The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-21, Page 14,. * ...A -,w
Iti�i • 2t The Wi�wdvance-Timor. Mareh 21. 1979 Whitechurch Institute
•holds curator's meeting
e80"ldmup power is proble m Whitechtu'ch—The Curator's Tiflis Wilson read a poem,
meeting of the Women's Institute "Growing Up", and Mrs. Currie
was held March 14 at the home of read "Those Saving Ways" An
Mrs. John A. Currie. Miss Merle Irish singsong was enjoyed with
group says
Wilson, president, opened the Mrs. Don Rona at the piano and a
for o meeting and Mn. Dan Tiffin was contest pertaining to St.
appointed secretary for the Patrick's Day was preseated.
meeting to -tbe absence of the Miss Wilson won first prize, Mrs.
Members of the Food Land "Ontario Hydro's information b. The Royal Commission rules East of the line from 1Cj@a to assistant secretary, Mrs. Johnston Conn and Mrs Dan
Steering Committee last week provided todate is grossly lop- that by the winter of 1967-86 Nanticoke are being deprived Emerson. Mia Wilson read a Tiffin second.
echoed the concerns of the sided. Any recommendation re major new bulk power facilities . of a fair hearing on the so- poem, "Mother . Mature in Mrs. James McInnes spoke on
Farmers of the United Townships the actual existence of a need can will be required for the supply to called "dynamic problem" for March". the motto, "Grow ..... But Not
regarding the "introduction by only come after an assessment of customers in southwestern additional transmission out of Eleven members and one Old", and the topic was .taken
Ontario Hydro to the SW Need all factors: that includes en Ontario. Bruce. visitor answered the roll call by from • BE z 1 Days" by Malcolm
Hearings of any more informa- vironmental implications c. Ontario Hvdro nro."Te! a "I n Picini ui ihese concerns," telling about something they Lamont. Tyvo valentine thank
tion on a so called 'dv., -ic u,e impact on food broad band Environmental the statement concludes, "we collect. The special fund, money you cards were read and Per-
prouiem' with the generation out- land. We point out that it was Assessment for a second 500 kV submit that Ontario Hydro's in- raised from card parties, etc., sonal thanks extended. The
put from the Bruce Generating necessary to exempt the matters out of Bruce. formation regarding the so- amounted to NO. meeting closed with "O Canada"
complex". being dealt with here from the d. One of those broad bands called 'dynamic problem' is out Mrs. Russell Gaunt presented and the Institute Grace and lunch
As a result the following state Environmental Assessment Act. runs from Bruce to Essa but is of context and therefore should some information on a bus trip to was served- by Mrs. Johnston,
ment was drafted by some mem- It is therefore assumed that the generally in the area north of the be ruled out of artier " *�^��h u^'^^ ^^ '"�- " •" '•- _ . �.. ouu ,uu►s
bers and was suonutteu w the tuu ttuyai commission will De in a one uvii► oruce w rssa. "At the same time we believe it some discussion, Mrs. Gaunt and Wilson.
Food Land Steering Committee position to do the environmental e. The Environmental Assess- is essential that the Royal Com- Mrs. Elgin Johnston were named The April meeting will be held
on Friday, March 16 for their assessment of the need. Ontario ment Board convenes a hearing mission continue to assess the to plan the trip. It was also in the Whitechurch Community
consideration and possible Hydro has provided no informs- north of the line from Bruce to matter of load growth in the area decided that a suggestion box Memorial Hall with a pot luck
further action: tion in this regard. Even if the Essa. to the year 2000. We believe that a would be available at the dinner preceding the annual
"The problem of bottled -up matter was properly before the f. The Publics in that area in- major contribution that will pro- meetings. meeting.
power is a total bulk system Royal Commission it would be sist that Ontario Hydro first vide for the long term well being
problem, not a • Southwest rob- impossible to make any recom- prove need before any broad and of the people of Ontario needs to
lem. The Commissioh's terms of mendation. assessment continue. be made on this matter." MVCA offers assistance
reference are clearly too narrow g. The Publics are informed
to fully deal with the scope of the "Many citizens of Ontario are that need has been established by The statement by the Food
problems related to the potential having their rights to a fair hear- the Royal Commission on Elec- Land Steering Committee was for soil erosion control
output from Bruce. ing compromised. Suppose the tric Power Planning findings for released to the press just prior to
"The Royal Commission's on- following scenario: the area south of, a line from the continuation of Royal Com- A soil erosion control provement association is
ginal terms of reference clearly a. The Royal Commission Bruce to Essa. mission hearings in Wingham on assistance program is being cooperating with the MVCA soil
required it to consider the need agrees to hear this "dynamic "The citizens north of the line Monday and Tuesday of this offered to private landowners in erosion control project. Under
for a second 500 kV line from Problem" out. from Bruce to Essa and those week. the Maitland River watershed the program work may be
Bruce. This mandate was re- this year by the Maitland Valley carried out by MVCA staff or by
voked by Order -in -Council No. Conservation Authority IMVCAI. the landowner in consultation
2065-78. But Ontario Hydro's Under the program a Ian- with the authority.
general subject of "dynamic News.ltems from OFi e s downer may apply for technical The authority can also offer
problem" is an attempt to gain or financial assistance to correct advice on land management
approval for a 500 kV line out of many beautiful costumes worn an erosion problem. The practices like contour plowing,
1932 Monday, onda Feb. , to Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce by the back door. MARCHy' 29by participants authority will contribute 50 per grassed waterways and win -
The Advance -Times is now Ezra Wellwood will be able to A record number of curling cent of a project's cost up to a breaks.
�/�� being published under new hold his first birthday party. Not aspirants showed up for the maximum of $.5,000. Projects involving stream and
R. Y Y . BELL ownership and partially new for four years will he have any farmers local bonspiel on Estimates are that a daily ditchbank improvement, creek
management. The new owners real claim to birthday presents. Thursday, Feb. 24. Sixteen rinks average of 63.1 tons of sediment erosion problems and control of
are no strangers to the majority competed for the first prize flow into the Maitland and in small gullies may be`eligible for
OPTOMETRIST of our readers. Mr. W. W. Arm- MARCH, 1944 donated b Canada Packers and April the runoff increases to 253 the erosion control; assistance
strong, son-in-law of the former After serving as manager of y tons a da Craig Piper, MVCA program. Landowners interested
Other m
GODERICH proprietor, the late W. Logan the public utilities here, for 29 the James Coulter rink won it Y, g Pe .
Graig, has been a resident of the years, including his service in the all. Other of the rink water resources technician says. in the program can contact the
The Square 524-7661 town since last August. Mr. W. B. great war, Herbert Campbell has were vice George Thomson, The county soil and crop im MVCA at 335 3557.
McCool, a Wingham boy, com- resigned his position effective second Cecil Chamney and lead
_ menWd fits newspaper work in April 30. The hydro has made Robert Yuill.
J this oTfice 19 years ago, the paper great strides under his The first concert of the newly -
at that time being published by management and the local formed Wingham Boys' and Belmore Personals
Mr. George Spotton. system is considered one of the Girls' Band will be held March 11
Belmore was the scene of a most efficient in the area. Mr. at the new high school
serious fire Monday - morning Campbell has also taken a very auditorium under the direction of The two dances held in the hall in-law and daughter, Mr. and
when the store and residence of active interest in the welfare of A. C. Robinson, bandmaster and last weekend were successful. On Mrs. Bill Dallimore, Chesley.
George Herd was completely the community, being less active sponsored by the Wingham Lions Saturday night the Loto winners They were presented with a
to ill Club. The first public per- were drawn. Dallantyne Saun- reclining chair and electric knife.
destroyed. The flames were these past few years due
s . noticed in the kitchen, and only health. formance of the band will also be dere of Listowel received $300. The Young People's Society of
some furniture and bedding were Miss Dorothy Bell, R.N., a good opportunity for many to Mack Wylie of Wroxeter won $200 Knox Presbyterian Church held a
saved by the volunteers. The Younger daughter of Mr. and see the new high school. and Rita Mulvey of Belmore won meeting on Sunday, led by Vicky
chopping mill was saved with Mrs. Cam Bell, Teeswater, left $100, Jeffray. The next meeting will be
PP rig MARCH, 1965 held April 22.
difficult on Wednesday for Toronto where Mr. and Mrs. George Merkley P
Y• The Police Committee of The Belmore Peewees were
Four years from now, a little she will be stationed with the and family and Mr. and Mrs.
boy who was born in Wingham on RCAMC. Dorothy enlisted in this council held a special session and Ross Fitch and family are entered in a tournament on
decided to recommend to council Saturday, y played
branch of the service a couple of currently vacationing in Florida. Y. March 18. The la ed
that a crossing guard be hired for very well and their efforts were'
weeks ago. A surprise anniversary party rY
Rick Gibbons Street. The recommendation will
the corner of Josephine and John was held recently for Mr. and rewarded with the trophy. The
� The members of S. S. number Mrs. Ed Horton on the occasion Pee Wees are in playoffs with
iGL / four, Howick and their teacher, be made at the next meeting of of their 55th wedding an- Howick. To win the series, six
State Farm has Mrs. Mabel Allen, have every council. points must be gained. Presently
right to our heartiest A barn on the fourth concession mversary. All the children and Po g Y
LIFE insurance, THE NIFTY KN OTTERS congratulations upon the success of Morris Township, owned by grandchildren
ran h ldren the home of their the son_ Points -
the of
teams are tied at two
—7 LAKELET—The girls met of their efforts displayed in the Stewart Procter, was demolished
Saturday at the home of Mrs. hall here Friday night, which to by fire. A nearby house and
too! Call me _
Percy Huth. Purses and shoes date from the night show alone driving shed were saved by the
and the care of them was the swelled their already large Wingham rural fire brigade. WMS meets WINGHAM
for ails. topic of the meeting. Mrs. contributions to the Junior Red Thirty small pigs had been
4Hallman discussed selection of a Cross moved into the barn a few days at BODY SHO
"•'•" purse and how to clean it. Mrs. ago and were lost. Moir home
Huth discussed how to buy shoes MARCH, 1955 Saturday saw some 81 school
and get a good fit and the care of Members of the Wingham boy wrestlers in action at GORRIE—The Women's
different materials in shoes. Lions Club will canvass the town Wingham District High School. Missionary Society of Knox SID ADAMS
Lilies good oel bot All the girls made samples of a on March 11 for their light bulb They were taking part in a
gh Presbyterian Church met at the Complete
State Farm is there. Plain picked seam and a sewn sale in an effort to raise funds for WOS"SA tournament with 11 home of Mrs. Gordon Moir with a RADIATOR SERVICE
stitched seam. their community welfare work. 1 schools competing. Larry Brooks good attendance. President Miss
The next meeting will be held A family of six was left of the local school was the only Louise Matthews opened the for
25 Alfred St. E. at the home of Miss Margaret homeless Monday night when fire Wingham winner. London Beck meeting with a poem, "The Clock Automobiles, Light Trucks,
Wingham Kreller March 26 at 7:15. swept a two-storey brick house on was first in the overall com- of Life" and a hymn was sung. Farm Tractors
Highway 87 a mile north of petition and Wingham was in Miss Matthews led in prayer and New Rod Cores
Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth seventh place. the WMS aim and purpose were
357-3280 Step on bumps Crawford and four children, Rodding
Stat. Farm li+. Insuronnco Conx" The little village of Belmore repeated in unison.
Canadian HoM Office: Scarborough, Ontario t Kenneth, 7; Wanita, 5; Alex, 4; Cleanin iFlushin
meditation for and John, 2, escaped to safety has acquired new status with the 9 g
Pe Y • Roll call was answered by a
• The house, which was owned b installation of its first 'street 14 North St. 357.1102
Y Bible verse containing the word,
U W meeting Fleming Black, Bluevale, was lights. The switch was pulled jealous', and the number of
Monday of last week and 16 lights
destroyed. visitations to the shutin was
BELGRAVE — A verse of Betty Marie Byers was chosen now are a beacon to the tired, given. Mrs. Moir read the
scripture and prayer led by Mrs. queen of a very successful Ford- lonely driver. treasurer's report and
Cecil Coultes opened the meeting
of the afternoon unit of the UCW. w1ch$ch ice carnival in the arena correspondence. Plans were
Mrs° Leslie Bolt led in worship Sa"'i uay night. 'there were made for the spring Thankof-
ACW meeting fering to be held in the church on
need Niagara®
Spray Starch
Touch Up,
W90wad ua.r -
If you have ,
received a tax inforniation slip
(T4U) in the mail.
You need it for your tax return.
If the slip hasn't arrived, you can
\-.apply in person...
If you didn't get a T4U, go to your local
Canada Employment Centre (Unemploy-
ment Insurance or Manpower Services).
Ask for a request card to apply for dupli-
cates. Give the completed card, with sdrne
identification (like a credit card or driver's
license), to the information counter clerk.
The clerk will certify and send it off for
you. You'll get your duplicate slip in time to
file your tax return.
or by mail...
Phone or write your local Canada Employ-
ment Centre (Unemployment Insurance or
Manpower Services). Ask them to send you
a request card to apply for a duplicate.
Complete the card and mail it to the address
on it, along with a photocopy of identifica-
tion (something with your name, like a
credit card or driver's license). Please don't
send original identification documents.
You'll get a duplicate in the mail in time for
filing your tax return.
If.the•slip has arrived...
If you did get a T4U but need a replace-
ment for any reason, use the request card as
described above.
If the nlip has arrived but you need
more information .. .
If you did get a T4U and still need an,
itemized statement, use the request card as
described above. However, in this case,
send identification only if your address now
is different from the one on your T4U.
The Canadian Human Rights Act requires
us to restrict access to personal information
about you. This is why we must ask you for
Canada's Unemployment Insurance Program
Working with people
Who Want to work.
Employment and Emploi et
Immigration Canada Immigration Canada
with a thought for the day,
followed by scripture reading April ii. An invitation was 1WO O12
at Bailie home ■
You are invited to attend
from Isaiah and the singing of the/
hymn, "Behold us Lord a little
BELGRAVE — The March
received from Trinity ACW to
attend their Thankoffering in
Fordwich on April 5 at 8 p.m.
XL 309
She continued with a medita-
meeting of the Belgrave ACW
was held at the home of Mrs.
Members were reminded of the
tion, "Step on the Bumps". Life
for each of us has its seeming de-
BELGRAVE—Meribeth Scott
Clarence Bailie. The president,
Miss Mary Isabel Nethery
Synodical at Goderich on April 10
aitd 11.
Fertilizer Meeting,
was chosen to design the covers
was in
Mrs. Smith volunteered to
feats and frustrations, she said.
The interesting thing is the way
the club books when the Cathy
met at the home of Mrs. Cath
charge of the meeting, which
opened with 'prayer, Bible
replace Mrs. J. Robinson on the
March 28
in which even bad breaks or
terrible mistakes and
Black. Each girl brought a hat
reading and the Lord's Prayer
social committee. Mrs. Hugh
Deighton was in charge of the
g gCommunity
Blyth Centre
' i
can often
do lead to blessings. Perhaps the
g P
and explained why the hat is
comfortable to wear.
repeated in unison.
The minutes of he last meeting
t g
study period and gave an in
teresting account of the lives of,beginning
a t 10:30 a.m. and ending t 3:30
' '
reason for our sense of frustra-
Mrs. Black demonstrated three
were read by the secretary, Mrs.
Sarah and Hagar, continuing the
a m.
tion in life is that we lose sight of
different ways of t � a scarf,
Y tying
Clare Van Cam and the treas.
series of studies on women of the
Organized by the Belgrave and Auburn Co-op f
our objective. We forget that the
purpose of life is growth and de-
using the square knot, Windsor
urer's report was given by Mrs.
Alex Nethery. An invitation was
Bible. Mrs. Deighton closed her
On the agenda are:
velopment. Again and again we
and ascot. Scarves are a
pretty and inexpensive way of
received to attend a Thank-
study with prayer, a hymn was
sung and the meeting closed with
learn that it isn't what happens to
dressing up a plain outfit and
offering meeting to be held in
g g
the � h benediction. Lunch
- Insect Control In Corr, - JEFF HU RST
us that matters so much; it is our
reaction to what happens that
Mrs. Black showed the girls a
Duff's United Church, Walton, on
April 8.
was served by the hostess
- Economics of Fertilizer Use - JOHN CUMMINGS
makes the difference.
simple way of sewinga scarf.
P y
girls also discussed
The roll call was answered b Y
-Weed Sprayer -Improper Use Can Cost You Mone PAT LYNCH,
Following the business part of
selection and care of purses and
13 members reading a passage of
the meeting, Mrs. Coultes gave a
shoes. When buying a purse, it is
scripture taken from the first 9-
Sacred Heart
Safe Placement of Fertilizer re Seed or Seedling Burn - JOHN
short talk on human rights,
important to see that the lining is
chapters of the gospel according
introduced the guest speaker,
Mrs. Don Vair.
securely attached, the handles
to St. Matthew.
Plans were made for
euchre party
-Update on Chemicals -PAT LYNCH
Mrs. Vair gave the group a
are secure and the zippers
a social
evening to which the parish is in-
The noon meal will be free of charge 80 COMO Out
clearer insight of the closing of
When buying shoes, the largest
vited, to be held April 6 in the
Thirteen tables of euchre
and join us for a
very informative and enjoyable meeting.
RRS, Wingham
hospital beds and its effect on this
toe should be 1.2 cm from the end
Belgrave WI Hall.
players were in action March 13
Would you kindly advise us ify ou will be attending
area. She urged everyone to
write to the minister of health:
of the shoe. Shoes should coor-
dinate with one's wardrobe and
Miss Lillian Potter continued
her history of the growth of the
at the Sacred Heart Church hall
for the weekly euchre party.
in order that
the proper number 0} meals will be arranged. Please feel free t0
Hon. Dennis Timbrell, 10th Floor,
be comfortable and attractive.
Christian church in England,
Bill Tiffin was high man and
bring a• neighbour. Phone Belgrave 357-2711 or 887-6453.
RR 7, lutknow
Hepburn Block, 80 Grosvenor St-,
Toronto, Ont. M7A 1113 ex-
The y should be brushed or
polished regularly and have all
illustrating h1italk with pictures
and booklets.
Ethel Willis was high lad Jean
g w
Wilton, playing as a man, was the
Belgrave Branch
plaining the Wingham area cir-
necessary ' repairs made
Mrs. Alex Nethery read an
low man and Pearl Angus was
cumstances and giving reasons
p romptly,
article about the maple syrup in.
low lady.
Belgrave, Ontario
RR 2, Blyth
why he should reconsider.
The girls were asked to bring a
dustry in Western Ontario. The
Dennis McGlynn won the door
Wlnpham 367-2711 Brussels 887-6453
Mrs. Coultes thanked the
piece of jewellery, wrapped in
meeting closed with prayer.
speaker then closed the meeting
heavy brown paper, to their next
Grace was sung and lunch served
Conveners for the evening were
with prayer.
by the hostess.
Kay Rich and Betty Belanger.