HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-14, Page 10in the colt dub and was la~ -T1s Wingham Advance -Times. Fehruar�r ll. 1979
reported on the Optimist'ave s Mrs. gave a humos
presented with the Cal Krauter Delegates are chosen by banquet held Wednesday evening reading and Mrs. Wally Niton
� rou
b Betty Graber, she won conducted a valentine contest
b'�►Y Y Y at the community centre.
w n9 course the high sbwmanship trophy for F the of several which was won by the hostess-
Agr. sOCi@ crests both the dairy and beef clubs in a Anglican Church Women Lunch was nerved by Mrs.
to be offeredpresentation by Bruice McCall closed h notes, Mwi Laramie Bunker and Mrs. Bruce Sotbern,
and she also wan a Canadian FORDWICH—Mn. J. W. prices for Bibles for the church. dosed the meeting with prayer, �� by the hostess.
n Bank of Comm Daunt and Mrs. Don King were It was also decided by the
at E. Wawanosh paw na" delegates to attend the members that they sell a gas
"� �� officers at annual trophy presented by Bill Beacon annual ACW meeting to be held is stove for which they es longer
tlla title of ap effective writing for the high aggregate score in ,
both the dairy and beef clubs. �. James Church, London, on have need.
cowee orbic h Karl Schuessier OgAM wee ��, p1w representatives attending the May 3,wthen the Ar1g11Can Church
Members were reminded of the
will present the next three entatioos were made to 4- annual meeting were Betty 18781 Brussels W Fall Fair will World Da of Prayer service at Owners
bop g Y Women of Thirdq► � here Y Y
Satu l days, FeW mary-17 and 35 H club members exhibiting at the Graber of Brussels, Roy Tuesday and N edneb"i 3W- met Thursday evening of last the United Church and the
and March 3, from 10 a.m. uqW 4 1978 fall fair and the date was act Williamson of Grey Township, 18 and 18. week at Mrs. King's home. Mrs. T immkoffering meeting on April 5
p.m. at East Wawanosh Central for the 1979 fair at the Brussels Robert Grasby of Morris andBrid @ results W. Hargrave will be a substitute when several groups will be
School, Belgrave. The course will Agricultural Society annual Allan Campbell of McKillop and 9 delegate. invited.
of smaller i
be offered free of charge, except meeting Feb. &. they promised their councils' Norma Parker and Lillian in the absence of the president, Mrs. Bruce Armstrong donated
for the $4.95 cost of the textbook, John Cardiff will be society continued support of the annual Brooks made up the top couple in Mrs. Hargrave conducted the a crib quilt which -will be quilted
"Plass Be Advised: This Is No president for the next year and fall fair. Wingham Bridge Club play last meeting. Mrs. Harold Foster led later. Mrs. King and Mrs. Doug
Way To Writer.. John Boneschansker will serve Richard Lobb, a_ Clinton Thursday. devotions. Minutes of the BAN -were asked to check on businesses...
The three -Saturday course will as first vice president. Jim auctioneer, was guest speaker The partnership of Yvonne January meeting were read by the possible purchase of a hot
interest any farmer or Stephenson will be second vice and spoke on arranging and McPherson andOmarOar Hand- Mrs, Ron Shelley and roll call water tank for the church kit -
agricultural representative who president and Edwin Martin will conducting a sale. grove was second. Other leading was answered by 18 member chen. A visit to the Fordwich
uses words for persuasion, in continue as secretary -treasurer ` 4-H AWARDS partners were Elaine Colvin and and one visitor. Village Nursing Home will be we provide:
writing or speaking. This in- until a new one is appointed. Robert Boneschansker was Art Wilson and the team of Mrs. Laramie and Mrs. W. made on Monday, March 19.
cludes speeches news releases, presented with a trophy by Louise Welwood and Margaret Sotbern were asked to obtain Mrs. Laramie conducted a
letters memos and reports. Agricultural society directors Howard Bernard for having the Cruickshank. study on Lois and Eunice, women e Financial assistance
Sessions will helpmake writingfor the next year will be Graeme highest aggregate score in the of the Bible, which was very
' Mrs. Peter Browne
easier and fasterthrough letter Craig, Ray Hanna, Fred Uhler, dairy calf club for a first year s interestingManagement •
planning, simple style, more Murray Hoover, Bob Higgins, member. Peter Dyk was named e Management
thorough research and human Rev. Ken Innes, Keith the high edge at the 4-H Dairy 2;
approaches. The course Williamson, Neil Hemingway Calf Club and was given a jacket e Informationon
offways to cut through and Ray Adams. by John Boneschansker for
bur ucratic red tape and President of the ladies' division Topnotch Feeds. r' `
1 • • • business
government jargon. Included of the society will be Mrs. Cathy Boneschansker wonHoward Bernard and delegates a
also are ways to say "No" while Royal Bank trophy for the high
retaining people's goodwill.to the OAA convention are John combined score for her calf and •
_ r Y' ..
Mr. Schuessler has been Cardiff and John Boneschansker. showmanship in the dairy club.
teaching letter writing, report. Dennis Martin represented the Jerry Dillow presented the
writing, public speakingand ministry of agriculture and food trophy. See our Representative
listening skills for provincial in Clinton and thanked the She was also the winner of a FAYE COOK
government and business for the society for its help and guidance three other trophies and awards. W
past seven years. He won three with the 4-H clubs. Council She had the high aggregate score at: The Wingham Motel, Ingham
awards for writing CBC Tom Miller Ontario
documentaries last year. �' �� t on: The 3rd Tuesday of each month
The Huron County FederationCOMPLETE Belgrave Kinsmen will help
,'`' € (Next Visit)
of Agriculture and Conestoga g ' INSURANCE
College are coordinating the
course with help from Brenda with Win ham's centenary
McIntosh and Gerry Fortune. g ] : See this week's quote
Anyone requesting more in- `
formation is asked to call 335 The Belgrave Kinsmen Club is looking after the draw. ` , . on Page 10 of Crossroads
3801 will be asked to provide an Mr. Rintoul said that to date i
evening meal for the big weekend 3,000 centennial registration McMASTER
of centennial activities in badges have been bought by LGA DRAW WINNER—Hennie de Boer of RR 1, Lucknow, INSURANCE • a
won more than $40 worth of free groceries in the draw held
Mrs. A cburne y
Wingham in August.
Kinsmen representative Lorne
Wingham merchants. The
badges will be given out when
during the -grand opening of the Wingham IGA store last AGENCIES
(Branch Office Address)
F or prior information call 271-5650 or
is hostess for
Campbell met with the Wingham
visitors and town residents
week. Customers were invited to put their grocery receipts 327 Josephine St., Win ham 9
into a box and the winner got the amount of her purchase.
write 1036 Ontario Street Stratford.
Centennial Committee at its Feb.
register for the Aug. 1-6 cen-
registration badges.
WMS meeting
8 meeting to find out what
tennial festivities.
Making the presentation Is Shirley Foxton, head cashier.
Wingham Kinsmen will be
projects the committee wants the
Registration will cost two
tation on Faith". Mrs. Victor
BELGRAVE — The February
Belgrave club to undertake.
dollars, whether it is a family
meeting of the WMS was held at
The Kinsmen club had earlier
registering or an individual.
the home of Mrs. Jack McBurney
said it will help with the town's
Organizers hope to have sponsors
on Feb. 6. Mrs. McBurney pre-
purchase an additional 1,000
sided and opened the meeting
William Rintoul, centennial
registration badges.
with a poem. Scripture reading
committee chairman, said the
was given by Mrs. Mac Scott.
Wingham Kinsmen will be
Mrs. Ivy Cloakey gave "Medi-
holding a barbecue the evening of
tation on Faith". Mrs. Victor
Saturday, Aug. 4, but that no
The centennial committee
Youngblut led in prayer.
groups have stepped forward to
Wants to hear from people who
The roll call was answered with
hold a large meal the Friday and
think they know of buildings in
a verse on faith. Mrs. Joe Dunbar
Sunday evenings of the same
town which have been standing at
gave the topic, telling about
least a century.
China and the work accom-
Mr. Campbell said the
Any 100 -year-old building,
plished by the missionaries- This
Belgrave Kinsmen are ex-
whether it is a house, factory or
was prepared by. Mrs. Garner
perienced with holding pig roasts
shed, is of interest to the com-
Nicholson, who was unable to
in which whole pigs are roasted
mittee. Anyone who thinks he
and he will ask the club if it will
knows of a building which is a
The secretary's report was
consider holding a pig roast.
century old should contact Dave
given by Mrs. Jack McBurney
If the club sponsors an activity
Tiffin at Crawford, Mill and
and the treasurer's report by
the week of Aug. 1-6, the profits
Davies or Jim Beattie at Goodall
Mrs. Victor Youngblut. Sixteen
will go to the centennial com-
and Campbell.
sick and shut-in visits were re-
mittee. Mr. Rintoul explained
The two men often go to the
that profits from centennial
registry office in Goderich and
Plans were discussed for the
events held prior to Aug. 1 will be
can search the title of any
World Day of Prayer, which will
split 50-50 between the centennial
property with a building on it
be held March 2 in Knox United
comhnittee and the sponsoring
suspected of being .100 years old.
March, and also for the April
organization. Profits from Aug.
Plaques will be erected
meeting, which will be held in
1-6 are to be given to the com-
identifying the 100 -year-old
Knox Presbyterian Church'
buildings and will give a brief
Mrs. McBurney closed the
Ted Ahara reported the 1979
history of the structures.
i meeting with prayer and lunch
Ford Fairmont the centennial
People entering Wingham on
was served by the hostess.
committee will be raffling off will
Highway 4 from either end of
be ready for public display soon.
town will be notified that this is
Tickets for the fully equipped car
the town's centenary when large
Why Pay Taxes
will be sold at five dollars each
street banners are erected across
Josephine Street. Instead of
and 2,500 tickets are printed.
have to .
if you don'tA
group called Club 286 will be
ordering banners the centennial
committee decided to have
looking after the sale of
You must pay some tax. but
though the centennial committee
Brenda Garniss paint them.
probably less than you think'.
The government allows sev-
eral methods of reducing
taxes, one of which is the
Belgrave Personal
yerinc me ca
Certain types ofn
be used to buy such an
annuity, and the amount of the
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mayberry
and Mrs. Conrad Smithson of
purchase can be deducted
from your total income before
and Darryl of Londesboro and
Mrs Robert Procter visited on
Sunda visitors with Mr. and
Give�us a call. Find out it you
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Edgar Wightman were Mr.
have to pay all that tax.
James Gibbons of Richmond Hill.
and Mrs. William Montgomery
Mrs. Procter also visited with her
and family of Guelph.
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Chapman and family of Rex -
dale visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar 'Wigan.
Ross Yuill ill and Mies Beth
• �yj ,
Bunkard of Elmira visited on
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Yuill:
i ,H>
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dane and
Shanna of Wroxeter, and Mrs.
Jean Taylor of Brussels visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne M.Chandw
Ross Taylor.
Danny Thompson of Goderich
RA 4, Bissell,
Autonwbilos, Light Trucks,
spent the weekend with his lef
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Telephone (519) 887$021
Farm Tractor
"Johnston, and returned home on
Now Rad Coro*
Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Marilyn Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. James Arm
Craning i Flushing
strong and Leanne of Brussels
14 North St. 357-1102
and Mrs. Harvey Johnston of
A cor+,a«e owsonal n,war serer,.
Clinton were Sunday evening
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Orvis visit-
ed on Friday with Mr. and Mrs..
Lewis storehouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cantelon
of Tweed returned home on Sun-
day after spending a few days
with her mother, Mrs. Harry
Karen Procter spent a few
days last week with her grand-
mother Mrs. Robert Procter.
Belgrave PeeWees played
t665 7818
\4$ainst Clifford in Belgrave on
Wi,---kends onlyht
Saturday and defeated the
Clifford team 12-0.
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