The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-31, Page 12f°
rhe lijr••The Iftobw Advanm-Tmrea, January 31. 1978 MRS. GEORGE GROWN �
ledGorrie Personal NotesBoardinstalMr. and Mrs. Robert Grainger Thomas Edgar of St. Thomas on
Sunday -
and David of Waterloo visited
t Saturday at the home of Mr. and viand grown
sited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
t Unied C Mrs. Cecil Grainger.
Mr. and Mrs. David Tern
of Ethel on Sunday.
Twelve lttsembers :. of the W. Lloyd, T. Stewart Beattie, G. pleman and family of Wellesley Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Wingam United Church were W. Tiffin and Russell Zurbngg. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crump Vernon Barlow were Miss
installed as members of the Representatives to Presbytery of Kitchener spent Sunday with Maureen Baylor and Homer
Offflcilal Board by Rev. K. Barry and Conference are G. W. Tiffin, Mrs. Joseph Simmons. Robert Barlow, Listowel, Mr. and Mrs.
Paasmotte during the Sunday Stewart Beattie (delegates) and Snare of Toronto visited Satur- Jeff Barlow, Gerri Lynne and
moreft worship service. The Mrs. Jim Ward (deaconess). day at the same home and Mrs. 0oy, Markdale.
new members, Art Laidlaw, Bert s
Other Wingham Edith Campbell of Holland, M. Gordon Ash and Ken of
Morin, r
Vernona Reid, Barbara Michigan, accompanied him Moorefield visited Saturday with
d Church urch are: treasurer,
Stainton, G. W. Tiffin, Mrs- John Unhome after spending a week here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Strong, Robert Crawford, Mrs. .
Mrs. 'Mrs. Lloyd Jacques ac -
Bill Willis; director of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson,
music, Hap Swatridge ; John and Mark of Guelph visited
Jack Goodall, Mrs. Mel McVittie, custodian, George Whitby; compamed Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Howard Walker, Mrs. Wray Jac ues, Jennifer and Amy of Saturday with Mrs. Albert
Gedcke and Janet Haines, are secretary of Official Board, G. W. q Heibein.
Tiffin; clerk of session, Ian Walkerton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Carswell
beginning members
term and Deslauriers ; Sunday School
join 38 members previously of Linwood visited Saturday at
superintendent, Mrs. Vern Reid; Furnace causes
perinten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Following the worship service, superintendent of Junior Bell
MFr. Passmore conducted the Congregation, Mrs. Elizabeth only blaze Mrs. Jack Currie, RR 3,
annual congregational meetingA°Kaagha' Wingham firemen were called Wingham, visited Monday with
during which the main topic of to ,the Gorrie home of Mr. and #rs. John Strong. Mrs. Addie
discussion was the renovations Mrs. Alex Graham at 12:10 p.m. Hutchison of Molesworth spent a
being made to the church Sr. Citizens Monday when the blower motor few days at the same home.
building. The windows of the on the furnace started to burn. Jean Hays and Linda Newton
church have been double -glazed, Fire Chief Dave Crothers spent the weekend at the home of
the exterior has been painted and euchreparty reported the residents had their parents. Also at his home
workmen are presently painting thought the fire was more serious for the weekend was Terry Hays
the interior. Still more because the blower was of Conestoga College, Guelph.
renovating is ed and was WROXETER—The Senior
resented b pia the building Citizens, under the convenership distributing � smoke through -
presentee for the approval of the of Mrs. Stan Gallaher, Mrs. out the house. Gorrie trustees
commitcongregation. Margaret Townsend and Mr. and •
The statistical reportsboweda Mrs. Art Gibson, held their bn LAKELET acclaimed A 420 SINGLE was bowled by Mike Newton Sunday at
monthly euchre party in
total membership of 769 at the Two Gorrie men have been Wingham Bowling Lanes. Earl Young reported the big
end of 1978. Twelve members Wroxeter Community Hall on Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inglis visited acclaimed as police village
Wednesday evening, January 24. Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. Don p g game, which was Sunday In an inter -town game against
were removed by death and Y trustees in Gorrie, filling the Lucknow, is the highest here in 10 years. Mr. Newton re -
seven by transfer of certificate. Mrs. Doris Adams was MacKinnon, Paisley. vacancies left since the Nov. 13 ceived $50 from the bowling lanes and $25 from his bowling
Ten new members were received awarded the prize for high lady Mr. and Ms. Bob Angus and municipal election. league for topping the 400 mark and may get an additional
on profession of faith ar9ten by and Mrs. Stella Pocaluyko, Lori Anne of Wingham and Mr. Robert Edgar, a Huron County 125 from the league if it is the highest single of the year. He
certificate transfer. playing as a man, won the prize and Ms. William Gadke, Debbie engineering department foreman bowled 10 strikes in a row for the 420 single and has an aver -
Members of the Board of for high gent's score. Prizes for and Christopher, visited Sunday and Bill Nay, a Western Foundry age of 217.
Trustees are W. H. French, E. S. low scores went to Ms. Wes with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gadke. employee, will join Earl Mino
Copeland, Jack Goodall, Charles Heimpel and Bill Dettman. Monday evening guests at the who was acclaimed trustee prior
Bosman, F., R. Howson, J. H. Lunch was served following the same home were Mr. and Mrs. to the November election. Mr. BRIDGE CLUB RESULTS
Louise Welwood and Mary
Crawford, William B. Cruik- game. The next euchre party will Henry Hohnstein, Mrs. N. Harris Mino was the only candidate to
shank, Gordon W. Buchanan, C. be held February 14. and Mr. and Mrs. Red Mac- apply for a trustee's pposition �/� Caslick made up the top pair in
Donald of Wingham and Mr. and More the election. �!/td� Wingham Bridge Club play last
Mrs. Clarence McCutcheon of Mr. Minn had been the only y i s1 Thursday'
MRs. ALLAN GRIFFITH Brussels. The occasion was Mr.. trustee representing the village Other leading partners were
and Ms. Gadke's 35th wedding—Wingham friends sympathize Kay Forgie and Art Wilson,
for about two months. with Mr. and Ms. Harold Wild on Noma Parlser and Margaret
Wroxeter Personals anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Judge the death last week of his Cruickshank and the team of
spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. brother-in-law, Stafford Fred Lillian Brooks and Omar
Mr. and Ms. Doug Weber and visited recently with Mr. and Norman Judge and Mr. and Ms. Pot luck dinner Churcher of London., Haselgrove.
Kevin Alliston visited her Mrs Blair ch Dave and Geor a Judge Caledon East —Mr. and Mrs. Farish Moffat
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Sandra, at Sarnia.
precedes meeting
entertained on Saturday evening
Musgrove, on Saturday.
Mr. and Ms. Bruce Chambers,
Mr. and Ms. Frank Graham,
Stratford, visited at the home of
McIntosh UCW
of Gorrie church
in honor of her father, Alex
MacKenzie of Lucknow, on the
accompanied by Ms. William
her brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Observer and was entitled
Waiting for the Return of the
ates to synod,
Mrs. ZimmermKing; lay an, M s. Jasper
occasion of his 94th birthday
Wade, visited with Mr. and Ms.
Stewart Higgins, during the
Jan. meeting
GORRIE—The annual meeting
(January �6). Others present
Mr." Mrs. Gordon
Harry Westlake and William
Mrs. Wilfred Johann read
of St. Stephen's Anglican
were and
Westlake, Saltford, on Sunday.
Mr. and Ms. Lloyd Townsend,
BELMORE—The January
was held recently following a pot
Moffat, Julie Ann, Kendra and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray,
accompanied by Ms. Margaret
meeting of the McIntosh United
luck dinner in the lower hall of
Alexander of Oakville, Mrs. Neil
Cambridge (Galt), were guests
Townsend, visited relatives in
Church Women ' was held Wed-
the church. Rev. O. J. Laramie
MacCallum and Mr. and Mrs.
on the weekend with her mother,
Guelph and also called on Mr.
nesday of last week in the church
opened the meeting with prayer,
Bert Moffat, Lucknow.
Mt's. Harvey Reidt, and also
and Ms. Ross Werth, Listowel,
basement. Vice president Mrs.
remembering all of the
—With many other people
Niili� l bes>@ital-
one day last week.
Mac Inglis opened the meeting
congregation who passed away
throughout the country, local
a SKr. and Mrs. Stewartduring
Mr. and Ms. Allan Griffith
a new year thought.
the last year. Mrs. Roland
Bennett retired as vestry clerk
residents sympathized in the
tragic loss of four young lives in
Musgrove visited with
lian Weber and Mr. and Mrs.
visited with Mr. and M. Ed-
Devotions were conducted wicked
Mrs. Wales Ren and opened
and Mrs. Wayne King was asked
the bus -truck crash north, of
Lloyd Fischer. at Walkerton on
mund Green and brother, Ross
with the hymn, Standing at the
to take her place.
Barrie on Thursday of last week.
Green, at Teeswater on Tuesda Y
Portal of the Opening Year".
Annual reports were given and
One of the vitt: ,Ys was Scott
Xiighbors and friends are
Mrs. Lillian Gallaher has
then read a poem entitled The
Mr. Laramie thanked all the
James Canier3n, 15 -year-old son
pissed to see Gordon (Pete)
returned home after s
Scripture was taken
who willingly gave of
of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cameron
- Yeoman home once again.
several weeks with relatives in
from Paul's second letter to the
their time and energy.The
of Weston: Scott's mother was the
Mr. and Ms. Allan Griffith
Corinthians and his letter to the
election of officers then followed:
former Oral Finlayson who came
by Mrs. Dickson.
Hebrews. The meditation,
rector's warden, Roland Ben-
from Ripley and is a cousin of
Come Ahead 1979 Was read
nett; people's warden, Jasper
Miss Yvonne McPherson of town.
Presbyterian WMS speaker
followed by a poem, "Land of
Fairish; rector's board, William
Bennett, Mrs. Merrill Fisher,
Besides his sorrowing parents,
Scott is survived by one sister
Beginning Again". The devotions
introduces study on China
closed with prayer and hymn.
Mrs. William Cane, Harry
Zimmerman, Ronald Bennett,
and his grandmothers, Mrs.
Violet Cameron of Pine River
Following the reading of the
Mr's. Ruth King; people's board
and Mrs. Verna Finlayson,
Cor'r'espondence was read from
minutes, 14 ladies answered the
management, a
of mans 8 Wayne King,
Ripley. Funeral service was held
BELMORE— is important
th R 1 Develo ment Outreach
roll call with new year's
Perry Strong, Mrs. Harry
in Ripley on Sunday.
Return Airfare from
Toronto to:
Vancouver ............. $232.
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Details on booking and travel
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357-2701 WINGHAM
The Wingham Lions Club wishes to thank all the people who assisted
in the Snoworama for Timmy.: All proceeds from this event go to the
Ontario Society for Crippled Children. One half of the money raised
goes directly to the Crippled Children's Association and the other half
remains with the local Lions -Club for work with the crippled children in
this area. The Wingham Lions Club had over $7,000. in pledges. Special
thanks to the Wingham and District Snowmobile Association, without
whose hard work and support, this event would not have been such a
success. Special thanks to the sponsors who made it financially success-
On behalf of the Crippled Children's Association, Whipper Watson,
The Bruce Regional Snowmobile Association and the Wingham Lions
Club, a very big Thank You I
Andy Ritskes and Fred McGee, Chairmen
Wingham lions Snoworama Committee
that we, as Christians, should
a urs p
Project about transportation in
resolutions. The study, led by
Zimmerman, Harold Ki ng, Mrs.
Board is seeking Ontario
know the facts about China since
Huron County. Mrs. Ralph
M Inglis, was taken from The
Roland Bennett, Mrs. Wayne
permission to install swings,
the lines of communication have
been opened to the rest of the
Dickson reported on the Maitland
Observer and was entitled
Waiting for the Return of the
ates to synod,
Mrs. ZimmermKing; lay an, M s. Jasper
assume its old policy on bus (rips
world. Christians must show
Presbyterial annual meeting
held January 22 in St. Andrew's
Farrish; substitutes, Mrs.
the project, the local holy name
concern for the welfare of the
third of the world ulation that
Church, Wingham. Each
Mrs. Wilfred Johann read
William Bennett, Mrs. Nellie
King; Mrs.
penditures eligible for provincial
lives in China," explained Ms.
member is asked to contribute 50
to the Presbyterial expense
several thank -you notes for
Christmas boxes and gifts. The
parish paymaster,
Vern Clark; church treasurer,na
school would cost about $1,400
Ralph DicksonDicksoas she introduced
feature by Ms. Alan Darling
Mr's. Cane; organist, Mrs. Brian
school class trips in which the
thep979stu"Searching for the
Real China", at the January
Arrangements were made for
all the members to participate in
consisted of two readings called
"Spring" and "O Lord". The
Underwood; auditor, Alex
Graham; bell ringers, Wayn
• •
meeting of the Women's
offering was received and annual
King, Perry Strong, Jasper
the new policy imposes a penalty
MissionarySocietyheld in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Belmore,
visiting the older members of
congregation during the winter.
reports were given. Ms. Everett
Farrish, Rev. H. Jennings, Harry
sty X. -
last week.
It was decided to have a pot luck
Dustow distributed the 1979
Zimmerman, Roland Bennett,
Ronald Bennett, Harold King.
Members answered the roll
dinner on February 21 and to tie a
the Hiles should be made less
got the approval of MPPs Jack
call with impressions of China,
quilt at that meeting. The World
not making money available for
capital expenditures for facilities
revealing a variety of general
knowledge. Mrs. Kenneth
Day of Prayer service for the
Belmore community will be held
H -P separate
school board
chairman, was granted $15,000
Dickson conducted the devotional
in McIntosh United Church on
school boards in the province
•• -• . �.,. .
period, basing her meditation on
hymn, "Lord
March 2.
The meeting concluded with
wants trip rule changed
Psalms 8, and the of
all Being", reflected the same
the singing of a hymn and prayer
f. s.
by Mrs. Dickson.
By Wilma Oke
asking support for the resolution.3
Ito 10
UNDER section 121 of the "Highway Traffic Act" of the Pro-
vince of Ontario it is illegal to place, deposit or cause any snow
to be on any street', highway or thoroughfare.
Any resident found to be placing snow from his driveway,
walk or porking lot on Town streets is liable to be charged
under this oct. Your co-operation in this matter will help ensure
that snow removal from Town streets will b• completed quickly
and a high degree of safety will be maintained for all residents.
Micho•l D. Chappell, C.E.T.
Commissioner of Public Works
Box 10, Winghom, Orttorto
NOG 2W0 357-2502
The Huron -Perth County
In other business, Albert
Roman Catholic Separate School
Runsteller, a separate school
Board is seeking Ontario
supporter in Mornington
Separate School Trustees
Township, asked for funds and
Association approval on a
permission to install swings,
resolution calling on the
slides and other outside games at
provincial education ministry to
St. Mary's School, Hesson. The
assume its old policy on bus (rips
Mornington Recreational
between the board's 19 schools.
Association has offered $250 for
A ministry of education policy
the project, the local holy name
which took effect Jan. 1 states
society has pledged $500 and the
that pupil transportation ex-
Catholic Women's League has of-
penditures eligible for provincial
fered $100.
approval are: 1) home to school
Equipment planned for the
transportation, 2) transportation
school would cost about $1,400
of handicapped pupils to treat-
and Mr. Runsteller asked the
ment facilities and 3) school to
board for $600 to help cover the
school class trips in which the
same class travels to the same
Board trustees agreed they
school 15 or more times in a
couldn't make a contribution to
school year.
the project as board policy is to
The separate school board felt
install only baseball diamonds
the new policy imposes a penalty
and basketball courts.
on a school without a gymnasium
The Catholic Parent Teacher
as it shuts off the possibility of
Association of St. Joseph's School
occasional trips by students
in Clinton reported that the
without a gym to a school with a
ministry of education has been
to agree to a proposed
The resolution also states that
addition to the 'school. The group
the Hiles should be made less
got the approval of MPPs Jack
strict as the education ministry is
Riddell, Murray Gaunt and Hugh
not making money available for
capital expenditures for facilities
In other business, John
like gymnasiums. "�'
O'Leary, property committee
The Huron -Perth board will
chairman, was granted $15,000
send copies of its resolution to all
for maintenance work in various
school boards in the province
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