone who is sym-
tired easily. She said when she is
pathetic and who knows where
feeling well, with few MS
help can be found.
APRIL 1932 his basic training in Fredericton, APRIL 1965
The list of those awarded New Brunswick, and is now Monday will see the opening of Agodpla*n
�ma inpropoSoscholarships this year by the stationed at St. Join, N. B. for a a new era in education in thei pp
National Research Council six-month course in the dental Township of- T rnberry as the A proposal for preparing tlhe summer months. The MVCA Rainbow trout will be put into the
contains the name of a local corps. This is' the fourth son of pupils from the six remaining p p p
student, W. J. Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Elliott to rural schools travel by bus for the floodplain mapping of the has submitted a preliminary large pond at the Falls Reserve
W. J. Henderson, Wingham enter the service. first time to the new school on villages of Gorrie, Fordwich and budget that would provide jobs Conservation Area near Ben
Mr. Henderson is at- Highway 86 east of Wingham. Wroxeter has been forwarded to for 22 local students for periods miller and brook trout will be
APRIL 1955 present the regional office of the ministry ranging from eight to 15 weeks. released at the Wawanosh Valley
tending Queen's University, Turnberry Central at
specializing in radium emination Hon. Leslie M. Frost, Premier handles 110 pupils and the new of natural resources for final A supervisor and five technical and Sunshine conservation areas.
and penetrating qualities of of Ontario, officially opened the move will bring in 150 more. approval. staff will be hired in early May Although all these ponds are
radium rays. new Wingham District High The township of Howick while three foremen and 13 stocked on a put and take basis
School before a crowd of 1,000 The old iron bridge on the recently requested that the laborers will begin work in June. some fish do live over the winter
Miss Georgie Bower, who is at students and visitors in the second concession of Morris Maitland Valley Conservation These students will be working and serve as a fine catch on the
present finishing a successful school's new auditorium. There Township over the Middle Authority investigate the cost of with the authority's regular staff season's opening day.
course at Queen's University, has are now 440 students at the Maitland River, built in 1912, will preparing 1 in 100 year flQodplain on environmental management Several new members have
received a position in Western school. be replaced this summer by a mapping for the villages, the programs. joined the Maitland Conservation
University, London. new three -span structure. authority reports. This mapping, With the coming of spring the Foundation in 1979, the group
Rev. Alexander Nimmo of St. would indicate where flooding authority's annual reforestation reports. These conservationists
APRIL 1944 Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
The Prices Board announced It was announced this week hazards exist in the villages and �., . �,_,: .has begun. Marginal or are continuing to solicit fun
that in the forthcoming canning Wingham, was named 81st that the Riverside Drive -In at the where development ould be non-productive lands are planted that will be made available for
Moderator of the London and north end of town, owned and dangerous. either by hand or with a conservation projects throughout
season each consumer may Hamilton Synod of the. by Mr. and Mrs. The firm of M. M. Dillon Ltd. mechanical tree planter the watershed. Jack Graul of
obtain an allotment of ten pounds Presbyterian Church. William Lockridge' has been sold submitted a cost estimate of specially constructed by MVCA Gadshill has been reappointed
for canning the partnership of Donald 68,000 to complete the project and staff. By the end of May 46,300 chairman of the foundation, with
Pte. Harry Spry, who has been John Wilson of to
Cameron and Fric Walden. following a meeting between trees will have been planted on Vince Judge of Listowel ac -
attached to the record office, arrived in town on Monday to ^^•,pct,,,,, representatives of the township private land and additional stock claimed as vice chairman for
Pacific Command, Vancouver, take over the managership of the Barry Fuller and Paul Jardin council, the MVCA and the will have been used to begin the another year.
for sometime, has been tran- Canada Packers plant in commenced a six-week, Ou rse in Wroxeter Floodplain Committee wildlife management plantings The MVCA has been awarded a
sferred to Toronto. Wingham. He replaces Jack. electrical maintenance with the the proposal was scot to the at- the Wawanosh Valley Con- Junior Conservationist award
Erland Ecklin has joined the McKnight, who has ..been tran- Hydro Electric Power Com- ministry. servation Area. program group for the summer
staff of CKNX. Mr. Ecklin is a sferred to Clinton. mission in Niagara Falls. They The conservation authority Local fishermen will be of '79. The group will consist of
former foreign correspondent of are employed by Ontario Hydro, also reports the Ontario Youth pleased to note that the natural seven secondary school students
Newsweek Magazine ana a Arrangements have been in Toronto.Secretariat will again provide resources ministry is stocking and a post secondary supervisor
former CBS war correspondent completed for laying the cor- The Wingham broomball team funds to employ secondary and ' ponds on some of the authority's who will conduct research and
in London, England. nerstone of the new courthouse captured the North Huron post secondary students during properties again this year. inventory work in the Pine River
Pte. W. A. Elliott has finished and county building in Goderich. championship and the trophy area.
It will take place May 23. which has been held by Brussels Each year the conservation
Vet4inarians have been busy for the past six seasons. authorities branch of the MNR
rs in est Wawanosh this week, a Former Chatham deaconess sponsors five Junior Con -
Euchre winnetesting the "cattle for tuber- The village of Teeswater and servationist groups to work with
BELGRAVE — Nine tables of culosis. township of Culross voted to erect • •
euchre were played at the Bel- anew central public school to i s T h a n k offering speaker r different authorities throughout
the province. The MVCA has
grave weekly euchre last Wed- First prize winners at the serve the children of village and
nesday evening in the WI Hall. Belgrave Music Festival were township. The new school will be BELGRAVE — The Easter all who took part in the meeting hosted other projects on the
Thankoffering meeting of the with special thanks to the l,akelet Lake area, Lucknow
High lady, Mrs. Clarence Keith Johnston, Linda Turvey, built adjacent to the present
WMS met in the Presbyterian speaker and the soloist. Hymn, River watershed and along the
Hanna; high man, Albert Cook; Ross Wightman, Ruth Michie, Teeswater public School.
novelty lady, Mrs. Agnes Bie- Susan Wightman, John. Mc- Church on April 18. Mrs. Joe "Jesus Shall Reign Where're the Maitland Trail near Goderich.
man; novelty man, Victor Dowell, Marie Johnston and Bill Mrs. Harvey Robb of Amberley Dunbar opened with a reading. Sun". Mrs. Dunbar closed with
Yougblut; low lady, Mrs. James Thompson. has sold her farm on Highway 86 "A Message of Easter", followed prayer after which lunch was
R. Coultes; low man, Albert Howick students received the to Hugh Mason of Huron by a prayer. The hymn "The Day served and a social time was
Bacon. Salk vaccine for polio from Dr. G. Township.
Wingham inhe will move theear future. to of Dunbar welcomed the sung.
vvisi`tors Joe Lirs. spent. ttle of aBlal guest
F. Mills. Blyth, a former
• from Brussels and Seaforthmember.
Belmore Personals
At the Maple Synvp Festival on
April 14, the Womexn's Institute
sold tickets on a quilt made by
the Institute. The quilt was won
by Mrs. Dawn Szarak of Blyth.
Lucky buttons were sold for $1.00
and four or five winners were
drawn per Mur. The prizes were
donated by local merchants. The
dance was an . (". ?.ming
success with, an attendance of
about 600.
A dance was held at the arena
this past Saturday night spon-
sored by the Howick-Minto
Recreational Hockey League.
Proesseds were given to—the
Multiple Sclerosis Fund.
A Stag and Doe was held
Friday at the Belmore Complex
for Kevin O'Malley and his bride-
held in Fordwich
Fordwich United Church held an
Easter thankoffering Sunday
evening, with ladies from Gorrie
and Clifford churches as guests.
The church was decorated with
lilies and spring flowers.
Ushers were Mrs. Fred Mc-
Cann and Mrs. Ted Fraser. The
pianist was Mrs. K. Graham.
Mrs. Ben Gibson opened the
worship using hymns of praise,
commitment, decision, truth and
joy. The Scripture reading was
given by Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. H.
Kritzer. After this they gave the
Easter message in panel form,
telling of the resurrection.
The choir sang 'While Standing
at the Cross'.
Mrs. W. Bilton, the UCW
president, welcomed everyone
and invited those present to
Gorrie and Kurtzville for their
thankofferig service. She also
mentioned that the evening unit
was having a bake sale and tea
May 12. �.
Mrs. Kritzer introduced Miss
Marjorie Russell of Listowel,
who showed slides on South
America, which were enjoyed by
A teen dance is scheduled for
April 28 at the Belmore Arena to
the music of Turntable. Dane
will be from 9 until 1 and the
doors dose at 11:30.
A concert featuring the Robert
Wood Singers, who have
produced three records and
performed nationally and in the
United States, will be held on
Sunday, May 27, at 2:30 in the
Belmore Arena. It is sponsored
by the Belmore Presbyterian
Young People's Society and
tickets are available from Mary
Dickson, NancX Dickson and
Vicky Jeffray. -
Infant baptism will take place
on Mother's Day, May 13, at the
Belmore United Church.
president clhiw t-
FORDWICH—Mrs. E. Gedke
was chosen president of the
Fordwich Women's Institute at
its April meeting.
The ' devotions were taken by
Mrs. C. Sothern, reading from
the Bible and also from an article
entitled 'Faith'. She finished with
a prayer of thanks.
The roll call was &,, : , - I by
'a program that would interest
you' and brought many
suggestions. These were an-
swered with the payment of fees.
The reports of the standing
committees followed and the
report of the nominating com-
mittee was next. Mrs. J.
Freeman installed the new of-
Plans were 'discussed and
completed for the district annual
to be held in the hall May $.
Registration will be at 9 a.m. and
the meeting will begin at 9:90.
A hot lunch will be served in the
United church basement at noon,
then all will return to the hall for
the remainder of the program.
An Easter contest was con-
ducted, then lunch was served by
hostesses Mrs. M. Penney, Mrs.
W. Hargrave and Mrs. L. Wilson.
ke v
Kinsmen elect Scripture was read from Lu
Mrs. Jack McBurney and the ffipromptly
new o
• cera Act meditation was given by Mrs. OSS'BLto g Garner Nicholson. Mrs. ivy Receivesp
BELGRAVE — The new Clookey led in prayer and Mrs.
year of / Campbell of Blyth sang a solotrophy
executive for the coming Y 19St
'"Cleanse Me", accompanied bythe Belgrave and District Kins name on votersMrs. Dalrymple. Hymn "The • We've got the
men was elected at a dinner polling Head that Once Was Crowned ' n London on
meeting on April 18. New presi Qualified voters who weren't the enumerator in each flim with Thorns", was money
dent in the fall will be Paul enumerated for the May 22 division. Further information Mrs. Dunbar introduced the BELGRAVE — Mrs. Mae Rinn and the time tQ
McKee with Blake Evans as vice- federal election should act can be obtained by contacting the nests speaker, Mrs. Munshaw, and Miss Lois Rinn visited with s' talk about ■■
president. Lloyd Michle will be promptly to make sure their returning officer for the electoral g 1e your dreams.
secretary and Neil Edgar names get on the voters' lists for district. who is education consultant in Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cartwright ■■
this area. She worked as a con- and family of London on the
treasurer. Gord Folkard takes thleir polling divisions.
over the duties as registrar and Voters in a rural area whose gregational deaconess at First weekend. On Sunday they all tra-
Bryan Black and Ken Hopper will After the door-to-door names are on neither the Presbyterian Church in Chatham veiled to Toronto where Keith
eelchair basket
both be in charge of the bulletins. enumeration of voterp is com- preliminary nor revised lists of before coming to Lucknow with entered the wh
feted a preliminary list of voters may still vote on election her husband. She spoke of the ball game at Etobicoke Olympic
Four new directors are John p da b talo an oath at the mission of WMS workers and how Building. His team placed
Campbell, Wayne Hopper, Alan electors is printed and posted in a Y Y g h
Bridge and John h Hopp public place. any eligible electors polling station and being vouched to get more out of study books second.
The Kinsmen Club will be who are missed in enumeration for by another elector whose through educational aids avail- At this game Keith was
to the Bran are responsible for getting their name appears on the official list able, also offered her help to any presented with a trophy as third
preAsnting a cheque of electors. group. runner-up for the Southern
don Cemetery Boare>L for expan- names on the revised, final list of
Sion of the village cemetery prop` voters. Mrs. Mac Scott read two Wheelchair Basketball League.
The revising process makes , An eligible elector must be at poems "The Way of the Cross-, Keith belongs to the London '
erty. The Kinsmen are donating least 18 ears old election da and "After the Winter". Mrs. Forest City Flyers Wheelchair
primo to the All -Outdoors Canoe additions, deletions and Y by Y.
Race which is in conjunction with corrections to the preliminary a Canadian citizen and a resident Campbell sag "He Touched Basketball League. Belgrave
of the disMct or Mei! efn the Me". friends congratulate him. on his
the Wingham Centennial and lisrural
and takes place May 2.4. In y first of enumeration. Mrs. Jack McBurney thanked efforts.
Auburn's 126th anniversary. rutyl at'eas revision is dare by day'