HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-07, Page 6M ,
4—nw q►inikm Advance Mian 7, 19'N
"House Plans Drawn
,.qm Pn"Is ce re m ori Free estimates. References for
9 c`Y
A en works for child welfare all previous work.
director t IIsannual meetin9LISTOWEL 291-1449
,many of the reoommendatioos often supported by local Peach roses, white mums and A reception followed at the bride close a two-piece pantsuit
Bye Bsx►a�aa the task force, if enacted, will donations. lighted tapers in candelabra Wingham Legion Hall where the of red jersey. on their return,
t �Dyy� � Aja � � strengthen the premed system. The agency. spent $549,161 gyrated St. Paul's Anglican groom's mother received guests they took up residence In
County's Family and Children's However the benefits of the child during 1978, about $2,791 over Church, Wingtkam, for the from Sarnia, LisiQWel, Thunder Wingham.
Services department, reports welfare system throughout budget. The province pays 80 per ceremony uniting in marriage Bay, Newmarket; Toronto, Honored guests at the wedding
Ontario are rarely recognized cent of the agency's budget while Carla Jane Smith and Gerald Strathroy, Palmerstoh and were the bride's grandparents,
presented during the agency's p� Y Pay William Marks on Saturday, Wingham. She wore a gown of Mr. "and Mrs. Abner Nethery,
6&h annual meeting held here and floe few, rare, tragic errors municipalities in the count
recently showed have been magnified to represent the remainder. The deficit is February 17, at 4:30. Rev. John dusty rose jersey with tie Wingham, and Mrs. Janet Smith, .
1,3,,, van.., ,brag - r „ f tto the norm of every child welfare expected to be paid- under the Swan performed the ceremony neckline and pleated skirt. A Listowel; and the groom's
agency, reported an ex >nHY." he -same ratio system. and Mrs. Harry Brydgea was corsage of white silk roses grandparents, Wellesley Strong,
agenpally busy yam. during PUBLIC AWARE Mr. Penn said the agency is organist. Mark Harris sang '"rhe complemented her gown. Gorrie, and Mr. and Mrs. Colonel
said as a year Mp'• Penni said child abuse is requesting a total budget for 1979 Wedding Song" during the For travelling to Florida, the Marks, Listowel.
1978. He sit w
marked by aisigd cat changes in not a new issue but many people of $593,000. Although this ceremony.
child welfare as well as con- are now considering it seriously represents an increase of about
siderable media and public for the first time. He said the eight per cent he expects it will The bride is the daughter of the
concern about the child welfare Pic is becoming more aware be approved, he added. It is a late Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
system in Ontario that child abuse is a community tight budget but the agency and was given in marriage by her
During the year the agency issue and fewer people argue that should be able to "get along brother, Jamie. Parents of the
its cotnnse e g and parents have the absolute right to okay" groom are Mn and Mrs. Johnexpanded .
prevention services to take in discipline children as they OBJECTIVES FOR 1979 Marks, Wingham.;
families as well as children, please A list of objectives for 1979 Carla chose a -gown of white
hence the name change from No longer is this felt to be includes development of an inter- chiffon over taffeta with round
and it simply a private matter in t
(�ildren's Aid Society, he professional community child ruffled neckline and a sash tied at rte:
worked with more families than, home, into which no one has the abuse team, education on child the waistline. A matching picture
at any other time, he reported. right to intrude. abuse, a parent therapist hat completed her ensemble and
The ministry of community program, community work, a she carried a cascade of peach `
An average of 209 families
were involved in counselling and social services.. has continuation of the expanded and white silk roses, white
services each month compared to responded to the public concern summer camp program funded stephanotis, baby's breath and
an average of 150 in 1977, but no by supporting some of the efforts by local donations and a ivy.
agencies to protect children, Christmas bureau to help needy Karen Snow of Wingham was
significant increase occurred in of
the number of children under the he said. In Huron County ;the families. her sister's matron of honor and
agency was. successful in A comparison of the agency's bridesmaids were Jo -Anne
agency's care: there was an
average of 81 children in 1978 securing a grant for a community statistics for 1977 and, 1978 Whytock of Teeswater and .
compared to 80 during 1977. child abuse worker, Kathy Pryde showed that 470 families were Heather Riley, Wingham. They
eter, whose primary task is served in some way during the wore aqua green jersey cocktail -
One of the major objectives set of Ex
by the board of directors was to to educate communities on the past year compared to 344 in length dresses with slit cape A°
focus resources on the prevention issue of child abuse. She has 1977; 11 unmarried parents were sleeves, V necklines and tie belts t
of family breakdown, Mr. Penn already spoken to more than assisted compared to 16 in 1977; at the waistlines. 3i .
said, further stating this ob 1,000people on this subject and 12 adoptions were finalized
jective was met during the year. on the responsibility of citizens to compared to 15 during 1977 and 70 Amy -Jo Cretier of Wingham a
MEDIA FOCUS report suspected cases to the reports of suspected child abuse was flower girl. She wore a floor -
The child welfare system in agency, Mr. Penn told the were received compared to 52 in length gown of aqua green jersey ,
1977. There were 57 foster homes with a white eyelet pinafore. All
Ontario received considerable meeting.;k
attention from the media during FUNDING RESTRAINTS active at the end of 1978. the attendants carried baskets of _
The financial restraints under Following the reports the peach silk roses, white car -
1978 and much of it was critical,
he continued. The role of which child welfare agencies election for the 1979 board of nations and baby's breath.
children's aid societies was have worked since 1975 have directors was held. Board The groom's attendant was
inevitably eroded their ability to members are Mrs. Ross Procter, Barry Whytock of Teeswater and
questioned in the light of several Y Y �, . ..
tragic deaths. fulfill the mandate of the Child Brussels; Mrs. Russell Snider, guests were ushered. by Dale
"It is unfortunate that the Welfare Act, he declared, and a Zurich; Mrs. Roy Westcott, Edgar, Gorrie, and Ian Baxter of
children's aid societies are not budget increase of five per cent Exeter; William Alcock, Toronto.
able to build up any credits with for 1979 will involve a further Goderich; John Cochrane,
the public for the benefits reduction of services. Clinton; Charles Thomas, m
achieved by the system," he said. An expansion of services Brussels; and Rev. John
"The fact that 38,700 families during 1978 was made possible by Oestreicher of Clinton. Municipal Transportation
are receiving counselling ser- successful application for grant- representatives are Harold Wild,
vices and 13,700 children are, in funded programs not included in Harold Elliott, John Tinney and needs explained
alternate care programs does not the general operating budget and Mrs. L. Armstrong.
seem to receive any to senior club
He said he takes exception to BRUSSELS—Mrs. Louise
the generalization that the/� Marritt of the Rural Develop -
societies are not effective in Jesus' last steps ment Outreach Project was the
protecting children from abuse guest speaker when the Brussels
or violent death. This Senior Friendship Club met in the
generalization, _; in the retraced by speaker Legion Hall on Wednesday of last
report of the Task Force on Child week.
Abuse, June. 1978, overlooks the A meaningful journey of Jesus' of thanks from Rev. Ralph Rowe After a brief business meeting
solid work carried out for years f th Christmas bales d t d b M Harold
St. Pa.ul's
-Yui NG'lImll
John Street of Contra Street
The Rector: The.Rov. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1979
* The Second Sunday In Lrt
8:30a.m..—Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m.--Church School and Confirmation Close
11,:,00 o.m.—Mattins, The litany, and
Congregational Hymn -Sing
Wroxeter, Ontario Tel. 335-3422
1st Anniversary Sale
March 12 - 17
20% OFF
•Greenwtare, Glazes, Stains, Brushes,
Lamp Kits and all accessories that go along
with the world's most fascinating hobby.
*Finished pieces
Register now for:
1. May & September afternoon and evening classes.
2. Children's classes, Saturday morning starting in May
HOURS: Monday, Tuesday, Friday 10 am to 5 pm
Thursday 10 am to 5 pm, 7 pm to 9 pm
Saturday 10 am to 3 pm
Closed all day Wednesday
Come 1n for a free coffee and browse -
by front line social workers with last days was taken by 12 or a con u% -e y rs.
embers of the Anglican Church Gratitude was also expressed to Thomas, president, Mrs. Marritt
high caseloads and limited m
he said. Women of St. Paul's as they the ladies who made the pancake outlined the transportation
I steps r a success. problems faced by senior citizens
„ retraced His last Ste with Mrs. Suppe
Ire certain that the child Helen Curzon as their guide. Refreshments were served by and others who may have no
welfare system can improve and Mrs Curzon was an eye wit- Miss Mitchell and Mrs. Olive means of transportation. She
ness at a period when places, Fuller. The meeting closed with examined the possibility of a
dress and custom were straight prayer by the president, Mrs. transportation system or "
out of Bible times. Using portions Higgins, and a hymn. The next scheduled bus service in the area ,
of St. John's account as read by meeting will be held April 5 at the which includes Howick, Turn-
THE SIGN OFA parish hall. The roll call will be
Mrs. Alvin Higgins, she traced par berry, Moms, Grey, Wawanosh,
GOOD BUSINESS His footsteps from the Judean an Easter thought or something Ashfield, Blyth, Brussels,
NEIGHBOR ... desert -to Jericho to what is left of relevant to Easter. Walton, Bluevale and Wingham.
Bethany and finally to She also presented a slide and
Jerusalem.tape study depicting the need for r
�Zem6erThe speaker illustrated her Sacred Heart organizing such a system in this
II ` talk with colorful views of places area and explained what is being
° and customs she had seen. She ei�chre done to meet this need. -
q(r'f � also showed pieces of free-hand '
�Vijl/�Q '1/ Ten -tables of card players were
embroidery she had purchased Following the program portion
from women working in the fields in action ):'eb. 2� for a euchre of the meeting, 11 tables of
party at the Sacred Ueart Church }
near Jerusalem. Each piece was progressive euchre were played.
parish hall.
anginal and done during the Prize winners were: high scores,
Percy Willie was high ` and
noonday rest period.Mrs. Mary Yuill and Mac Shaw; o
THE SIGN OF Mrs. Curzon concluded her talk Dons Adams was high lady. low, Mrs Burgess and Mrs.
A MERCHANT with a description of modern-dayMary Chippa, playing as a man, Florence Webb; most twos, Mrs.? t
was low man and low lady was
observances of Holy Week Bake. :
WHO CARES Agnes Caskanette.
through to the Holy Saturday Lunch was provided and
Anita Mahe and Ike Tem-
ABOUT PEOPLE ... Easter services in the Church of pleman were convenors for the served by the committee in ,!
the Holy Sepulchre which houses chargeThe March meeting will
evening. L. G. Bryce . ce won the
This emblem identifies the tomb. This was an experience be held Wednesday, the 21st.
the civic -minded of great spiritual value to Mrs. door prize.r<
businessmen who sponsor Curzon and a moving account ¢ ,
given with the hope that Lent
would be more meaningful to
Christians of the western world. �s :��:p•:;••>»•.. :: � s
`y LTDThe women met March 1 in the
parish hall. The meeting opened,
in the community. with a hymn and the ACW prayer ANIP
For information call with Mrs. Higgins in charge. The'
ven W
Janet little Miss�lEEddna Mitch ll with 30
Phone 357.1963 patches sewn onto it.
Mrs. Don Farnell read a letter �"`D D GS ARE ORYOI I n r. in IJUINTOYOUR UNBO CHIL
Fruit Market
Schneiders Breaded
'1Alb. ftg
Chicken Breasts 3.09
Schneiders I oz. Pkg.
Cooked Ham 089
Heinz 19 oz. � • O O
Tomato Juice V3 /
Palmolive 2A oz.
Liquid Detergent '099
4 r9
wllfTliR MOORS: OM WfnL 7:00 ►.M.
six Do" PW WOA
Fbag 337-2240 a"WAYS WE OR"
MR. AND MRS. JAMES NEIL are residing in London fol.
lowing their marriage In that city. The bride Is the former
Mary Julia Adams, daughter of Mrs. Alton Adams and the
41 late Mr. Adams, formerly of Wingham.
As parents, you can reduce the
risk of having a mentally retarded
child by developing proper
dietary and lifestyle habits during
'Ib get all the facts, see your doctor.
Many forms of mental retardation
can be prevented.
Your child's health and well being
depend on it.
For more information, write
for a booklet on the Prevention o�
Mental Retardation. +{
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Mental Retardation Prevention
Queen's Park
'Ibronto, Ontario]
M7A lE9
Keith Norton,
Minister of Community and
Social Services
William Davis, Premier