The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-14, Page 88 :1■
",y—" Wbgham Advance -Times, March 14, 1979
Brissels girl
Is honored
on graduation
BRUSSELS --Miss Gail White
graduated February 24 from a
doctor's office medical
assistant's course at Ross
Academy, London. She achieved
85 per cent.
Gail is the daughter of Ken and
Dawn White, Brussels.
The graduation ceremonies
were held at the Ukrainia Club,
London, on Saturday. February
24. The following Sunday, more
than 90 guests gathered at the
home of her parents, extending
good wishes to Gail on her ac-
F 1 RST Al D—A second group of staff members at Wingham and District Hospital recently
completed the emergency first aid course given by the ambulance department. The
course Is offered to all non -nursing staff. Reg O'Hagan, director of ambulance services
tested the group, which comprises Noreen Haines, Shirley Simmons, Mary Martin,
J t Hall Archie Steuernol
We're Having a
To OUTSELL Anything We've Had Before on
Sixteen members Juanita Hopper and Frances Broome in the back row and ane I -�-
and Ruth Sewers In front. ri
at UCW meeting * Super Storage Doors
Cantilever Shelves ^
BRUSSELS—Sixteen members Iplanned f or* 3 Temp. Butter Conditioner
were present at the March ummer schoo.Clear Back Construction
meeting of the UCW Afternoon
Unit. A total of 23 visitations were +
recorded. "D\
unit secondary students $ oo
Mrs. Hemingway, Huron sec ry 7
Oresident read a m called I Save U TO
ften Say My Prayers'. The By Jeff Seddon making provision for that. who may need the school. P \\_
devotions were in the charge of Secondary school students who Trustees were concerned the
The director said the establish- Reg. 675.00
Mrs. Ida Evans and the can't grasp a subject during the summer school would be a costly ment of the summer school was �u+cu op To the o Qinal p,,relysar.
president, with prayer as the 10 -month school year can now use project because teachers would prompted by the returnAo-basics w�M►+rr owrWa o ail °' parts y"" „�
theme. the summer months to pick up have to be paid for two months philosophy of the ministry of �; 00 ••••0 •'•'°^ system.
The members joined in singing the necessary credits rather than and there was no indication there education. He said the ministry _ to, consists or r» Com
' pressor. conoens•r. eeepor,
'The Lord's My Shepherd'. The repeat the course the following would be any students for those changed the credit system in the which we�nin0�rdetectivee in
Scripture reading was offered by year. teachers to instruct. secondary schools, putting more NOW ONLY be remised workmanshipplce]at
Mrs. Sanderson from John 5:1 18. The Huron County Board of Clinton Trustee Dorothy emphasis on subjects %uch as599be repa,ro ord e ,w err no
R � cost ro rou. and we,wai pay
The meditation, led by Mrs. Education decided at a meeting Wallace said she was concerned English and the sciences. Until any upo charges
Evans, was interspersed with March 5 to operate summer the board would get involved in now students were permitted to :' White, Gold, Almond in Stock yawn �
additional Scripture verses read school programs this year as a the summer courses and students abandon courses they found
by the members. pilot project. The programs are who appeared eager when they difficult and still attain credits ;
Mrs. Hemingway outlined an designed to allow students with started the courses would drop for a pass but under the new :--
interesting and helpful discourse below passing grades to raise out before they were completed. system more credits are corn- -,
on the subject of prayer. She their grades during the summer. "Is there no guarantee when pulsory, forcing students to a;
referred to the ministry of Rev. The programs will be taught at they start the course that they obtain passing grades in more
Gordon Williams, who served in Central Huron Secondary School, finish it?" she asked. subjects.
Harriston in 1969 and is currently Clinton, only if enough students Mr. Allan explained that
working with 100 Huntley Street. enroll to make the courses worth- teachers hired for the summer Mr. Cochrane said the summer '
A personal incident of his ex- while. school would probably be paid on school programs are, designed to
perience in prayer and faith Superintendent of Education the per diem rate of their con- help students who need passing
healing was related. Prayer is a Bob Allan told the board there is tract. He said the teachers would grades achieve those grades or
two-way street. It puts God to no indication yet how much the not be working if no students better the grades they achieved ' ELECTRIC RANGE
d the school year. It is not
work and God puts prayer to summer courses would cost, but showed up for the courses.
during y
work. Prayerlessness excludes added he is fairly confident there John Cochrane, director of intended to enable students to
God and man is left to wrestle will be enough students to education, explained there is no pick up an extra�'course. * Digital Clock
with the problems of the world. operate the program. way of determining now how 'ire board plans to operate one * Delay Cook - Keep Warm
Prayer bends God and man He said he feels the minimum many students could need the bus per day from the secondary �; *High Speed Element
without it the Gospel cannot number of students needed to summer school. He said students schools at Winghain, Goderich, *True Simmer Element
grow. A poem entitled `Answered justify the courses would be 150, do not know their marks until the Exeter and Seaforth to Huron and will tell stalest trio �' * Glass Covered Console
Prayer' brought the discourse to with 20 students in each course end of June and until those marks a, White, Gold, Almond in Stock
a close. offered. He noted the only salary are known administration can't find their own way to those _
A letter from the Leprosy at risk would be that of the pin down the number of students schools to catch the burs.
mission acknowledged .the principal of Central Huron. He ; 00
receipt of used stamps which are said the CRSS administrator will
sent regularly to the mission. spend a considerable amount of "Prayer" is worshiptheme
The h `Take M Life' was time planning and administering s M�
hymn y
sung, followed by the benediction the summer courses and the T _
alad refreshments. boah'd might want to consider for Bluevale WMS members
Other' 0" Models from $355.00
e BLUEVALE—"Prayer" was will show slides on Sunday so tat-tio-ei
Bruce p resbyte r a I UCW the theme used by the president, evening, April 1, at 8:15 . Plans "
Mrs. Glenn Golley, when she were made to invite Bluevale 3
opened the March meeting of the United Church ladies and
holds 17th annual meeting Women's Missionary Society of publicize the meeting. Lunch was
Knox Presbyterian Church. She planned and Mrs. Harry Elliott I '3
The Child as Citizen was the sorrows. She pointed out that read from Jeremiah, chapter 33, and Mrs. Burns Moffatt volun- T -
theme of the 17th annual meeting Christ's concern for the children and this was followed by the Leered to welcome the guests.
of the Bruce Presbyterial United and persecuted adults .is the singing of a hymn. Twelve ladies Mrs. Gray was in charge of the
Church Women, held March 5 at reason why the chiun�ch is in- were present at Mrs. Joe study which was taken from the DISHWASHER
the Kincardine United Church. volved in human rightsNeoncerns Walker's home. book, "Search for China". The
Mrs. C. E. Tupper, president of and child abuse. The law of love For her scripture, Mrs. Ross question asked was, "What are ..
the Bruce Presbyterial UCW, should be practised after careful Gray chose the 23rd Psalm which they fighting for?" and the an- * Reversible Cutting Board (Portable Only)
presided and welcomed the large self examination, she said. She was repeated in unison. In her swer: "Possession of Viet Nam". * Six Cycle Selections
number of delegates attending putlined the problems children explanation of the Psalm, Mrs. Only about one per cent of the * Self Cleaning Filter, Pump Guard in the Door
from various United churches in face as citizens and possible Gray said, "The Lord cares so large population is Christian and * Silverware Basket f
Bruce County. . Mrs. Colip solutions were discussed in buzz much, we shall not want. Our China has rejected missionaries. ,
McKeachnie, president of the groups. bodies need rest, quiet and food. In an interview, Mrs: Snell,
Kincardine UCW, extended a He restores . our souls and gives taking the part of Miss Wong,
warm welcome and led in several Mrs. A. B. Eagles of us love, joy and peace." Mrs. said that Saturday is their day of 0 0
sing -songs. Mrs. Gerry McLeod Southampton presented the Gray then offered prayer. worship and they have house .�
of Kincardine was pianist for the nominating committee report Thirty-one visits to the sick meetings, sometimes every �±
day. and Mrs. Ruth Bishop conducted were recorded. Mrs. Mann and night. They hold these meetings
Mrs. Ruth Bishop, president of the election. Rev. James Mrs. Mundell thanked the in their homes to avoid the ex- A ONLY 399
the Hamilton conference UCW, Stockton, chairman of the Bruce members for cards received. pence of large buildings. .;
brought greetings. Miss Beatrice Presbytery, installed the officers Minutes of the last meeting were Mrs. Gray stressed the im-
Scott spoke on behalf of retired as follows: president, Mrs. C. E. read, followed by the treasurer's portance of Christian's showing (Portables Slightly Higher)
missionaries and outlined her Tupper; past president, Mrs. A. report. Anyone having used peace, faith and love so all men ,
work in schools with the Ch»reh R. Eagles; first vice nrpsidPnt Christmas cards, plastic con- might be united and live in peace '
of North India. "A new you Mrs. R: Slade, Kincardine; tainers or dry cleaning bags may with one another. She closed with I
through books" was presented by second vice president, Mrs. S. bring them to the May meeting to prayer for those in China and at
literature convener Mrs. Wolfe, Clifford; third vice be given to the Jack Reade home. SERVICED BY BURKE ELECTRICS EXPERIENCED SERVICE PERSONNEL
Clarence McClenaghan, Paisley, president, Mrs. G. Paul, Kin- Workshop. Following the singing of a
and assistants Mrs. Frank sardine; recording secretary, The members then dicussed hymn, the meeting closed with MOST SERVICE PARTS CARRIED IN OUR STOCK
th Aril Thankofferin ra or Lunch was served b
Baxter, Paisley, and Mrs. Alex
Heard, Port Elgin.
Mrs. G. Murray, Harriston;
corresponding secretary, Mrs.
e1i P g
meeting. Mrs. Wilson Thornton
P Y • Y
Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Walker.
The theme presentation was by
W. Pollock, Ripley; treasurer,
the Palmerston UCW and
Mrs. D. A. Brydon, Southamp-
stressed the rights of children as
set out in the United Nations
ton; area vice presidents, Mrs.
W. Morley, Hepworth, Mrs. L.
Mrs. Ash hosts meet�n
Declaration of the Rights of the
Domm, Ayton, Mrs. Burton
• •i—
The Mrs.
Hodgins, Kincardine, Mrs. Rae
of Trinity Church women
guest speaker was
Curtis, Guelph; stewardship
Elizabeth Loweth, who handles
chairperson, Mrs. S. Wolfe;
human rights concerns for the
leadership chaff
p rperson, Mrs. R.
Larry Ash
will be held Tuesday,
y, June 5, in
missions division of the United
Slade; citizenship chairperson,
was hostess for the March
Trinity Church, commencing
Church of Canada. She urged
Mrs. G. Paul. The various
meeting of the Anglican Church
with Holy Communion at 10 a.m.
delegates to recall their own
secretaries under each division
Women of Trinity Church.
Mrs. Don King and Mrs. J. W.
childhood with its joys and
were also' installed.
President Mrs. Stewart Rowley
Daunt will attend a meeting in
opened the meeting with prayer
Kincardine on March 27.
and Mrs. Don King conducted
It is hoped that, at a later date,
St. Paul'sChurch
Roll call was answered by 20
new Bibles will c purchased to
be placed in -the church pews.
members telling what they hope
Mrs. Daunt was in charge of
to have ready for the autumn
the study book. The meeting
(ANGLICAN) bazaar. Mrs. Ron Shelly read the closed with prayer and Mrs. Ash
minutes of the February conducted a contest. Lunch was
Wi NGHAM meeting. served by Mrs. W. Sothern and
Members were reminded of Mrs. Lyle Simmons, assisted by j
John Street at Centre Street their visit to the Fordwich the hostess. Electr"Ic
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th. Village Nursing Home on
Monday, March 19. The
Thankoffering meeting will be o4
SUNDAY, MARCH i8, 1979 held April 5 at the church, y .3 o Wingham
The Third Sunda in Lent * several neighboring churches to Electrical Supplies - Service
Sunday be guests. There will be a guest Mrs. Fred Doubledee has ;
speaker from Kincardine. returned to the snow belt after a I APPLIANCE SALES AND SERVICE 357-2450
8:30 a.m.-- Holy Eucharist Services will be held at the vacation in Hawaii. 33
10:30 a.m.—Church School and Confirmation Class Fordwich Church at 8 m. on Another vacationer '
11 :00 a.m.—Sun Eucharist and Sermon p. had ; "' e e rr
9 April 9 and 11, in com- returned from the sunny south, in Where Service Sees and Quality Tells
mernoration of Holy Week. The the person of Mrs. Frank Ron
spring Deanery of South 3augeen Edward Street.
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