The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-31, Page 64�
PqM 6--Tbe lftdN Advance Times, January 81, 1979
Maitland Presbyterial WMS
hears medical missionary speak
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Mrs. Don Robertson of The afternoon theme was Italy. 4 t
Kinlimoh, president of Maitland "Looking Ahead". The year just Recently she has been working ,
Presbyterial Women's entered was described as 'a door with Indian staff as Director of
11losionary Societies, opened the to explore fields for usefulness' Community Health Nursing
Zanmeeting of the and the ladies were told that 'one within a five mile radius of Jobat
aniz,ation held January 22 at who does God's work gets God's Christian Hospital. There, eight k
St. Andrew's Presbyterian pay'. Mrs. Jean Barr of Kinlough out of 12 villages have been
Church, Wingham. was in charge of devotions and surveyed and some 6,000 people
The theme for the morning based her message on the words reached through home visiting
session was "Looking Back of a hymn. She presented her and health education. About 65
Towards Accomplishments and subject in an unusual and in- per cent of the children in the
Forward to Our Challenge teresting fashion, reading a short area suffer from second or third •
Today" and the thought con- selection from the Bible and degree malnutrition.
veyed was that 'to whom much interspersing her readings with Miss White stressed the im-
has been given, of him much verses from the hymn. The portance of the work done by the
shall be required'. theme of her talk was "A missionaries sent out and
Devotions were conducted by Message for the World Today" maintained by the WMS; doctors
the. Bluevale group. Mrs. Golley and she stressed the importance who have been trained in their
read scripture from the sixth of knowing God's statutes, hospitals; teachers graduated +
chapter of Matthew's Gospel and trysting in Him and delighting to from their schools; nurses
the message derived from the do His will in, this modern-day trained and babies whose lives �! ,
passage was a practical one of world. have been saved and are now
living one day at a time. If a Miss Ida' White, who has contributing in meaningful ways
young couple in love, for in- completed 25 years of overseas to the Christian community and•
stance, could view their whole service as a medical missionary, winning others for Christ. The
life with its joys, difficulties and was the guest speaker. She is a door is closing for the foreign :>
adversities stretched out before graduate of Alexandra Marine missionaries to India but the
them, they would probably not and General Hospital School of many converts who are often in
have the courage to marry and Nursing in Goderich. During grave danger for their faith, area
would miss many of the World War II she served as an ready to carry on in the service of f?
blessings. If one faces only the officer with the nursing service of the Master.
cares of each day, one can cope the South African'Army and did Miss White asked the women to s
successfully with them,duty in South Africa, Egypt and support these people and also the
Christians in Taiwan with their
prayers. Their need is great and
the Holy Spirit is working
•, mightily in both places opening
The March of Dimes
the hearts of the people. At the
same time the forces against the DEMONSTRATING RESUSCIANNE for Wingham firemen and the donor Wingham
Christians are increasing and Kinsmen is Reg O'Hagan, director of Wingham and District Hospital ambulance services.
i n need of your help becoming more severe. Miss The $1,578.50 doll will be used to train firemen, ambulance drivers and others in lifesaving
White said, "Let us not let them techniques. Wingham Kinsmen presented the firemen with ResusciAnne Jan. 24.
down in their time of need. We
To many people physical March of Dimes is government have to claim the promises of
disability seems a rarity, funded," says Bud McMorran, God for them and pray for
something that happens oc- fund raising chairman. "In fact them."e
casionally to some unlucky only the 12 ability centres receive Mrs. William Munsh `w, Hosp. AuxiI'amembersperson far away. But not so, government assistance and even Education Consultant, conduc ed
thousands of Canadian adults this is only partial. For all our the installation of officers for 1979
become disabled each year. other needs we rely entirely on and Mrs. Robertson brought the
It could be the'result
at w an the support of the general meeting to a close. hear speaker o n child abuse
accident—in a car, work,
, ai public."
home or at play. It could be Next Monday night, Feb. 5, has
caused by one of the crippling been set as the blitz night for the
,diseases such as multiple March of Dimes in the Wingham • The Auxiliary to the Wingham absent from school and then abuse and to cooperate with
sclerosis, polio, arthritis, heart area, Shirleyanula, the local Maitland WI and District Hospital held its appear with fading bruises.
Y p Family and Children's Services.
attack or stroke. Some are born chairperson, said. On that night January meeting Monday of last The child may or may not Any information received about
handicapped or are disabled in members of the Wingham members tour Week. During the business of the complain about his treatment. an abused child is confidential or
childhood. Crippled kids grow up Kinette Club and other volun- meeting, it was announced that Often he is afraid to tell. When privileged and no action shall be
to be disabled adults. teers will go from door to door in the Auxiliary is having coloring questioned, he may deny the instituted against the informant
Whatever the cause the net the town and in Bluevale inviting local Museum books made to be given to abuse or give illogical ex
result is a permanent physical donations. children when the are admitted planations for his injuries. is do the giving of information
The Curator's meeting of the y is done maliciously or without
disability for one in every seven Mrs. Hanula, who has been Maitland Women's Institute to hospital. President Mrs. Don Mrs. Pryde urged the members reasonable and probable cause.
CanaAnd wflatever the cause the here since 1966, noted thag with the March oft when Dimes gym' with tour of the Wingham Museum on Tuesday evening of sleer also pers havebeenpurchased by. to be alertTto the ysigns of child
?. K +tee+►
•- •.
«; areb ofUrnes is there to help. you travel to one of the abilit
y last week. The members found the Auxiliary for the children's •� `
Not only "with wheelchairs, ar- centres and see how hard the the tour very interesting and ward.
tificial limbs and other aids, but people work to overcome their enjoyed seeing dishes, dolls, The spring rummage sale will
with programs like job training disabilities and how well they can hospital a seeing
camera be held in April, the date to be
and placement camping and 1 #-- f tion in s ite of them announced later A proficiency
Vane's Drug Store, Winghom
FRIDAY, FEB. 9,1-3 P.M.
Batteries, Accessories, repairs to all makes.
Fair Hearing Aid Service
145 Ontario St., Box 423
HKARNG AM Stratford, Ont. NSA GT3
The illness you'll never see,
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Fitness is fun.
Try some.
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The CanaO,an movement IQ' Pergonal f"W"
Fruit Market
Heinz - 48 oz. -
Tomato Juice
Schneiders - 2 Ib. Box 2e89. Beef Burgers
McCormick - 700 Gr.
Cream Ass't., Big Value, Choq. Chip
Cookies 1.49
Palmolive - 24 oz.
Liquid Detergent *99''
4 g
357-22" WE DELIVER `
, earn unc 1 p I equipment, telephones and
other recreational opportunities, "you come home wondering why pictures taken from and used in award will be given to a student ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED
self help groups, mobile medical you griped because you had to in the RNA training course again
clinics and research, help with canvass for an hour, the Wingham area.
".this year.
The meeting which followed y
busing and transportation. "It's really wonderful to see Mrs. Len Phillips, correspond- the leader in style, value and professional
The March of Dimes system of they peop opened with the Ode and Mary
y what th do for le." Stewart Collect, followed by the ing secretary, read a letter from knowledge ... now offering our customers a
services helps disabled people if you are missed by the minutes and the treasurer's Paula Blagrave, director of
,.,, . . I support themselves, volunteer canvassers or don't dietetics at the hospital, thanking new, exclusive
live independent lives and et report. The officers' conference
g receive an appeal letter in the will be held May 1, 2 and 3 at the Auxiliary for the corsages
hack where they belong: in the mail you can still give by sending Waterloo. The curators will at- and pens which were part of the Q
ma:'...:..::.. of life. your gift to the nearest ability tend. Mrs. Les Jacklin was ap- bray favors for the patients on D
Work like this takes money, a centre or to the provincial office Christmas Day. She also thanked
eat deal of money, however pointed chairman of the ren
gr Y, at 90 Thornciiffe Park Drive, taenial project. the ladies who served the staff
carefully it is spent. . Toronto, M4H 1M5. Thank -you notes were received coffee and goodies on December
"People seem to think the frorrio Lavonne Ballagh and the 22.
Family and Children's Services. Mrs. Passmore reported there
Members agreed to send a are 15 active girls in the Candy D
donation to the Wingham Stripers. She also stated that five
Museum. Branch membership Boy Scouts are interested.
I_- 'd b F b 1 Mrs. Kathy Pryde, who is on
' fees are to pat y e ruary • the staff of the Huron County
An executive meeting, to plan
the District Annual in May, will Family and Children's Services, Membership is awarded only to selected
a, spoke to the Auxiliary and jewelers who possess proven gemological
be held April 2 in Dungannon showed films on child abuse.know) ' a and the highest ethical stan-
United Church. A short course dards. It isour assurance of the reliability
.. workshop, "Needlepoint for Mrs. Pryde noted some of the and capability of this firm.
Beginners", will be held in signs of child abuse The child
Wingham February 12 and 15. All may often be tired. He may be
N Institutes are asked to sponsor unusually or exceptionally quiet,
the Erland Lee Home. uncommunicative, fearful of
authority and of other children.
R011 call was answered by
1 ndmark He may wince when touched. The ANSTETT'S 10 YEAR GUARANTEE
naming a yams ing a child often has bruises or burns
and the motto was "Hats Off to
the Past! Coats Off to the not usually associated with play.
Future! ". Mrs. K. deVries gave a He may refuse to participate in 1. We guarantee R product to be the grade, quality and price stated.
y reading and a dessert lunch was gym classes for no valid reason
' served by Mrs. B. Allen and Mrs. in an attempt to conceal his in- 2. Supply ANSTETT'S complete and documented appraisal by our
deVries. juries. He may frequently be
Gemmolo fists
ki 0��'1���1
Do you know anyone here in Ontario who -through
selflessness. humanity and kindness without expecting
anything in return -has made this a better province m
which to live')
That's the kind of person for whom the Ontarro
Medal for ('food Citizenship was established
12 recipients are selected yearly by an independent
Advisory Council of Ontario citizens whose honorary
chairman is the lieutenant Governer of the Province
Anyone may nominate a person for the Ontario
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Executive 5ecretary
Advisory Council
Ontario Medal foi Good Citizenship
Queen's Park
Toronto. Ontario M3A IN
Making d nomination is itself an art of appreciation
for good citizenship All norninatirms should he rereiv0d
by April 17 1979
Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship
Needlepoint courses
offered this winter
Are you interested in learning a
own patterns for needlepoint and
new craft or in adding to your
several new stitches.
knowledge of a craft you already
The course will take the form of
know? If so, you might consider a
a leadership workshop with each
course on needlepoint being
group, whether an organized
offered this winter by the home
group or just an informal
economics branch of the Ontario
gathering, sending one or two
agriculture and food ministry.
leaders who will learn the in -
There will be soifiething in it
formation and get the supplies.
for everyone, Grace Bird, OMAF
They will then return to their
home economist, promises. For
communities and teach the
those who would like to learn
course to their members.
needlepoint the course offers
guidance in., color harmony,
Upon completion of the course
selection of proper canvas sizes,
a summary day will be held, with
yarns and needles. Step by step
all members getting together to
instructions are given for five
see what other groups in the area
popular and useful stitches which
have done.
RW are worked on a sample. Once the
Leadership workshops will be
sampler is completed members
held in Wingham on Feb 12 and
can go ahead with confidence to
15 and in Clinton on Feb. to and 17
complete an item of their choice.
and Feb. 19 and 21, also in F,xeter
For those who have done
on Feb. 13 and 16. Further in -
needlepoint before the course
formation and application forms
offers advanced instructions on
are available from Grace Aird at
professionally blocking your
the OMAF office in Clinton,.
finished pieces, designing your
3428 or Zenith 7-2RM.
3. For a period of TEN YEARS we will complete all mechanical repairs .
required from time to time at NO CHARGE to our customers (includes
sizing, retipping, etc.)
4. To clean and polish, and examine the product, at NO CHARGE to the
customer, at any time.
5. To insure the product, at no charge, for One Year.
6. To replace the diamond(s) if they become damaged.
7. To give current retail value on an eXchange for a diamond or coloured
gem. of higher value.
8. To update the original appraisal for insurance purposes at NO CHARGE.
Diamond Experts since 1950
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