HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-17, Page 2f
pap 2-7be Wingbam Advance -Times. January 17, 1979
Lions are told WOAA
benefitsyouth of the area"t aCeb'A
Its Western Ontario Athletic when a hockey player becomes a �
AaaOtsation (WOAA) is designed professional and how the signing
to pramate amateur sports in the of even amateur hockey players
area and is doing a good job of it, affects their playing options.
the WOAA secretary -man& Hockey players who are
toil the Lions Club of Wingham members of a Junior A club such
at its Jan. 9 meeting. as the London Knights are paid
Dave Neilson of Gorrie said the $75 a week, plus room and board
WOAA oversees organized minor and thea education is also paid
and intermediate hockey, for by the club, Mr. Neilson said.
baseball and softball in an area "That's when they start
bounded by Plattsville, New drawing dollars and cents," for a
Hamburg and Huron Park in the playing hockey.
south and by Exeter in baseball, Hockey players in. categories
to Lake Huron in the west and as low as Midgets can be signed
north to Owen Sound. by a Junior club and put on a O
The WOAA has become such an protected list. Once on a
integral part of amateur sports in protected list another Junior club
the region that "I wouldn't like to isn't allowed to have contract
say what would happen to 2,000 talks with the player until his
boys and girls in minor sports club releases him.
and intermediate sports" if the Hockey players on Senior A
organization folded. teams are paid on a share the
There are presently 185 minor wealth basis. If the hockey club
hockey teams registered in the makes money the players split up
WOAA,,... .��
23 intermediate teams the profits, bui if u,C c,u.,
for men and 18 intermediate money the players must cover x winteams for ladies. the loss.
The WOAA was formed in 1943 LION BUSINESS
with six hockey clubs by Alf Andy Ritskes told the Lions
Lociridge, Doc Cruickshank and club that it will be responsible for
Tory Gregg. Forp long,time it registration and manning the
served only minor hockey, but Wingham checkpoint in the
has since grown to include in- upcoming Timmy Snowarama.
termediate hockey and bail, Lions —1111 also be distributing PAINTING THE CHURCH—The Interior of Wingham United Church looks like Sherwood
Ringette may be included next coffee and food at the Wingham Forest with the timbers of scaffoiding rising to the ceiling. The church is currently under -
year and the organization has Legion for the Jan. 28 100 -mile going a six week period of redecoration and renovation, with the congregation meeting in
investigated starting organized snowarama. the basement during the interim.
lacrosse under WOAA The Lions Centennial Talent
jurisdiction. Contest plans have . been
The WOAA is affiliated with a prepared, with preliminary
number of parent organizations contests scheduled for March 28, •
wh ich provide rules and direction April 26 and May 26. The finale of
for the local group. The Canadian the talent contest will be in the
Amateur Hockey Association Wingham Arena Aug. 2. The nt. hospi.
governs the WOAA and lays down winner or winners will receive a
rules and the WOAA is affiliated Lions trophy and $100. A $75 prize
with the Ontario Minor Hockey will be awarded for second place Continued from front page there was a legitimate excuse for
Association and the Ontario and $40 is the third prize. declared;,
came out of the blue, he
P supporting applications for missing that number of days.
Hockey Association. In ball, the The club is planning a mem- funding from Clinton and declared; o one else knew Mr. Elliott objected to the,
Ontario Softball AssociatioW,6d bership drive which starts at the anything about it and it is very
Goderich hospitals. change, saying he would like to
the Ontario Baseball Association Jan. 23 meeting. Each club Mr. Hayes reported that about vague. a t said he understands see the number left where it was,
are affiliated with the local member is to show up for the one mill from the levy each they are noeven proposing but most of the other board
�enp meeting with at least one municipality pays the county building a laundry, just a members felt 75 days absence
receiving and storage area, and
The Lions were interested in prospective member. goes into the fund, but said he was plenty during a working
could tell the board little else he is amazed at the cost was
the year, especially with the
about it or how much money it He also noted that provision for waiver given ex -
e contains since he has been unable hospital here is turned down in its
to get an accounting from Bill request for 100 per cent funding
from the health ministry for its
Hanley, the county clerk.
Ken Saxton, the county w'holistic care centre the board
representative on the board, said should very definitely be going to
he has also been stymied in the county and asking for 25 per
trying to find out how much cent of the construction costs,
ex ted to total about $1.5
money goes into the fund each i?en
tenuatiog circumstances.
On another point raised by Dr.
Mowbray the hospital has agreed
Don Kennedy suggested the
mrd, not in a position to
to plly the coat of physical
examinations for prospective
Amerl can Airlines
employees. Dr. Mowbray pointed
out the previous practice of
requiring an applicant to pay for
* * Su i r
his or her own pre-employment
support an thi until it knew
ppo y
more about the of the
physical clashed with OHIP's
policy that the person or in-
Return Airfare From Toronto To:
stitution demanding the
examination should pay for it.
Mr. Hayes agreed that since
Midweek Weekend
the Hospital Act specifies
Phoenix '226- 'Z63•
physicals "it really puts it in our
Los An tiles 6245. 6266•
court", however Mr. Robinson
objected. He said the persoo
New York • 74. 6"0
selling a car has to certify its
Palm Springs 6450. 6292.
fitness and reasoned that a
project while Alexandra Marine
prospective employee should also
be responsible for providing his
own "roadworthiness cer-
There are advance purchats• requirements .on .
this airfore and other restrictions. The super -
Under unfinished business Mr.
saver is also available to several more destinations.
Please call our office for complete d-
Hayes said he has been advised
objection to the Clinton request.
by contacts within the migistry of
health to wait until after the
minister's announcement on Jan.
19 to do anything further about
the proposed whourth ��ut
centre. They seem to feel the
board might be so unhappy it will
357.2701 Wingham
drop the whole idea, he com-
mented, adding his own feeling is
"we should go ahead".
should try to get more in-
st Mitchell
Good Hwy. 7
Sm" a E4nfield
MAM• Crunicon Bros.
Hwy. 4 .
Ida Red, Spy, Red and Golden Delicious available
at regular prices.
Try our fresh cider too!
said, adding: "I'm getting a little and General Hospital and the
county health unit. It also ap-
uptight about the amount of Check out these 4 1n edible Yellow Tag specials....
roved, with minor changes, a
•- �, money Goderich Marine and p g
General is getting out of this and revised personnel policy.
so are some of the others." In one change the board and hurry down to your nearest Ski -Doo dealer.
WOAA SPEAKER—Dave Neilson, WOAA secretary -man- He suggested the board support reduced to 75 from 90 the number
ager, spoke to the Lions Club of Wingham at Jan. 9 meetin proposal of sick days after which, if ac -
the Clinton ro sal and ask Y -
9 Po 9 9cumulated in one year, an em -
The athletic organization oversees the structure of the play ac-
Goderich to wart until it can find to Y O
out how much, if anything, is left P Y� can be fired. It was noted
of more than 200 hockey teams and many basebal l and soft- _. the firing can be waived by the r
ball teams in a large area. m the pot.
The latest proposal from The director if he feels a►., ,
Vilbge in RACER FACE -
` 1
MSK($4.50 VALUE)
SW VA VA ,t) i. _CAN IS6.25
O Foam lam rated nylon VAI l 11 i VALUE)
.y''' tricot with ventilation Fleece -lined SIyIP W,Ih Sturd plastic sol,ne
GORRIE — The nomination
period for police village trustees
h= acted o:a lash Niay, Jan. 15,
but as of noon on Tuesday, there
were no nomination papers filed.
Clerk -treasurer Wesley Ball
said he had rat heard of anyone
wishing to file their papers, but
he can accept them up until 5
p.m. on Monday, Jan. 22.
Gorrie has been in need of two
trustees since the municipal
elections held in November.
Presently, Earl Mino is the only
village trustee.
Howick Township Council
accepted a petition from two
landowners for Drain Number lo,
lot 23, con. 3. The report has been
referred to Maitland Engineering
Services Limited of Wingham.
Council entered into an agree-
ment with the municipalities of
Harriston and Minto for fire pro-
tection for 1979 and 1990 at six
mills on the Are area covered or
$7,200, whichever is greater.
A meant of $300 was made to the
Gorrie Hall Board to as" with
,operating expe$ses.
Council approved . accounts
totalling $10,91
FUNDS rOR FUN—Don Carter, president of the Wingham Kinsmen Club, presents a
cheque for $500 to Ken Delchert, goaltender for the Kinsmen Bantams, and Ken Wood,
presidentaf the Wingham Minor Hockey Association. The donation to minor hockey by the
Kinsmen will help pay for Ice time and equipment for the various teams.
. eyelets Snaps Un any I long raQtan 41eP.ves Gey 411wW ' contalrldl holds 9 t litres
l coverage helmet to EACH only in cotton polyester 1 n, H (2 imp gallons) FAIL H
orotect face and neck Men s Sizes S M L XL CSA approJed
Take advantage of these-'"
Yellow Tag specials. And at, „
the same time, have a real
close look at the 1979 Ski -Doo
models. Your Ski -Doo dealer
has4he right snowmobile
for you. At the right price! MU IS 11.95 VAI I. IF )
4Ninrl•Chealinr) nylon Jwth (�(�
gutlted hnm rtraW. ng 7 J
hK 81 irl. only ��n rnlN kf
• Theft w of•anft r*w Llra•M. M relto oloarv•ile•0a•M Lew LN".usMMw tote _hrM�yalMy MMM. ra•en• on ANim I Mia• •lrl.b a •lle•seweq W.
Hwy. 86 East Wingham, Ont., NOG 2WO 519-357-3435
Mr. Hayes told the board
Don Kennedy suggested the
mrd, not in a position to
- ,•..
Clinton hospital is asking the
county for 25 per cent c a
support an thi until it knew
ppo y
more about the of the
proposed $140,000 renovation
project while Alexandra Marine
fund, though he added he had no
and General Hospital, Goderich,
objection to the Clinton request.
wants 25 per cent of an ap-
Dr. Williams agreed the board
proximately $125,000 project fora
should try to get more in-
laundry receiving and storage
formation and the matter was
tabled pending reports from
hoard members Harold Robinson
In order to receive money from
the fund for' a project a hospital
and Harold Elliott who sit on
must get letters of support from
county council.
all the other hospitals in the
"I don't see why we can't get
the information. We don't run a
He noted that within the last
closed shop (at council)," Mr.
five years the Goderich hospital
Robinson said.
• bright••• • -
has dipped into the fund twice, to
"It sounds pretty tight to me,"
•• • - ••• other•••
the tune of about $300,000 fora
Mr. Kennedy commented.wanted.
Everything you need to make snowrnobiling more fun. more
new wing in 1976 and another
In other business the board
• • • • • comel
$32,000 on cost overruns, and
agreed to ask for a six r cent
Ski-Doothe • • •snowballed • •
Exeter also received money.
increase in rent from the
• s • •Ski -Doo dealers
Goderich has received a bigp
hospital's two major tenants: the
• year.
benefit from the fund while
mental health resource centre
' • • • • • • • • •
others have waited their turns he
operated by Alexandra Marine
said, adding: "I'm getting a little and General Hospital and the
county health unit. It also ap-
uptight about the amount of Check out these 4 1n edible Yellow Tag specials....
roved, with minor changes, a
•- �, money Goderich Marine and p g
General is getting out of this and revised personnel policy.
so are some of the others." In one change the board and hurry down to your nearest Ski -Doo dealer.
WOAA SPEAKER—Dave Neilson, WOAA secretary -man- He suggested the board support reduced to 75 from 90 the number
ager, spoke to the Lions Club of Wingham at Jan. 9 meetin proposal of sick days after which, if ac -
the Clinton ro sal and ask Y -
9 Po 9 9cumulated in one year, an em -
The athletic organization oversees the structure of the play ac-
Goderich to wart until it can find to Y O
out how much, if anything, is left P Y� can be fired. It was noted
of more than 200 hockey teams and many basebal l and soft- _. the firing can be waived by the r
ball teams in a large area. m the pot.
The latest proposal from The director if he feels a►., ,
Vilbge in RACER FACE -
` 1
MSK($4.50 VALUE)
SW VA VA ,t) i. _CAN IS6.25
O Foam lam rated nylon VAI l 11 i VALUE)
.y''' tricot with ventilation Fleece -lined SIyIP W,Ih Sturd plastic sol,ne
GORRIE — The nomination
period for police village trustees
h= acted o:a lash Niay, Jan. 15,
but as of noon on Tuesday, there
were no nomination papers filed.
Clerk -treasurer Wesley Ball
said he had rat heard of anyone
wishing to file their papers, but
he can accept them up until 5
p.m. on Monday, Jan. 22.
Gorrie has been in need of two
trustees since the municipal
elections held in November.
Presently, Earl Mino is the only
village trustee.
Howick Township Council
accepted a petition from two
landowners for Drain Number lo,
lot 23, con. 3. The report has been
referred to Maitland Engineering
Services Limited of Wingham.
Council entered into an agree-
ment with the municipalities of
Harriston and Minto for fire pro-
tection for 1979 and 1990 at six
mills on the Are area covered or
$7,200, whichever is greater.
A meant of $300 was made to the
Gorrie Hall Board to as" with
,operating expe$ses.
Council approved . accounts
totalling $10,91
FUNDS rOR FUN—Don Carter, president of the Wingham Kinsmen Club, presents a
cheque for $500 to Ken Delchert, goaltender for the Kinsmen Bantams, and Ken Wood,
presidentaf the Wingham Minor Hockey Association. The donation to minor hockey by the
Kinsmen will help pay for Ice time and equipment for the various teams.
. eyelets Snaps Un any I long raQtan 41eP.ves Gey 411wW ' contalrldl holds 9 t litres
l coverage helmet to EACH only in cotton polyester 1 n, H (2 imp gallons) FAIL H
orotect face and neck Men s Sizes S M L XL CSA approJed
Take advantage of these-'"
Yellow Tag specials. And at, „
the same time, have a real
close look at the 1979 Ski -Doo
models. Your Ski -Doo dealer
has4he right snowmobile
for you. At the right price! MU IS 11.95 VAI I. IF )
4Ninrl•Chealinr) nylon Jwth (�(�
gutlted hnm rtraW. ng 7 J
hK 81 irl. only ��n rnlN kf
• Theft w of•anft r*w Llra•M. M relto oloarv•ile•0a•M Lew LN".usMMw tote _hrM�yalMy MMM. ra•en• on ANim I Mia• •lrl.b a •lle•seweq W.
Hwy. 86 East Wingham, Ont., NOG 2WO 519-357-3435