HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-02-07, Page 11I
Open a CAmranteed RSP
where �uurmoney's
• rare guarantwo
for five years
the North 11h ron Credit Union,
• no front end load,
consumer and commercial
sales commission,
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or opening charges
other plans can be
The credit union ended I=
e 1% redemption
the credit union are a,;,1 : , i . I by
tee upon withdrawal
-loans available
- maximum $100.
If you're looking for the best,
Call or See District IiL4 A
In Walkerton:
301 Durham Street East
Telephone: 881.3700
Ask for E.D. (Dave) Buehl
Branch" In: London (2) Guelph,
Strathroy, Kitchener, Toronto,
Elmirk,Branttord, Port Colborne,
Port Elgin, Walkerton, Owen Soun
Toe Wingham Advamo-Times, February 7. IM—Pap it
North Huron Credit Unbn
tops $1 million in assets
For the first time in its history
local aharebold rs and policy is
the North 11h ron Credit Union,
laid down by the udnis&y at '
the locally owned said operated
consumer and commercial
cooperative, b" topped the $1
relations and the local board at
m mea spark in assets.
director's. Losgs amounting to
The credit union ended I=
' more than a member's abases to
with just over $1 million in total
the credit union are a,;,1 : , i . I by
assets, up about 20 per cent from
a five member credit eommitt _;e.
a year earlier, George Michie,
Credit union menber5 'ire
manager, reported,
The 825 credit onion members
protected " _i. 5, the r
union's hates, _ .pccy fru
from the Wingham and Belgrave
$20,00u prd ace,writ by LL
areas will have their annual
tario Share and Deposit CuC-
meeting April 6, when a dinner
and dance will be held at the
Policy decisions on the interest
Winngham curling club,
rates paid and charged, who
The number of credit union.
serves on the committees and the
members is up from 763 at the
amount of the yearly dividend
end of 1977. Anyone who lives or
ire all made locally.
works in the Wingham-Belgrave
touchy issue with a number of the
area'may join the credit union
and must buy a minimum of five
dollars shares to become a
at Belgrave
finally closed and the project is
Deopite the increase in the
euchre party
number of members, the value of
ready to go to tender.
shares held by the members in
BELGRAVE— Eight tables of
1978 fell about =16,000 to $316,000,
euchre were played last Wed -
Mr. Michie said. The reason for
nesday evening at the Belgrave
the drop was that no dividend
weekly euchre ply•
was paid on share accounts at the
Winners of prizes, for high
end of 1977 because the credit
scores were Mrs. Clarence
union didn't have a surplus. The
Hanna and- William Black.
1978 dividend on shares
Holders of low Boom were Mrs.
amounted to five per cent and if
Edgar Wightman and Edgar
the credit union does as well this
Wightman. Novelty prizes were
year, the dividend may amount
awarded to Mrs. William $lack
to doubly that, Mr. Michie said.
and James R. Couftes. ,
Many people don't know how
Everyone is welcome to attend
the local credit union operates,
the euchre next ' week in
he said. It is .totally owned by the
ZIFFICIAL OPENING—Town councillors and local law- -
Vers, bankers and insurance agents gathered for the Official
Opening of Standard Trust's Wingham branch last week.
Secondary psta
riting folr
Cook up the' best loo -king
k1tchen'iDn town!
Cupboards.on SALE now'
at Hodgins Buildall0
Now is the time to have the best look-
ing kitchen in town. It's easier than you
think with help from Hodgins Buildall.
Kitchen cupboards are ON SALE NOW
with a full 20% OFF suggested retail
Come in today and see our model kit-
chens on display in our showroom. The
styles and finishes to choose from are
endless and they're all on SALE.
Our expert draftsman will assist you in
planning a beautiful and workable kit-
chen and draw a layout of the cabinets
you have selected.
Now is the time to have the kitchen
you've always wanted. It's as simple as
one visit to Hodgins Buildall. Come in to-
Sale pries in effect until March 3 /79.
11 Korth St.
Store Hours:
Mon. to Fri..: 8:00 - 5:30
Saturday: 8:00 - 12:00
East Wawanosh this year
Work is getting underway this
much. Since the community
completion date into the contract
year on a secondary plan for East
centre is located in East
for the drain and Mr. Hallahan
Coun, Currie noted McMaster
Wawanosh Township, councillors
Wawanosh that township must
told him that could be done. East
Insurance is close, by and pays
for that municipality heard last
take charge of it and apply for
Wawanosh, as the initiating
taxes in Huron County, two more
week. The process had been
provincial grants.
municipality, will tender the
reasons why the township"should
slated for last year but was
project, and let the contract,
consider transferring its i
postponed when -the county
The proposed replacement of
however the Morris reeve was
business. It -was also noted that
planning department found it
the Johnson municipal drain, a
invited to attend the meeting at
although the present policy. ex -
was short of money.
touchy issue with a number of the
which the tenders are opened.
pires Feb. 15 the township had
Gary Davidsoni head of the
ratepayers assessed into it, was
Other matters' handled at the
still not received any renewal
planning department, attended
finally closed and the project is
council meeting included a
notice from Orr.
the meeting of council Feb. 2 to'
ready to go to tender.
deeisipu te, p
advise councillors of a provincial
The court of revision for the
employees time and a .half for
the Huron County Plowmen's
grant program for Secondary
drain met briefly and chairman
any hours worked over. 40 in a
Association and raised its annual'
plans and stayed to field some
Mr. Hallahan announced no
given week. I .
donation to the county historical
appeals had been submitted since
Clarence Hanna, road
society to $15 from $10. A request
"What will (the secondary
the last session. He told the
superintendent, showed council a
from Auburn for an additional
Plan) do for us?" Coun. John
landowners he really appreciates
propsed roads budget of $173,000
donation toward the centenary
Currie wanted to know.
their decision to let the drain go
for 1979, with a provincial sub-
there is being held for a later
"Get you in a lot of trouble,"
ahead. Several of the major
sidy of $114,000. The subsidy is up
meeting. Council gave Auburn
was Mr. Davidson's first reply.
landowners on , the drain, in-
from $92,000 last year: Council
$PM last year and indicated it
However he added that basically
eluding Bill Fear, Don and Bodie
authorized tendering for 16,000
would consider matching the
a secondary plan takes the
Craig and Anton Passchier, were
cubic yards of crushed gravel for
grant this year.
county plan and makes it reflect
at the meeting.
use on the roads.
Spence Cummings, county
East Wawanosh. ,
Engineer E. W. Shifflett also
A letter from the ministry of
development officer, will be -
It establishes land use policies
attended and he recommended
trar:sportation and Com-
invited to one of .the spring
in a municipality and gives
giving contractors a good, long
munications recommended
meetings of council. A letter was
People who didn't have any input
time to look at the job. Council
municipalities tender gravel by
received from Mr. Cummings
into the county plan a chance to
will probably be opening the
weight instead of by cubic yard to
offering to pays council a visit and
have their say. The county land
tenders at its April meeting.
make sure they are getting full
Mr. Hallahan recommended
division committee follows it in
The total cost of the project,
measure, but Mr. Hanna ob-
inviting him, saying he's done a
deciding on applications for
which involves replacement of
jected that the cost of ad-
lot for the township. He also.
the Johnson drain and cleanout of
ministering such a system would
noted Mr. Cummings has been
"Wawanosh doesn't have a lot
the Ellison drain which serves as
outweigh any savings. It would
under some pressure at county
ofproblems in development in
its outlet, is estimated at $79,000.
be necessary to get a scales and
council, where some members
sight," Reeve Simon Hallahan
The Johnson drain starts in East
hire a man to watch it, he noted.
feel his position should be
commented, and ' Mr. Davidson
Wawanosh but, most of it lies in
Tom Miller and Bob Taylor
told him that's the best time to
Morris Township.
from McMaster Insurance in
Several members from council
prepare a plan. It makes sure
East Wawanosh will be selling
Wingham attended the meeting
will attend a' seminar on
future development follows
debentures on its share of the
to bid on the township insurance.
economic development -_
council's wishes. "
assessment. Mr. Elston asked the
Council noted the bid submitted
strategies for the late `70s being
Mr. Davidson also explained
Morris landowners to let him
was considerably better than the
hosted by the county develop -
the province has a grant program
know whether they would like
deal it has been getting from Orr
ment committee. Councillors,
to help offset the costs of
that township to also sell
Insurance of Stratford, but
industry and the public are being -
preparing a secondary plan. The
decided to check and make sure
invited. All councillors are
grant covers approximately 50
Bill Fear asked whether it
it is getting identical coverage
planning to attend the Good
per cent of the estimated $22,000
would be possible to write a
before . deciding whether to ac-
Roads Convention.
cost of the plan, with the county
picking up the remainder.
Council passed a motion
authorizing the planning
department to apply for the grant
on its behalf.
In other business council ac-
cepted a proposed budget of
$15,500 from the East Wawanosh
recreation, arena and com-
munity centres board. This is up:;
from $13,268.81 last year, but it
was noted about $2,300 has been
carried forward from last year.
There was some 4iscussion
about the name of the board,
which controls the Belgrave
arena. Coun. Donald Dow
declared he doesn't like the way
the thing is set up, noting it has
always been the Belgrave
Community Centre and not just
East Wawanosh. It seems the
government grant program is
designed just to put a chink in
this community, he said.
Morris Reeve William Elston,
who was present as a member of
the court of revision on the
.Johnson drain, said he knows
people in Morris "aren't any
more, than satisfied" with the
way things are now. If it did
revert people would be happier.
On the question of how such a
change would affect grants, Mr.
Elston claimed the centre could
Still get all the grant money it
gets now. However Court. Neil
Vincent said the grants would be
cut in some areas. Winona
Thompson, clerk -treasurer of
RIBBON CUT—Mayor William Walden cut the ceremonial ribbon to declare the Wing -
East Wawanosh, said later things
ham branch of Standard Trust Company officially operi last week. Flanking him are Brian
really can't br changed very
O'Malley, president of the comoany, %nf4 le►... v a-van2gh, branch manager.