The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-28, Page 2'.• .y .. • ., � . . .. w A'a'i�Ras =Jr.�J». L.a.�a=unP -r
Wbom Advaaw-Time. March W 1978
• • Enolanning
rgy P process is questioned Mi9)291.3040
auring Dy rorTer %oummissior A SURE CURE FOR
Hydrattawyer Bruce Campbell reference assigned the royal THAT HEADACHE
Representatives of farming figures on predicted consumption demanding for five years that revamp the total electric plan- denied the charge, claiming fission on electric power
groups returned to the question of to the year 7000; noting he wants need be proven before it accepts ning process and make all those hearing can't give approval for a planning it is excluded from
power planning as the Porter to compare them with the figures the use of any more food land for now involved in planning line out of Bruce and all Hydro is considering the specific nature of
Commission hearings entered an generating capacity. Hydro more power facilities, and was responsible for the results of looking for from thehearigRs is additional bulk power facilities
their third day at Wingham lad officials mid the figures will be promised a fair and independent their decisions. an indication whether it should and their locational and en -
week. I very difdlicult to come by, noting hearing on need. It expressed It also reiterated the "Urgent "proceed, into a planning vitonmental aspects.
The Wednesday afternoon the lines on the map do not „wing doubts" about whether need to give the farm community process" for further facilities.
session opened with Elbert van - � , . , F , . 1 exactly to Hydro's the narrow terms of reference the long promised fair and in- Mr. van Donkersgoed received
Donkersoped of the Food Land suvWv aystems. but thev---:J...-A ►,. ►►.o t -►int -a. ..' .4-A 6 �""''a -- � m uczti sun a support In Ills can for a fait
--- -- -
Stwriing Committee, the um- promised to try to get them hearings by the Porter Com- for additional bulk power and independent hearing on the +
hrella arreun roordinating before the hearings end at Sar- mission allow it to consider all facilities incorporating the Bruce social and environmental im-
agricultural �, . . , in con- nia. the problems involved. venerating Complex into the pacts of further Hydro con-
nection with the royal com- Pat Daunt, another member of The brief charged that no one is bulk power grid (East System). struction as commission
missionczfassramining Larry the Concerned Farmers, taking responsibility for energy This hearing must deal with both Chairman Dr. Arthur Porter
Higgins,, a bad forecaster for predicted the figures will show planning in Ontario, saying the the need for the facilities and the went on record as agreeing with
Ontario Hydro, an how the bad generating capacity is about information supplied by Hydro is need for the power to be tran- him. y
forecasts are reached and what double the consumption for the only a forecast of future enemy- _ sported by the facilities." The farming and rural com-
weight they carry. area. 7t4t would drive home the wants and information on the Mr. van Donkersgoed said the munity is expected to bear the
He hammered away at the point the farmers have been physical limitations of its present need for the power produced at social burden of construction
point that planning of the making: that this area, con- equipment. Bruce has never'been shown and, which benefits the rest of the r
province's power needs is at' the twining most of the province's "These two factors alone do not until it is, the farming com- province and "we haven't been
moment limited to Hydro's load prime agricultural land, is also give any assessment of need," it munity won't accept that a real heard! ", Mr. van Donkersgoed
forecasts, which are just exporting large amounts of declared, adding: "it is our view problem exists with `bottled -up' declared.
educated guesses at how much electricity• that acceptable advice on load power. According to the terms of rst
power people might want to use The Food Land Steering growth is " not possible on the He several times charged that
in the future. Committee also presented a brief basis of the kind of information so Hydro is using the. hearings as a choice
He also questioned the of its own during the afternoon far provided by Hydro." 'back door' approach to getting
reliability of the forecasting session, tracing the history of its Future growth in electrical approval for a second 500 kilovolt here
process, drawing out that the concern over Hydro's plans for demand will require a tradeoff (kV) line out of Bruce.I 0RDERNO
forecast for 1M79 predicted a southwestern Ontario and asking with food lands, it noted, and "We think Hydro wants a12QA1
1"aa 11M1''�. �', Y.'VwW ,jt pMJ.a JVl 4 lat1J aIJJY 31J iJ sill ai JJ la Ha,. ((l(-.l/i Vl .:ll��111. �J+ • ` 1 '
load while the actual growth for hearing on the issues at stake for growth most be balanced with commission that there will be a •
that period was just over one per the agricultural community if other growing community needs, problem with facilities by a • w / e
cent. Hydro construction continues in especially the need for food. certain date, which would be Plant 1 ' r
"Why, in view of the fact that this area. The brief called on the com- equivalent to stating the need for Clover, Grads Seed
growth in consumption has The brief noted that the far- mission to complete its main an additional 500 kV line from (Free Mls>ng) other big yielding
OW&eady slowed to funder four per ming community has been hearings and then work to Bruce." ,
- cent, is Hydro predicting a return Seed Grain and Corn i
EKALB hybrids
to a five per cent growth pattern Custom
in the future?" he asked. He cast r- MRS. VICTOR EMERSON a Seed Cleaning
further doubt on the forecast by and Treating
pointing out that "fairly similar HUGH ARMSTRONG
neighbors" such as New York MOMS SEED MILL
State and Michigan are Whitechurch P AND TRUCKING RR 2, Teeswater
predicting much lower growth 392.6464
rates for coming years. CALL LUCKNOR'
Mr. Higgins responded that Mrs. Archie Hertel of Kit- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald several days last week with her 528-3500 RAY DYKSTRA r?
economic forecasts predict a chener and Mrs. Stewart Forsyth Coultes. parents, Rev. and Mrs. Hobbs, pepredentative for RR 2, Gorrie
recovery of the economy, which . of Walkerton visited Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Hector Purdon of and sister Ruth at Trenton. Mr. 335-3778
Hydro translates into higher their sister, Mrs. E. W. Beecroft, Strathroy and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Osborne and familyAHarriston
consumption, and also said he and all visited with their brother, Relison Falconer and Paul of returned home on Friday. LTD. ALLAN GIBSON
feels the large increases in the Hugh Sinnamon. Mr. and Mrs. Sarnia spent the weekend with The Young People's Society RR 3, Lueknow
price of electricity during 1976-7! Glenn Sinnamon of Wingham Mrs. Robert Mowbray and held a bowling party on Saturday 395-5265 .,
produced a delayed reaction also visited at the same home. visited with Mr. Mowbray in the evening.
t which tended to slow the growth Miss Michelle Sinnamon of Wingham and District Hospital.
of power consumption. Seaforth visited Friday with her Mrs. Eileen Parker and Mrs.
He added that Hydro. doesn't cousin, Karen Beecroft. Murray Granville of Exeter
forecast "solely by analogy" Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Sim- visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
with neighboring states and while mons of London visited Monday Carl McClenaghan.
he admitted that New York and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul and
with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin. s'
Michigan have lower forecasts he Mr • and Mrs. Harry. Gutoskie, Kevin took her parents, _Mr. and
noted that Quebec is forecasting Michelle and Michael of Kit- Mrs. Joe Corey of Clinton, to St,0`
a growth rate in electrical con- chener were Thursday visitors • Jacobs qn Sunday , to visit with
sumption of seven per cent. with her parents, Mr. and Mi�s. Mn and M>M John- Ronald
Another point raised was the Bill Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Seddon,
question of how electrical con- Brantford, visited last week with
sumption compares to Miss Juanita Little of relatives in Wingham and with
generating capacity in the Kingsbridge spent the weekend her father, Robert Mowbray, a
geographical area being studied of the spring break with Mr. and patient in Wingham hospital.
by the royal commission: south- Mrs. C. Little and family. Residents of this community
western Ontario south of a Michael and Jonathan Lewis were sorry to learn last week that
straight line drawn from Bruce to spent last week with their Jim Young of the Langside
Essa and west of another straight grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. community had the misfortune to , SPECIAL—
line from Essa to Nanticoke. Ronald Coultes, while their fall and require hospital care. v / Moore of The Concerned parents were at California. Mrs. Horace Aitchison and -
Farmers of the United T. .,,i , : Mr. and Mrs. Murray Coultes, Mrs. Elliott of Wingham were
caused a flurry among the Hydro Robbie and Andrew of Toronto Sunday visitors with Mr. and
j representatives by asking for the visited a few days with his Mrs. Walter Elliott and family. f
Sunday School resumes at I f
Chalmers Presbyterian Church AT
on Sunday,. April 8, at 10 a.m. c
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig, Lana,
YOUR h ,� i Q V R
r F w Ryan and Jarret arrived home on 1�
��r`� Friday from Florida where they `J - CO-OP
_sy $,YK' had been at Winter Haven.
n rg
- Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer, Jeffery
&ay roti and Julie of Waterloo visited a
x few days last week with her r, /� Barbed Wire Fencing
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Quality, a I i t
p y, galvanized
Rintoul. On their return home to 2 -strand wire. 80 rds./roll. 3
Kitchener, they were ac- Heavy 13 ga.
companied by Mrs. Gordon .. 563-450
Campbell and Heather of that X -Heavy 12'/2 ga.
city who had also been visiting 563-451 C�I
High Tenslit; i5 /z qa. I\ll\
heMr. and Mrs. Irwin Storey, 5 455
6 ova Heavy 12 ga.
Heather;, Jeffery, Karen and 563-453
b Jennifer of Dungannon were
Saturday evening visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig and - - -
j family., x
� Wilford Clipperton, after a <7 Galvanized
week in Wingham and District �
Fence Wire
Hospital, was able to return, : y
home last Tuesday. k _
Dawson Craig returned to his 12 gauge galvanized wire
,. � with zinc -coifing for longer -
home in the village on Friday (( lasting. Other gauges avail -
able from inventory Leib.
\ \
after convalescing for a few days / cal 563-456
at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Janet Hall, Wingham, on release
from St. Joseph's Hospital, /
i London.''` l
Communion service was held r ,
I at Chalmers Presbyterian
Church here on Sunday with Rev.
H. Nugent in charge. Little
Matthew deBoer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim deBoer, was baptized
during the service. Harvey
Osborne was in charge of Mr.
Nugent's services at Ripley ands .,
x : SAVE z
,.,..:v �;.. ; .
Ashfield. AT YOUR Grips
Miss Annie Kennedy of p
Wingham was admitted to Heavy 842 Style CO-OP For stretching plain or
Wingham hospital on Saturday. Farm Fence barbed wire. Also for finish -
Her many friends here wish her a Controls livestock, protects crops, great for ing farm fences between
speedy recovery. property lines. Non -slip construction. 9'%4 ga. stretcher and terminal.
alv. 42'" H. 563-581. Single wire hand
On Saturday residents learned 30 rod roll 563-303 stretcher and wiren
that Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson, the 40 rod roll. 563-305 563-582,
former Gertrude Gaunt, passed
away in Goderich. Mrs.
Nicholson was a daughter of the U O UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF OI
late Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gaunt and
i grew to young womanhood at the
home farm' send concession. BELGRAVE BRA
now occupied by John deBoer. w••F Ar
JVJ�� nR� F
The community extends sym- BRUSSELS 887-6453 Bel rave, Ontario
GEESE ARE BACK—Though the weather turned cold this � R
week, last week's sunny and warm **~ fooled even the pathy to her husband and sons. PRICES EFFECTIVE TILL APRIL y, 1R7t
Reese. This group flewo�ver Wingham Friday, honking their Mrs. Harvey Osborne,
way alorig. Bethany, Ams and Laura spent
7c� AalAA
II a n�
�qi,I rim CIAG
Buy your hem", l4f�, hnnt, nn+i 4Itn
insurance from a friend
The Co -Operators
your credit union sponsored
insurance company
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union Building.
8 Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
North Huron Credit The Co-operators
Union 357-2311 357-3739