The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-04-04, Page 2r t+, r
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-kdvance-Times, Aprd 4. IM
Morris financia
report presented
r. •
r t drain
six Council decided the
and communications to allow the Coun
the end of 1978 the amount of $26,'council was told. township to build the Martin repairs costing under $1,000 will
half a dozen Morris $163,747 last year, mainly due to a Ontario Hydro now estimates
only half
including large overexpenditure on the taxes owing was 146,764- A Year y Bridge this year. Council ex- be put on the taxes of benefiting
'au..►,�.-.r --- _ :o,.► nn Cone 2. 'I�e earlier the figure was 127.753- installation costs at $'2,900. 'fie meted the new bridge to cost landowners, while drain repairs
two former council members, par a r=-,-- in William c.isiu.�, :�.:nthi; _� :.,,.;,t idiuty had estimated ,bmit si78-000 and audied for a costing more than $1,000 will be
showed up, at a special council road budget was overspent- • r•-: -
lic was 1978, with spending at $109,761. A reeve, noted that every townshiP installation costs at $1,600. subsidy of $142,400 on the project. billed directly to the landowners.
meeting to which the P� .1 h d budgeted iencing a growing tax Benefiting ratepayers will be
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invited to hear the township's year nt ago coua is exper ted to a
financial situation, p .ask is9As for roads. s arrears figure. township project which wo dd see street ` carbamate line that
questions and to present As a result the township financialson said O The
problems deficit was increased by $2,125 lights installed in Belgrave. 'fie
last year instead of being cut by bad, because a $20,000 reserve township share of the cost will be
Council had its auditor prepare 0,000 as budgeted. The town- fund wasn't used to reduce the $2,Ogq. � scores on corn rootworms
financial statement in ship deficit now stands at $27,M5- deficit. It was decided the council agreed to pay the Blyth 0 hos hates rest.
1976 P be left for an and District Community Centre 1while o r. a n o p p
time for the meeting and when General government over- reserve will
auditor Bruce Aitchson of Thorne spending contributed to the emergency. Board $750 to help the board �Q /
and Riddell presented it Friday enlarged deficit as 1978 general "Just make sure that (deficit) maintain a healthy cash flow
morning it wasn't as bright a government spending totalled doesn't grow next year," he while the board is in doubt about
financial situation as the council $24,496, while $16,000 had been warned. liquor receipts at future events.
representatives resentatives Bruce
budgeted for a year ago. budgeted. Included in that figure � P
are election expenses, STREET LIGHT
Council had budgeted for ses, which Richmond and Carman Craig
down to because of the township liquor COSTS INCREASE told council the Liquor Control
not the The Belgrave street lights will Board of Ontario won't allow the
$138,617 from the 1977 total of plebiscite were
into account that be more costly than was an- owner of a facility like a com- _
$157,800, taking $1,500 budgeted.
fall. Involved m
the township didn't have to buy a Mr. Aitchson warned that tax ticipated last iinity centre to share in the .�
road grader as it did in 19n. arrears owing to the township are ratepayers will now have to profits of a bar. The board was
Instead, spending rose to growing at an alarming rate. At contribute $42.85 each instead of told the group taking the bar `
profits could make a donation to
the board or the board could
charge a per person fee for use of
the facilities, but it can't share in
• • the bar profits.
Coun. Ross Procter said therieftownshi doesn't want to
regularly make donations to the
g Y
coverage area) ; c) the local community centre board and that k
Continued from front page your office commands, that such airport registers 10,950 landings the $750 donation should be
years. It has a medical staff ministerial edicts tend to destroy per year, we feel that our unique considered a once -only deal. He
consisting of one doctor from man's group relationships, in situation warrants your special said the township is willing to
Teeswater, two doctors and a which lie the greatest sense of consideration. help the board out of a tight ,
radiologist from Lucknow, one personal and community "Only with your cooperation in situation but doesn't want to be
doctor from Brussels and five responsibility. This is inherent in maintaining our present bed locked into a payment schedule.
doctors and a surgeon from rural community living. complement can we assist you In other business the township
Wingham. "Due to the high incidence of with your budgetary concerns— turned down a lower bid for the
Other sections of the brief deal extended care and chronically ill that is, by providing good township's insurance policy in
with admissions to the hospital, a patients, bed closures would medical care at a financial favor of a bid by Frank Cowan
productivity analysis, the cause an imbalance in oc- saving. Our present daily rate of Insurance. `
weather, daily transportation of cupancy. This would result in the $97 per patient day is worthy of The 1979 insurance premium
school pupils and traffic pat- deterioration of necessary health comparison to the city hospitals totalled more than $4,000, about
terns, arguing that there is a care within the hospital area- which would inevitably be $1000 more than a bid by Mc -
need for the hospital beds and Specifically: specialists only required to serve our patients. Master Insurance in Wingham,
pointing out the efficiency with retain their high level of The medical staff is fully 'con- but the township decided to stick
which the hospital has been L specialty skills through practice. scious of the grave responsibility
Again this emphasizes the fact with Cowan this year because of
operating. Ag P that is ours. the fine service it has received.
The productivity analysis notes that we most maintain the "Mr. Timbreli, we are certain Council may change companies
that teaching hospitals have been present 100 beds to attract and that you are aware of the dif- next year and will wait to see how
complaining bitterly for .years allow the specialists to practice ference in lifestyle of rural other municipalities make out
that they .are a "dumping their skills in the care of sick and people. We are family and with other companies. University researchers have found the best way
ground" for the peripheral injured. community oriented, therefore Council agreed to pay to keep rootworms from building up resistance is to alternate
hospitals. It predicts that with must be treated physically, Wingham $2,9
the constraints the city hospitals "Wingham and District hill30.14 as Morris' carbamate and organophosphate insecticides each year.
Hospital has been saving the socially and emotionally. In share of the deficit of the
are facing it is not improbablecases where the critically or Wingham and District Fire FURADAN 10 Granular is the to�lp�h�carbamate rootworm
�y will resew, their • swu government money by con- y ill (and family) need
a efficiently, Department. insecticide you carr�olir ` 'as dO6taD�t` check
prevent the damping, can surtently o� the final comfort and support of
the witbin a given limited budget' human Deputy -reeve Tom Miller sold early rootworms; poffe�r roots needed for roar, vigorous
only lei.. A.. ... '�..'w' their own minister this um
number of admissions to smaller and should not be penalized by he will look into the condition of early growth. It has systemic endurance to whip later
right would be destroyed -by the the Walton library. Council
hospitals. At Wingham and any bed dos inability of the minister to be received a letter from the county rootworms that attack brace roots; helps stalks remain auprightl
District Hospital this is an- "This hospital has an ongoing with them. The distance to the library noting that poor heating so you can harvest bigger yields. And the hard purple granules
ticipated to be approximately 12 occupancy of 78 per cent, which is city is too great. facilities in the small library
won't bridge or cake in the applicator.
per cent overall, with an at- the optimum for a 100 -bed "We are looking to you to hospital government make it uncomfortable for staff FURADAN S a Reg TM arFMC Corp.
tendant increase in total costs• hos as per p P redress the injustice that has and patrons and the cold library
SUMMARY guidelines. been perpetrated under your is damaging books.
In summary. the brief tells the "Our active length of stay is 7.6 name by proposing bed closures Order FURADAN now from:
minister: "This recent decision days, as compared with the at the Wingham and District Mr. Miller will decide g the
y � building is worth repairing and
on your part seems in essence to provincial average of 7.9 days. Hospital and by restricting our Armanor Farms Ltd.
contradict the most laudable and what type heating would be
praiseworthy history and "We firmly believe that our budget to a zero increase. needed it thea building were fixed. Jim Armstrong & Son
h local decision- hospital should be funded on a "We are confident that having At a special meeting March 27 R.R. #4, Wingham 357-1651 793150 14
making, which is relative to the par with other hospitals. We have read the material contained council decided it will apply for a
health needs of this area served labored diligently for what has herein you will not hesitate in supplementary allocation from
ethe Wingham and District been achieved and proved our granting our request." the ministry of transportation
by operating efficiency. The high
Hospital sine the time` 'of its level health care to which this
inception. community has become ac- l'
"This institution has continued customed must be maintained.
to present an excellent example We are asking for no more, but
of leadership, progress and certainly expect no less.
ongoing dedication to the com-
mon purpose of servicing the "DUe to the fact that: a)
total health needs of the com- W ham is bisected by two Huron -Landsc
munity. major highways; b) out of a LANDSCAPE
"May we remind you, Mr. student population of 4,260, 3,163VFF
Minister, with all the respect a� transported by bus ` 041 o11
r R. R. 7 Lucknow,, Ontario
(� provides the only ONTARIO
MME secondary school within our Phone S29-7247
RR 2, Tooswator
RR 2, Gordo
RR 3, Lucknow
(1*31lle Howick Grapevine 4
On March 16, the Junior Choirs
and their director, Miss Hare,
from Listowel District Secondary
School came to Howick Central to
sing several numbers for the en-
tire student body. They did an ex-
cellent job on all the numbers. I
am sure everyone enjoyed the
concert and I hope they can come
again next year.
Wendy Langendoen
These past weeks, the students
of grades 6, 7 and 8 have been
shooting baskets in the gym after
school, to try to,.qualify for the
Howick basketball shoot. *M'rty-
nine pupils have been chosen and
on Monday and Tuesday. they
will compete for an award!
Kendra Robertson
Last week was called "Honesty
Week" at Howick Central. Being
honest is very important and
without it we could trust no one.
Mr. Robertson emphasized that it
is very importarit to be honest
when you do something wrong
because if you lie and someone
finds out you will likely get in
more trouble than if you told the
truth in the first place. People
who ntid something should try to
find the owtrer because you would
expect them to do the same.
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FENCING — roe stye
PLANTING— trees, shrubs, ground
100 gal. and back sprayers
LAWN — rolling, fertilizing
SUPPLIERS OF — peat moss, bonemeal,
gross seed, fertilizer
planters, retaining waw,
play structures, edging
K �
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Opel) 7 days a week
Proprietors - Steve Caslkk and Gr'eo Alton
o � i