The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-10, Page 1FIRST SECTION
Wingham, Wednesday, January 10, 1979
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Town buys 'cr serraisegv
Town works department Coun. Allan Harrison, chair- took no action. MORE TIME TO PAY of lot,al realtor c,•m
employees got a raise in wages man of the committee, reported Coxa. Tom Deyell, chairman of In response to a request frosts M`er-•t 1 las,-' in town is w
and the police had the purchase Bridge Motors had the low tender the finance committee, reported the Ontario Ministry of Housing, WAW n a re, but noted count .4
r 40r,�'
of a new cruiser ratified during of $6,694 without trade. his committee met last week with council agreed to grant an el- could get it appraised. j • .H
Monday nights regular meeting Council went along with a representatives from Crawford, tension on the closure date for the MrHarrison noted council has
of Wingham council. In other recommendation that instead of Mill and Davies an4 they are sale of a portion of Cruickshank already accepted the ministry's <x%`
business council retained new trading the Dodge it be assigned willing to accept the town as a Park. The ministry wants to buy., 10fer to purchase and suggested
solicitors, decided to- keepits to Mike Chappell, the new works client council agrees. over half of the park to build a I10- R is too late to ch ..
PPS providing a8r pa ange the price
banker and gave the Ontario commissioner. Mr. Harrison said He said there was a discussion unit senior citizen housing In other business council let the < /• '` ti1
housing ministry More time to the trade allowance was only regarding conflicts of interest, complex, but said in a letter it is contract for heating oil to the BP
come up with the money to $1,500 and suggested this could noting it's pretty hard for a legal not in a position to act until next distributor, whose tender of 13.75 //
purchase a section of soon be recovered through a firm in a small town not to en- month. cents per gallon discounted off
Cruickshank Park. provincial mileage subsidy counter the problem sometimes. "I suppose you know that some the going rate was the best of
Following a discussion in available for the works com However be reported that should people aren't too fussy about thus those received. " `y
committee of the whole, council missioner's vehicle. a conflict arise the lawyers have deal," Mr. Bateson told the other
approved an across the board The law firm of Crawford, Mill pledged they either will councillors. He said some people It also agreed to pay insuranpe
wage hike of 30 cents an hour for and Davies will be retained as represent the town and not the feel if the use of the parkland is premiums totalling more than
works crewmen, with Mike town solisitors in place of Goodall other party or will refer both to going to be changed it should be $18,000• The insurance bill is up y'
Willie, the new foreman, getting and Campbell. Council found other counsel. used for commercial develop- about $2,000 over last year, Mr. -
an additional raise to put him 25 itself in need of new solicitors Deputy Reeve Harold Wild ment. It was noted there will be Do-, ell reported, but he said some.
cents an hour above the highest following receipt of a letter from noted that Crawford, Mill and an opportunity for objections of the increase is due to added
paid crew member. Robert Campbell stating that, Davies had previously when the rezoning bylaw is coverage on new equipment ;
The only person not receiving "in view of the comments of your represented the town and said at pas8ed. purchases.
the raise is Larry Zinn, who ran Zoning Administrator and other that time there were problems Later in the meeting Works Bert Morin, Wingham trustee
afoul of council's policy that an members of Council who have with work not getting done fast Commissioner Mike Chappell on the Huron County Board of
employee must be on the job for gIjestioned the integrity of this enough. He was assured that now told council the portion of the Education, appeared at the
one year before qualifying for a firm", Goodall and Campbell can there will be three lawyers park being purchased by the meeting and invited questions
raise in pay. It was explained no longer act for the town. available to handle the town's housing ministry, about thr°° from councillors about the ,
that at the end of a year Mr. Zinn Questions of conflict of interest work while before it had all been quarters of an acre, should be operation of the boird. There
would qualify for the 30 cents in had previously been raised, done by one. worth $42,66on = :stead of the were no specific questions, but
addition to any future raises. particularly concerning Maitland On another topic council j24,60 for which council has Mr. Morin promised to attend � <>
The increase brings the basic Estates, when Mr. Campbell followed a finance committee agreed to sell. He said he based future meetings to try and keep 'y
wage in the department to $5.15 appeared to be representing both recommendation to keep the the price estimate on the opiniod, council informed.
per hour, about six per cent the town and the developer. town accounts with the Canadian
above the previous rate of $4.85 However Mr. Campbell denied Imperial Bank of Commerce for
an hour. any conflict existed and council 1979. Time extended to a n • b
Council also heard that its Following a request from
police committee has ordered a Toronto -Dominion Bank
1979 Ford LTD as the new un- Manager Nick O'Donohue that to join the scruffy group
marked police cruiser, replacinghis bank be given, a chance to bid
the 1977 Dodge. At a meeting last Local business on the town banking business, The deadline for entries for the buying a license to shave button. BRAND NEW—The New Year's baby at Wingham and District Hospital was a little fate
month council empowered the both banks were invited to Wingham Centennial Beard Mr. Eskerod assures anyone arriving, but she was worth waiting for. This baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ross
committee to make a decision on submit proposals. Mr. Deyell and Growing Conteit has been ex- who wants to join the beard Huber of RR 3, Teeswater on Jan. 4. She is their fifth child and as of Monday didn't yet
the tenders received for a new changes hands Coun, Gordon Baxter, also on the tended to Jan. 31, to allow the growing contest but is worried have a name. Mary Vair, president of the Hospital Auxiliary, presented the baby, with a
cruiser after hearing there would finance committee, reported the ' group of beard growers to grow that some of the early starters little sweater and bonnet knitted by Mrs. Jim Mathers of Lucknow. Each year the•i
be a price hike in January. A long-time Wingham business committee had studied both in size. Q_ have a big lead, that the judging auxiliary presents a gift to the -first arrival.
changed hands last week with the proposals and that of the CIBC is Dick Eskerod, beard growing of the beards won't be until Lhe
sale of Currie's Furniture and the still the better one. committee chairman, said the first week of August. Seven _
• attached R. A. Currie & Son It would be fair to give the T -D inclement weather which Wonths should be enough for
New insurance Funeral Home to Doug Layton bank some of the business if it dominated most of January most men to grow a competitive
• and Doug McBurney. were possible to split, he said, far is the reason for the exten beard. _ wages
The sale, effective Jan. 2, was "but how the hell do ou s it it?" deadline,
ageneses open y pl' which had been Jan.11s; 1VIen who are competing in the
announced by R. John Currie and Coun. Jack Bateson pointed out To date more than 60 n contest will be given a button
The beginning of the new year his wife Ruth. John has been that when the town wants other living within five miles announcing that they are par- Most Wingham Public Utilities except the office staff. cost of. living to increase cW,_
signalled the start of two new engaged in running. thq.Unigy .work done it always takes the Wingham have signed up -for "ticipating in the Wingham cen Commission employees got more The outside workers will also tinuotrsly. The commission wiU
huslpsPyres - in' Win -6m. Mc- business since 1838. best bid and said he doesn't see contest, while another 90 tenary and are not scruffy for than they asked for when the get their OHI_ entirely paid for consider a cost of living
Master Insurance AgWeies bas %, w-0wrie's Furniture store why this should be any different- have taken the easier optioD of other reasons. commission set wages for 1979 at by the commission. In the past allowance every six months for
opened an office at 327 Josephine was first opened here in 1913 by its Jan. 4 meeting. the PUC had paid 75 per cent of the PUC employees, though there
Street and, Tom Miller Real R. A. Currie on the site of the kU Employees Ken Simmons and OHIP. The new proposal wW also is no guarantee of a • wage hike
Estate and' General Insurance Present Burke Electric store. In All Harley Gaunt told the com- give Wingham utility employees with each review.
Agency Ltd. is operating from 1915 it moved to its present mission the outside workers were, - an out of town meal allowance PUC office staff was given an
the same address. location in the Wilson Block, andasking for pay that would make when they are working in one of eight per cent wage increase on
McMaster Insurance Agencies, in 1948 the funeral home was PVC pti'ments come �n slow, their wages competitive, with the the neighboring municipalities the average.
established in 1921 at Stratford, added.
wages of surrounding the Wingham PUC serves. The commission will look into
handles all lines of personal, The new owners have both beena municipalities' PUC employees. the feasibility of buying a
farm and commercial insurance. involved with the businesses for local,post,
o �� . may ��� n Standby pay was increased toIn Wingham the staff consists of many years. Mr. .Layton has They also asked for three weeks prescription drug package in
holidays after five ears of $� a week plus $5 for a holiday, w,m� employees and the PUC
Y Y up from $15 a week and the $5
® Bob Taylor, Tom Miller and Pat worked at Currie's Furniture - service, u from three weeks would share the costs.
Y P holiday allowance.
Taylor. since 1965 and Mr. McBurney has In other .business the com- .
been employed ed The Wingham Public Utilities Commission Ken Saxton told him, after 10 years, and for more Mayor William Walden told the
Mr. Miller, a qualified real P Y at the funeral
estate broker and ge eral in- home since 1971. is hawing problems with Postal service and SERVICE MAY BE benefits, including100 per cent gh mission decided it won't buy
P other commissioners he thought souvenirs for the 1979 Wingham
the Wingham Post Office may suffer. DISCONNECTED OHIP coverage paid by the com- the whole package made an in
surance agent, also s�ened his They announced they plan to Y � • � � centenary. Instead, it will ask
continue to operate under ., the Payment for, the Wingham Post Office's Utility employees felt strongly enough mission. crease that was too generous, but ry'
own business and looks forward P� about the bill ch In reviewing the Wingham the commission included another centennial committee officials
to helping le in the area with Currie name. hydro consumption is arriving too late changes to threaten that hydro PUC ev es, the commission how the commission can best
P g PcoP Mr. Currie said he 1 through the mail so the utility has been add- service to the Wingham Post Office will be g benefit after his objection.
their real estate and insurance Pans to agreed the local wages had fallen help out with the centennial
needs• things easy" for a while. the custom five bent to the bill for disconnected if the practice doesn't stop. g Utility employees will be
"take thi y" � m'S' Pte' P• Y•
late payment. Public Works Canada in A letter sent to Public Works Canada from behind the wages of utilities allowed to accumulate 130 sick celebrations.
workers in surrounding towns Mr. Bennett suggested the
London, which processes the bill, says it the utility states: Our policy for late payment days at full pay at the rate of 15 commission contact parade
allows plenty of time for the cheque to arrive is a five per cent penalty, so if whoever is r of employees didedto average e towns ages sick days a year, plus half pay for committee chairman Tom Deyell
in Wingham and is not paying the fine. changing our account continues to do so weareaan additional 30 days sick leave.
It hasn't been getting to the PUC in time will have no alternative but,to disconnect the whose contracts had recently The 1978 pay package didn't have about the costs of sponsoring a
expired and add eight per cent to band in the Aug. 4 centennial
fairly often recently, so the late payment service'. _ the 30 days of half wages.
F come up with the 1979 wages for parade.
figure owing the PUC is growing. Public As an answer to that letter, L. H. Pratt, PUC Chairman Roy Bennett
Wingham workers. The commission made its
Works Canada says it shouldn't have to pay financial and administrative officer for suggested the employees were
the bill — it puts the cheque in the mail in Public Works Canada, wrote back that the The result is an 11 per cent annual insurance review with
P � - falling behind the inflation rate
lent of time. PUC's most recent bill had been received, increase for a journeyman g agent Ted Elliott, making few
P Y lineman and similar increases pause they got increases once a major changes except to reduce
The PUC feels it shouldn't be responsible processed aisd forwarded to the department
for slow mail service and Public Works of supply and service all on Dec. 11. That for other Wingham PUC workers, Year, while inflation caused the coverage on its old storage
Canada says it isn't responsible for the mail department issueda cheque and postmarked building in the Maitland River
service either. the return letter Dec. 15.
i flood plain to $5,000 from $25,000.
PUC Chairman Roy Bennett was outraged Mr. Pratt explained that 'the post office The commission decided it will
reduce the insurance coverage
at last Thursday's commission meeting when carried the final responsibility and un -
n t
he heard that someone in Public Works fortunately for you (Wingham PUC), it took because if the building was
/ seriously damaged it probably
Canada had been stroking out the late five days' to deliver the cheque. The utility wouldn't be allowed to rebuild on
payment and interest charges from previous received the payment Dec. 20, two days after the site.
months and that these weren't being paid. the Dec. 18 deadline.
art of a bill!" he The commission decided it will forward the PUC Manager Ken Saxton
"You can't stroke out any P = ,y reported total revenue from
declared. matter to MP Bob McKinley for his con- i
ii s y
"It happens quite often," PUC Manager municipalities the utility serves
f � ;
sideration. s
i.Yy,• ,•,, ,,.^ � was $57,850.90 in 1978. The figure
covers wages and allowances for
a trucks and equipment for
Wingham PUC work in Lucknow,
a • Tee.swater, Blyth and Brussels.
Robert Mowbray Business resource team
y, ,H
guest of honoriS comingto Wingham <. Child injured
4 ' at birthday party after running
WHITECHURCH — Robert Next Tuesday,Jan. 16, the niainly by retired executives and _ •
Mowbray was the guest of honor Federal Business Development concentrates on solving the In front of car
at a 90th birthday party held Bank's business resource team problems of small businesses Saturday's slippery streets'
Saturday evening at Lee's will be at the Wingham Motel to which cannot employ experts on resulted in a car -pedestrian
Restaurant, Wingham. further acquaint this area with , fulltime basis. The service is . accident on Wingham's
Present for the ha provided at a nominal daily rate. Jose bine Street that sent an
- pay occasion the bank's management a ser- F Y + P
were Mr. and Mrs. Angus vices. eight-year-old boy to Wingham
Mowbray, Dr. Douglas Mowbray Managementservices has' The management training and District Hospital.
rO r
s' Dr. Cathy Mowbray, Mr. and three main spheres of Activity:p gam, as well as providing „Q ' Danny George Casemore, son
Carl Mowbray, Mr. and information service , seminars on various subjects ofu of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Casemore
' interest to business le, also '" of RR 4, Wingham, was treated in
James Wilson, Mrs. Judy management counselling and PcoP g < g
Douglas of Owen Sound, Mr. and management training. provides management courses to the emergency ward and later
° Mrs. Ronald Seddon, Brantford, provincial educational in- discharged.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe, Paris, The information service solutions for the owners and Driver of the car was David
T Mr. and Mrs. Don Myers, Provides details of ap- managers of small businesses. Telehus of RR 1, Gorrie. He was
y_ Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. George Proximately 100 federal The business resource team is proceeding south on Josephine
Pencozat, Brantford, Mr. and programs for made up of three highly trained Street when he saw three
Mr's. Athol Purdon, Port business. There is also a pam specialists in the area of coon pedestrians waiting in the middle
Colborne, Jack Maclntyre, phlet series entitled 'Minding selling, training and government of the street. As he drove past
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Your Own Business' which now programs and financing and is VANDALISM—Town caretaker Gordon Carter points out them• the lad darted in front of
Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. contains 16 pamphlets on various well equipped to .provide cigarette holes burned through the curtains in the town hall the car and the driver was unable
90TH BIRTHDAY—Friends and relatives of Robert Mbw- Wesley Tiffin, Whitechurch. subjects. The Small Business assistance'to area owners and sitting room. Such vandalism is fairly common in town, he to stop before striking the child
bray helped him celebrate his 90th birthday Saturday. A Mr. Mowbray received many News is issued quarterly. managers facing the start of a says. He has witnessed youngsters throwing snowballs at Wingham Police i epartmenf
resident of the Wingham and Whltechurch areas all his life, Rifts in commemoration of this The management counselling business, expansion or some the town clock and urges parents to be aware of what some investigated the ishcident and
he still enjoys good health. milestone in his life. done by the bank is provided other problem. of their children may be doing, state that no charges werr laid
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