HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-28, Page 60
1L*° 6—Tbe Winfbam Advance -Times, February 20, 1979
�f �+ ., Vachon Lunch Box Treats for Sc
1 Ib. Cheese Whiz ........ . . .............. . . Jar 1.i1
Sugar Crisp 400 gm. 14 oz... .............. . . ....1.19
Carnival 5 lb. Laundry Detergent. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1•7110
Nescafe 10 oz. Coffee ........................... 6"
Clearing Out Hydro Parkas ...................... 36-"
Water Softener Suit Crystal 20 kg ..........
....... 2." 1
Potting Soil African Violet Soil '
w. Wlnforio Tickets - Provincial Tickets
Cash for Life
' PHONE GORRIE 335-3451
60TH ANNIVERSARY—Eldred and Laura Nichol celebrat-
ed their 60th wedding anniversary Monday at a party put on
by neighbors. Mr. Nichol spent most of his We farminy iti
Turnberry Township, while Mrs. Nichol taught in several
area schools. They were married 60 years ago in Milverton
and now live on Minnie Street.
NATIONALITY—First prize in the nationality costume
class went to little Heather Morton, beautifully attired as a
geisha girl, at the Belgrave winter carnival.
• hd
Tom Miller
Soo this w# -Pk( l nuntP
on Page 12
in Crossroads
327 Josephine St., Wingham
80th Birt ay
THINKING DAY was last Thursday for Brownies around
the world and Wingham Brownies celebrated with a nifer Strong, Lisa Ritchie, Julie Nicholls, Shelly Wraith,
spaghetti supper, a tobogganing party and a cake baked by Leanne Cornwall, Kim Gibson, Janette Taylor and Karen _
Captain Carol Farnell. From left are Vickie Belanger, Jen- Clark.
• • Friday to be
DIsplay a s �s Day of Prayer
Wingham and community
r mdelnpeople are urged to share in the
fot'og worldwide prayer service for the
World Day of Pr er Friday at 2
o'clock at Sacred:Fart Church.
BLUEVALE—A large display hospital. A thank -you note was Membership in the Huron Sister Gerard chaplain
of crafts was an interesting read from Mrs. Bert Garniss. Historical Society is $1.00 and p
feature of the February meeting Mrs. Craig read a letter from each branch is asked to take a associate at Victorik Hospital in
of the Women's Institute held at Mrs. Clarence Diamond which $2.00 gift for the gift stall to be London, will speak o the theme
the home of Mrs. Ken Simmons. contained a lot of information, auctioned at the conference. `Spiritual Growth'. The rogram
Mrs. Jim Armstrong, convener including the dates of Ontario WI The Huron County rally will be was prepared by w en in
of the Canadian Industries Week at the Erland Lee Home, held in South Huron the first Kitive, Zambia.
committee, introduced the guest June 5 to 9, from 9 a.m. until 4 Monday in October. All members Women from all ch rhes in
speaker, Mrs. Kuipers of p.m. She also announced that a are asked to attend. Wroxeter WI Wingham will partidpa in the
Harriston, who makes crafts for Huron County scholarship will will host the District Annual in service.
sale in craft shows and is usually again be given to a girl who 1980 and Bluevale in -1981.
busy from April until Christmas. enrols in a dietetics course in Roll call was answered by A nursery service will be
She makes door stops, tea cozies, college or university. changes the members would like - provided for children.
wall hangings, plant containers, Mrs. Donald Street was named to see in marketing. Some an -
candy holders, aprons and other as a delegate to the officers' swers were pill bottles made
artkIes. She and a Harriston conference May 1, 2 and 3 at easier to open by older people;
friend, who makes quilts, Waterloo university. The theme cereals without gimmicks anti
combine their crafts for craft this year is the International customers returning egg cartons
shows. Year of the Child. Pertaining to to the stores. Mrs. Armstrong
Mrs. Kuipers gave each lady a this, a number of projects were read a poem entitled "Valen- -
pattern for a tea cozy and invited listed in the hope that each WI tine".
everyone to her showroom to member will become involved in Lunch was served by the
browse. She also conducts at least one. Included in the list hostess, assisted by Mrs.
travelling craft parties for those were Block Parents, Children's Stamper, Mrs. Beth Johnston and
who wish. Aid, Foster Parents' Plans, ; Mrs. deVos. Mrs. Armstrong will
Following her interesting: talk, volunteer work in classrooms,.: host the nert,meeting on March
she was presented with a gift camp, or as baby sitter or help to,:, 14 at two o'clock. Roll call will be
from the WI. a new mother. a current event'_.
President Mrs. Charles Mrs. Bill deVos and Mrs. Or-
Mathers opened the meeting and tlieb took the course on
Mrs. Mel Craig read the minutes, needlepoint. Anyone interested is
treasurer's statement and asked to contact either of them or
mnw worwe Mot o*- - - Hobby"
Grmmwore Supplies and Gifts
Custom Firing
Classes Afternoon and Evening
A'� �-�eri'r10
36 Charles St.,
Wingham, Ont.
Fruit Market
Schneiders - Reg. - All Beef - Red Hots
Wieners lb.$1*39
Clover Leaf 7% oz. Red Sockeye
Salmon $1 *69
Schneiders 6 oz. $1.39 � .
Hain Steak
Heinz 48 oz.
Tomato Juice • %9
Six Drys Per Week
e Mitchell
Special e
Good Hwy. 7
�II � Elginfield
Hwy. MACS • Crunican Bros.
e London
� 965U. .
correspondence. Mrs. Armstrong
the president. Alternate Districts
brought the WI quilt that was
Director Mrs. Wendell Stamper
a meeting at the home
Ida Red, Spy, Red and Golden
Delicious available
shown at the International
Plowing Match, for display at the
of Mrs. McCall in Brussels in
January and outlined what took
Results of the CWL euchre
party Feb. 20 were: high man,
at regular prices.
Mrs. Mathers read from
"Home and Country" that
place there. The Fordwich WI
will host the annual meeting on
John Sproal; low man, Jim
Leddy; high lady, Mrs. Joe
T our fresh cider too!
Bluevale WI, along with other
May 8, with Bluevale presenting
Schneider; low lady, Mrs. Helen
Institutes in the area, donated
money to buy toys for the
entertainment in the afternoon.
Theme is the International Year
Martin. Conveners were Beth
Skinn and Lily Nolan. The door
children's ward at the local
of the Child.
prize went to Mrs. Marg King.
BELGRAVE — Mrs. Gordon
Higgins celebrated her 80th
birthday at her home on Sunday,
Feb. 25, when several neighbors,
relatives and friends called in to
extend their best wishes. Those
present for the family supper in-
cluded Gordon, George, Bob, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Higgins, Joan and
Ruth, RR 5 Brussels, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Higgins, Donald,
Wayne and Greg of Brussels.
Sincere sympathy of the
community is extended to Reta
Ross and family on the death of
her father, Athol Bruce.
Mrs. Wes Paulin is a patient in
Wingham and District Hospital.
t Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T.M. Swan, L. Th.
* The First Sunday in Lent
8:30 a.m.—Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m.—Church School
11:00 a.m.—Sung Eucharist and Sermon
WEDNESDAY: 8:00 p.m.—The Board of Management
Wingham couple united in -
n ,
a quiet family ceremony
A quiet family wedding was the parents, the bride was attended
choice of David Stapleton and by her sister, Miss Judy Hunter
Betty Anne Hunter who were of Lucknow. Bruce Bushell, RR 2,
united by Rev. Douglas Kaufman Holyrood, brother-in-law of the
in a double -ring ceremony groom, was best man. A luncheon
solemnized February 9 in was held at the bride's home
Lucknow United Church. Parents following the ceremony,
of the couple are Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Stapleton of Wingham and Following a wedding trip to
Mr. and Mrs. Bill 11 Hunter, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Stapleton
Lucknow will make their home in
Given in -tharriage by her Wingham.
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