HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-21, Page 2a
Page 2-7U Wbohm Ad"Wi-1"1R•s, Tebrwr� El. IM.
MVCA EXECUTIVE --There was only one change to the
executive committee of the Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority this year, with William Dale taking Garnet
Wright's place as chairman of the community relations
advisory board. Members of the committee for 1979 are:
- MM. 01110111011 MOW10
r Gorrie Personal Notes
Mr. Piper said the authority's ,
Mrs. Vida Fetch, YiLdmaet',
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mann
spent a week with Mr. and Mrs.
returned home Saturday after
Lionel JoMatoa Mrs, David
holidaying at Miami, Florida.
Gowing aM Amy dt Kingston
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Scott have
spent a few Bays at the same
returned from spending two
weeks with their grandchildren,
Earl Underwood is a pstimt in
Teddy, Jimmy and Kelly Anne
University RosWw, Lam•
Rea, at Milton.
Mrs. Ira Neill of Wiogham
Misses Linda Kirk and Heather
visited recently with Mr. and
Moyer of London visited their
Mrs. George Brown.
grandmother, Mrs. Vernon
Mrs. G. A. Minogue flew
Barlow. Hower Barlow and Miss
Mondayto Manitoba to attend the
Maureen Barlow of Listowel and
funeral of her brother at Glen-
Miss Gordon of Molesworth also
borough, Manitoba. He passed
visited SuMay at the same home.
away suddenly at a curling
Mr. and Mrs. James Moloney
and Christopher of Bramalea
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Head,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Kim, Tad and KeUy Jean of
Mrs. John McCutcheon..
Sarnia visited Wellesley strong
Miss Marlene Earl and Robert
and all were guests at the Marks-
Earl were dinner guests of Mrs.
Smith wedding in St. Paul's
Harry'Gowdy on Sunday.,
Anglican Church, Wingham, on
setting them down on paper was
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leader,
W. J. Turnbull
Elmer Farrish and Mrs. George
Adams of RR 2, Wroxeter, visited
has top boar .
Mrs. Elmer Farrish in Univer-
William J. Turnbull of Brussels
sity Hospital, London, on Sunday.
had the highest indexing
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mundell
Yorkshire boar in a group which
,visited Rev. and Mrs. William
Henderson of Woodstock and all
recently completed testing at the
attended the MacDonald lecture
Ontario ROP Test Station in New
Hamburg. The boar registered
at Knox College, Toronto, on
an index of 142, which combined
Wednesday. Rev. Harry Rodney
verylow backfat thickness of 10.7
of St. Thomas was the speaker.
mm, average daily gain on test of
Mrs. Lloyd Jacques spent a few
.87 K6 (1.88 lbs.) per day and feed
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
conversion of 2.5.
Lewis Taylor, Hawkesville.
Top indexing boars in the
Mr. and Mrs. James Austin,
entire group were a Duroc from
Jeffrey and Derek of Elmira
the herd of Andy Schertzer,
visited Mrs. William Austin.
Tecumseh, with an index of 150
d Mrs. Fred.. Hayden
Mr. and
and a pair of littermate Landrace
visited and Mrs.. Henry
boars from George and Barbara
Ackerswiller of RR 1, Stratford,
Taylor, Princeton, with indexes
recently Mr and Mrs. Bruce
d Hayden and family, Wainfleet, of 149 and 143.
(back) Ross Taylor, Mr. Dale, Bill Crump and Harold also visited at the same home and The station evaluates the
overall performance of each boar
Robinson, chairman of the four advisory boards; and celebrated three birthdays.
which completes the test as
(front) Dave Gower, vice chairman, Lorne Murray, chair- Miss Marian Simpson, Miss compared to the average ger-
man, and Marlene Shiell, secretary -treasurer. Cameron and Mrs. Campbell of formance of the group, which is
Win ham called to pay their
Budget-defidet, policy guidelines aired
Continued from front page
Mr. Piper said the authority's ,
general policy is that develop -
ment should not be located in a
hazardous area, defined as a
In business at the meeting
floodplain, eroding area, un -
members agreed to adopt in
stable soils, steep slopes, high
principal, on a one year trial
water table or springs. Hazar-
basis, a set of administrative
dous areas should be classified as
', ... , .:.:.and policy guidelines
hazard or natural environment in
for the authority to follow in
secondary plans.
reviewing municipal develop-
"Have we been asked to come
went proposals
_up with.this?" William Manning
Procedures acid ' tines
of Blyth wanted to know. He was
have been de,a dgped. � ,Abe..-
told the authority took it upon
review of .,. .., -- :,applications,
itself to draw up the guidelines
drainage proposals, plans of
subdivision, secondary plans,
and ,....,. 4 ...:,:...
"We want to make sure we're
zoning bylaws,, stream
singing off the same songsheet,"
alterations and building permit
was how Vice Chairman Dave
Gower described the authority's
Ian Deslauriers, resources
attempt to establish. consistency
manager, said there's really not
in the review process.
much new in the guidelines.
"We're going fishing and
"This is what we're doing right
cutting a bit of bait," was Mr.
now." He said the purpose in
Manning's next comment, which
setting them down on paper was
brought general agreement from
to ensure consistency in ap-
Mr. Deslauriers.
plication and also to invite
Russell Kernighan, the
member from 'Colborne Town -
Craig Piper, water ...... �..
ship, noted the authority will
technician, gave the members a
have to do "missionary work"
brief rundown on the policy
with the municipalities to get
guidelines. He emphasized they
them to incorporate the
are guidelines for making
guidelines in their, secondary
comments and not strict rules.
All the authority does is make
The procedures and guidelines
recommendations, it's up to the
will be reviewed by the authority
agency involved to make the final
at its next annual meeting.
decision on a project, he said.
However, -,.,4n .response to a
Mr. Deslauriers said
thea rity might go before the
Mr. Deslauriers announced the
On o Municipal Board to fight
MVCA has received the
engineering report on repair of
for i position if its advice werethe
ignored. It has occasionally done
Corrie Dam and, pending
so in the past, he noted.
approval from the ministry's
regional office at London, ten-
ders on the project should be
floodplain mapping and remedial include the Lake Wawanos
measures study in Lucknow. acquisition and the Gorrie Da
Flood damage can be reduced by repairs.
water management approaches, The MVCA executive co
he said, and he read a list of mittee for 1979 bears a mark
recommendations that could help resemblance to that of 1978, wi
the situation. These will be taken Lorne Murray returning
before the municipal council and chairman for a fourth term a
then it's up to the municipality, Dave Gower returning for a thi
the authority and the ministry of term as vice chairman. Bo
natural resources to decide what were unopposed.
should be done. Two of the four advisory bo
BUDGET ADOPTED chairmen came up for reelecti
EXECUTIVE ACCLAIMED with Harold Robinson returned
Authority members adopted a his position on the conservatii
budget for 1979 totalling ;550,100, areas advisory board and Gam
of which $192,885 is the authority Wright stepping down i
share. The general levy for this chairman of the communi
year will total $119,110, an in- relations advisory 'board to I
crease of 7.8 per cent over 1978. replaced by vice chairm,
The overall budget is con- William Dale. Both these m"
siderably lower than that passed were also acclaimed to the
last year, due to the fact that the positions.
more than $260,000 included in Bill Crump, chairman of tl
last year's budget for repairs to water management advisor
the Listowel conduit has been left board, and Ross Taylor, cha:
out this year. Only about $30,000 man of the land manageme
of" the funds earmarked were advisory board, have anoth
spent last year, mainly for design year left in their terms.
engineering. The town of Three new members we
Listowel has been dragging its welcomed to the conservati
feet on going ahead with the authority, with Erica Church
conduit reconstruction. replacing George Bridge as t
In other areas the ad- representative from Palmerst(
ministration budget has gone up Carman Caye replacing M
to $124,000 from $116,000 and the Seifried from Minto Townsl
budget for conservation and and Bob Fotheringham replaci
recreation land management has Eldon Vines from Walla
jumped to $96,800 from $74,000 to Towgship. �' ,
g always 100 index. Performance
respects at the Davidson Funeral traits measured include backfat
Home where the late Mrs. thickness, daily gain and feed
Norman Wade rested. They also conversion.
visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boars which index 100 or
Mundell. higher and are approved for
Mrs. Robert Gibson and Mrs. physical and structural sound -
h E. Taylor of Clifford attended the ness are sold at the monthly sales
m Kitchener -Waterloo Symphony at the New Hamburg Test
Concert Saturday evening at the Station.
m- Humanities Theatre, University
Id of Waterloo. The concert
th featured Maureen Forrester, the St. John Ambulance remind
as famous contralto, and you to keep fireplaces prgperly
Id Philharmonic and Bach choirs. screened. if someone is burned,
rd Mr, and Mrs. Russell Maguire immerse the burn in cold water.
th of Kitchener visited Sunday at If it's serious, cover it lightly
the home of Mr. and Mrs. with a clean bandage and get
and William A. Smith. medical- help.
Saugeen Valley authority
approves X7.45,775 budget
called shortly. The Saugeen Valley Con- approved by authority members
Public meetingThe design calls for a clay core servation Authority's 1979 at the annual meeting held last
dam on either side of the concrete budget, totalling $745,775, was week. With the formal approval
about hospital central structure, with rip -rap to of this budget the authority will
protect it from future floods, A be initiating and continuing a
Everyone is encouraged to two. foot cut from the top of the number of watershed projects.
attend a public meeting being dike for 100 feet should provide a Farm show set
held tonight, Wednesday, at 8 safety valve away from the Included in the 1979 water
p.m. in the Nursing Assistants cement dam in case of severe related program will be the
Training Centre on Catherine floods, he said. This was the best second phase of the Neusta t
Street. alternative from an engineering for western flood control works. This project
The topic for the meeting is the viewpoint, given the availablewill involve completion of the
cutbacks in hospital funding. funds. fairgrounds proposed construction along
Members of the board of The engineers feel the $66,000 Meux Creek, which began in 1978,
Governors of Wingham and estimate should be sufficient to "Keep costs in line in '79" is the and channel improvements to a
District Hospital will outline repair the dam, Mr. Deslauriers challenging theme for the 42nd portion of Neustadt Creek.
what is happening here and in- reported. The MVCA has annual farm show to be held at Recent approval by the
dicate how the board plans to budgeted for half the cost in this Western Fairgrounds, London, minister of natural resources will
respond to the cuts. The meeting ' year's budget. Feb. 27 to March 2. permit the implementation of
will then be thrown open to He also reported that some The 1978 show attracted nearly several' recommendations for
questions. work has been done on the 37,000 visitors, making it On- erosion control along the
tario's premier farm equipment Penetangore River in Kin -
show. This year's show, spread cardine.
over four acres, will be a Design drawings for phase one
rn resplan kaleidoscope of the latest in farm of the multi-year flood control
Aubumachinery, equipmwnt and measures within the village of
services. Paisley are also oti the books for
• Afternoon theatre programs 1979
to make name off ictal each day will take a serious look In other business at the
at the problems, opportunities meeting William McDonald from
Residents of Auburn are parently only a few years after and future facing the modern Durham was given approval to
rallying behind a plan to make the village was named Man- farmer. Among the selected begin his second term as
offieW the name by which their chester the post office there was topics are Canada's self suf- chairman of the SVCA. ,John
village has been known fot most" renamed Auburn to avoid con- ficiency in food production, Bryce of Eldershe Township and
of Its history. They hope to have it fusion with another Manchester expansion, management for Karl Wilken of Hanover retained
done by the time Auburn near Durham. maximum yields and weed their seats as first and second
celebrates its lUth birthday this No one knows for sure why the control vice chairmen.
summer. name Auburn was chosen, but On March 2, "Policy Day",
For mod of those years the -residents have developed a liking Eugene Whelan, federal minister Stuart Douglas of Howick
village has been known as for it and hope to have the change of sgriculture, will be the keynote Township and John Dietz of
Auburn, however its official authorized officially before the speaker. The fair also has ladies' Clifford were among the 10 new
designation is dm tM Pim bh*Aay celebration set for the programs and ' lively en- representatives welcomed as
village of Manchester. Ap- July 1 weekend. tertainment. SVCA members.
Maximum $2,000 with every $100 in your
share account.
Lot your money work in your community.
We are now selling RRSPh at 10% interest
with no charges.
Josephine i Alfred St. S. 357-2311
Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
insurance from a friend
The Co -Operators
your credit union sponsored
insurance company
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union, Building.
8 Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
North Huron Credit
Union 357-2311
The Co-operators
To avoid problems
know the rules
f you close
the deal.
Most consumer complain
can be remedied easily if
buyer and seller recogniz
each other's rights and
responsibilities and use
common sense.
Once you have decided that you
have a legitimate complaint,
here's how to go about making it:
• Explain your problem clearly
and calmly to the sales clerk. If
the sales clerk is unable to help
you, see the manager.
e Still no satisfaction? Send a
registered letter to the per§on
in charge. Include in the letter
your name, address and tele-
phone number; the name and
type of product purchased, date
of purchase and price paid; an
outline of your problem and
your attempts to solve it;
copies of receipts, work orders
and any other documentation:
and what you want the com-
pany to do about your problem.
e Negotiate. ,You may persuade
the merchant to exchange your
purchase or make alternate
arrangements. °
e The Business Practices Act
protects you against false, mis-
leading or deceptive represen-
tations. To cancel a contract, .
send a registered letter which
states:„ I exercise my right of
rescission under Section -4 of
the Business Practices Act.”
Include yourxeasons for
making the request.
e Visit the nearest Consumer
Services Bureau and the
Better Business Bureau for
help in preparing letters of
complaint or cancellation. If
you are unable to resolve the
problem, the staff will mediate
on your behalf.
These simple guidelines
will help you avoid many
• Comparison shop. Look at
prices, guarantees, service
agreements in several stores.
• Check a company's
reputation with your local
Better Business Bureau.
e Ask about the store's
policy on refunds and
exchanges. You may not -be,-,
entitled to them.
e Remember all contracts are
binding, If you change your
mind about a purchase or find
a better price elsewhere,
you are still bound by your
signed agreement.
e Keep sales slips, cancelled
cheques, .contracts, copies of
ads, bills and any other
relevant information.
For further assistance, or a
free copy of the Information
Bulletin "Consumer
Complaints", write to:
Consumer Information Centre
Ministry of Consumer &
Commercial Relations
555 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6
(416) 963-1111
Frank Drea,
Minister of Consumer dr
Commercial Relations
Wllllam Davis, Premier
g always 100 index. Performance
respects at the Davidson Funeral traits measured include backfat
Home where the late Mrs. thickness, daily gain and feed
Norman Wade rested. They also conversion.
visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boars which index 100 or
Mundell. higher and are approved for
Mrs. Robert Gibson and Mrs. physical and structural sound -
h E. Taylor of Clifford attended the ness are sold at the monthly sales
m Kitchener -Waterloo Symphony at the New Hamburg Test
Concert Saturday evening at the Station.
m- Humanities Theatre, University
Id of Waterloo. The concert
th featured Maureen Forrester, the St. John Ambulance remind
as famous contralto, and you to keep fireplaces prgperly
Id Philharmonic and Bach choirs. screened. if someone is burned,
rd Mr, and Mrs. Russell Maguire immerse the burn in cold water.
th of Kitchener visited Sunday at If it's serious, cover it lightly
the home of Mr. and Mrs. with a clean bandage and get
and William A. Smith. medical- help.
Saugeen Valley authority
approves X7.45,775 budget
called shortly. The Saugeen Valley Con- approved by authority members
Public meetingThe design calls for a clay core servation Authority's 1979 at the annual meeting held last
dam on either side of the concrete budget, totalling $745,775, was week. With the formal approval
about hospital central structure, with rip -rap to of this budget the authority will
protect it from future floods, A be initiating and continuing a
Everyone is encouraged to two. foot cut from the top of the number of watershed projects.
attend a public meeting being dike for 100 feet should provide a Farm show set
held tonight, Wednesday, at 8 safety valve away from the Included in the 1979 water
p.m. in the Nursing Assistants cement dam in case of severe related program will be the
Training Centre on Catherine floods, he said. This was the best second phase of the Neusta t
Street. alternative from an engineering for western flood control works. This project
The topic for the meeting is the viewpoint, given the availablewill involve completion of the
cutbacks in hospital funding. funds. fairgrounds proposed construction along
Members of the board of The engineers feel the $66,000 Meux Creek, which began in 1978,
Governors of Wingham and estimate should be sufficient to "Keep costs in line in '79" is the and channel improvements to a
District Hospital will outline repair the dam, Mr. Deslauriers challenging theme for the 42nd portion of Neustadt Creek.
what is happening here and in- reported. The MVCA has annual farm show to be held at Recent approval by the
dicate how the board plans to budgeted for half the cost in this Western Fairgrounds, London, minister of natural resources will
respond to the cuts. The meeting ' year's budget. Feb. 27 to March 2. permit the implementation of
will then be thrown open to He also reported that some The 1978 show attracted nearly several' recommendations for
questions. work has been done on the 37,000 visitors, making it On- erosion control along the
tario's premier farm equipment Penetangore River in Kin -
show. This year's show, spread cardine.
over four acres, will be a Design drawings for phase one
rn resplan kaleidoscope of the latest in farm of the multi-year flood control
Aubumachinery, equipmwnt and measures within the village of
services. Paisley are also oti the books for
• Afternoon theatre programs 1979
to make name off ictal each day will take a serious look In other business at the
at the problems, opportunities meeting William McDonald from
Residents of Auburn are parently only a few years after and future facing the modern Durham was given approval to
rallying behind a plan to make the village was named Man- farmer. Among the selected begin his second term as
offieW the name by which their chester the post office there was topics are Canada's self suf- chairman of the SVCA. ,John
village has been known fot most" renamed Auburn to avoid con- ficiency in food production, Bryce of Eldershe Township and
of Its history. They hope to have it fusion with another Manchester expansion, management for Karl Wilken of Hanover retained
done by the time Auburn near Durham. maximum yields and weed their seats as first and second
celebrates its lUth birthday this No one knows for sure why the control vice chairmen.
summer. name Auburn was chosen, but On March 2, "Policy Day",
For mod of those years the -residents have developed a liking Eugene Whelan, federal minister Stuart Douglas of Howick
village has been known as for it and hope to have the change of sgriculture, will be the keynote Township and John Dietz of
Auburn, however its official authorized officially before the speaker. The fair also has ladies' Clifford were among the 10 new
designation is dm tM Pim bh*Aay celebration set for the programs and ' lively en- representatives welcomed as
village of Manchester. Ap- July 1 weekend. tertainment. SVCA members.
Maximum $2,000 with every $100 in your
share account.
Lot your money work in your community.
We are now selling RRSPh at 10% interest
with no charges.
Josephine i Alfred St. S. 357-2311
Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
insurance from a friend
The Co -Operators
your credit union sponsored
insurance company
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union, Building.
8 Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
North Huron Credit
Union 357-2311
The Co-operators
To avoid problems
know the rules
f you close
the deal.
Most consumer complain
can be remedied easily if
buyer and seller recogniz
each other's rights and
responsibilities and use
common sense.
Once you have decided that you
have a legitimate complaint,
here's how to go about making it:
• Explain your problem clearly
and calmly to the sales clerk. If
the sales clerk is unable to help
you, see the manager.
e Still no satisfaction? Send a
registered letter to the per§on
in charge. Include in the letter
your name, address and tele-
phone number; the name and
type of product purchased, date
of purchase and price paid; an
outline of your problem and
your attempts to solve it;
copies of receipts, work orders
and any other documentation:
and what you want the com-
pany to do about your problem.
e Negotiate. ,You may persuade
the merchant to exchange your
purchase or make alternate
arrangements. °
e The Business Practices Act
protects you against false, mis-
leading or deceptive represen-
tations. To cancel a contract, .
send a registered letter which
states:„ I exercise my right of
rescission under Section -4 of
the Business Practices Act.”
Include yourxeasons for
making the request.
e Visit the nearest Consumer
Services Bureau and the
Better Business Bureau for
help in preparing letters of
complaint or cancellation. If
you are unable to resolve the
problem, the staff will mediate
on your behalf.
These simple guidelines
will help you avoid many
• Comparison shop. Look at
prices, guarantees, service
agreements in several stores.
• Check a company's
reputation with your local
Better Business Bureau.
e Ask about the store's
policy on refunds and
exchanges. You may not -be,-,
entitled to them.
e Remember all contracts are
binding, If you change your
mind about a purchase or find
a better price elsewhere,
you are still bound by your
signed agreement.
e Keep sales slips, cancelled
cheques, .contracts, copies of
ads, bills and any other
relevant information.
For further assistance, or a
free copy of the Information
Bulletin "Consumer
Complaints", write to:
Consumer Information Centre
Ministry of Consumer &
Commercial Relations
555 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6
(416) 963-1111
Frank Drea,
Minister of Consumer dr
Commercial Relations
Wllllam Davis, Premier
Saugeen Valley authority
approves X7.45,775 budget
called shortly. The Saugeen Valley Con- approved by authority members
Public meetingThe design calls for a clay core servation Authority's 1979 at the annual meeting held last
dam on either side of the concrete budget, totalling $745,775, was week. With the formal approval
about hospital central structure, with rip -rap to of this budget the authority will
protect it from future floods, A be initiating and continuing a
Everyone is encouraged to two. foot cut from the top of the number of watershed projects.
attend a public meeting being dike for 100 feet should provide a Farm show set
held tonight, Wednesday, at 8 safety valve away from the Included in the 1979 water
p.m. in the Nursing Assistants cement dam in case of severe related program will be the
Training Centre on Catherine floods, he said. This was the best second phase of the Neusta t
Street. alternative from an engineering for western flood control works. This project
The topic for the meeting is the viewpoint, given the availablewill involve completion of the
cutbacks in hospital funding. funds. fairgrounds proposed construction along
Members of the board of The engineers feel the $66,000 Meux Creek, which began in 1978,
Governors of Wingham and estimate should be sufficient to "Keep costs in line in '79" is the and channel improvements to a
District Hospital will outline repair the dam, Mr. Deslauriers challenging theme for the 42nd portion of Neustadt Creek.
what is happening here and in- reported. The MVCA has annual farm show to be held at Recent approval by the
dicate how the board plans to budgeted for half the cost in this Western Fairgrounds, London, minister of natural resources will
respond to the cuts. The meeting ' year's budget. Feb. 27 to March 2. permit the implementation of
will then be thrown open to He also reported that some The 1978 show attracted nearly several' recommendations for
questions. work has been done on the 37,000 visitors, making it On- erosion control along the
tario's premier farm equipment Penetangore River in Kin -
show. This year's show, spread cardine.
over four acres, will be a Design drawings for phase one
rn resplan kaleidoscope of the latest in farm of the multi-year flood control
Aubumachinery, equipmwnt and measures within the village of
services. Paisley are also oti the books for
• Afternoon theatre programs 1979
to make name off ictal each day will take a serious look In other business at the
at the problems, opportunities meeting William McDonald from
Residents of Auburn are parently only a few years after and future facing the modern Durham was given approval to
rallying behind a plan to make the village was named Man- farmer. Among the selected begin his second term as
offieW the name by which their chester the post office there was topics are Canada's self suf- chairman of the SVCA. ,John
village has been known fot most" renamed Auburn to avoid con- ficiency in food production, Bryce of Eldershe Township and
of Its history. They hope to have it fusion with another Manchester expansion, management for Karl Wilken of Hanover retained
done by the time Auburn near Durham. maximum yields and weed their seats as first and second
celebrates its lUth birthday this No one knows for sure why the control vice chairmen.
summer. name Auburn was chosen, but On March 2, "Policy Day",
For mod of those years the -residents have developed a liking Eugene Whelan, federal minister Stuart Douglas of Howick
village has been known as for it and hope to have the change of sgriculture, will be the keynote Township and John Dietz of
Auburn, however its official authorized officially before the speaker. The fair also has ladies' Clifford were among the 10 new
designation is dm tM Pim bh*Aay celebration set for the programs and ' lively en- representatives welcomed as
village of Manchester. Ap- July 1 weekend. tertainment. SVCA members.
Maximum $2,000 with every $100 in your
share account.
Lot your money work in your community.
We are now selling RRSPh at 10% interest
with no charges.
Josephine i Alfred St. S. 357-2311
Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
insurance from a friend
The Co -Operators
your credit union sponsored
insurance company
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union, Building.
8 Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
North Huron Credit
Union 357-2311
The Co-operators
To avoid problems
know the rules
f you close
the deal.
Most consumer complain
can be remedied easily if
buyer and seller recogniz
each other's rights and
responsibilities and use
common sense.
Once you have decided that you
have a legitimate complaint,
here's how to go about making it:
• Explain your problem clearly
and calmly to the sales clerk. If
the sales clerk is unable to help
you, see the manager.
e Still no satisfaction? Send a
registered letter to the per§on
in charge. Include in the letter
your name, address and tele-
phone number; the name and
type of product purchased, date
of purchase and price paid; an
outline of your problem and
your attempts to solve it;
copies of receipts, work orders
and any other documentation:
and what you want the com-
pany to do about your problem.
e Negotiate. ,You may persuade
the merchant to exchange your
purchase or make alternate
arrangements. °
e The Business Practices Act
protects you against false, mis-
leading or deceptive represen-
tations. To cancel a contract, .
send a registered letter which
states:„ I exercise my right of
rescission under Section -4 of
the Business Practices Act.”
Include yourxeasons for
making the request.
e Visit the nearest Consumer
Services Bureau and the
Better Business Bureau for
help in preparing letters of
complaint or cancellation. If
you are unable to resolve the
problem, the staff will mediate
on your behalf.
These simple guidelines
will help you avoid many
• Comparison shop. Look at
prices, guarantees, service
agreements in several stores.
• Check a company's
reputation with your local
Better Business Bureau.
e Ask about the store's
policy on refunds and
exchanges. You may not -be,-,
entitled to them.
e Remember all contracts are
binding, If you change your
mind about a purchase or find
a better price elsewhere,
you are still bound by your
signed agreement.
e Keep sales slips, cancelled
cheques, .contracts, copies of
ads, bills and any other
relevant information.
For further assistance, or a
free copy of the Information
Bulletin "Consumer
Complaints", write to:
Consumer Information Centre
Ministry of Consumer &
Commercial Relations
555 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6
(416) 963-1111
Frank Drea,
Minister of Consumer dr
Commercial Relations
Wllllam Davis, Premier
Maximum $2,000 with every $100 in your
share account.
Lot your money work in your community.
We are now selling RRSPh at 10% interest
with no charges.
Josephine i Alfred St. S. 357-2311
Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
insurance from a friend
The Co -Operators
your credit union sponsored
insurance company
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union, Building.
8 Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
North Huron Credit
Union 357-2311
The Co-operators
To avoid problems
know the rules
f you close
the deal.
Most consumer complain
can be remedied easily if
buyer and seller recogniz
each other's rights and
responsibilities and use
common sense.
Once you have decided that you
have a legitimate complaint,
here's how to go about making it:
• Explain your problem clearly
and calmly to the sales clerk. If
the sales clerk is unable to help
you, see the manager.
e Still no satisfaction? Send a
registered letter to the per§on
in charge. Include in the letter
your name, address and tele-
phone number; the name and
type of product purchased, date
of purchase and price paid; an
outline of your problem and
your attempts to solve it;
copies of receipts, work orders
and any other documentation:
and what you want the com-
pany to do about your problem.
e Negotiate. ,You may persuade
the merchant to exchange your
purchase or make alternate
arrangements. °
e The Business Practices Act
protects you against false, mis-
leading or deceptive represen-
tations. To cancel a contract, .
send a registered letter which
states:„ I exercise my right of
rescission under Section -4 of
the Business Practices Act.”
Include yourxeasons for
making the request.
e Visit the nearest Consumer
Services Bureau and the
Better Business Bureau for
help in preparing letters of
complaint or cancellation. If
you are unable to resolve the
problem, the staff will mediate
on your behalf.
These simple guidelines
will help you avoid many
• Comparison shop. Look at
prices, guarantees, service
agreements in several stores.
• Check a company's
reputation with your local
Better Business Bureau.
e Ask about the store's
policy on refunds and
exchanges. You may not -be,-,
entitled to them.
e Remember all contracts are
binding, If you change your
mind about a purchase or find
a better price elsewhere,
you are still bound by your
signed agreement.
e Keep sales slips, cancelled
cheques, .contracts, copies of
ads, bills and any other
relevant information.
For further assistance, or a
free copy of the Information
Bulletin "Consumer
Complaints", write to:
Consumer Information Centre
Ministry of Consumer &
Commercial Relations
555 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6
(416) 963-1111
Frank Drea,
Minister of Consumer dr
Commercial Relations
Wllllam Davis, Premier
Buy your home, life, boat, and auto
insurance from a friend
The Co -Operators
your credit union sponsored
insurance company
Co-operation among Co -Ops.
Located in the
Credit Union, Building.
8 Alfred St., [corner of
Josephine St.] Wingham, Ont.
North Huron Credit
Union 357-2311
The Co-operators
To avoid problems
know the rules
f you close
the deal.
Most consumer complain
can be remedied easily if
buyer and seller recogniz
each other's rights and
responsibilities and use
common sense.
Once you have decided that you
have a legitimate complaint,
here's how to go about making it:
• Explain your problem clearly
and calmly to the sales clerk. If
the sales clerk is unable to help
you, see the manager.
e Still no satisfaction? Send a
registered letter to the per§on
in charge. Include in the letter
your name, address and tele-
phone number; the name and
type of product purchased, date
of purchase and price paid; an
outline of your problem and
your attempts to solve it;
copies of receipts, work orders
and any other documentation:
and what you want the com-
pany to do about your problem.
e Negotiate. ,You may persuade
the merchant to exchange your
purchase or make alternate
arrangements. °
e The Business Practices Act
protects you against false, mis-
leading or deceptive represen-
tations. To cancel a contract, .
send a registered letter which
states:„ I exercise my right of
rescission under Section -4 of
the Business Practices Act.”
Include yourxeasons for
making the request.
e Visit the nearest Consumer
Services Bureau and the
Better Business Bureau for
help in preparing letters of
complaint or cancellation. If
you are unable to resolve the
problem, the staff will mediate
on your behalf.
These simple guidelines
will help you avoid many
• Comparison shop. Look at
prices, guarantees, service
agreements in several stores.
• Check a company's
reputation with your local
Better Business Bureau.
e Ask about the store's
policy on refunds and
exchanges. You may not -be,-,
entitled to them.
e Remember all contracts are
binding, If you change your
mind about a purchase or find
a better price elsewhere,
you are still bound by your
signed agreement.
e Keep sales slips, cancelled
cheques, .contracts, copies of
ads, bills and any other
relevant information.
For further assistance, or a
free copy of the Information
Bulletin "Consumer
Complaints", write to:
Consumer Information Centre
Ministry of Consumer &
Commercial Relations
555 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6
(416) 963-1111
Frank Drea,
Minister of Consumer dr
Commercial Relations
Wllllam Davis, Premier