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LISTOWEL 291-1449 •-
Shirriffs Jelly Powders ...... ...... .. ......4/1.00
Pillsbury Rasp. -Apple -Cherry -Strawberry Turnovers. 1.19
Mrs. Lukes Raspberry and Strawberry Jam, oz......"
Dried Flower Arrangements and Bud Vases. 4.50 - S."
Dump gin Soap Deal ........................... 4/."
Ham Slices, 4 oz. Pockoges..................... ."
Wittich's Fresh White Bread ............ ........ 2/."
Cigarettes by the Carton - Save BO' ................ 8.00
Sirloin Steaks - Have a Winter Bar -B-0
Mw World's Most Fmcl -alling Hobby I
t Greenware Supplies and Gifts
Custom Firing
Classes Afternoon and Evening
Anima's Ceramics
36 Charles St.,
Wingham, Clint.
HOWICK SPEAKERS—Jane Dickson, second from left,
was Junior winner of the annual Howick Lions Club public
The Wingham Advane•-Tinw, February 21, 10T0 --Pates 4
Valentine theme for
February WI meeting
Whitechurch—The February
fr.r.t•tior of any kind. Mins
meeting of the Women's institute
w,*M spoke on intermarriage
was held valentine's Day at the
and des.
home of Mrs. Jas. Mclnnes,
The motto, "Changes are
Wingham. The president, Merle
Good" was given by Mrs. Don
Wilson, held a valentine heart
Rolls. She noted the unused mind
song contest and the winners
like the unused attic collects
were Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs. Elgin
cobwebs and illustrated this by
Johnston and Mrs. Lorne Du rnin.
referring to medical practice.
The meeting opened with the
Hospitals used to keep patients
Ode, Creed and Lord's Prayer.
lying in bed after operations and
Miss Wilson.•oitended a warm
some suffered a loss of use 01
welcome to 15 members and
their limbs. Today they are k*
Qrree visitors present. It was
up and going. This proves U*
decided to send Mrs. John A.
through inactivitythere is lass at
Currie, branch curator, to the
just like cobwebs in the
muscle, j
conference in Waterloo May 1-3.
brain she said.
The roll was called and answered
Mrs. Johnston Conn gave the
by alj telling their favorite
18 tel
8 1
topic, quilting, which originated
nil '
q � .
in the need to keep warm. In the
The conveners of standing
old world quilts had various uses;
committees than gave their
the Pilgrim brought quilts, food
reports. Mrs. Johnston,
and clothing Why quilts? she
agriculture, told of the federation
asked. Jyat for joy, for warmth
of agriculture's concern over
and sociability. She dosed with
foreign investors buying up huge
the poem, "Patchwork
tracts of land and subletting it.
Memories", and an :.. l any
Mrs. Currie, curator, spoke of
questions on quilting.
people's relationships 50 years
Grace was sung and the lunch
ago, when men made one wife
committee of Mrs. R. Gaunt,
last a lifetime.
Mrs. Jas' Wilson and Airs. J.
Mrs. Metcalfe, resolutions,
McInnes served refreshments•
spoke on -the International Year
Mrs. Victor Emerson gave the
of the Child. She urged members
courtesy remarks for Mrs. Rena
to write to someone protesting
the stopping of church suppers or
other speakers with trophies. Other Junior speakers were
John Nieuwenhoff, Sharon Langendoen and Stephanie
Judith McMichael won the unit meeting
Intermediate category with her
talk about George her horse and
y'; 3 some of his antics. Des ite
George's shortcomings, she Wilson was hostess for the
*vowed/that she wouldn't get rid of February 14 meetirig of the
S/ Tll�
5`. him for anything. evening unit of the United Church
Also speaking in the In- Women. President Mrs. Clare
`> termediate class mere Muriel Harris opened the meeting with a
\ ` Huth, who talked about how poem, followed by a hymn and
s the opening prayer.
The worship- service was
•conducted by Mrs. B. Gibson and
180's Knox evening Mrs. Ted Fraser. Mrs. Gibson
• • SENIOR HOWICK SPEAKERS—Judith McMichael, sec- read scripture from Paul's letter
Q Tips and from left, won the annual Howick Lions Club Senior presented her with a large trophy. Other speakers in the • P
public speaking competition Monday. Lion Alex Graham category were Greg Horton, Philip Gowdy and Muriel Huth. unit meets to the Romans, chapter 10. She
p p g p y• then led in prayer. Mrs.. Fraser
Nestle French Formula read a gospel and a
BELGRAVE —The Evening g pe poem
18 oz. • 9 9 MRS. VICTOR EMERSON Unit of the UCW of Knox United entitled "Now". She closed the
Shampoo'.....,, 1 devotions with prayer.
Church, Belgrave met February P Y
. �' , ��� 6 at the home of Mrs. Lewis Roll call was answered by 20
120 MI
a� Stonehouse with 20 present. The members and one visitor. Mrs.
theme of the worship service was Wagler gave the treasurer's
Nivea Creme *49 Friday Mr. and Mrs. Whitechurch P"Love" and was led by Mrs. report. Following the dedication
Charles Woods of Egmondville George Michie. of the offering, Miss Lenore
Listerine 625 MI. came to Wingham and took her Beswetherick showed slides of
mother, Mrs. Ella Johnston, and y Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw were Miss Mrs. George Lubbers, Mrs. The World Day h Prayer will
Mouthwash Last Thursday Don Caesar was Y the Amazon which :were, v
1 • i� George Grigg home for a sur- g Jane Laidlaw, London, and Mr. Simon deBoer and Mrs. Harvey observed March 2 in Knox'
admitted to the Wingham and United Church. It was decided enjoyable,
prise birthday party. Others strict Hospital. His community and Mrs. Joe Ducharme, Osborne attended a meeting on Lunch was served b Mrs. Bill
Moirs 1 Ib. wi hes him a s recover Goderich. Saturday in Toronto. that the group would visit shut in Y
present at the party were Mr. and speedy Y le in the community during Lockie and Mrs. Wilson and the
Mrs. Jim Johnston of Listowel, Ilarl Wilken was taken by Mr and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden and PQ°p meeting closed (siiith the
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston, Lucknow and Elroy Laidlaw Bill Jr. of Goderich were the month of February.
ambulance to University Y benediction.
visited Tuesday at Victoria Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Logan spoke on
David, Donria and a friend from HospiiW; London, on Friday. Y "Vital Christianity", using The next meeting will be held
Flintstone 100 St. Pauls, Mrs. Lois McMichael Reports ae that his condition has Hospital, London, with their Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Joey. material from the weekend at March 14 at Mrs. Fraser's home.
3*99 of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Bill improv' 'uncle, Andrew Straughan. Hector Purdon of Strathroy Each member is asked to bMultiple VitaminsWoods, Pam and Bev of Clinton, This community congratulates Miss Cindy Moore spent the spent the weekend with his sister, Westminster. The meeting closed �
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Woods, Jill Mr. and Mrs. Jim deBoer on the
weekend with her friend, Miss Mrs. Robert Mowbray, and with the Mizpah benediction. some small item for a layette.
and Scott of Seaforth and Mr. and recent arrival of baby Matthew, Tracy Springer of Lucknow. visited Mr. Mowbray, a patient in
TRIANGLE Mrs. Gary Black and Jeffrey of a brother for Michael, at Harvey Osborne is free of the Wingham and District '
D 8 C O U N T Clinton. Wingham and District Hospital. classes at Knox College this week Hospital. t
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn as it is study week prior to spring Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne, University of Waterloo
5r`•�! ��«• �'d -■••'�''-i Robinson and Janice and Mr. and spent the weekend with Mr. and examinations. Bethany, Anna and Laura were Lectures at
y ` ` ` Mrs. Clarence Ritchie of Con. 2, Mrs. Hunter and Trevor of The Bible study class for public Sunday guests of Mrs. Albert
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays Sundays Noon to Six Kinloss, also called to celebrate London. school students was held last Coultes and Clifford, Belgrave. Sacred Heart School, Walkerton
Mrs. Johnston's birthday. Mel Mathers visited Thursday Tuesday at Mrs. Osborne's home
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor with an attendance of 15. After a _ _ Spring 1979
Emerson, relaying the it talk on love, they were given
• Mitchett formation that the former John paper and a picture and decided CHILD ABUSE: IDENTIFICATION &
Moore store has been sold to Mr to show their love for their
and Mrs. Carl Schack of teacher by making valentines. TREATMENT
• Brampton. They will be arriving Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson WHITECHURCH 4'H
Special April 1 and plan to open a store arrived home Sunday from The Whitechurch Stylettes had (Social Work 355R Z)
and lunch counter. California. their third meeting Saturday Monday, 7 - 10 p.m.
Lucan Wilford Clipperton attended Mrs. Millan Moore and Mrs. morning at the home of Mrs. 26 Manch - 18 June
Hw � the wedding of Miss Jenna George Thompson arrived home Elliott.
e Mulliss and Randy Beattie at
last week after a week's visit Club president Lori Ann
Shell Elginfield London on Valentine's Day. with their brother, Archie Watt, Jamieson called the roll and THE APOSTLE PAUL: LIFE & LETTERS
Mrs. Stewart of Forsyth and Mrs. Watt, in Florida. eight members answered. They
a „�A CrnBros Y Walkerton and Mrs. Phillip Tuesday evening of last week voted to change the club name to
MACS (Religious Studies 209 JZ)
auicon g
Hwy. a McMillan of Lucknow visited Joey Tiffin suffered a broken the Whitechurch Stylettes. Wednesdby, 7 - 10 p.m.
e London Thursday with their sister, Mrs collarbone while plaving hockey Mrs. Purdon told the club how 28 March - 20 June
E. W. Beecroft. with the Belgrave Bantams to care for scarves and she and
Brookside Public School held against Normanby. The score of Mrs. Elliott showed three dif- These courses may be taken for credit
$49B15U its public speaking contest for the game was 5-0 for Belgrave. ferent ways to tie a scarf. Lori
Grades 7 and 8. Winners were The community wishes Joey a Ann demonstrated how to cut a towards a university degree or attended
Karen Beecroft who chose the speedy recovery. scarf from material. as free public lectures. For further in -
Red, Spy, Red and Golden Delicious available , topic "Family Picnic Celia Sunday visitors with Mr. and For the next meeting the formation, please call Mr. E. Krupica at
Chandler who spoke on Amelia Mrs. Bill Evans were Mr and members are to learn three ways
at regular prices. E 367-2636.
at and Kendra Pd
uron Mrs. Eric Evans of Hyde Park to tie a scarf and they must be
-r' able who chose "Barns" as her topic, and Mr. Wand Mrs. Randy Evans a show another person how
Try our fresh cider too! Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim- of Calgary. to tie a scarf in a different
mons of London was a Sunday Mrs. Harvey Osborne was at method from the one they used
���visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lucknow on Friday where she for their own scarf.
CAN BROS RRR—fl Durmn. was a judge for a public spQaking he members repeated the 4-H
CRU N I a Weekend visitors with Mr. and contest for Grade 7 and 8 pupils. creed at>d closed the meeting.