The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-31, Page 5A
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I r0 FEBRUARY 16,1979 _ J
5524 -REV
dil I
St a#f interview
The Winghaw Advance -Times, Juauar> ".St
Editors: Alison Roberts
Sports Editor: Joanne Sanderson
Features Editor: Rachel Wallace
Executive Editor: Kathy Underwood
School leader
MR. 0,00MA ♦ , , of Blyth came GOO sgi�h
Mr. Damsma, who came to Madill;' School Leajder Dale
Canada from Holland in 1917, Whitfield. Dale's out -of -class
enjoys living in a rural com- a c u v i t, e � reflect his intense
munity and appreciates the e tears sports of
neighborliness of the Lucktaw LAD AND THE LION b lion become inseparable com- over and sets .} lb;u
g y t4 �4 a plays for the Junior
people. He was raised on a farm rApr Rice Burroughs panions while the old man seems Michael, ,v t!u time, is U I� 1 •n . beee he enjoyed
and received his early- education A young boy, Michael, heir to to get satisfaction from per- established l,untei and in esses and be also plays
in a one -room school, then went the throne, is caught in a civil recut' each. This goes on for wanderings with his friend they or Wingham. At Madill,
` '' Uprising country. Dale id sportsman as he
on to the Waterloo,Oxford ruin in his county Michael some time until the lion breaks encounter Arabs. Michael is
District High School near Baden. s is seat away on a ship for his free from his rotted cage to save astounded by his new find that �� par•icipate'in as many
He attended Calvin College from '° safety The shi
i; ,
p rpitfortunately is Michael from his tormentor. The there are beings like him. The teams as pos.ible within his time
1961 until 1861 and got his first wrecked and Michael drifts on a old man is killed by the lion and coral full of stock serves a limitation _ie has participated
teaching job in Toronto. Two t.,, slab of wood until he comes in thrown into the sea. Eventually feeding ground for Michael and on the soccer team for four years,
years later he moved to Luckiw contact with an old demented they find shore and they carry on the lions. track and field for five years and
where he taught Ph al,� man who has a lion trapped in a as if they were both lions. Michael and the Sheik's laugh football team for two years. Thio
Education and Latin a thecage. During the shipwreck Meanwhile, at home, the ter get together and she helps year, Dale has joined the
Ripley District High School. a ; z"...s Michael is hit on the head and his military is still trying to over- him to talk and communicate
ply �.. rY Y�n6 downhill ski club where he hopes.
1970 he came to F. E. Ma recollection of his past species throw the old regime that has a with her- The love affair is ended if nothing else, to learn to ski
where he is presently teaching MR. DAMSMA and name is erased. Therefore he new boy king. Unfortunately, the by the Sheik. Tom° she is kid- properly. Dale also enjoys
English. is content as the old man's ser- new king gets carried away and napped by bandits and Michael saowmobiling and other winter.
Mr. Damsma believes that F. s teaching vent. has to be eliminated by the and the lions rescue her. Michael
E. Madill is one of the best Mr. Damsma enjoy On the ship, Michael and the military. military The militathen takes is taken back to the Sheik's camp sports. A the completion of this
schools because of the polite, but feels that students should be where he falls unconscious and ,
responsible, energetic students, more open and show more self- the lions, thinking him dead, de- years studies, Dale will further
the dedicated, hardworking staff assurance. He states that the part. When Michael regains con- y'
and the excellent administration. students' opinions do count. he tries to fool me sciousness he remembers his
Mr. Damsma enjoys the change Mr. Damsma is one of the i know i can see it Drama Club
past and his name and writes his u>
in seasons. He loves summer dedicated people helping best wishes to the new republic
camping with his wife and three us to further our education if you are there Once again the Drama Club is that has been set up in his old
ch;ldren, and broomball, cross- through his teaching. He reminds attempting me not to g
off to a terrific start with lass home. "'<<
country skiing and snowmobiling students, however, that although that is your concern p
for "Anne of Green Gables" well If you're in the mood for in u G1 `l
are his favorite winter sports. His schooling is important, education for as long under way. Things have been
interests also include wood- continues for an entire lifetime. as i can remember y' triguing adventure, this is the
working, you have been there progressing very quickly, scripts book to read.
wo , building and working Nancy Haldenby and Marilynne Y have been distributed, auditions
with engines and cars. MacIntyre shielding Frances Telehus
hiding held, the cast carefully chosen
waiting and the time has once again
begun for those long-awaited y
ceasing does not rehearsals. Jr. Volleyball �r
loom in sight It was difficult to choose' from
• • many weights all the talent that was displayed
Winter carnival g Wednesday's trip to Clinton
and hooks at the auditions but Mr. Elgie has s"
turned out to be a profitable one
have droppedpicked the following people to
for the Junior Girls' volleyball
but the load ofou play the main roles: Anne Shirley
Y team. They had a relatively easy
During the week February 5-9, students. did not will be played by Marni Walsh, time against Seaforth and
Thursday a talent showcase fall with them Marilla Cuthbert by Gail g his education at Conestoga.
F. E. Madill's Winter Carnival (Gong Show) is in store with a bumped, set and spiked well. Meanwhile, he will content
Thompson, Matthew Cuthbert by g himself by taking part. in the
will swing into action. Afun-filled just as they p However, against Goderich,
3:24 dismissal which will be uander down a meeting Steve Pritchard, Gilbert Blythe
week for the enjoyment of the s9 g they seemed to tense up and gave numerous get-togethers.
followed by a pyramid-buildingso do you to me by Rob Henderson, Diana Berry
teachers and students alike is y b Joanne Wood and Josie Pye by up a 7-3 lead to lose 15-8 to them in in his opinion, Madill's only
planned. contest and athree-legged race forever isn't really y
outside. Friday will see Madill Rachel Wallace. the first game. Storming back in fault is the lack of school spirit.
On Monday, the week will be very long the second game, they won 15-9. Dale thinks this is mainly due to
students as they have never been You only tryCostumes and props have
opened with a kick-off assembly seen before. All the students will y already been discussed and Highlights of the games were the wide range of communities
with the introduction of the Snow come to school wear hats and to make me see several great "digs" on op- from which many students
dig everyone's thigh spirits are laced
Queen contestants and a Grade, 13 if you are succeeding with eagerness and excitement. position spikes by Anne Simpson originate. The rural students do
ties for Hat and Tie Day.,
parade. A banana eating contest, I know nothing about it � and Lori Goodall in particular, not join teams because of the
a tricycle race and a with 11 a wealth The Drama Club has always been and a super backrow s ike for y p°
y penny pe �► inability to find transportation to
carnival will be the main events The week will end with a D.J, of sources successful in its undertakings and this year's musical is sure to point against Goderich by Kim their homes. Most of the rural
for Tuesday. Wednesday holds dance from 8 until 11 on Friday you wonder why Letteau. students have teams in their
hope for a 1:30 dismissal, night. The students ho that as come off with equally good
Pe It isn't working Everyone played well and with communities and play against
followed by a broQmball game to many people as possible par- fake another look results. We wish the Drama Club hard work, the season should nay of the other towns' toama
which students challenged the ticipate in the year's carnival in .at what you believe in luck and much enjoyment in the continue to be a good one. The whose members also attend
teachers. The broomball game order to make it `better than first new project. Rachel Wallace next contest is in Goderich on Madill.
will be 'followed by free skating ever'. Rachel Wallace January 31. All in all, this year should
until 4 p.m. for the staff and Kelly Clark prove to be intriguing and with
Dale's contributions, exciting!
From all the students of Madill come best wishes in the en-
Dancedeavors he attempts.
A with Frances Telehus
The following Wingham stores are open every
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Canadian Tire Store
LOTS TO FIX—Students at F. E. Madill have plenty to repair on this 1979 Pontiac Trans
Am which was given to the school after it was badly damaged in transit. The car will be
used as a teaching tool at the school.
CAR GIVEN TO MADILL—Students and teachers at F. E. Madill Secondary School look
over a 1979 Pontiac Trans Am giv%n to the school recently. Con3iderable damage was
done to the car while it was being transported to a dealer. It couldn't be repaired and wav
given to the school.
Dangerfield, equtppe
their own lighting crew and four
talented members, set the scene
in . F. E. Madill on Friday,
January 19. Songs by Foreigner
and Styx were among the
numbers they performed. The
successful attempts of
Dangerfield were rewarded with
an excellent attendance of more
than 400 people, some travelling
from as far away as Guelph.
Warren Wray and Sonya Colvin
were among the winners of door
prizes consisting of popular
albums and a few singles.
The dances at F. E. Madill
have always been well attended
and very worthwhile. With
continued support and more
talent like Dangerfield, the
coming dances will be equally
Rachel Wallace
Sr. Volleyball
Miss Schofield reports that she
is quite pleased with the success
of the senior team last Wed-
nesday. The team was able to
correct one of its most serious
problems, allowing the op-
position to build up early leads.
By having intensive warmups,
the team was able to get off on
the right foot, to soundly defeat
Seaforth and split with Goderich.
Service errors continue to
plague the team and the prac-
tices this week will concentrate
on remedying that defect. In the
game, Linda Taylor made
several very impressive spikes
and Esther Nethery was the best
defensive player.
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