The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-18, Page 15.W ., , . yry,.. ,:Ay - ..r...
�= Minor hockey executive
m" reviews year, makes plans
1 .rod
Friday and Saturday
APRIL 20, 21
"A New Muskal
Comedy -Horror Show"
"Nature Unleases Its
"The Killer We Couldn't
(Adult Entertainment)
Sunday, April 22 ONLY
- ALSO -
The hockey season is over in
Wingham, the ice is out of the
arena and the Wingham Minor
Hockey Association executive
met April 11 to review the year
and to make some plans for the
1978.80 hockey season.
The executive was pleased that
gate receipts almost balanced
out the cost of referees and -the
coat of hiring a ticket seller at the
door: Ticket sales totalled
$1,884.25 over the past season for
minor hockey games, while
referees cost $1,572 and the ticket
seller cost $379.
Earl Jenkins, association
treasurer, reported the price
paid to referees will have to go up
next season because it has been
the same for two years. Instead
of hiking minor hockey
registration dues to offset the
extra cost, he suggested the
association could save about $400
by having the minor hockey
executive act as ticket takers
rather than hiring a ticket taker.
Minor hockey is played five
days a week and there should be
enough executive -members to do
the job, he suggested.
Doug Neil, who will be
association president next year,
said he isn't in favor of the idea is away attd'he will take over the granted so a of the profits, he
because he already spends two position when he returns. said.
njgbts a week at the arena The Mothers' Auxiliary to In of business Mr. Kerr said
coaching and doesn't want to Wingham Minor Hockey has had Wingha ,s really missing the
spend another .night there in the an extremely successful season boat by having almost entirely
ticket taker's spot, with its food booth, Mr. Wood town hockey players when the
When he heard the executive reported. Profits are more than surrounding townships could
didn't feel it could do the job, Mr. double last year's and stand at produce some pretty fine players
Jenkins wanted that registration about $5,700 for the season. After who could improve Wingham
could increase to 05 or $W. Bill allowances are made for teams.
Kerr suggested that house league restocking in the fall .the minor Many teams playing in the
players should have a lower hockey ,association will be .recent Wingham Midget Hockey
registration fee than all-star Tournament had very few
players because the association players from the towns from
doesn't have to bus them out of which the teams came. Most of
town. Recreation RepOrt the players are from 'townships
In another money decision the ,mow _ surrounding the towns and from
executive decided to continue to neighboring hamlets and
cooperate with the Ironmen in You owe it to yourself to get the villages.
selling booster club tickets at $25. most out of life you possibly can. "We have maybe nine in the
A ticket will allow a person into But getting the most out of living whole minor hockey program
regularly scheduled minor means putting more into life, std from out of town," Mr. Kerr said.
hockey and Ironmen home in most cases it all starts with Some of the local Midgets, the
games. The executive had being physically fit. The more team he coaches, are scared of
considered breaking its ticket you do the better you'll feel and some of the bigger players from
program from the Ironmen's. the more you'll want to do. other teams.
"Personally, my opinion is that Fitness Ontario, a division of "I think they're scared," he
the Iromnen are getting the best the ministry of culture and said. "I think it's because we
of the (present) deal," Mr. recreation, can help you get don't have these big, tough farm
Jenkins said. He noted that minor started on the road M a more boys who do chores." YBC
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hockey representatives sell most active, rewarding, funfilled Mr. Neil will be attending a
of the booster club tickets and if lifestyle. Whether you are 18 or level five coaching clinic in
the Ironmen want more money 80, already active or just getting Calgary and the minor hockey
from booster club sales the cost started, Fitness Ontario has a lot association agreed to pay $105 for BANTAMS
of booster tickets could get too to offer you. the course Stoves Squashes ended the
high. The purpose of the provincial playoffs on the weekend and 7,
0 "If we split off (from the government's involvement in ended the season as the champs. en
Ironmen) we're going to have a fitness is simply stated: "to The team ended the playoffs with I
competition going," for ticket encourage and help the people of 5,841 points. 7,
sales, Ken Wood, minor hockey Ontario lead a more active In second was Brian's
president said. lifestyle". - ! Pineapples, 5,544 and in third was g
. The Howick, Murray's Nectarines, 5,488. a
The executive decided to make One of the many Fitness On- Y'
the booster club tickets good only tario programs is called Fit Test. Dw,ayne's Grapes ended the hi
for regular season hockey The test provides the participant NUTRITION MONTH season with 5,139 points, Marc's to
games, the same way the Iron- with the opportunity to find out At Howick Central, April has Bananas finished with 4,854 and K
men operate their part of the what shape he or she is in and been called Nutrition Month. The Billy's Berries ended with 4,350. hi
booster club program. how to improve the general level first week it was breakfast week. Angela Walker bowled the 179
Fid Daer told the executive it of fitness. The test consists of To have a nutritious breakfast girls' high single and she also S
should look for a new referee -in mobile assessment vans you must have something from bowled the high double with 306. 2
chief for the coming hockey equipped with special testing each of the four food groups, Graham Taylor had the 334 high 2
season. He will be away at police equipment and highly qualified fruits and vegetables, breads and double.
college for several weeks and staff. These vans will be made cereals, milk and milk products Bowling over 125 were: Debbie H
won't be able to do the job then. available to the Wingham area and meat and alternates. Each of Henry, 151; Kelly Hollenbeck, 1
He said if minor hockey is stuck May 22-24, 2-9 p.m. For further the students have been given a 158; Brenda Thompson, 160;
without a head referee, it can get infomation contact the recreation sheet where they can fill in the Angela Walker, 183,144; Tammy
someone to fill in for him while he department, 357-1206. foods that they ate. We hope that Cleghorn, 166; Michael Cameron,
everyone will stay healthy. 137,170; Graham Taylor, 173, 161
Wendy Langendoen and Jeff Layton, 167.
PROPER LUNCH WEEK Rainbow Trouts ended the
Last week at our school was playoffs in first place with 5,922 -
BR WNIE called "Proper Lunch Week". It Sandra's Sharks were close
was called this because it is very behind with 5,884 points and
important to have a proper lunch Pirhanas placed, third with 5,862.
so you can make it through until Golden Carps .earned, 5,767
BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M. supper. Everyone is encouraged points in the. playoffs, Jaws. got .
FIRST SHOW AT 8:00 P.M. t ,bring a proper lunch with at 5,092 and Barracudas bowled
FRIDAY, SATURDAY b SUNDAY April 20, 21, 22 least one food from each food 4,890 points.
group. The students keep track of Billy Gaunt was top bowler in
• what they eat and score them- the final week of playa He had the
e selves out of ten. The idea of this boys' high scores with a 233
ADMIiTANI E is to get the students on a proper single and 361 double.
diet and although there are only Sandra Moffatt bowled the
10 1010"1 two more weeks until nutrition
� ,, ,,.,, o..w a/ o,,,/ girls' high single of 196 and Kim
month is over, we hope the stu- Rae had the girls' 340 high
dents will keep up the good dclfible.
habits. Bowling over 150 were: Kim
Shelley Moffat Rae, 177, 163; Sherri Walden, 173,
FLOOR HOCKEY 159; Sandra Moffatt, 196; Debbie
- PLUS - On Wednesday, April 4 and Hoy, 152; Lori Gavreluk, 154;
Debbie Scott, 151; Tracey Day,
Tuesday, April 10, eleven girls 163; David Willis, 168 and Billy
WILLIAM LEE stayed after school to participate Gaunt, 233.
HOLDEN GRANT in a floor hockey game against Others bowling over 150 were:
i1 Grey Central. The scores of these Robbie Willis, 165; Billy Tolton,
games were 5 to 4 for Grey Cen- 173; Jeff Cameron, 166, 156;
tral on April 4 and 9 to 8 for
r� T �? p Ricky Edgar, Rodney
11L.�►V` 1r " Howick Central on April 10. The 4 Heard, 174; Rodney Jones; 156
1�P/ girls will be going to Grey Cen- r;d D,rn, Adams. 162
tral on Wednesday night, April 18
M tit, J; N I RS
for another match and tie -break -
P/ ing game. x1111 �Ftil(1RS
Kendra Robertson 11ih t', t85 lw)inl� .lu,i� .I.,p",
The first time was only a warning. won the playoffs. The team
BLACK LAMB earned 2,780 points in the final
Mrs. Smith brought a lamb to week for the win.
school in a car. The lamb was Bad News Bowlers placed
black as night. The lamb is a second in playoffs with 8,182
FRI. - SAT. - SUN. mammal. We fed him milk from points. In third were Rocky's
APRIL 20.21-22
,' :D.,, °
I/ �!A/3 d AD! d �,
The W Advaum-Times, April 18, 1979 -Pam
HIRAM WALKER TROPHY -The winners of the Hiram Walker trophy were from the
Listowel curling club. The tournament was held In Wingham with teams from all over
Southern Ontario taking part. In the photo, from left to righi are: Bill Boyd skip, Shirley
Boyd vice, Shirley Bowman lead and Ken Bowman second. (M. McLean Photo)
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Emanuelle in
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a bottle. He was hungry.
Kindergarten B
Jayson brought a blue box to
school. Something inside the box
was chirping. The box had 3 holes
;n the top. Something was moving
nside the box Can you guess
,Jayson's Burp, ,ae
Kindergarten A
To try out for
BELGRAVE - Doris Coultes.
Marilyn McComb and Nancy
Bulmer of the Milverton Suns
senior ladies' fastball team, left
on Saturday for a week in
Orlando Florida. They, along
with girls from several provinces
of Canada, will join the Saska-
toon ladies' team (1978 winners)
In trying out for the Canadian
ladies' national team to rep-
resent Canada at the Pan-Ameri-
can Games in Puerto Rico in
July, 1979.
Bridge results
Bernice Crawford and Jean
Hodgins led the club in bridge
play last Thursday. Nan
McKibbon and Omar Haselgrove
placed second and the team of
Kae Forgie and Ross Hanna. In
fourth place was the team of
Margaret Cruickshank and
Harley Crawford.
Raiders with 8,023.
Star Warriors were next with
758 points, Donna's Dipsticks
ded the playoffs with 7,637 and
ncredible Hulks finished with
Robert Wharton bowled a 325
ame, which was the boys' high
an he also bowled the 803 boys'
gh triple. Janet Storey had the
p game for the girls with a 249.
erry Thompson had the girls'
gh triple with a 618.
Bowling over 175 were: Janet
torey, 249; Connie Haugh, 201,
10; Kerry Thompson, 197, 220,
01; Donna Thompson, 193;
Andrea Walker, 196, 182; Judy
anula, 189; Julaine Adams, 207,
78 and Daryl Holmes, 291, 205.
Also bowling over 175 were:
Robert Wharton, 203, 325, 275;
Jeff Jackson, 230, 195; Jim
Taylor, 176, 199; Murray Devos,
189, 232; Allan Jackson, 195;
Barry Haugh, 253, 193; Brian
Hoy, 197, 186; Bryan Shaw, 177;
Stephen Gaunt, 200, 200, 187;
Greg Storey, 182, 183, 206 and
Byron Thompson, 187.
The YBC year end banquet will
be April 30 at 6 p.m. at St. An-
drew's Presbyterian Church.
C,Wj,iw awaiil,.J
The Square 524-7661
WA i t:R
Presented by Visual Arts, Blyth Centre for
the Arts.
Friday - May 4, 7 - 9 P.M.
Saturday - May 5, 9 - 12, 2 '- 5 p.m.
Sunday May 6, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Demonstrations, slides and application of
various watercolour methods. Given by
Michele White & Marie Charbonneau
(both O.C.A. grads.)
Class limited to 25 pre -registered students
Fee $15.00 plus materials feg.
CALL 523-9403
between 5 - 6 p.m.
The Wingham Tennis Club 1.979 Season
We Invite You
• Three Well -Maintained Courts
• Priority on Courts • Interclub Tourna-
ments • Club Tournaments (Tier and
Round -Robin) • Instruction • Junior
Development Program • Ladies'Night
Application for Membership in M/inghon+ Tennis Cleb
j-------------------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NameAddress....................................... ..............................j
IFee Category (see below).........................................................i
For )alters ,
1 Are you interested in free Saturday morning lessons? f 1 yes F1 no 1
I For So" 1
Are you willing to assist the coach in our Junior Program? I ' yes 0 no
(Junior (under 16) ...................$5 ,
Adult (16 and over) ................ $10
Couple .......................... W 1
Family ........................... $2S Mail, with cheque, to
The whphe>,e TeRok Chir
---------- --
Sox3U, Wingham. Ont_ -------------
A receipt and shoe -togs) will be sent to you.
For any further information call 357-3797 or 357-2756.