The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-11, Page 6, I' '.
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SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS in the Wingham Public School science fair last
week were (kneeling) Debbie Lee, Kim McGregor, Andrea McGregor, more and Kevin Green. Rear: Paula Strong, Andrea Walker, Jeff Moore and
Stephanie Gaunt, Kim Gibson, Tim Brown, Dwayne Jenkins, Donald Case- Terry Rintoul.
0 • Gorrie seniors
shed for hall
L� vor Incense suggested hold Games Night
� gg 9
GORRIE—A liquor license for which the hall could become Coun. Douglas said that while of the trust fund set up in 1933 by GORRIE—More than 40 at -
the Gorrie Hall was suggested by more profitable by being used he was not an ardent participant Angelene Harris; tended the senior citizens' Games
a member of Howick Township more frequently. in recreation, it is "scary" that Gave consent to the Gorrie Night sponsored by the Come
Council while discussing the use The two other village halls in after everyone worked hard Village Trustees to purchase two Alive Club.
of the hall by the Gorrie Senior the township, one in Fordwich implementing programs, they street lights; High prizes in euchre were
Citizens. , and the other in Wroxeter are self now have a "ho-hum" attitude. Approved land severances for awarded to Mrs. Ivan Haskins
Council accepted the proposal sustaining, pointed out Coun. Council suggested the only John Brown of Gorrie and Mary and John Koch. Prizes for low
made by the senior citizens to Douglas. way, to have people interested in R. Finley of Fordwich; scores were awarded to Mrs.
pay.>5M for fuel in 1979 plus all Reeve Harold Robinson said serving on the boards would be to Approved the gravel tender of Martin Scott and Melvin Taylor.
the propane gas for the use of the prices for oil, hydro (which the propose the boards be dropped if Joe Kerr Construction, Wingham Mrs. Glad Edgar had the most
hall six days a week. township pays) and propane gas positions can't be filled. for 1,500 yards of % inch of gravel ]one hands.
Coun. Stuart Douglas made the will continue to go up and more The clerk -treasurer was in- equaling 2,5000 cubic yards at a I Mrs. Melville Dennis had high
suggesti .. after the represen- revenue wilt tii$iii*A0- b$ j*•ought structed to make enquiries of any price of $1.55 r cubic and total
m � ,.. .
tatives for the seniors had made in to finance ttteeileliir�� person -interested in serving on price $38,750. The bid was the 4core in crokmole and Mrs. John
their presentation and left. "We choose between not using the board. lowest of two tenders; Koch held the low score.
"It (Gorrie hall) needs a or subsidizing the use (of the DRAINS The next regular meeting will
heense, and I am serious about building)," said Coun. Douglas. Council approved tendering for Authorized the road superin- be held April 17. Members are
this, " said Coun. Douglas. Council discussed upgrading the Hislop number 10 drain with tendent to barricade the north, asked to note the change of date.
Jack Ferguson and Mrs. Mabel the hall especially the kitchen tenders to be at the Howick east, and west side of the old The wood -finishing class will
Edgar, representing the seniors facilities, but decided if this municipal office 12 noon on Fordwich bridge with chain link begin at Martin Scott's garage in
said their group used the hall happened, revenue would have to April 17. fencing; May.
, r and the Women's be taken from another com- Maitlaixi Engineering Services Will proceed with the reading
Institute also use it. m -nit y building. Limited of Wingham was an- of the Bolton drain at a special
Council referred to the hall as a GORRIE PARK BOARD pointed to prepare the tender and meeting on April 17;
"White elephant". It is expensive Three people resigned from the contract for the Don Edgar drain Appointed Bill Long to the
to heat, at approximately $900 a Gorrie Park Board and at a cost not to exceed $160 and to Fordwich park board;
year (1978) for oil, and requires recreation in that village could supervise construction of the Authorized the road superin-
general maintenance. "die from apathy" as a result drain at a cost not to exceed tendent to repair the Number 10
Card games for men are held said Coun. Douglas. $1,000, municipal drain on lots 22 and 23
six days a week in the hall, and Clerk -treasurer Wesley Ball In other business, council: on con. 3;
Mr. Ferguson said women could informed council that Jake Approved taking on the Will hold a special meeting on
come to the card games too. Brown, Gwen Brown and Jack responsibility of the Howick April 17 to review township in -
Council discussed ways in Sanburn resigned. Baptist Church cemetery on the surance and receive drain ten -
j condition they receive the equity ders.
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Call Ed now before the spring rush
Gorrie Personal Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Haskins and
Earl Underwood is a patient in
Mrs. Lloyd Jacques attended the
Wingham and District Hospital.
45th wedding anniversgry
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Bolander
celebration of Mr. and Mrs.
were guests Saturday: at the
Charles Scott held in the McIn-
Good -Smith wedding in the
tosh United Church on Sunday
Mennonite Church. Sterling Ave..
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith
spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs.
spent several days at the home of
Alex Strong and family in
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lightfoot,
Wingham and attended the
confirmation service where Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holmes of
Paula Strong was one of 16 young
Molesworth visited Sundae with
people received into membership
Mrs. Albert Dustow.
of the Wingham United Church.
Jack Underwood of Guelph
Miss Lois Ferguson, Toronto,
Visited Saturday with Mr and
and Jim Arnold. Guelph, spent
Mrs. Earl Underwood.
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs Randy Sangster,
Jack Ferguson.
Mrs. Ruth Kaufman and; Mrs.
Ed Schmaus of Verdun.
Jan Kaufman of Kitchener
ivianiivba, visited recently with
Visited Sunday with mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Ed Bolander.
Eldred Cathers.
Rev. and Mrs. William Hen-
derson of Woodstock spent a
Pot luck dinner
couple of days with Mr and Mrs
Alvin Mundell.
precedes meeting
Donald Leader and Eddie have
returned from holidaying in the
of unit members
GORRIE—Forty members.
husbands and friends of Unit
Four, United Church Women•
shared a pot luck dinner before
their Easter meeting April 2 in
the church hall.
President Mrs. Allan Hyndman
welcomed the guests and Miss
Margaret Dane was in charge of
the 'worship period. Her theme
was "Christ: The Hope for the
World". Scripture was read from
the book of Revelation and
several hymns were sung. Mrs.
Hogg played Easter music on the
Rev. Wesley B. Ball was guest
speaker and chose as his theme,
"Good News, rat Good Views",
telling vrhat the gospel means to
the Christian.
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