The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-14, Page 5DRAMA
Exam are once again looming
la sight aid the rehearsals for
"Anne of Green Gables" have
been cancelled until the be-
gioniag of April. The play has
been progressing very well and
each person will individually go
over his-ber part during the
period away from rehearsals.
On February ?A the cast tra-
veiled to Kitd►ener to see Forest
Height's version of "Anne of
Green Gables". It was helpful to
everyone to see his -her character
portrayed on stage by someone
else. The play was very well done
and the sets were excellent. Al-
ready the cast misses its prac-
tices and, when the month is
over, rehearsals will begin with
renewed effort.
Rachel Wallace
Cross country skier Janet
Wood, who also placed 19th
out of 175 In the All Ontario
Agencies (Wingham)
327 Josephine- St., Wingham, Ont.
Call Bob Taylor or Tom Miller
357-1227 or 357-1228 - Evenings 357-1289 or
Toll Free 1-800-265-8532
9-5 Mon. -Friday, 9-1 Saturday, Evenings by Appointment
Spots got you
down? Stains
driving you
up the wall?
d1i I - r "irror
ETHICS IN In my opinion
There are lots of laws con-
trolling advertising, but com-
panies manage t t get away with Are we really doingenough?
many unethical things anyway.
Some good examples of this are
as follows: all good times are I am about to relate to you a
ected with beer and the acti- other cases are found to be those gated immediately. This report -
connected , like skydiving, on beer story which involves a pitiful of parents who were abused ing is necessary to help.
vitiescommercials give a person ideas Problem in society. The problein themselves. By discovering these There are other organizations
that his -her life is boring. Most is child abuse and the story is the areas we can now begin to treat and systems which help. One of
advertisements raise people's Popen Case. the problem. these organizations is Parents
expectations, make them discon- At the age of 15, Mrs. Popen The Children's Aid Society is Anonymous. It helps people who
was married to Mr. Popen, a man one organization which is dealing know the have a problem and
tent with what they have and.. y
�r �M�rt u veers. and they hada with the problem of child abuse. want to change. Another new sys-
make kids nag for what they baby girl named Kim. The Their policy is usually concerned tem which is important helps
don't have. mother realized she had a prob- with keeping the family together. prevent a child who has been re -
Another good example: there is lem. She went to a doctor and told However, the are becoming moved from the home from
far too much repetition of cam- y �� �B
far tools on h and radio so that him how she beat her child when more aware of the need for the returned too soon. A committee
eventually the commercials sink she became angry or upset. The child's protection and policy is of professionals advises the case
into the subconscious mind and doctor only gave her some nerve changing. Their findings have worker, who would normally
make you want to buy the pro- pills. shown them that the greatest have retur dw child on her
duct. There, are
are a lot of ads now When Kim reached the age of need involves educating the pub- own judgmen . The greater the
that even are other products, six months she was taken to lic. number of groups like these the
lilts the "Pepsi test" commercial hospital for the treatment of The biggest problem with edu- better the situation will get.
which puts down Coke. numerous broken bones. At this cating the public is that people do Is enough being done about this
ime, it came to light that the not want to get involved. Did you problem of child abuse? Can we
Some ads are irritating be- t
The Wingham Advance -Timer, March 14. 1979—PWe 5
Editor: Alison Roberts
Sports Editor: Joanne Sanderson
Features Editor: Rachel Weloee
Executive Editor: Kathy Underwood
Foamy Commercial or Mustache Growing Cunleai":
Lori Brendel 11 M
Minute murder mysfories
cause the embarrass le child -was being abused and she know, however, that a person can stop situations such as the Popen Case of the bush murder
y �°P was taken away from her now be prosecuted for failing to case? Maybe or maybe not, but
about personal products of parents. Ten months later the report any suspicions of child we can all help the situation be
various types. Then there is the case worker involved felt that ? The body was lying face down tion slowly and clearly."
exaggeration of what a product abuse . To avoid fear of involve- come better if we make ourselves „
gg P Kim could be returned to her in the woods, just outside the city My name is Joe Phillips. Not
can do. All together there is too meet these reports can be made more aware and get involved.
much unethical and tasteless ad- parents. Kim died from head in- anonymously and will be investi- Kathryn McKim 12F m ms
mid -summer. It was lying 15 minutes ago, I heard scream
juries only three months later. there dressed in hunting clothes and shots, so I ran over to see
vertising. Investigation uncovered the fact of green and brown. There was a what was happening. When I got
Elizabeth Palmer 9F that her mother had knocked her G bullet hole with fresh blood stains there, I saw a man standing over
out of her high chair the da be- on the victim's coat. Inspector the victim with a gun. I chased
fore she died. It was also dis- Teae er interview Clustou was the first to arrive at hum for a piece but lost him."
TASTELESS ADS covered that this 19 -month-old the scene of the crime. He was a "Yes, Sergeant, I have solved
There are many tasteless ads baby had been sexually abused. MR. WRAITH expe; flee is not used properly, slow man, yet he always solved the murder case. The. murderer
on television and in the maga- Kim's mother was convicted and One of the interesting courses becaiuse society has not de- his mystery. Something moved in is hely in prison now," reported
offered at F. E. Madill is that of veloped a concurrent Philosophy the bushes. the Inspector.
zines. The ads I find particularly went to prison. Pee
d i
ht b
h i
which taught n e purpose and "Who's there?" the
tasteless are the ones about pro- This case happened two years electronics,Inspector Who was the murderer?
ducts that are strictly for women. ago, and since then society has Mr. Rod Wraith. Mr. Wraith is a tion of technology, but more im- called. Ron McNichol
It is very embarrassing to sit become much more concerned native of Lucknow and went to portantly it is a large and varied A man about 35 years old ap-
elementary and secondary school field offering limitless oppor- d, holding a30-
theirwearing Vest la viei
there and watch women model with recognizing child abuse Pen�� n$ Winchester �
undergarments, especially sooner, treating it effectively, there. Later he went to Radio tunities. 30 repeater. He was
if you are the only lady in the and hopefully preventing it. What College, after which he worked Mr. Wraith is a member of the green and brown hunting clothes.
ou for six years in the Toronto and popular teachers quartet, the His face was sweaty group. is actually being done and is it as if he had Although some may consider
Another ad I find in bad taste is enough? Owen Sound areas as a TV re- "Kia How Ya Tillicums", a name been running, an automatic garage door opener
the Bicks pickle ad. I can't un- It is first necessary to realize pairman. He then took his voca- which means, "Howdy Children" "What have you been doing?" a luxury, others find it a trap.
derstand why any grown adult that the problem exists, and then tional education specialist's in West Coast Indian dialect. inquired the Inspector. As I was at home alone
would want to dress up in a pickle recognize where the problem certificate in Toronto and taught His other interests include "I have been hunting ducks. I ' studying a week or so ago, I
costume. The script isn't even areas are found. In most cases at Danforth Technical Institute in canoeing, sailing and hang heard shots so I ran over to see heard a ring on the front doorbell
very interesting. I think they the mother is single or married Toronto for two years. Sub- gliding. He makes contributions what happened," said the hunter. (although the summons may
should be able at least to make a too young, and thought a baby sequently, he joined the staff at to civic life by serving on the "Have you seen anybody suspi- appear to be an innocent enough
commercial that is more mature. would be a wonderful addition to F. E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham Public Utilities Com- cious-looking?" asked the In- occurrence, our front door is
Television has quite a few her life. However she one day 1967. mission. spector. surrounded by quickly diminish_
tasteless ads, but it looks as if wakes up to the fact that her child When asked if there were any Mr. Wraith also holds his "No," replied the hunter. ing, but still three-foot, snow
there is nothing we can do about is a burden and the frustration changes in the electronics course 'Specialist's Certificate in Just then another man came drifts), I went to the door and
them. becomes unbearable, so she in the past several years, he rep- guidance and is a guidance coun- Fumbling up from the road. "I opened it, to find a man whom I
lied that there has been a sellor at Madill. On the basis of think I might have some in- had never seen before. He ex -
Allison Kissner 9E beats the child. The majority of gh
dramatic change in emphasis as his extensive experience at formation as to who the mur- plained that he was the county
well as in the choice of the basic Madill, Mr. Wraith states that he derer is," he said. dog counter (an occupation
fundamentals to be studied. honestly rates Madill students as "Hold on a minute," said the which never ceases to amaze
Classes vary in size but it is in- "Great". Inspector. "Tell me your name me). After this explanation he
teresting to note very few girls Bernice Passchier 11H first, then give me your informa- began to fill in a small sheet by
have taken the course. The fe- asking me the following
male bias is probably due to their
lack of relevant background, an questions."Name?"
unfortunate factor when 90 per , , "Sandy," I replied.
cent of TVs are made by women, ' f
and promotion in the electronics "
indust is therefore limited At this point I felt the man had
17' gone completely "bonkers".
without further formal technical (Whoever heard of giving a dog a
V 1 training to replace that which idea of success and all the prob- surname, especially when his
�.� could have been obtained in Have you ever wondered what lems that went with it by having first name is Sandy? Noting my
school. it would be like if everything you this thought about young people confused air he hastened to add
He says that society is negli- had hoped and dreamed about in his book. He wrote: "The inno- .'
of gent in its views toward tech- suddenly became reality? If you cents. They thought they were so I then inquired as to whether it
nology and quite often technical read Harold Robbins new book, wise, yet they knew nothing. For
Dreams Die First, you will see an them life was still a dwas myself h my father whose
ream, an name he sought (in ordeAthe th
example of what could happen to ideal, filled with beauty and
anyone in this world and the re- goodness. I used to be an inno- avoid any furthert
sults of success. cent ,> terpretations). As sop
Dreams 'e First is the story of I found that both these books sand, "Whoever pays
dollar tax", I knew my father
WHILE THE RIVERS a man,Brendan, who was
are extremely interesting and was the one. (I try to leave as
FLOAT BY searchi wer, for love, for could be read easily, although many mercenary delights to him
Oh youth take my hand peace and for his own idenity. they are both about 400 pages as I can.)
Time never stands still Lonely Lady, another book"on the long. The printing is a good size Then came the inquisition as to
We must run while we can same subject by Harold Robbins, and the cover is a typical Harold breed. I tried my best to explain
To the top of the hill is much the same as Dreams Die Robbins book, because all his that he was a mongrel. The man
• We'll ride through the dark First. Jeri Lee Randall is the books, including thus one, have a then queried, "What does he
g `Lonely Lady' and she is search- picture of a beautiful, sexy girl on come closest to?".
t� We'll ride until noon ing for many of the same things the front. Dreams Die First is in "A light brown dog", I replied
The stars as our sun as Brendan. paperback and there are not any (b this time quite frustrated at
The sun as our moon In both books the theme is: If y
illustrations in it. The only criti- attempting description and not
you seek for too much power, the cism I found was that there was knowing what else to say). After
We'll sail on the clouds result will be unhappiness and some profane language. but it put a few ,;,arc
While the rivers float by destruction. isle purpose of the across what people felt and what was filled. I signed t and ons hthought
All the tears in the land author in both books is to show they were going through. I re- that was that.
Will finally run dry what people must go through in commend this book to anyone be- However, before the man left,
order to `reach the top", and cause I found it very enjoyable he related to me a story which
For the hope that we share makes us wonder if being at the and entertaining. may explain the confusion at the
Will be so great, so strong top and having too much power is Jill Hayden 12D door. (This is my interpretation
That throngs of frightened men worth all you have to go through. as he told it to me. I hope it is
Will find strength to go on In Lonely Lady and Dreams Die
First, the main people had to use garage our Since e door was
The youth of the world their brains, their money, their PURPLE CHASERS g g
Is the strength of the earth friends and even their bodies in Midas, pouring grape juice into open, he thought he would come
Is the light of the dawn order to achieve their dreams. his mouth, "Is this the first mol- into our house via the garage. (A
Is Christ at his birth Harold Robbins illustrated the ten golden?" simple deed in anyone else's
ho I) H shed th b
John hates dirt. And spots. And stains. So you can
be sure that when John takes care of your
laundering or dry cleaning, he's going to send that
dirt to a place where it won't bother you and your
family again!
_.._ti'.;�•..�'='...,C�:�.ih:,�;d.:,_ _ ...._ . '�:. .. ' ' _. _... iiMS.�:,+IR-1a��1M',r'i�S:•...a ,.... w'...'., ,
Look, youth now we stand
At the _top of the hill
Looking down on the crowds
That look up at us still
As they wait for the time
When our grasp will grow weak
When our youth turns to grey
And we fall at their feet
But if we hold on to life
If we have faith in our God
Then Our youth will fade proud
Like the night to the dawn
Though the bold of the nights
Was the youth of our days
The old of the dawn
Is the beauty that stays
In the clean morning light
When our life first begins
We find ourselves old
And memories grow dim
With a last wrinkled smile
We'll sigh our last sigh. .
We'll sail on the clouds
While the rivers float by...
Marni Walsh 13111
use 'e pu a UL
beside the door. Suddenly the
garage door began to close
• behind him! He had pushed the
automatic door opener, thinking
it was a bell. Hastening to make
his getaway, he managed to run
outside before the door shut. (The
door has a reflex action, whereby
if it strikes anything it re -opens,
and since the door was open when
I checked, it must have hit the
poor man on the way down!)
Deciding that he didn't want to
try his luck with the door again,
' headed for the back door. He
i" saw the dog there and, not being
aware of the length of the dog's
.; \ ,.• chain, he decided to try an
alternate entrance. Thus he
made his climb over the
r N � � snowdrift and eventually arrived
at our front door.
- ` r Although my first reaction to
the profession of "dog counter"
was one of jest, my new opinion is
respect. If this incident is a norm
for dog counters of the world. I
think they are some of the most
heroic men alive!
Glenna Barkey 11 A Alison Rebuts 138