HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-28, Page 12No U—The Winghain Advance -Times, February 2& 1878
Science Fair had their pictures
v � l vR
Laatweek was called "Do Your taken for t*s week's paper. Be-
free until you withdraw the funds.
Best Week,,. I pe students are en- cause the grade six winners were
skating during picture taking
+ eg e }
couraged to do their best at all
time, we want to mention them in
1979 — you will become eligible
times throughout this week. The this column.
students should try their hardest Physical category: first, Jeff
, Revenue Canada Revenu Canada
Taxation, Imp6t
at their school work and to be
Smith; second, Steven McCallum
Hon Anthony C Abbott 1. hon Anthony C Abho"
M�nt.te. Min"
polite at all times. Hopefully the
and James Groom.
Surprise yourself.
habits picked up during this week
General category: First, Leslie
will be carried out throughout the Zurbrigg and Greg Gibson;
rest of the school year. second, David Robertson and
Shelley Moffat Tom Millar; third, Theresa Koe-\
nig and Denise Turner.
For the past two months, the
Biological category: first,
grade six, seven and eight stu- Sandra Gedcke andSharon
dents have been preparing for the Langendoen -, second, Shauna
science fair. Students organize a Dane and Brenda Martin; third,
+ `
project to try to Prove something Christina Mast and Amy Deigh-
scientific. There are three cate- ton.
gories for the science fair:
Mr. Baynard and Mr. Stratton
General, Biological and Physi have worked very hard to make
cal• the science fair a success, and in-
The 7 and 8 students who
grade deed they have!
won first and second prize in the
odworki n
Talk on wo g
{ d
FORDWICH—Bob Wallace of pearls for pleasant words;'
Maitland Woodworking spoke to diamonds for delight and
an interested audience of discipline; rubies for remem
members and guests when the bering and reliability; emeralds
Fordwich Women's Institute held for examining one's life; and the
sapphire for stud and making
its February meeting. PP y
Mr. Wallace and his brother use of one's brain.
F A I R W 1 N N E RS—These students were the first
Bill operate the woodworking The roll call was answered by
He told of working mainly an-
and second place winners from Grade 8 with their projects
back row
shop. members telling about an
with pine but also said they would ti ue article of furniture in the
at the Howick Central School science fair. In the
best biology project, Wayne Brown
make anything requested by a
in the customer's home. Announced during the
9 y Craig Penne had the
the best physics and there was a tie between Trevor
customer business portion of the meeting
choice of wood. All that is
was the visit from children from
required is a picture ,n�oor the Regional Centre, Palmer -
description of the article wand. ston, on February 27.
He told how their work was
inspired by an interest in the The meeting closed and lunch
work of their grandfather who was served by the hostesses,
carved pine. With a display of Mrs W. Bilton, Mrs. H. Doig and.
completed furniture, he ex -Mrs. J. Robinson.
a 1
plait how the pine boards are
kiln -dried with steam and also
showed an example of
dovetailing corners on a drawer UCW meets
.,,4 wl: I
by hand and machine.
The speaker answered a at �'�ore
question from the audience on
paint removal and told what to BELMORE The McIntosh-
to remove finishes and what
use UCW met the afternoon
to to refinish the article. Be
The two brothers travel to craft of Feb. 21 in the basement of the
and also displayed their McIntosh church. President Mrs.
shows Bob Wood opened the meeting
work at the International P
with the reading of "Clock of
Plowing Match. With humorous
comments, Mr. Life". Mrs. Mac Inglis took the
a !
stories and
Wallace ended his talk by making devotions, beginning with a hymn
~~ "
and then reading from Genes is
a sign for the Fordwich Park and g
3:7-13. This was followed by
donating it.
meditation and prayer.
.-� f t
The meeting began with the
Another hymn was sung and
Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. the new officers installed by Rev.
} f
Mrs. H. Gibson conducted
devotions and Mrs. R. Livermore Hakyoo Park. Mrs. Waltery
„ Renwick had the study on
spoke on the motto, Memory 1s a educational television and Mrs.
wonderful treasure chest if you Wilfred Johann read thank -you
know how to pack it". She ifelated
treasured gems to good deeds notes. Lunch was then served and
the meeting adjourned.
and fine qualities in one's life:
GRADE 7 WINNERS in the science fair at Howick Central
were (back row) Wendy Groom, second in the general
category; Fraser Hayden, second in biology; Don Haas-
noot, second in physics; (front) Andrew Martin, first in
biology; Lloyd Lockie, tops in physics; and the team of Ste-
phen Housser and Steven Burbidge, with the best general
PocaIuyko and the team OT Vreg -VU9I--
ison for best general. In the front, Wendy Langendoen was
second in biology, Bryan Schneider teamed with Todd Red -
don for second in general, and Kim Pfeffer and Cecile
Clarke teamed for second in physics.
LOOKING AT PLANTS—Shelley Statla and Joy Delghton, two girls In Grade 5 at Howick
Central, look over one of the projects done by Grades 6,9 In the science fair at the school.
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Taxation, Imp6t
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It's that easy. So go ahead.
Hon Anthony C Abbott 1. hon Anthony C Abho"
M�nt.te. Min"
can do yourself.
Surprise yourself.