HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-14, Page 8r
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CI.�SSIFIED PF'1'S FOR SALE Wanted To Buy � e '
DE BASSET hound pups, registered, BOY'S 5 or 10 speed bicycle, ;n FITCH—Pearle L. Fitch, widow GRANT—Passed sway at the
tri -colored. Phone Trailblazer good condition; also boy's train- MMI�M1������m�sommmammamm of Rev. Ernest R. Fitch, passed Wingham and District Hospital
Kennels, Kincardine 395-5578. ing bike. Phone 357-3606 after 6 away Monday, January 22, at on Monday, February 12, Mrs.
THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSW ED ACTION Ai%S IS 7-14 p.m. SNOWBLOWING• Bob Chambers YULE'S DEAD STOCK removal. Alex W. Grant of Teeswater, in
Granville, Ohio, aged 81 years.
3`,7-2665. Proprietors Dan and Bev Lamb- She was the former Pearle L. her 80th year. She was the
MONDAYS 12:00 NOON 24.31-7-14 kin. We pay on the spot fur large former Gertrude Louise
Lamont and was bora in.
Miscellaneous Personal fresh dead animals and disabled Becking and was predeceased
The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with theWingham on August 31 1887 a
by exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of MEALS-ON-WHJELS LADIES S
dress tailoring animals. Continued free service daughter of the late Malcolm Stewart, three sisters and one
her husband one son
these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office phone )vlrs. L. Jame, 357 3657. LINES and wrinkles smooth and alterations, Original designs for small animals. License 6350- St
Lamont and Anne Tervit. Left
or Phone: rrb away with Cocrema Skin Creme. constructed from sketches, pic- 78. For prompt reliable service 7 to mourn her passing are one brother. She was the beloved
2 Cocoa butter makes the differ- tures or tht'ogh consultation• days a week' phone Cargill col son, M. Sgt. Ernest R. Fitch of mother of Mrs. Jack (Olive)
357-2320 IF YOU have a roblem with ence. Be kind to your skin this For detail's call Diane Chappell, lett 366-2713. McBurney, RR 1, Wingham,
Jonesboro, Georgia; two
p 20 rrb and Mrs. Mervyn (Shirley)
alcohol, call 881-3655 or Goderich winter. Cocrema available at Lee 357-2539 daughters, Dr. Shirley McAllister, Teeswater, and is
Vance Drug Store. 14, 21 Colthart, Rochester, New York,
1-524-0001. also survived by five grand -
For Sale Livestock For Sale rrb PORTABLE WELDING and Mrs. John (Eva) Mon- children, two great grand -
AIR HAMMER work, backhoeing oro , Neward, Ohio..There
Lost WILL DO portable welding and � �'1' children and one brother,
IF YOU ARE a friend or relative and septic bed installation. Cecil pair work to snowblowers and are 16 grandchildren and 18
BRED ills due from two to six Cranston, RR 2, Auburn, 529-7691. eat grandchildren. She was Lorne Becking of Formosa.
NEW PIANO rental, 839 monthly. g of an alcoholic, the AI -Anon other farm equipment Funeral service was held today
Pulsifer Music, Seaforth- Phone v'�; purebred Yorkshire and FamilyGroup may be able to tweenSUM of money on John St. be. 14 rrb SIPKE BAKKER P Y
predeceased b her husband in
Purebred Hampshire boars. Bob P y (Wednesday) at the Msc-
S27-0053- Pure Ps help you solve your side of the Finder
Catherine and Josephine. RR S, Lucknew Y
P� 1834 and one son, Milton.
29 rrb Robinson, RR 4, Walton, hone P y Finder please call 357-1206. Re- SMALL engine repairs. Phone Pherson Memorial Chapel,
P problem. Please contact Post Of- ward. S28.6095 Private service was held in Teeswater, at two o'clock.
345 2317• fice Box 1135 Wingham. Cecil Little 357-1963. Granville, Ohio, on Wed-� resting place will be
BERG STABLE cleaners and 7-14 rrb 14, 21, 28, 7 e
nesday, January 24. Teeswater Cemetery,.
stabling. Bunk feeders and water Work Wanted WILL DO small local -nine
bowls. Silo unloaders and far- GEORGE LUBBERS Construe- jobs. Phone 5284625.
rowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, Farm Machinery Wanted To Buy. Gtion. Phone 357-3457 Whitechurch. 61•rb WALTON SALES ARENA
RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. SNOWBLOWING any time. Cottages, additions, renovations.
rrb FULL RANGE OF FARM don Louttit 357-9948. rrb OIL BURNER SERVICES 2 Miles West of Durham on No. 4 Highway.
EQUIPMENT WANTED TO BUY used furni- Clean, repair and install. Phone THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND - 1Z NOON
HUBBARD Golden Comets, top CLAY --Silo unloaders, feeders, lure, appliances and antiques. ODD JOBS by experienced work- PHIL'S REFRIGERATION and Joe Craig, Wroxeter, 335-3388. WALTON'S 66TH CONSIGNMENT SALE
quality brown egg layers, 20 cleaners, stabling, leg elevators, Call Jack's Place, Lucknow men, carpentry, brickwork, 86 Appliance Service, 24-hour emer- 22 rrb
weeks old, available for April liquid manure equipment, hog 528-2625. per hour. Call 887-6031. gency service, used appli ce �� A fine selection of young Registered and Grade Holstein cows,
equipment. 7rrb 1 rrb Sales. Phone 887-9062. first calf heifers sired by Agro Acres Marquis Ned (Ex -ST) Quality
delivery- Orders also accepted
BUTLER—Silo unloaders, feeder 6 INCOME TAX preparation by Ultimate (Ex) Agro Acres Never Fear (Ex -ST) and others, R.O.P. records
for heavy roaster Cockerels, Mrs. Caroline McDonald at El- with (GP) of Roy Diemen, Atyon, Ontario. These heifers are due March
day-old for spring delivery. Call conveyors. GOOD FARMER'S farm, with or
McKinley Hatchery, Zurich FARMATIC—Mills augers, etc. without buildings, by a young Help Wanted FOR YOUR income tax prepara- liott Insurance Agency, Tuesdays and April with D.H.I.A. records to 16,495 fat 4.2 test, from one of the
ACORN — Cleaners, heated wa- tion, H & R Block trained. Amos and Fridays m March and April better grade herds in Grey County. Also Registered and Grade bred
�_�7 farmer. Phone 1-438-5812 or write heifers and yearling heifers.
terers. - Smith at Mac's Mille, 867-10Q2. or call 392 6382•
2431-Feb.28 BOX 2098, C-0 The Wingham Ad- START NOW 7_1¢21 Cattle are mainly from listed herds and eligible for Inter Provincial
WESTEEL-ROSCO—Granaries, vance-Times, Wingham, Ont. Real Estate Sales Representative F7 -A11 and USA shipments.
B and L Hog Panelling. NOG 2WO. Plan to attend for full pedigrees. Commercial and grade Holsteins.
CERAMIC LESSONS for begin- Lowry Farm Systems Ltd., 7-14-21
needed for our Wingham and
Blood tested prior to sale.
tiers. Also cuskom firing. Call RR 1, Kincardine area Real Estate Office. Phone
Anita 357-1812 ter 5 m. Lorne Humphrey at Wingham Contact Sales Manager and Auctioneer
P Phone 395-5286 DEAD STOCK: Will pay $10 for 357-3840 or evenings 357-2217 DONALD E. WALTON
CLEAN Trefoil seed, $1.10 per rrb fresh animals over 1000 pounds; Don Hoist Real Estate Co.,
$5 for animals over 700 pounds. (Realtor) PHONE 369-3804 - 369-2831
di dsoor more• pound
Parker 392- Smaller animals picked up free. 31 rrb CAMPBELL: In loving memory KERR: In loving memory of a `
6632 ■� Radio -equipped trucks. Calltoll of our dear mother, Rosina husband, father and grandfather,
free i-800-265-3011. Graf Animal Campbell, who passed away Gordon Kerr, who passed away GUNS. Remington Pump 270; REGISTERED NURSES, expe- This
Foods Ltd., RR 1, Chepstow. February 16, 1978. one year ago, February 15, 1878.
Remington model 700, 222 Rem- p 20 rrb rienced preferred. Must bewill- Todayrecalls sad memories Y g '
in to work all shifts. For inter- —Remembered by his wife
ing� mode1600, �; Ruger �; g Of a dear mother gone to rest, Mary and family.
view, telephone 323-2140, Mount And the ones who think of her (Quantities limited) • -.
Ruger model 3, 22 Hornet; Ruger Notice Forest Nursing Home Ltd. Mount
WIN . HAM today
Auto; Savage 22 tlortiet; Forest.
2� Are the ones who loved her best.
111C�rLin Leber 22; Winchestet 357-2320 7-14
model 12; Marlin Leber 22 Mag- ATTENTION FARMERS: Keep `e Sadly missed and always re- BAER: In memory of Moses '
C=Iiii 0
num. Phone 343-2291 after 6 p.m. your cattle free from profit -eat- RESPONSIBLE person for live- membered by daughters Ruth Baer who passed away from this
ing lice. For prompt and efficient in care of elderly lady in modern and Evelyn, sons Allan and Bill life on February 13, 1978- He -
home in Lucknow. Contact Lloyd and grandchildren. being dead, yet speaketh." He- _ w
FORD car radio, AM -FM. Phone Cars &Trucks service call William E. Cronin brews 11:14.
317-1358. Spray Service, Mildmay 367-5303. Ackert 395-2826.
1970 CHEVELLE, 2 door hardtop, 6 rrb 7-14 WORKMAN — In loving memory Whose voice was so familiar,
19!17 GS340 Yamaha snowmobile. 350 automatic. Phone 392-M. of a dear husband, father and His footsteps, sure;: 3' •,." "` "� „• .
A-1 condition. Phone 357-1480.grandfather, Harry Workman, His labors, untiring;
14-21 'PEACH YOUR dollars to have Notice To Creditors who passed away four years ago, His ambitions, unwavering;
1977 FORD LTD 2,, 2 bbl., 2 more cents at North Huron Credit Feb. 17, 1975. His convictions, firm;
GObD USED electric Moffat door hardtop, vinyl roof, remote Union, 8 Alfred St. Open hours: He had a nature you could not His humour, fascinating;
its mirror, Michelin tires, Monday 10 to 12; Tuesday 10 to 5; NOTICE TO CREDITORS His loge for children, captivat-
range, 30". Phone 357-2966. e� help loving, M-.r�lrte
electric rear defogger, power Wednesday and Thursday 10 to 5; IN THE ESTATE OF And a heart that was purer than ing;
1877 OLYMPIC ski dao. Excellent steering, brakes and radio, 15,400 Friday 10 to 6. Free personal LLOYD PHILLIPS His outreach, unlimited;
miles, certified, 12 months -12,000 chequing accounts. Deposit ac- ALL PERSONS having claims gold.His with
condition. Phone 357-1774 after 5 mile warranty available. Phone counts now paying 10� per cent. against the estate of Lloyd And to those who knew him and His message, the love of God. 8 TRACK CAR STEREO WITH FM/MPX
p.m. Ask for Marie. 357-3288 after 5 p.m. or 357-2323 Phone 357-2311. Phillips,late of the Town of loved him g
ty His memory will never „grow —Ever remembered and sadly RADIO
WHITE ANNEX, coal or wood, days` 31 rrb Wingham, in the County of cold missed by his wife, Salema, and •Quick release slide out bracket
Huron, retired farmer, who died family. Submitted by his daught- •Local/Distance switch for most receiving conditions
excellent condition. Phone 335 on January 13th, 1979, are re
3458 THE BOOKSHOP located 45 —Lovingly remembered by his ers, Elizabeth Birky, Rachel •MATRIX for synthesized quad effect
McCREERY Carling Terrace. Buy, sell and q�� to send full particulars of
exchange used books. Open 5 such claims to the undersigned on wife Belle, sons and their fami- Miller. •FAST FORWARD for rapid cartridge scanning
AUTO WRECKERS days a week, Tuesday to Satur- or before the after
day of toFebru-
the 9s 19115
RR 2,1f�1 day 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. ary, 1979, after which date the Reg. 169 NOW ONLY
roxeter Executrix will proceed to dis- FOOD BILL TOO HIGH?
TRUCKS on Highway 86 lOFeb14
911 Y tribute the estate having regard
Midway between Wingham S TT7E BEAUTY Salon will only to the claims of which she Try our pre-cooked FROZEN CNIaEN PARTS with or CAL LTD.
1977 CHEVROLET and Listowel e closed
shall then have had notice.
SCOTTSDALE ' � TON USED AUTO PARTS. be closed February 19 to March 7 DATED at Wingham, Ontario, without Sweet and Saar SAtuce. Just heat and serve. BURKE q
Heavy duty equipped, 8 cyl- USED CARS & TRUCKS inclusive. Thank you. this 31st day of January, A.D. Phone 335-3141 or 335-3246 After 5 p.m. or 335-3265
Kaye Ducharme t /
finder, automatic. power 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Y 1979• Wingham
steering, power brakes, 7-14 Crawford Mill &Davies, Electrical Supplies - Service
radio, step bumper, deluxe b" cm wawaed• s it heExec Executrix.
moulding,chrome mirror and „` APPLIANCE SALt� AIRY �LR�i<[
Solicitors for the Executrix. 3
front bumper. L15 tires. Lic. Highest prices paid. , ; 7-14-21 RESOURCE CENTRE "Where Service Sells and Quality Tells"
C25 777.
LISTOWEL 291-4159 for a Garage IN THE ESTATE OF An Assistant is required for the Mental Health Resource Centre,
Sale will be accepted JOHN HISLOP GRIFFITH Wingham, Ontario.
197/ CHEVROLET PICKUP GORRIE 335-3314 Experience in a psychiatric setting necessary with experience in:
8 cylinder standard, radio. A Proceeds in support of the against the estate of John HislopWINGHAM
little rough but certified. LicAssociation for t
. g Please apply enclosing Business
878 003 he Mentally Griffith, late of the Township of Mrs. J. Daymond, Co -Ordinator,
CARS Retarded and Voice for Life. Howick, in the County of Huron, Mental Health Resource Cenfre, and
$1011111: Your support greatly farmer, deceased, who died on or box 1217, Wingham, Ontario M
Need a low mileage, clean appreciated. about the 29th day of December, Closing date for applications: 26TH FEBRUARY, 1979 GUARANTEED GRANITES
1973 DODGE 100 ' z TON economy car? 1978, are required to send full J Example Pickups Arranged 357-3099 particulars of such claims to the PrO eSSIOnCEMETERY LETTERING
Heavy duty, 8 cylinder, auto undersigned on or before the 5th _ Di
\ Buy Direct and Save
motic, as clean as a in! Only IAT PLYMOUTH
p y SATELLITE day of March, 1979, after which are�tor
Bas Ph. 367.1910
25,028 miles. Lic. F37 143. date the Administratrix will
Cannot be duplicated at s cylinder automatic power HIAP W810W Rea. Ph. 867 -Lola
steering power brakes proceed to distribute the estate
radio. Extra clean and hos
having regard only to the claims
only 39.000 miles! of which she shall then have had
oDATED at Wingham, Ontario TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS KARL C. LEN17 Frederick Phm.B., Homuth
CHASSIS We have approxi- FRONT END LOADER this 8th day of February, 1979. Carol E. Homuth, O.D.
6 cylinder, 4 speed, dual Crawford, Mill &Davies, Applications for the position of Chartered
Mrs. H. Vlolo Homuth, O.D.
wheels, 6 new tires and rims mately 10 clean cars in RENTAL Barristers &Solicitors,
off a 1979 truck. Fair Candi i 1 . part-time building inspector Accountant
stock all the time SEALED TENDERS on forms and in Wingham, Ontario, 2 art -time municipal drainage inspector Optometrists
tion. Lic. F34 487. As is. envelopes available from the Solicitors for the Administratrix.1,1W CK p OR g p Wingham, Ontario P
office of the undersigned will be 14-21-28 Telephone HARRISTON Ontario
accepted until l.00pm.local time 3. combined part-time building and (519)357-1087 338-2712
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1979 66000660666466- drainage inspector
for the following contracts.
com"Rentolof3.Ocu yd loader- WIII be reC@IV@d at the Clerk's office at
lu County Road 25 Reconstruction Wingham Holyrood by 12 noon on February 19, 1979. REID AND PETERSON
RR 2 Palmerston HC -79-507 Salary to be negotiable.
RR 2, PalmerstonHighway 23 North, across from Midwestern Regional Rental of 3.0 cu, yd. loader - Advance -Times Highway 23 North, across County Road 31 Reconstruction Chartered Accountants
The lowest or an tender not Clerk
from Midwestern Regional y 218 Josephine St., Win ham
Centre. Centro necessarily accepted. W.F. Hawthorne,
A.HELP YOU Township of Kinloss, h: 357-1522 g
Tele 30M Tei.. 300 R. rO Dempsey, Eng., Holyrood, Ont.
COunty J.A. Peterson, C.A. B.W. Reid, C.A.
Court House,Goderlch,Onforle PNONE 357-2320 NOG ZBO
Open 8 a.m. 10 p.m. daily. Open 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. doily. N7A IM2 e @ • e @ @ @ e e e e e e • -
• f � ry I r s