HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-17, Page 13O
Tse illness you'll never see
,coming. Get in shape—and
don't give the enemy
a big target.
Fitness is fun.
Try some. paRnaParnon
rn. CnW.n mwaMm tw �,sony nvaas
POWERPLAY GOAL—The Ironmen got their first goal from Jim McGee, 10, on a power-
play en route to a 7-4 win over Wiarton. Mike Montgomery took the initial shot from the
point and after the goal le made the save Gord Kinahan, 6L dug the puck loose and it went to
McGee, who put it in the net. ( Photo by Kevin Lee)
Bowling Scores
Ths Wtagirusa Abet -'does, Jas►rssl► iT; 1�'A—Yaffe is
McGee led Ironman
to win over iorton
Jim McGee -led the Wingham later Sandy,8enry connected to McGee got an assist on, the Boal.
Ironnien to a 74 victory over the give the Iroomen the lead as he The game scheduled Sunday
Wiarton Dynamos last weekend, drilled a shot from the point an a afternoon was cancelled due to
scoring two goals and assisting third powerplay. Jay Kirkland inclement weather.
on two others. Jim Blackwell made things even again when he The Ironmen rem -in in first
scored three and a half minutes fired a 30 -footer from the left place in their division with a 17 -3 -
into the third period to break a 4.4 faceoff crde• ` $ record for 86 points McGee
tie and the Lamm�i��weal on to McGee scored Zi seconds into continues to lead rite team
score two more goa'>Il�before the the third period, slapping a scoring race with Ski pffints from
contest was over. bouncing puck from the left 32 goals and 23 assists. Bernie
The Dynamos opened the circle. Just over • minute later Haines is second with 22 goals
scoring early. in the first stuns Faulkner tied things again when and 24 asmoss. Kinahan am
when Lance Faulkner drilled a he poked in a Inose puck with Blackwell share thud spot with
shot from close range to the long DeJong down. Two minutes later 37 points.
side. McGee tied the score on a Jim Blackwell scored the
Powerplay at 7:29 after Mike eventual winner when Gord 4
Montgomery's rebound got away Kinahan was able to create a
from goalie Rick Shutz. loose puck. Blackwell pinked it ftwid hm*ey
In the second period Kier Hay up in the corner, stickhandled out
put the Dynamos ahead when he in front and backhanded the puck SCMS lopsiided-
deked a defenceman out of past the downed goalie. Randy There were some lopsided
position and slapped the puck Alton scored at the 4:38 mark on
through Steve DeJong's pads. a quick shot after being set up by scores involving Howick hockey
Larry Milosevic tied it at two Dale Whitfield and Bernie Haines teams the last week'
apiece on another powerplay finished the scoring when he In Squirt play Hawick defeated
when he deflected a shot by Jay drilled a shot from the point that fiord 10-1, while in minor
MacLaurin. Just over a minute went through a maze of players. hockey gmm with Wallace,
Howick came away the loses in
two out of three games.
n The Hawick West Tykes were
WINGHAM IRONMEN JR. "D" STATISTICS defeated &0 by Wallace, the Pee
UP TO AND INCLUDING JANUARY 12, 1979 Wees beat Wallace " and the
INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Howick Bantam B squad lost to
Wallace 14-2.
PLAYERS GP- G A PTS PIM + In other adian the Bantam A
Jim McGee 21 32 23 W 65 81 20. team tied Mildmay 4.4 and in a
'$ernie Haines 22 22 24 46 39 96 43 tournament in Clinton, Howick
Gard Kinahan 22 16 21 37 20 69 24 defeated Watf 6-1, lost to
Jim Blackwell 20 12 - 25 37 37 71 18 Creemore 4-2 duet Went on to
WROXETER MIXED ladies' high scores with a 284 201; Marg Hickey, 228; Rod Kevin Carter 18 18 18 36 23 60 22 defeat Tham
Aart de Vos was the top bowler single and 714 triple. Hickey, 238; Ivan Harknesk, 212, Scott wheeler 22 13 17 30 41. 48 13 In a local game Ibi Howick
Jay MoeLourin 21 12 13 25 37 40 32 Midgets last &3 to I,uclmow.
in Wroxeter Mixed bowling play Bowling 200 or over were: 206; Bill Wall, 221, 223; Betty Ed Haines 1" 20 6 18 24 46 72 33
with a 280 high single and a high Dave Nesbitt, 207, 217; Dan Heard, 216; Louise Welwood, 246; sandy Henry 21 10 13 23 66 80 27 In upcoming games the Squirts
triple of 707. Martin, 225; Ron Thompson, 220, Peggy. Tervit, 200 and Marie Randy Alton 22 11 9 20 22 39 23 take 'on Belgrave at '6 pm.
'Shirley Pellett was the best 205; Jean Thompson, 215, 2D4; ' Henry, 200. Dole Whitfield 22 5 14 119 12 44 20 Thursday and that game is
lady bowler with a 244 high singleBeth Wall, 209; Muriel Mc- Rick MacLennan 15 5 12 17 is 27 17 followed by a 9 p.m. match
and a high triple of 590. Farlane, 200; Marg Hickey, 221; LADIES' LEAGUE Tom Graham 11 4 8 12 32 23 6 between Chffwd and Howick
Bow' over 200 were: Rand Rod Hicks 326, 207; Ivan Dave Kieffer 12 - 4 6 10 10 17 12 recreation,
Bowling y Hickey, Elston's Elks maintained their Mike Montgomery 17 2 7 9 44 39 is The Pee Wees take on Belgrave
Hutchinson, 244, 202; Shirley Harkness, 219; Jean King, 228, two-point lead last week and have Larry Milosevik 5 2 2 4 6 6 7
Pellett, 244, 202; Ron McMichael, 284, 202; Cecil Hoffe, 209, 213; Bill 36 points. Lee's Lions have 34. Dennis Knox 10 1 3 4 to 22 13 Friday a,6 p.m. match and at
216; Agnes Haesnoot, 223; Joe Wa11, 220; Doug Findley, 227; Skinn's Seals and Tervit's Doug McGreger 3 0 2 2 2 4 2 7'30 the Howick Bantam A team
Craig, 279, 202; Aart de Vos, 234, Steve Burke, 202, 217, and Bill Tigers are tied in third place with plays Mildmay. A 9 p -m. game
280; Evelyn Stamper, 207; Doug Chaulk, 241.28 points each. Clark's Cougars GOAL TENDER STATISTICS J has the Howick Midgets up
Fisher, 201, 246; Edna Mac- Haughs are in first place with have 25 points and Welwood's GOAL TENDER MP GP GA AVG PIM SO against Teeswater.
Tavish, 210; Mary Beth Riley, 36 points, Walls have 29 and Weasels have 15. The. Howick West Tykes take
Doug Taylor 573,419.562 30 3.137 0 0 ,..,
210; Ethel McMichael, 201 and Heards have 26 points and third gay on Clifford Saturday at 2 p.m.
l'o Caroline Greenaway's 246 stave De.long 726.1612.104 48 3.966 4 0-
Bonnie Wick, 214. `place. game was the high single and Rick Diechart 20.00 .331 t 2.994 and � �0 0 8arta si`•2 p.m., Howick
SUNDAY MIXED Hickeys have 23 points, Rut- Jean King had the high triple of plays the Listowel' Seniors.
Rod Hickey bowled a 326 game tans have 21 and Hoffes have 12. `664. TEAM RECORD
this week, which was the men's BLUEVALE MIXED Bowling over 200 were: Mary Games Played 22; Goals:
high single. He also bowled the Ken Murray bowled a 300 game Lee, 213; Betty Darling, 215;For 175;
673 men's high triple. and had the high single in. the �da Nethery, 202; Carolyn Tuck, Wlns,t7; Against 79 Feeling tired?
Jean bow*# both the Jeague 04, *mk. He also: bnwlad 107,. 219; Shirley Storey, 238; Jean Losses 3: Ta�kednik: - -
the 706 mens high single. Ties 2:
Nancy Corrigan's 256 game � �' n' Joanne Harrison, HAT TRICKS - 12
230; Susan Talton, 237; ,
was the ladies high single and Shropehall 206; Rose Grove 213 Jim McGee (5); Kevin Carter (2); Rick MacLennan (1) �.
Marie Walker, bowled the 582 and Caroline Greenaway, '203, Bernie Haines (3); Jay MocLourin(1)
ZONE 39-100 ladies' high triple. 246.
Bowling over 200 were: Reta
Ross; 249; Nancy Corrigan, 256;
)SATURDAY Bruce ortlieb, 229, 253; Ken
Murray, 215,300; Jim. Shaw, 232;
Bonnie Brewer, 231; Mar
TO 20TH Timm, 205; Wayne Day, 213; Bob Ri ngette teams.
Richardson, 213; Bob Gillespie, saw'
JLY AT 7'00 P.M. ;Milton Boyd, 210 and Marie take on Howick
■ Walker, 251. to
row .
LEGION LADIES Int Saturday both the Junior
Wunderbars have a solid lead gette teams "k
~�> and Senior Tin
in the league with 61 points but travelled to Howick. The Juniors
sounds defeated Howick b an 8
the other teams are in a close Y Y -
battle. 3 score but the Seniors were
Sweet Maries are in second nipped 4-3. `x
SL1 place with 46 points, Kit Kats Lori Gavreluk was a big scorer ,
have 45 and Mars Bars have 44. in the Junior game, netting five
Norma Strong and Jean Ding of the eight goals. Kerne Bray
shared the high singles with scored two goals and Maureen
games of 223. Elsie McKague was Beattie picked up one. Chris
runner-up with a 220 score. Cerson, Angela Walker and
Elsie McKague had the high Carrie Anne Taylor were each
triple with 584 and Jean King was credited with an assist. The
n� o runner-up with 579, defense also played a very strong
AY Bowling over 200 were: Jean game.
King, 223, 206; Norma Strong,
223; Elsie McKague, 220, 213 and The Senior players gave it a�.��
fry 81""°s`.•s'e. •` Graham Adams, 209. good try, but were shorthanded _:<>
with only seven players so three
Juniors were brought up to play
E SHOWING ONLY COMMERCIAL LEAGUE their second game of the day. All ALL THE WAY—Wingham's seventh and final goal of a 7-4 victory over Wiarton came off
Marlene Pellett bowled the 270 'Xingham's goals were scored by a shot from the point by Bernie Haines. The puck went through a maze of players and
9:08 P.M. OHLYI high single in the league last him McGregor, assisted by eluded the goalie.
week and also had the ladies' Andrea Walker. Special mention
high triple of 728. F. Burke goes to Vickie Belanger, who was
. Its the BEST. bowled a 264 game and that was outstanding in goal' in both ' ' • ' • • • •
the men's high. He also bowled„ games:
1 • the 696 men's high triple.
Team standings to date are as The Howick Seniors will be in
follows. Larry's 'Leapers have town this Sunday for a game at HOME
been in first plate for a while now ,10 p.m.
and have 66 points and a firm
hold on the position.
Roy's - tattlers 4iave 58 points . • • • • s
and second place and Bob's
Boozers have 52 points and are in Brownie Corner
third place. TIME
Leon's Lions have 47 points, Group A worked on sign DATE TEAMS
' Gene's Mean Machine have 44 language at a recent meeting of
and Francis' Dancers have 42, the Wingham Brownies, Group B Thurs:, Jan. 18 Mitchell at Wingham (Lion Midgets) ' 8:00 P.M.
a study of Canada and
- -- - _.��._�� . .:_ , ,..�. m.- ..._.�.rt�c......,�,M.......en1c 8:30 p.m.
-..,.,...6 a� ,�w. �� .. � �......, �,ruup � aiscu`ssed `tne stove and ,..rig,, ,�,�. � r~` n,._.., .... _. y�- �- - _. .
ONE SHOWING DAILY McLeod and Pete Bauer. cook and Group D learned to sing
SUNDAY MIXED o Canada and God Save the Sun., Jan. 21 Southampton at Wingham (Ironmen) 3:00 p.m.
AT 8:N P.M. ONLYI Frank Burke had a 318 single Queen Port Elgin at Wingham (Juvenile) 9:00 P.M.
r� a `� {tea r^ last week and it helped make his Earl Game
rgi 1 U love ,dl IUII r 717 the high triple score of the Those receiving badges were Mon., Jan. 22 Stainton vs.
Advance -Times (W.I..) Late Game
day in Sunday Mixed bowling Janet and Jennifer Watcher, who
Stainton vs. Crawford's iW.1.H.1.)
action. "ere awarded their writers'
Louise Welwood bowled the hadges; Tammy Cleghorn, team Tues.. Jan. 23 Walkerton of Wingham (Midgets) 7:30 p.m.
ladies' high scores with a 246 ,port; Janette Taylor, pet keeper
game and a 053 triple. and Shelly Trainor, cook, artist Jan' 19, 20, 21 MILVERTON INTERMEDIATE C TOURNAMENT
>MBO Y Haugh's have 29 points and and collector.
first place and Wall's have .24
points. Hkey's are close behind Kaley Begg$ told the Brownies
with 23 points and Heard's and ref Brownies in other land;.
Rattan's are tied with 19 points
each. Hoffa's are in last place In Pow Wow the Brownies
with 12 points. discussed New Year's Resolu-
�� Bowling 200 or better were: tions and Brownies were remind -
Dave Nesbitt, 206; Pete Bauer, ed to bring their skates if they are
233; Frank Burke, 318, 211; Cecil interested in earning a skater's
Hoffe, 205; Bonnie Cleghorn, 201, hadgd'Jan. is.