HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-28, Page 14Psis 14-7he Wbgban Advance -Times. February 36, IM BEST DRESSED COUPLE—Paul and Steven Coultes were the judges' pick as the best .� . .+ �.. ,a ati, o i ...' �35� V �"CDC.'. C: r:. ,. �a� ". t.�Y Coupic Y IIIc 1-1c"g Y c 11 �t...l their prize. NURSERY RHYME CHARACTERS at the Belgrave HI -C's winter carnival included Steven and Chris Michie, who took first place for Hickory, dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock", and Dianne and Darlene Black as Simple Simon and Miss Mullett. ALSO WINNERS—Allen Bailey and Nancy Moore placed third In the class for best dressed couples. With them Is Karen Coultes, one of the organizers of the winter carnival hosted by the Belgrave HI -C. Willer Carnival Is lots of fun. BELGRAVE — A large arawd attended the Winter Carnival at the Belgrave Arena Saturday evening sponsored by the Del - grave Hi -C. Master of ceremonies for the evening was Bill Coultes. The judges were Mrs. Ross Ander", Mrs. Ken- neth Wheeler and Harold White. Prizes were awarded to the youngest person on skates, Sherry Taylor; TV characters, Jeff and Corey McKee first, Michael Fraser second, David McKee third; nursery rhymes, Chris and Steven Michie, Kary Ann Pletch, Daryl Pletch; holi- Accident causes $7 7nn almew" Am A motor vehicle accident in Wingham Monday caused $2,700 damage to the two vehicles in- volved. The accident took ,place at the intersection of Patrick. and Minnie streets when a vehicle driven by Mrs. Ardyss Johnston of RR 1, Belgrave, was in collision with another driven by Robert Bregman of RR S, Teeswater. Damage to the Johnston vehicle was estimated at $700, with $2,000 damage to the Bregman car. There were no injuries in the mishap but charges are pending, Wingham police report. NEEDLEPOINT COURSE BELGRAVE — About 35 women from this area attended classes on needlepoint for he- ginners held in the Women's In- stitute Hall last week. Many beautiful articles can be made using needlepoint and these will be displayed at a summary day to be held in Wingham in May. The leaders for the course are Mrs. James Hunter, Mrs. Clar- ence Hanna, Mrs. Cliff Logan and Mrs. Clare Van Camp. day themes, Angola Nethery; cartoon characters, Stevw Tay- lor first, Jeff Pletch second, Michael Fraser third; national- ity. Heather Morton, -Jed Scott, Lori Cameron; science Action, Christine Dobell, Donna Higgins; best dressed couple, Paul and Steven Coultes, Lisa Thompson and Meribeth Scott, Allen Bailey After dinner speaker gives RDOP report BELMORE—Mrs. Louise .Marritt attended the pot luck dinner of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church on Wed- nesday last. Her audio-visual presentation on transportation in Huron County was prepared by the University of Guelph's Rural Development Outreach Project and graphically illustrated the problems exposed by their survey. Ladies from the McIntosh UCW joined the WMS for this feature. After dinner the members tied a colorful quilt in bright red and royal blue. Hymns of sup- plication were sung and mem- bers reported on their visits to shut-ins during the month. Mrs. Ralph Dickson centred her devotions on the third chapter of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians where he tells how Christians work on God's foundation. She related the story of George Grenfell who was in- spired by David Livingstone to develop a steamship route on the Congo River. Final plans were made for participation in the World Day of Prayer service at McIntosh Church on March 2. The meeting concluded with a brief social time. and Nancy Macre; aMW parson an skates, Me. SydW 'ibomp- aon; larseet family an skates, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morton and family; miscellaneous, Ian Morton, Tana Thompson, Heather Dobell. Skating races were won by: boys 5 and under, David McKee, Daryle Pletch; girls 6-Q, Heather McIntosh, Alison Coultes; boys 6- 9, Corey McKee, Michael Fraser, Steven Coultes; girls 10-14, Andrea Coultes, Ruth Higgins, Carol Rintoul ; boys 10-14, Calvin Bakelaar, Daryl Dunbar, Scott Evans. The tug of war was won by Morris Townshi hnekey game by Kinsmen d the tri- cycle, Stever snd Chris Michie. Peppin to head societies branch TORONTO—Ken Lantz, deputy minister of agriculture and food, has announced the appointment of Arthur Peppin as director of the ministry's agricultural and horticultural societies branch. He will also serve as secretary - manager of the International Plowing Match and Farm_ Machinery Show. Mr. Peppin graduated from,the Ontario Agricultural College in 1941, joined the publuc relations department of the college in 1952 and got a job with the in- formation branch of the ministry of agriculture and food in 1964. Since 1969 he has been an associate director of the agricultural and horticultural societies branch, where he also served as assistant secretary - treasurer to the Ontario Plowmen's Association and treasurer of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Scoieties. GETTING IDEAS—Sonia Wright, Jill Renwick and Jane Dickson, Grade 5 students at Howick Central School, get some ideas for next year while looking over the science pro- jects by Grades 6-8 students at the school. Calvin -Brick , . WMS meets at annual meeting I RAVE _ The annual Emerton dome meeting of Calvin -Brick United p,gIURCH--Alta Wom- Church was held on Feb. 0 at the anis Missionary gay of Chal- home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald mot's Presbyterian Church met Coultas with 14 members Pres- Feb. M at the Home of Mrs. eat. Rev. John Robsrh Qpened Victor Emeraaa. The leader, the, mating with prayer. Mrs, Wesley Tiffin, opened the Ivan Dow was appointed secre- meeting 'with a poem, tary. The reports showed that the "Blessings", and extended a Board of Stewards had a busy warm welcome to all and year: along with their everyone Joined in a hymn with obligation they Pmt nn- Mrs. H ra vey Osborne as terior of the church and built a organist. new chimney. Officers elected were: ste- The scripture, Phil. 4: 4-14, wale wards — Jim Taylor, Jim read by Mr#. Tiffin, who also McGee; trustee — Roy Pattison; gave the meditation. She said auditors — Mrs, George McGee, each of us is here for a purpose. bfi-t Donald Dow; music com- We cannot be happy all the time, mittee — Mrs. Gordon McBur- ss all at some time go through ney, Mrs. Norman Coultes, Mrs. times of depression, but we Sydney Thompson; Observer always find a way out. No one can representative — Gordon Mc- foresee the tutors. tAu your Burney; Sunday School auperin- burden upon the Lord, she said, tendert —Donald Dow; ushers — and he will sustain you. Take Jim McGee, Ronald McBurney, time to pray. She followed with Jim Beecroft, Stephen Dow, prayer. Allan Walker,. Douglas Shiell, Chris Palmer. Mrs. Peter de Boer gave a Rev. Roberts closed the meet- reading on God's will and Mrs. ing with prayer. Alan Falconer read a description A vote of thanks was extended of old China from the study book. to Mr. and Mrs. Coultes for the Following the singing of another use of their home, followed by a hymn Mrs. John de Boer gave a social half hour. reading, "Take Heart". MAD HATTERS BELGRAVE — The second meeting of the Mad Hatters was held Feb. 19 at the home of Mrs. Richard Moore. The, meeting opened with the 4-H pledge and motto. Tl;e iiiiuutcb were read by Nancy Moore. The roll call was answered by everyone. We dis- Christian Li ng was read by Mrs. Emerson. The president, Mrs. Don Ross, then conducted the business session. It was announced the 1979 allocation will be $400. Assistant secretary • Mrs. Emerson read the minutes and the roll was called and answered by giving a verse containing the word "heart". Anna Osborne received the offering, which was dedicated by Mrs. Osborne. cussed about hats, selection of Arrangements for the World them and care. We were shown Day of Prayer service Mar. 2 at how to make toques from the Wingham United Church sweaters. We also received were completed. It was decided swatches of materials which the March meeting will be held at were made out of different Mrs. Osborne's home. After a materials. Lunch was served. closing hymn was sung Mrs. Ross closed the meeting with prayer. The Ladies' Aid meeting then MRS. IEWIS STONEHOUSE convened and the collection was again received by Anna Osborne. Belgrave It was decided to again have a booth at the Lucknow Craft Fair Mrs. Norman Hill of Willow- and Mrs. Falconer was appointed dale spent a few days last week to look after getting the booth. with her mother, Mrs. Harry McGuire. Those who had brought crafts World Day of Prayer service displayed them. Everyone is to will be held in Knox United be displaying crafts for the Church Belgrave, Friday, March festival. The meeting closed with 2, at 3 p.m. the Mizpah benediction. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Mrs. Osborne served refresh - Nelson Higgins is a patient in ments and the courtesy remarks Wingham-and-115tstrict Hospital. Were given by Mrs. Emerson. We are sorry to hear that little Collin Campbell is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. - Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch, WiNGNAIM Julie and Jeffery of London spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Granby. BODYSHOP Mrs. John Carswell, Julie, Jennifer and Colleen of Teeswater visited Saturday with SID ADAMS her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Complete Mark Armstrong. P Mrs. Robert Procter held a RADIATOR SERVICE birthday party for her daughter for Maxine, Mrs. Howard Zettler of Automobiles, Light Trucks, Blyth, last Wednesday. Present were Mrs. Dennis Ensom of Farm Tractors Sarnia, Mrs. Larry Mayberry, New Rad Cores Marilyn, Kimberley and Darryl Rodding of Londesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Procter, Karen and Kevin. Cleaning IL Flushing On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. 14 North,St. 357-1102 Howard Zettler visited with her mother, Mrs. Robert Procter. Are You A STOVES - STOVES - STOVES We specialize in high efficiency wood burning stoves. Twenty models to choose from. Special stoves for heating domestic hot water or a swimming pool. Exclusive dealer for the EI -Mar -1 cook stove. Visit our Solar display, we handle Solar installations, pan- els and equipment. WHITING'S DOMINION HARDWARE ATWOOD 356-9002 BARGAIN HUNTER? Be Sure To Read The A -T WANT ADS TRADE -BUY -SELL OR RENT PHONE 357-2320 I