The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-18, Page 6$--?U Wtugbm Advance—Times, April 18, 1979
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Biggs service at St. Andrew's
quietly celebrated their 60th Presbyterian Church. Solo
anniversary at home portions were sung by Mrs. Ed
i and a girls' quartette,
on A
with their family April 9. BeS lura Beard, Anne Campbell,
]laity cards and gifts were Linda Taylor and Kathy
Weeltend visitors with Mrs. Cruickshank, also sang a special
Gershom Johnston, Catherine number. Rev. Dr. Robert H.
Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Armstrong delivered an Easter
Johnston and her mother, Mrs. sermon. The church's youth
Ed Hintz, all of Listowel. David group, The Denim Diblviples, held
Johnston of Stratford visited an Easter sunrise service with
Easter Sunday with his grand- Robert Campbell their 'speaker.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
William Munshaw of Mrs. Rowland Ballagh were Mrs. s a£
Claude Bronson of Elmira, Mrs.
Lnekriow was the guest speaker""
at the Good Friday worship John Clark, Steve and Greg of S
service held in St. Andrew's Dundas. They also attended the .
Presbyterian Church. His W-Belmore Maple Syrup Festival.
mon topic was -Why was Christ
Also visiting at the Ballagh home " 9 7
crucified?" and he examined the during the holiday weekend was �>
Mrs. B
legal and divine reasons for His
death, as well as telling how the Wolfe off brother, Anson
crucifixion effected those closely
involved. Silvia Beard provided
special music, playing a piano Familygathers
solo and accompanying herself
on the autoharp for two solos. to celebrate
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. i
Niergarth were guests at the 85th birthday x
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Niergarth of BELGRAVE — Seventy
past week. The friends and relatives gathered at
Wingham, for the a.<:..
couple is with the Bell Canada the home of Mrs, Nelson Higgins
project in Saudi Arabia and, on Friday to extend their best
having completed one year of a wishes to her on her 85th birth- GRADE 7—Projects prepared by these Grade 7 students, Sandra worked together on a general project while Cheryl
two-year contract, they came day. The family present to cele- Linda Hamilton, Cheryl Searson, Terri Baker, Nancy Qulpp
dged best in their respective and Nancy teamed up on a biological project; Terri worked
and Sandra Sanderson, were judged home to visit family and friends. brate open house were Miss alone on her project in the physical category.
Their trip home I took them to Dorothy Higgins, Charlie and categories at the Turnberry school science fair. Linda and
Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Norman Higgins, at home, Mr.
Los Angeles and Toronto before and Mrs. Rod McLeod and
arriving in Wingham. Robert of Etobicoke, Mrs. Lloyd
Alarge number of people from McDonald and family of Water ' installed
Wingham attended the Belmore
mo a 000, Mr.
Don PlThomas
of lett Bride -elect ��� off�eers
Maple Syrup Festival in Bel Is feted at
on Saturday. don, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose and and family RR 5, Brussels. several showers
Sheila and Mr. Rose's mother,
Mrs. Stothers, visited during GORRIE—Miss Norma Fisher for BInstitute
Easter weekend with Mrs. Rose's EUCHRE WINNERS of Listowel was the guest of honor committees were then given.
mother, Mrs. Elsie Webb. recently at a surprise pantry Conveners of standing com- Mrs. Garniss thanked Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton BELGRAVE —Eight tables of shower hosted by the Canada BLUEVALE — Mrs. Carl
euchre were in play at the Bel- mittees are: Agriculture and Mathers for her duties as
Wilkinson and family of Kit- rave week] euchre last Wed- Trust girls. They also enjoyed Johnston installed the officers for Canadian Industries, Mrs. Arm- president during the past year
sharer visited over the weekend g y ]inner at Ranton Place. 1979-80 when the Women's In strong; Citizenship and World and Mrs. Mathers thanked all.
with her mother, Mrs. William nesday evening and winners Palmerston stitute members met in the
were: high lad Mrs. Helen Affairs, Mrs. Ken Simmons, Mrs. members for their cooperation. A
Elliott, and attended the Belmore g y' Recently, several miscel- Bluevale United Church. The Robert Fraser; Educational and meeting will be held April 23 at 8
Maple Syrup Festival on Martin; low lady, Mrs.y'Hugh laneous showers were held in meeting followed a delicious, Cultural Activities, Mrs. Harvey
Rinn ; most lone hands lad Mrs. p.m. at Mrs. Craig's home to plan
Saturday' Verena Bone; high man, William Norma's honor. Relatives and dinner served by the members of Edgar,, Mrs. Jenkins; Family the meetings for the coming
Mrs. Olive Walker, Mrs. friends gathered at the home of Unit Four. and Consumer Affairs, Mrs. Jack year.
Gershom Johnston and George mowt low' man, Gordon Walker; Mrs. William Bennett. Barbara Mrs. James Armstrong is past
„rigg spent Monday in Seaforth. most lone hands man, James R. resident of the group. The of Nicholson, Mrs. E. Payne; The May meeting will be held
Coultas. and. Donna Bennett conducted p Resolutions, Mrs. Jim ,Johnston. at the home of Mrs. Donald Street
Excerpts from the cantata, There will be another euchre several contests and Margaret firers installed were: president, Fellow members remembered and members are asked to bring.
"The Glory of Easter", by John next Wednesday evening at 8 Brewer read an amusing press` Mrs. Charles Mathers; first vice With concern four members who a friend. Roll call.will be "Name
W. Peterson, highlighted the report. president, Mrs. Bert Garniss; are hospitalized, Mrs. Peacock, a kitchen utensil used in pioneer
joyous Easter Sunday worship
p.m. Everyone welcomeMiss Lori Moir entertained at d vice president, Mrs. P Mrs- Graham Campbell, Mrs. ,times but never used now".
her home in Gorrie in the form of Murray Jenkins; secretary- Jenkins and Miss Emma
a surprise miscellaneous shower. treasurer, Mrs. Mel Craig; ".)Am. Mathers opened
- Several contests Were erfjbyed distrii t '`dirtsctor,:'Mrs. Wende>t ';the meeting and roll call was
More than. $600 raised followed by a delicious" lunch Stamper; alternate. Mrs• answered with payment of fees Visit paid
prepared by Lori and her mother. William .. , Peacock; branch and relating a humorous story.
• Norma was the reci rent of many directorsMrs. William tleVos, Mrs, Craig read the minutes, Rebekah lodge
for Neil Stirling family lovely gifts. P Mrs. Alex 'MacTavish, Mrs. financial g statement and
On Sunday, relatives and Soren Andersen; pianist, Mr's. correspondence.
It was a tremendous Easter Importance of the Literal Bodily friends gathered at the home of Carl Johnston; nominating Three' short courses were District deputy president of
Sunday for the congregation of Resurrection of Jesus Christ". If her aunt, Mrs. George Wallace of committee, Mrs. Armstrong, chosen by the members, "Indoor Kincardine District 34 south paid
Wingham Baptist Church, taking Jesus Christ did not rise bodily Elora. Contests were conducted Mrs. Harry Elliott, Mrs. Plants". "For the Goodness of an official visit to the Majestic
a special offering for Mr. and from the tomb, Pastor Smith by Miss Linda Fisher. Norma Mathers; public relations officer, tour Heart" and "Knitting". Rebekah Lodge at a well -
Mrs. Neil Stirling and family of said, then the Bible is greatly in then opened many lovely gifts, Mrs. Carl Johnston; curators, Delegates to the District Anhual attended meeting April 16.
more than =7,00. error, history has no meaning, assisted by little Lynn Wallace. Mrs. Donald Street, Mrs. A. D. are Mrs. deVos, Mrs. Payne, Edna Every was presented
Sunday was designated Stirling life is empty, there is no hope Of Mrs. Wallace and her assistants Smith; auditors, Mrs. Sparling Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mrs. Jim with a gift and bouquet of flowers
Silver Sunday and the church eternal salvation, Christ was an served a salad supper. Johnston, Mrs. Elliott. Johnston It will be held in during her visit to the local lodge.
wanted to raise the needed imposter, the universe has no Fordwich on May 8 and Bluevale The lodge expressed thanks to
travelling and passage expenses Sustainer and the apostles will be in .charge of afternoon the family of the late Mrs. Alice
for Neil, Leta, Peter and Miriam, promoted false doctrine. entertainment. Taylor for the gift of a pair of
as well as money for their sup- "Preachers who do not stand Th a n ko f f e ri ng speaker Mrs. Mathers opened the an- adjustable crutches. The crut-
solidly and reach with in
nual meeting with a poem and cher will be available to anyone
plies. The Stirlings will leave in P
mid-July for Senegal, West compromising power the literal takegp tHoly Land Mrs. Craig read the minutes of needing them.
takes o
Africa, for their first five-year bodily resurrection of Jesus last year's annual. meeting and A short program followed the
term as missionaries under New Christ the God -Man, are the financial statement. Reports business part of the meeting and
Tribes Mission. dishonest and do not preach the GORRIE—The land where by singing a hymn and reading of the auditors and standing lunch was served.
Pastor Smith preached to a gospel that Paul preached," Jesus lived and died was brought scripture from the 21st chapter of
packed auditorium on "The Pastor Smith said. to life for members of the St. Matthew's Gospel. An Easter
"The Victory Parade",
-,)St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Re~: The Rev. John T.M. Swon, L. Th.
Th* First Sunday after Easter
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m.--Confirmation Class
10:30 a.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Sung Eucharist and Sermon,
Broadcast over CKNX Radio
congregation when Miss Lenore poem,
Beswetherick showed slides and and prayer closed the worship
was guest speaker at the spring service.
Thankoffering of Knox
Mrs. Moir, Mrs. James
Mrs. Hugh
Presbyterian Church, held
Robinson and
sang "The Ninety and
Wednesday of last week.
Miss Beswetherick was in-
Nine", accompanied by Mrs.
troduced by Mrs. William A.
Glenn Underwood at the organ.
Smith. Her slides showed recent
The offering was received by
sits to Egypt, Jordan and other
Mrs. A. Graham and Mrs. Lockie
Biblical countries. Her com-
and dedicated by the president.
mentary was very interesting -as
At the close of the meeting, a
she talked of places where many
piano duet by Mrs. Alvin Mundell
events of the Bible took place.
and Mrs. Sheldon Mann was
Mrs. Lockie expressed ap-
enjoyed while refreshments were
preciation to the guest speaker.
President Miss Louise Mat-
thews opened the meeting with
thoughts for the Easter season
St Stephen's
and welcomed guests from
Fordwich and Molesworth. An
to hold
opening hymn was sung, followed
by the Lord's Prayer.
The devotions were conducted
a graft show
by Mrs. Gordon Moir and
GORRIE--Members of St.
Three Ms meet
Stephen's Anglican Church Guild
made final plans for their craft
St. Andrews
show to he held April 21 at the
Howick Community ('entre.
Mrs. John Donaldson opened
when they met following a visit to
the meeting of the Three Ms
the Fordwich Village Nursing
home. Hostess for the meeting
which was held in the Upper
St. Andrew's
was Mrs. Roland Bennett,
Room of
Presbyterian Church. The
The meeting was in the form of
scripture, from the book of Luke,
a bridal shower for Miss Norma
was read by Mr. Donaldson.
Fisher. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Roland Bennett, assisted by
Mrs. Donaldson conducted a
Mrs. Ronald Bennett
brief meditation on an Easter
The next meeting will be held
theme. Rev. Dr. R. H. Armstrong
May 9 at the home of Georgina
led in prayer.
Jarvis and will feature a plant
Presidents Dr. and Mrs. Arm-
strong conducted the business of
the meeting. A hymri was sung
and a singsong of Irish songs
Mrs. Donaldson gave a reading
which was followed by slides. A
makes things
social time was spent and lunch
was served at the close of the
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