HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-07, Page 13ONE HUNMO DOLuRs
Wage discussion dominates
FREE meeting of Howick �n
LIFEINSURANCE A c I unlIttee of the whole guidelines, but without some land division committee a
discussion which lasted almost knowledge of the equipment request to sever a lot south of
Maximum $2,000 with every $100 in your three hours dominated the Feb. 1 couldn't be sure the equipment Belmore. Mr. Ball expiained that
share account. meeting of Howick Township met ministry standards. If the the severance had been given
couna: ministry standards are met the approval by the committee but
Council members met in township will receive .& - the two-year term of the
Of the of the whole to discuss tial subsidy on the cost of the severance was almost ending.wages for township employees radios. Landowner Harold Finley has
90 Da Deposits Pa 10s X j for 1879 and also to discuss Despite a provincial recom- . plans to put in a five lot sub -
90 P Y council's wages for the year. The mendation that C I,, hips should division south of Beim ore on
press cannot report on com- ask for gravel teslders with the County Road 12 but one of the
mittee of the whole discussions. gravel measured by weight conditions of the severance was
Let your money work in -your community. Announcement of the 1979 wages rather than'volume, the township that an access road be installed.
We are now selling RRSPIS at 10% interest will not be made until council will continue to have gravel To date the road hasn't been
passes Bylaw 1, 1979, probably at delivered by the cubic yard. installed but because time is
with no charges. its March 5 meeting. Road Superintendent Carroll running out on the severance
—Q�council will not have Johnson said when gravel if. permit, Mr. Finley wants the
ne half of the of tree delivered in some trucks it V' property severed now. -
Joflphie! % Alfrld St. S. 357-23 �� on Wayne King' Lot 5, hard to jtdge the volume of the Coun. Bill Newton noted that
farm. Councillors were material but that in recent years because it is the land division
afraid that if Mr. King had trees the companies delivering gravel committee which grants
planted on his property under an for the township haven't skimpe4 severance permits, any changes
s1 7 agreement with the mmsitib of on the size of the loads. in the permit conditions should be
� O 1 natural resources it would have Gravelslivered by weight is approved by committee.
to pay the 50 per cent of the in- generals more expensive The townshipwill investigate
1 stallation costs required by the because the gravel trucks must the cost and coverage of
Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario O _tree act. The county would be stop at scales to weigh the municipal insurance available
357-1700 , liable for the other half of in- material. A letter from the from companies other than
stallation costs while the lan- ministry of transportation and Frank Cowan Insurance, which
1 1downer would pay for the trees. communications told council that now has the Howick insurance
ALL WINTER W EAR 1 While looking through the act, weighed gravel would be more contract and most of the
Wes Ball, township clerk, noticed expensive but would 7ensure that municipal contracts in Ontario.
ATthat forestation projects under the township was getting as much The Howick Community Centre
Section 41 of the act, the ap- gravel as it was paying for. Board was surprised recently
REDUCEDPRICES plicable section, must be for at The township fire agreement when the township insurance
least five acres of land per 100 with Listowel and Harriston was failed to cover the cost of
, acres owned by the same lan- given approval for 1979. The replacing a dehumidifier motor
Penmans (Seconds) Stanfields
downer. agreement, based on the which broke down at the com-
Olive Thermal, 100% Cotton
� 71 DRAWERS Since Mr. Kings property is assessment of sections of the inanity centre.
UNDERWEAR slightly less than 100 acres, the township covered by the fire
3.� , proposed planting project doesn't departments, was passed in the Bluevale
fall within the tree act guidelines. form of a bylaw. Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer
Council didn't make a decision Bylaw 5, 1979, was passed and
Special Selection of on which of three FM radio allowed the clerk -treasurer to and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Henning returned Thursday from
tenders to accept. Council distribute $20,100 of file drainage
L.EVI S and GWG CORDS members felt they didn't know funds which weren't used in 1978 a vacation in Florida.
e enough about the equipment to thoughthe had been set aside Marie Walker and Doyle
e make an educated decision and y Fischer visited on the weekend
SALE 14■95 for use last year. The money will with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
will refer the matter to the be distributed to property owners Brewer and 1 family, 1Vfllton. (Limited Quantity) , transportation and com- who did drainage work last year, y'
Ministry of
(BILL 70)
1 The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1978, (Bill 70)
was given Royal Assent December 15, 1978 but has
not been proclaimed as of this date. Copies of the Act
are available from the Ontario Government Bookstore,
880 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1 Z8.
Price - 354 per copy
A limited number of single copies is available from the
Ontario Ministry of Labour offices in Hamilton, Kenora,
Kingston, Kitchener, London, Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie,
Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Windsor and the Information
Services Branch, 400 University Avenue, Toronto, Ont-
ario M7A 1 T7.
Attention Cro
����� on this knoll, was the highest for
point in the town plot. He made Automobiles, Light Trucks,
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TM Winshm li+farlai�i'Is>war. lehelrey 7. Wo _PW is
EAGER BEAVERS --Const. Tom Creeden of the Wingham police had an attentive
audience as he explained the workings of a police station to a group of Beavers last week.
munications ministry. so the totalrovincial funds will
Council called the tenders for P
amount to 35 to 40 per cent of the Forty attend
eight radio units, a base station cost of draining.
and tower under ministry Council will refer to the county MI 140ACI AFAN Sr. Citi ens'
Games Night
� GORRIE—The Senior Citizens
Qn Come Alive Club held its games
night Tuesday evening in the
The Howick G - The government surveyed the east of Belgrave. Bodmin was st Gorrie hall with 40 attending.
Wingham Town Plot in 1852-54. thriving hamlet on the Maitland,
r'r The southern boundary was with a post office, mill, shops and For euchre, the winners for
Wawanosh Township; the nor- hotel. Here he built a raft, loaded high scores were Mrs. William
GOOD PRINTING WEEK again the teachers won 11-9. Both„" thern limit was the B line. It his supplies and floated down the Hogg and Mrs. Ken Bennett
Last week was "Good Printing the boys' and girls' volleyball; extended from Josephine Street river, which was in flood. He (Playing es a man). Holders of
Week" at Howick Central. on the east to West Street (the landedatthe fork of the Maitland low scores :� e'< Qqp
Students from Grade 1 to Grade 8 teams feel that the" teachers road running past the Wingham River in the Wingham Town Plot. Mann and Wellesley Strong: Airs'.
printed samples for ° Mr. Played excellent games and airport). The eastern boundary On the front page of the 1935 Harry Adams had the most lone
Robertson. He judged them and showed superb sportsmanship. was later moved five-eighths of a McLean history of Wingham, hands and Mrs. Jack Ferguson
put the best ones on a bulletin The boys' and girls' volleyball mile to include more residential Farley guiding his raft with a won the travelling lone hand
teams played in the volleyball land. Lots were offered for sale in rite.
board. pole was depicted in a sketch P
3 at the lg�
All students should practise tournament on Februarydrawn by an old Winghamite, High prizes in crokinole were
neat printing habits and I hope F. E. Madill Secondary School in It is a known fact that the first rank Galbraith. It showed his won by Mrs. John Koch and Miss
they will. Wingham. settler, Edward Farley, arrived trunks, boxes, wagon wheels and Jean Sparling. Mrs. Gordon
Kendra Robertson
Peggy Lynne Strong here in the spring of 1858 via the dog on the raft, while he looked Underwood and Mrs. John Van
STAFF -STUDENT STAFF -STUDENT Maitland River. He came from forward with anticipation. One
Owen Sound, shipping his P de Kemp claimed the low sizes.
VOLLEYBALL GAME For the past few weeks after PP g would wonder what was the urge The next regular meeting will
On Wednesday, January 31, the school on pastfeWednesdays, some of belongings from there to to travel to a spot with no other be held February 13 at 8 p.m. at
staff challenged the students to a Collingwood by boat. The next inhabitants. He was not in- the home of Mrs. Ken Bennett.
volleyball game. The winners the staff members have been stop was Toronto via the Great terested in the power sites, as
received a point . for the staff- Participating in hockey games Northern Railroad. He tran- were the Fishers and Gregorys.
student trophy which is awarded against those Grade 7 and 8 boys sferred to the Buffalo and Lake He is not mentioned in the
who would like to play. The Huron which brought him to the WINGHAM
at the end of the year. The boys g development of the area. His
played first and the teachers won games take place at the Howick end of the steel in Stratford. name was not used to name
Community Centre. Anyone There he hired freighters to haul
12 10. Then the girls played and g anything except the hill where he BODY SHOP
wishing to play must bring ;1.00 @s possessions the rest of the built his log house. The low hill on
to pay for the ice time. way, but the roads were so bad the Lucknow road just west of
These games are not only fun they left him stranded at Blyth. Helena Street was known as
lroa(�s and enjoyable but also veru He then hired four oxen and a Farley's Hill. However the road SID ADAMS
worthwhile. wagon to take him to Bodmin, at that spot was levelled when the Complete
highway was paved. RADIATOR SERVICE
Farley's log home facing north
for advertising is 5 p.m. Wednesday
one week prior to publication
Reach 17,000 homes in the heart of Southwestern Ontario
by calling:
The Listowel Banner 291-1660
The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320
The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550
sure he would not get caught in a Farm Tractors
flood. It was finally torn down in
? kz May, 1916, by Theo- Finnen. It
New Rad Cores
was described as one of the Rodding
SE 3 landmarks of Wingham. Here Cleaning &Flushing
Farley had chopped down the
first trees to make a clearing and 14 Northt. 357-1102
built his dwelling to the summer
of 1858. There is nothing now to
The Square 524-7661
Rick Gibbons
"State Farm has
LIFE insurance,
too! Call me.
for details:?
Like a good neighbor,
State Farm is there.
25 Alfred St. E.
Stats Form life Insurance Cocnaptty
Canadian Hood Office. Scorboraugh. Ontario
mark the spot.
Edward Farley was said to be
House Plans Drawn s
y $ r k an interesting character and Q
many stories were told about his ; Free estimates. References for
a y, many pranks. His first wife died
in 1877; he died on Feb. 14, 1897, all previous work.
at the age of 80. His second wife
( ? died the following year. They SCHAEFER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN
were buried in the Wingham
r Cemetery. LISTOWEL 291-1449
AWARD WINNER—John Chippa of Llstowel, an announcer
with CKNX In Wingham, won three broadcasting awards
upon his graduation from the broadcasting — radio and
television program at Conestoga College recently. The
awards were for announcing, newsman of the year and the
faculty -staff award. With Mr. Chlpps Is Peter Trueman,
guest speaker at the awards dinner.
Re istered
Grey has 5 Plans -
Available Each provides for tax
��^ �,
deferrals, and the relurn on your
investment may accumulate tax
free until you withdraw the funds
Put a little aside for the future
Contribute to or purchase a V b G
RRSP on or before March 1,
1979 — you will become of 11
to win a trip for two to Jamaica
Since 1�
How about tomorrow?
S•.�n.• , .n, n.no. • ,,, . —