HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-03-07, Page 8a
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Wedding notices, ongago-
ments, in memoriams and
obituaries are accepted in
wri"en form ONLY. We can-
not accept such notices by
Please remember that no
classified advertising is
accepted after noon Mon-
' amatsEm E�al•aha>•a�afRal•�aifalfal•alla����� —� --�
Cards of Thanks GASOLINE
Teeswater Agricultural Society is L% TENDER
sponsoring a St. Patrick's Dance We would like to thank all our MY sincere thanks for cards,
INCOME TAX preparation by GLEN WILSON bulldozing; in the Teeswater Communityfriends and relatives visits, gifts, and concerned calls
neighbors, ere will be received up to
MONDAYS 12:00 NOON Mrs. Caroline McDonald at El- fence rows; scraper work; land Centre, Saturday, March 17, 8:30 for their visits, gifts and good during my recent stay in Victoria
liott Insurance Agency Tuesdays clearing and ponds. Phone Col m. to 1 a.m. Music by D. J. wishes. Special thanks to Mrs. G. Hospital. 12:00 noon o Friday, March
The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the and Fridays in March and April lett Markdale (519) 986-2415 or P Pee Mark 16th, 1979 for the supply of
y P Sound System 70. Smorgasboard Tiffin and Mrs. J. Coon who eery- gasoline for all the school
exception of a Monde statute holiday. To lace one of or call 392-'i382. Collingwood (519) 445.6835. lunch. Tickets available from ed and arranged the surprise buses owned b the Huron
p y statutory y' p 28 -April 11 21-28-7-14 The executive of the Howick y
chest action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office P directors of society or at the door. party for us on our 80th wedding
or Phone:
Couples $6; single $3 (age of Count Board of Education.
p B B anniversary, Feb. 26. Figure Skating Club would like to y
WILL DO small local moving GEORGE LUBBERS Construe- majority cards required). Eldred and Laura Nichol thank everyone who helped us in Successful bidder to supply
357-2320 jobs. Phone 528-2625. tion. Phone 357-3457 Whitechurch. 7-14 any way to present our Carnival and install all necessary tanks
` 6 rrb Cottages, additions, renovations.and pumps.
last Saturday. A very special
rrbI would like to thank my thank you to all the merchants in Tender forms may be obtain -
friends, WI friends, relatives and neighbors our area for their monetary
OIL BURNER SERVICES The regular meeting of the Wing- for cards and visits I received donations. ed at the Board office.
For Sale For Sale
Clean, repair and install. Phone PHIL'S REFRIGERATION and ham WI will be held in the while in the Wingham and Dis-
BERG STABLE cleaners and Appliance Service, 24-hour emer- Armories on Thursday, March 15 R. L. Cunningham,
DONUTS can be supplied for apse- Joe Craig, Wroxeter, 335-3398. PP trier Hospital. Also our neighbors Transportation Manager,
stabling. Bunk feeders and water 22 rrb gency service, used appliance at 2:30 m. Program conveners,
tial occasions by placing your P• B who looked after our home for us,
bowls. Silo unloaders and far- order at The Fruit Market and sales. Phone 887-9062. Miss M. Johnson, Mrs. C. Jones,
rowing crates. Llo d Johnston, Pastor Smith and Nell Stirling for TIEPIN—In loving memory of a HURON
Y Candy Shoppe, Wingham, Ont. AIR HAMMER work, backhoeing: 5 rrb Mrs. Ed McBurney. Roll call: A their prayers and Dr. McGregor
RR 3, Holyrood. Phone'395-5390. 7-14 and septic bed installation. Cecil product I have bought and will for his services. dear husband, father, grand- COUNTY
rrb Cranston, RR 2, Auburn, 529-7691. FOR YOUR income tax prepara- never buyagain. Speaker: Mrs. father and great-grandfather Or -
B P Mrs. Robert Hibberd
GREY Persian Lamb fur coat, 14 rrb tion, H & R Block trained. Amos paws Blagrove, dietitian. Hast- ville Tiffin, who passed away BOARD OF
LONGINES AM -FM stereo re size 12, black mink collar, like Smith at Mac's Milk, 357-1022. eSses: Miss A. Wilson, Miss seven years ago, March 4, 1872.
ceiver and speakers. Phone 357- new condition. Apply to Box 1245, SMALL engine repairs. Phone F7 11 Rachael Currie, Mrs. W. Lapp. The family of the late Athol Loving and Kind in all his ways. EDUCATION
1489. Wingham, Ont. Cecil Little 357-1963. Visitors welcome. Bruce express their sincere Upright and just to the end of his
28-7-14 7-14 14, 21,28, 7 thanks to relatives, friends and days. 103 Albert Street,
neighbors for the kindness shown Sincere and kind in heart and Clinton, Ontario,
For Rent
THE FOUR POSTER them in their recent loss of a dear mind. NOM 1 LO
YOU CAN get your Hospital ADD -A -ROOM, 8' x 15' for a FUR BEARERS skinning and
Medical Insurance at Ontario house trailer, les and track, Blyth Centre for the Arts pre- dad and grandfather. Thank you ghat a beautiful memory he left R. J. ELLIOTT, CHAIRMAN
Po a boarding service for trappers. NEW PIANO rental, $39 monthly. sents "The Four Poster" a for the floral tributes, memorial behind.
Motor League, 7 Rattenbury St., separate windows, will fit most phone 357-3817. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Phone three -act comedy produced by donations, cards and food D. J. COCHRANE, DIRECTOR
Clinton, phone 482-9300. trailers. Phone 335-3108. 7-14 —Always remembered and
527-0053. the Goderich Little Theatre on brought to the house. Special sadly missed by wife and family.
7-14-21 29 rrb Wednesday, March 7 at 8 p.m, in thanks to Dr. Leahy, nurses and
USED CLOTHES DRYERS, $40 YULE'S DEAD STOCK removal. Blyth Memorial Hall. Tickets chaplains at the Wingham and
SEVEN HEREFORD cows and and up. Laidlaw Appliance, Proprietors Dan and Bev Lamb- Notice $3.50 at the door. District Hospital, Rev. Ken Innis,
calves; one Charolais cow; one Wingham 357-2262. kin. We pay on the spot for large 28-7 The Currie Funeral Home, pall-
7-14Jersey cow; two Holstein cows fresh dead animals and disabled bearers, lodge members and the
with calf; one Durham heifer;ATTENTION FARMERS: Keep
one Charolais heifer; post hole SWIMMING POOLS. Leading animals. Continued free service your cattle free from profit -eat- BINGO Presbyterian ladies. Your kind- Horst
for small animals. License 635C- ness will always be remembered.
digger, manure spreader, seed pool company has limited num- ing lice. For prompt and efficient Hawick Lions' Bingo will be held The Bruce family P 78. For prompt reliable service 7 Y
harrows,: Ford 8N tractor, bel of '78 Pools complete with P P service call William E. Cronin on Friday, March 9, at 8:00 p.m. Felge
wheelbarrow, shovels and forks, filter, motor, fencing, patio walk- days a week, phone Cargill col- SprayService, Mildmay 367-5303.
lett 366-2713. Y in Wroxeter Community Hall.
three pig feeders (one large, one around. Regularly $2049 now 20 rrb 6 rrb Admission $1; 12 Regular games Thanks to everyone who visit -
medium, one small), three heat $1299. Use your boat, skidoo etc. for $10; 2 Share the Wealth; one ed, sent cards and treats while I
lamps, fencer, 4" and 3" pipe, for part payment. Call collect TEACH YOUR dollars to have #26 Special; Jackpot $140 on 56 was a patient in Victoria Hos- '
1-519-623-4351 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wanted more cents at North Huron Credit calls; le Ball $40; Door & ital London. Special thanks to '
Dearborne plow. Phone 335-6296. Purple P� � Pee
7-14 7-14-21'28 Union, 8 Alfred St. Open hours: Consolation prizes. Dr. Leahy, Dr. Busby and the 665 7818•'
Monday 10 to 12; Tuesday 10 to 5; ambulance drivers. Weekends onlyt
JOHN DEERE 14 hp tractor with MOTORCYCLE, 1975 Honda CB HOCKEY, BASEBALL cards, Wednesday and Thursday 10 to 5; Red MacDonald
cab and snowblower, plus 5 other 360, excellent condition, very low Salada coins, Beehive, Quaker, Friday 10 to 6. Free personal BENEFIT DANCE
attachments. A great opportunity mileage, crash bar and back rest- Chex, York, Lipton. Some foot- chequing accounts.. Deposit ac- Will be held in the Howick
for somebody to make extra carrier, with safety $750, 357-3033 ball and non -sport cards. Keith counts now paying 10% per cent. Community Centre on Friday, I wish to thank my friends, -
money in his spare time. Phone after 6 p.m. Johnston. 19 Parliament Cr., Phone 357-2311. March 16 for Bill and Heather neighbors and relatives for all the Watch for Continuing Weekly Spec
357-3363 London N6C 2X8 — 681 -MM. 31 rrb- Wheeler who lost their house by cards and visits, flowers and gifts a ■
1976 JOHN DEERE and 1972 7-14-21 fire. Dancing 9 to 1 a.m. Ladies I received while I was a patient,in �� Spe
1974 HONDA Civic, 55,000 miles. Chapperal snowmobiles. Phone lease bring lunch. the Wingham and District Has- w�
Good condition- Best offer. Phone 357-2417- Personal Notice TO Creditors - P 7.14 .pital. Special tha{1ks. to . Dr.
McGregor, Dr. Hanlon, the Oil T
357-1319: * (Quantities limited)
SET OF white enamel pots and NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS staff and the ICU staff, Rev. Bares
almost new, $20. Phone IN THE ESTATE OF SINGLES' DANCE Passmore. Your thoughtful -
scrubber -polisher tful- ELECTROHOME
SMALL COMMERCIAL floor pans, DO YOU have any questions t'Y ough
scrubber -polisher with 115 volt 357-3755• about our services, in regard to CLIFFORD HENRY PRATT Festival Singles' open dance on ness will always be remembered.
motor. Phone 357-1335 after 5 the invitation we sent to you in ALL PERSONS h4ving claims Friday, March 16 at Victorian Ila Paulin
p.m. HEAVY HARD maple slabs, $16 the mail? Phone 482-9300. Ontario against the estate of Clifford Inn, -Stratford. Dancing 9 to 1 HUMIDIFIERS
cord delivered in Wingham and Motor League, 7 Rattenbury St., Henry Pratt, late of the Township a.m. Welcome all singles mainly
THREE CUSHION Colonial area. Phone 881-3147. Clinton. of Turnberry, in the County of over 30. Celebrate St. Patrick's
couch with matching chair, new_ 7-14-21 7-14-21 Huron, and the Province of Day. Invite your married friends. OUTSTANDING Proper humidity cuts fuel costs, protects furni-
ly -, . , �1 with new foam Ontario, deceased, are hereby 7-14 AUCTION SALE tune, stimulates plant growth.
cushions; coffee table and two notified to send full particulars of
Farm Machinery OfA04m,GeM►UsdFee Wme,
end tables; brown metal ward- Work Wanted the claims to the undersigned BINGO ItanGlass,eWe,eft. * Automatic Humidistat
robe; turquoise swivel rocker; solicitors c or before the after Every Saturday night in Blyth
two cushion settee; gold hostess FULL RANGE OF FARM day of March, 1979, and that after *Water Wheel
EQUIPMENT Memorial Hall, 8 p.m. Regular SATURDAY, MARCH 10
chair; small coffee table and SMALL CARPENTRY JOBS. such date the Executors will pro- and Share the Wealth games, 1:00 P.M. AT * Removable Plastic
matching end table; small din- CLAY—Silo unloaders, feeders, Will build cabinets, vanities etc., teed to distribute the assets of the repair broken furniture. said plus $150 Jackpot.
ette� arm chair. Phone 357-1652.
cleaners, stabling, leg elevators, and re id estate, having regard only to 20 rrb MOUNT FOREST BARGAIN 3 Bucket for Easier
liquid manure equipment, hog Phone Bill Thomson, 528-3715 the claims of which they shall
ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE, 7 equipment. after 4 p.m. then have had notice. AUCTION CENTRE Cleaning
Rattenbury St., Clinton is your BUTLER --Silo unloaders, feeder 28 rrb DATED at Wingham, Ontario SHOOT PARTY 690 ave" Met (ev Ihp. 89) Reg. $99.95
one-stop travel centre. conveyors. this 28th day of February, 1979. Will be held Monday, March 12 at 111690 Forest
Messrs. Goodall&Campbell, THIS WEEK ONLY
7-14-21 FARMATIC—Mills augers, etc. ODD JOBS by experienced work- 8 p.m. in IOOF Hall, Josephine partial Listing: Immaculate din--
ACORN —Cleaners, heated wa-
brickwork, $6 esters & Solicitors, St. Wingham. Sponsored b the
terers. men, carpentry, P.O. Box 730 B � Y ing room suite; lovely bedroom
BEATTY 5 hp, 4 compartment terers. EL-ROSCO—Granaries, Per hour. Call 887-6031' ' CPT of the Rebekah Lodge. suite; odd tables; chests; dressers:
mix mill; 2' x s' section and 2' x 8' 216 Josephine Street, MODEL AH -106
B and L Hog Panelling. 1 rrb Prizes and lunch. beds; chairs; small tables; llec -
seetion of kitchen cabinets and Wingham, Ontario, antes; brass; glass; china; collect -
Lowry Farm Systems Ltd., NOG 2WO, ibles and other household effects
countertops, 6' x 2% section of RR 1, Kincardine Cars & Trucks Solicitors for the Estate. too numerous to mention.
kitchen cupboards to fit over Phone 395-528, For Sale 7-14-21 ENGAGEMENTS Note: Complete listing not quail- CAL �� KE Electric LTD.
fridge or stove, 2' x 4' vanity and rrb able at thishis time. Truly an out -
top. All preceding items dam- standing sale, so don't miss it.
aged by fire. 2' x 10' section of PETS TO GIVE AWAY 1970 BUICK Le Sabre in good Auction Sale Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer, Something for everyone., e
drawers in good condition. Phone condition. Phone 528-2120. • RR 1, Bluevale, are pleased to Wingham
19 335-3561 between 8 a.m. and Auctioneer - Al Warren i Staff Electrical Supplies -Service / -
(5 ) 28-7 announce the forthcoming mar
4 p.m. for further information. PUPS to a good home. Mother is Art Dickson, March 24, modern B Doyle to APPLIANCE SALES AND SERVICE 357 2450
a small house dog. Phone Peter machinery; John H. Griffith nage of their daughter, Prefesdeaals in Ae on" of 0wii-
28-7 Keil 335-3008. USED 1977 NOVA, 2 door, 29,000 estate, March 31, machinery- Jim Moffat, son of Mr. and Mrs. tke. C web fer bfws "Where Service Sells and Quality Tells"
miles, 6 cylinder, automatic, Allan McBurney April 7 ma- Cedril Moffat, RR 1, Wingham. salve, Fkeae 323-2131 er 913-4119
11", $6.50 plus taxes per 1000
sheets in carton lots of 4000
sheets. Wingham Printing Ser-
vice, 357-3800.
21 rrb
power steering, Ziebarted, $4000 chinery; Jamieson Brothers The wedding will take place at
Miscellaneous firm. Phone 887-6215. April 12, property, livestock, the home of the bride on Friday,
MEALS -ON -WHEELS machinery; Brian Rintoul, RR 3, March 30.
Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3667. 1969 FARGO V8, with cap, auto- Wingham, auctioneer 357-2349.
rrb matic. Phone 357-1672, 59 Albert 7-14-21-28 _
St., Wingham.
HOUSE TRAILER, 30' needs IF YOU have a problem with
1 -1 -1 call 881-3655 or Goderich
work. Best offer. 357-3533 ask for 1-524-6W1. 1972 FORD 5600 truck with new
Jeff. rrb tires, rebuilt motor and 15' live -
28 -7 stock rack. Phone 392-6644.
IF YOU ARE a friend or relative
BOX SPRING and mattress, 48", of an alcoholic, the AI -Anon
in good condition. Phone 357-3284. Family Group may be able to
help you solve your side of the
USED i0 speed man's bike in problem. Please contact Post Of -
good shape. with new gear fice Box 1135 Wingham.
system, 335-3280. rrb
Wanted To Buy
Clearance of all new and used
WANTED TO BUY used fumi-
hardtop and travel trailers in-
Lure, appliances and antiques.
eluding 1, 1978, 24' Holiday
Call Jack's Place, Lucknow
demonstrator, like new with
carefree roll -up awning. A
l complete line of accessories
1 including awnings, portable
campers, gas barbecues,
rails at reasonable prices. Phone
hitches available for any
(519) 867-5450.
make of car, also installations
7 April 25
etc. Also stock, truck toppers
=or will order what you want in
DEAD STOCK: Will pay $10 for
fibreglass or aluminum.
fresh animals over 1000 pounds;
IB for animals over 700 pounds.
Highway 4, '14 mile North of
Smaller animals picked up free.
Radio -equipped trucks. Call toll
PHONE 357-2272
free 1-804'286-3011. Graf Animal
EVENINGS 357-3870
Foods Ltd., RR 1, Chepstow.
20 rrh
1973 FORD Econoline van 302, 4
bbl., standard, AM -FM 8 track,
not winter driven the last 3
winters. Phone 887-9272 after 5
RR 2, Wroxeter
on Highway 86
Midway between Wingham
and Listowel
Scree cars werrted.
Hrglw9 Prices pard.
LISTOWEL 291-4159
CrORRIE 236-3314
Auction Sale of large modern
farm machinery will be held for
Art Dickson, Lot 65, Con. 1, Kin-
loss Township, half mile west of
Lucknow on Highway 86, on Sat-
urday, March 24 at I p.m. Allis
Chalmers tractors with Allis,
Hesston and Dion tilling and
harvest equipment. Most of this
machinery has been purchased
new in 1978. For information
phone ( 519) 529-7788. Owner
moving to Western Canada.
Terms cash or cheque with ID.
Owner or auctioneer not respon-
sible for accidents. George Pow-
ell clerk, Brian Rintoul auction-
i oftyou if you daft
,pi Y4M CW4 rA►m r Mr At TM
Beek pew eeetiw now, at ow Fieri
or pews.
SATURDAY, MARCH 17 at 1 p.m.
Over 60 tractors and
100 pieces of equipment
Wingham, Ontario
Buy Direct and Save
Bas Ph. 857.1910
Res. Ph. 857-1015
Frederick F. Homuth
Phm.B., R.O.
Carol E. Homuth, O.D.
Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D.
Chartered Accountants
218 Josephine St., Wingham
Ph: 357-1522
J.A. Peterson, C.A. B.W. Roid, C.A.