HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-28, Page 5R. W. BELL
The Sqi Aix 524-7661
Bob Taylor
See this week's quote
on Page 12
in Crossroads
327 Josephine St., Wingham
1 **r
The Advanta -Times, February 28, Wn—Ysr b
Editor Aron Roborts
Sports Editor: Joanne Snndorson
Features Editor: Ro" WAm
Executive Editor: Kathy Underwood
ern Ontario graduating from that
establishment in 1865. Upon his
bowling, snowshoeing, and play-
ing the piano and trumpet. He is
Teacher interview
graduation Mr. Wilson decided to
one of the advisors for the ski
the line" spikes were displayed
by all members of the team.
become a teacher and as a result
club and, in his spare time, he
Stewart Arnott
Karen Austin
trig Althouse, he received his first
even manages to teach school.at
WHICH IS THE BEST LOOKING home room, at Madill? Why 13B of coursel Herewe are
Terry Wilson of the science de -
teaching position here at F. E., a
` x
on Winter Carnival's hat and tie day. An attractive lot — wouldn't you say?
f he
partment is a member of the
post which he has had ever since.
capitalize on the few errors made
and Coach Schofield for a fine
teaching staff here
Mr. Wilson says that, most of
RoaneM Hughfe
Madill. He was born right here in
t1* time, he enjoys job.
Wingham in 1843 43 and grew u on
farm 9now, east out-
However he added: `Its like all
seventh end, the score was tied 5-
a n
lobs, you do have your off days."
Jim Mcoueen
Richard McMillan
side Helen's, in West
He says that his favorite sub-
representing their school
> >
Wawanosh Township.
ject is undoubtedly physics, and
Mr. Wilson attended elemen-
that he enjoys teaching Grades 11
Shakespeare s
Love s Labours Lost
Jessica Booker
tary school in a one -room school-
and 13 the most. He also mentions
house near his home. His high
that he received his Master of
school days were spent at the now
Science degree in the fall of 1976
The Second Part of Henry IV
non-existant Lucknow High
from the University of Waterloo.
.r ,,:
School. After completing high
school, he went on to higher edu-
Mr. Wilson is presently living
on his parents old farm outside
cation at the University of West-
St. Helen's. His hobbies include y
ern Ontario graduating from that
establishment in 1865. Upon his
bowling, snowshoeing, and play-
ing the piano and trumpet. He is
graduation Mr. Wilson decided to
one of the advisors for the ski
the line" spikes were displayed
by all members of the team.
become a teacher and as a result
club and, in his spare time, he
Stewart Arnott
Karen Austin
Francois -Regis Klante�
John Lambert
of this decision studied for
even manages to teach school.at
WHICH IS THE BEST LOOKING home room, at Madill? Why 13B of coursel Herewe are
another year in London. ondon. Follow- College
of Education
p C
` x
on Winter Carnival's hat and tie day. An attractive lot — wouldn't you say?
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Cindy Campbell,
Campus question school queen IT IS FRIDAY period 9 and the page isn't quite ready.
Editor Alison Roberts checks the week's copy ready for The
What is your favorite holiday Sheila Sholbrook: Summer, be- It manywas a
ala" tensat E morning
for Advance -Times office. Despair has set in.
and wh cause it lasts a long time. rig.
Y as the ballots were cast for
Mary Beth Sanderson 12H: Steve Johann 13B: Christmas, School Queen. Finally the winner
Groundhog Day, because I like because of Christmas spirit. was revealed and Cindy Camp-
groundhogs. Kathy Willits: Storm days be- y p
Sandi Carson 12B: St. Patrick's cause I don't have to see the bell ll proved victorious.
teachers. Cindy was born in London, On -
Day, because I'm Irish. Jay MacLaurin: Teachers' trio, and as a child moved to the BOYS' CURLING Lori Brendel, second; Jo -Anne
Jill Strong 12K; April Fools y small community of Belgrave The boys' curling team Grummett, vice; and Donna
Day, because I'm a fool. strikes, because it is the longest.
Kim Brocklebank 10A: Easter Where she now resides. . travelled to Seaforth Feb. 14 to Ballagh, skip.
Carl Van Vien 9M: Summer She is active in sports, where participate in the Huron Count The
holidays — no school! _ because that's when the weather pa Y girls won against took
Esther Nethery 12F: Last day gets warmer and there is also the her main interest lied, and was a playoffs. where they competed Marys 8-3 even though it took
of school because it' is my birth- gets war aspect. cheerleader last year. She is now against four other high school some time to adjust to the ice.
Heather Gibson 10C: Summer, a member of the ski club, curling teams in Huron County in order The next game was played
day because it's warmer and it lasts club and geography club. to earn the right to advance to the against Seaforth to whom they
Debbie Hanula i 13A: Christ- She is presently enrolled in Huron -Perth tournament. ' had lost in the Huron division.
mas, because I have a crush on longer. Grade 12, which will be her final
Santa. _ year at Madill. When asked what The rink, coached by Mr. Haw- They came back with a strong
y kins, is composed of skip — Lau- win of 8-3.
Marni Walsh 13B: Christmas, Anotherrad she would like to accomplish in rie Haines, third — Kevin In the last game, Madill was
all the family comes home and 9 the future, Cindy replied she is McKague, second — Bill LeVan ahead 7-1 in the seventh end but
we are together. makesgood pursuing a career in travel. She and lead — Danny Kuenzig. They Listowel got the break and picked
Joanne Sanderson 13B: March 9 feels that this field of work would met some tough competition and up three points. Everyone was
break, exams are over and Ken McEwen, a former student bring many rewards. as a result were involved in close- nervous throughout the eighth
luckily we may not have to write at F. E. Madill, was recently Cindy's comments on "partici- scoring games that often were end. The Listowel skip was trying
anymore. named to the Dean's Honor List paction" in the school touched on not decided until the final ,rock to take Madill's only rock out of
Martha Fraser: Summer, be- after achieving better than 80 per the belief that some people do not was thrown. the ring. She threw, : i � ,I . .
cause it lasts a long time. cent in his studies. He is get involved in student activities The first draw saw Madill was hoping. It started to curl, the
currently enrolled in the because they are too self -con- facing the strong Clinton team. sweepers swept, but it curled
Bachelor of Science program at scious and do not want others to Madill led after the first end 1-0 past. Madill won 8-7.
s' s the University of Guelph. laugh at them or think them dif- but Clinton quickly came back The girls go to WOSSA on
ferent. She maintains that as one and after the sixth end, Madill Friday, March 2. Good luck!
)FIRST, YOU CRY O o ' u c !
by Betty Rollin
more involved, he -she will was behind 5-2. The Madill team
.H,. gain more self-assurance. Thus fought back, however, with a few
one -will benefit from a more. key shots that resulted in a Sb tie S. Boys' Basketball
,,She -,emotional trauma, :of Once again the halls of Madill fully -rounded life. after the eighth end. This forced On February 22, our Senior
breast cancer is dealt with openly are filled with despair. Exam Cindy enjoyed "Sno Fest 79" an extra end in which Clinton Boys' basketball team played the
and courageously in the deeply schedules are up. This, however, immensely and feels the events would have last rock. Good shots Exeter team in a tough defeat.
affecting book, First, You Cry, should not be a time for the were extremely well attended. were made by both teams in this The team showed a good defence.
written by NBC News cor- defeatist attitudes which are The carnival will become one of end. In the first half of the game the
respondent Betty Rollin. becoming all too apparent. It is a the things she will cherish in her With its final rock, the Madill score was 28-24 with Exeter
Betty Rollin's life seemed to be time of hard work and reward for "F.' E. treasure of memories" team elected to enter the house leading.; Madill pulled up the
ideal, her marriage seemed to be that work. ' when she leaves for the big world through a small opening between score very fast and brought it
flawless, her health seemed to be We should be optimistic in our beyond. the guards in front of the house, almost to a tie in the first half.
unquestionably perfect. Then outlooks, realizing that with hard Her abilities to make friends the rock had perfect weight but The second half of the game
came the fateful day that she dis- work and a little luck, we will easily and enjoy herself while just touched a front guard, pre- proved to be a win for the Exeter
covered the lump in her left benefit from (rather than be working diligently make her an venting it from entering, the team but Madill never gave up.
breast. Her ideal life was shat- -defeated by) the exams. If there excellent choice for School house. The Clinton team, having The team fought right until the
tered, or so she thought, The are pessimists who cannot see Queen. Her leadership qualities a rock on the edge of the house, end. Top scorer for our team was
events that followed helped her to this as hopeful or good, the only will certainly help her to be elected to throw away its final Tom Henderson with 12 points.
come to a better understanding optimistic note I can add for you successful in life. rock ma the final score 6-5 in
about herself and her marriage. is: the ord last a week and a , , B Second was Steve Burke who
Y Y Well all miss Cindy's warm Clinton's favor. scored 10 points.
The book is written in a simple, half. smile and cheery "hello" which Next the team met the Exeter Better luck next time to our
easy -to -read style because Rollin Good luck to all on this second never fail to make a day a little rink in another close battle. The Senior Boys.
writes from the heart. Every set of examinations! bit brighter. Exeter team opened the scoring, Debbie Armstrong. 11A
woman will be able to identify Alison Roberts, 13B Best of luck, Cindy!! but after six ends, Madill held a
with and understand Betty
Rollin's feelings. two point lead. Exeter received
,•_ - one point in the seventh end,
The book is in a way frighten Huron -Perth
ing, because it presents the fact
which put them within one point
that if it can happen to her it X11 of Madill.
i E Both teams played well during Volleyball
could happen to me. But it is also
a painfully honest account of one '-;A> the eighth end, so well that by the
y time the final rock was to be
woman's fight against and ac- thrown it was questionable who
ceptance of a mastectomy. had shot rock. The Madill team Madill Seniors played as well
I felt this was a very worth as expected at the Huron -Perth
while and inspiring book. I would failed in its attempt to draw into championships on February 22.
recommend it t an woman who the house, e i measurement was p
Y needed to decide which team had Madill laced a commendable
has experienced cancer, or justfifth in final standings.
the fear of it. . . the rock closest to the center. The In two games against Nor -
measurement showed Madill's thwestern and in one game
.—.— rock to be slightly closer, giving against the second -place South
them an 8-6 victory. Huron, Madill came out on top.
In the final game Madill met Excellent serving and "close to
toll IM4 d 1 t
27th Season
The Players
Seafor is eve oped m o
another close game, due mainly
the line" spikes were displayed
by all members of the team.
Stewart Arnott
Karen Austin
Francois -Regis Klante�
John Lambert
to Madill missing chances to
Congratulations to the team
June,4 iu Nuvember �
capitalize on the few errors made
and Coach Schofield for a fine
Paul Batten Rod Beane
RoaneM Hughfe
by the Seaforth team. After the
showing at Huron Perth and for
Festival Stage
Christopher Blake
seventh end, the score was tied 5-
The First Part of Henry IT
Mervyn Blake
Ingrid Blekys
Jim Mcoueen
Richard McMillan
S, with Wingham having Iasi rock
g g
representing their school
> >
Domini Blythe
wiuiam Merton Malmo
going into the eighth end.
throughout the season. We are
Shakespeare s
Love s Labours Lost
Jessica Booker
Frank Maradenlooking
for an even better
Seaforth had shot rock which
The Second Part of Henry IV
Barbara Budd
Graeme Campbell
Wally Michaels
With their
showing year
g next Y
was partially guarded.
ShAkespeare s
Patrick Christopher
Bill Copeland
Richard Monette
Marylu Moyer
second last rock, Madill was able
Joanne Sanderson
Avon Stage
Richard CUrhoCk
John Cutts
wdham Needles
to remove the rock and get a
Shakespeare s
Richard II
Dune D Aoulla
Margot Dionne
Stephen Ouimette
Angelo Pedar�
Slight r011, completely behind the
Peter Donaldson
Nicholas Pennell
rocks in front. The Seaforth team
Sheldon Rosen s
Ned and Jack
Eric Donk rn
WdMd Dube
Jenniter Phipps
John Pollard
was unable to remove it with its
Oscar Wilde s
The Importance of Being
Craig Dud ey
Edward Evanko
Douglas Rain
Pamela Redfern
final rock. in order to gain fur-
ther points to improve its stand -
cross country
Edda Gaborek
sophe Gascon
Maida Rog erson
Stephen Russeu
trig, the Madill team tried a draw
ski results
Burt Shevelove s
Happy New Year
Richard G.ra
Alan Scade
shot with the final rock. That
Maurice Good
LeRoy SchulI
The All -Ontario Cross -County Y
(based on the play Holiday by
Donna Goodhand
Cedric Smith
attempt was successful and the
Philip Barry and music by Cole Porten
Lewis Gordon
victoria Snow
Rev Southgate
Madill team won 7-5.
ski meet was held on Thursday,
Edward Bond sJeffrey
The Woman North American Premiere
Amelia Hall
David Stein
February 22, at Horseshoe
Shakespe.re s
King Lear
Dean Hawes
Barbara Stewart
Hank Stinson
' �
This gave them a record of two
loss. Their total
Valley. Our girls' team skied a
Max Helpmann
wrhston Sutton
wins and one
five -km course. Twenty-eight
Third Stage
Susan HOgAn
Michael Totrke
Peter ustinov
points were enough to place
other schools entered in the race
----.__-_ -_------.-.----
The Taming of the Shrew
David Holmes
Barry van Elen
second In the overall standings,
with a total of 175 individual
Yerma by Kenneth Dyba
Gilliam Hutt
C+Prald Isaac
Alicia Jetil
Gregory Wanless
William Webster
Ian WhiteSkiers.
with Clinton placing first and
Gares. Lorca s
GeordiP Johnson
John WodA
Goderich third.
Madill to
The Madill skiers did -well,
Barrie Wood
Tom Good
As a result advanced
finishing in 14th position overall.
gether with Clinton to the Huron
Congratulations to Janet Wood
For Complete Information
° ;
Perth tournament held Feb. 21 in
WhiO finished In 19th position with
oiir Ifee brnrhllre r.00lfins full InIO,TAfgn On tMs 9r ason rnq p.paurrio
Gei your COOy by Writing Slraflord f=Ps11VAl Strattdrd Dntalln ^ef p»^ �^•d•
-pet tiDr• r^,oi.p^
Kevin McKague 12 F
a time of 25.29. First place finish
Carada N5A 6V2 or teM ptWhe 15t912't
spa0 Mad orders
•o,.rir i,r,T
was 22034.
for tickets ArrPptPd from March 5
cher April :i(1 only
Telephone order AcceptM
_ _
Girls' Curling
Congratulations also to the rent
On Wednesday, February 21,
of the skiers for representing
the girls' curling team from F. E.
Madill well. Chris Orien placed
(519) 11ra
KATHERYN McKIM diligently typing the school page,
Madill went. to Seaforth for the
88th, Nancy Anderson loth, Gail
may look a little strange wearing a top hat, but since It's hat
Huron -Perth championship. The
Thompson IXKh and Patti Barger
and tie day she Is not at all out of place.
rink consisted of Pat Shiell, lead;