The Wingham Advance-Times, 1979-01-03, Page 2a
y ,
pyi,p 2—The Wingham Advance -Tames. January 3, 1979 Chr*lstmas assembly
CHIPMUNKS --A realistic production of "The Chipmunks" by the Madill Drama Club
opened the Christmas assembly.
One of the numbers wM& was, entry: Mr. Cardy in tae of a
spider terrorizing Mrs- Doug'"
:'Y favorabl Y and very
capably performed was the in "Little Miss Muffett". She was
Abbott and Costello ddt. "Who's saved in the nick of time by Raid
on first?". 'Mirror Fsaturga and the corpse was lofted off by
Editor Rachel Wallace and Gail the biggest elf the audience had
Thompson played the loads and ever seen: Mr. Edwards, who
kept the audience laughing was very disappointed that the
throughout. students recognized him in his
Christmas fantasy, what does disguise'
that bring to mind? Certainly rpt Mr. Simpson, as Little Boy
distinguished teachers deeksd Blue, will be no threat at all to the
out in costumes galore! Well, memory of Satchmo Armstrong,
that's what it was. Santg (and and Mr. Elliott, who seems to
w ie J course) portrayed by have the Pillsbury advertising
Ther than the principal and contract sewed up, provided
ice principal respectively; Mrs. some excellent comic relief.
"NW' working �� .
The assembly aided with a
portrayal of the nativity scene,
narrated by Greg Gunby and
acted by the Grade 13 students.
The concert ll
rt was very we
received, not only by the
audience but by the participants
as wet, and even the visitors
from the school board, B. P.
Morin representing Wingham,
Turnberry and Howick and
Marion 744, representing West
Wawanosh and Ashfield, ap-
peared to enjoy themselves.
In the firm belief that there can
be no .surfeit of good wishes, the
staff of the Madill Mirror exteldds
sincere hopes that the year ended
well for its readers and that the
new year will be even better.
p i
- 1
Vane's Drug Store, Winowirn
Batteries, Accossorles, repairs to all mokes.
D F i
J. . a r
145 Ontario St.
Stratford, Ont.
pt,v r and Mrs. Pratt were Other acts, sach J kC
as ac amp-
sy{checked and frolleky- and bell and Jill Lisle kept the 10 0 i 0 • • 0
Pre great helps as Santa's audience amused and all the - •
el � us; Mr. Edwards was having a nursery rhymes were well- 0 /
gi va time playing with the toys represented.
0 me
he rs supposed- to be packing, One of the highlights of the12C11
par r,cy a pogo stick. assembly was the presentation to 01
selected staff members, each in
Santa's rhythmic reindeer turn seated in Santa's lap, of
gambolled onto the stage in a eminently suitable gifts. Santa
stylized bunny hop, noticeably was Mirror Ed t.Pr Alison
degenerating from time to time Roberts and Mrs. Santa was
into a rather convulsed bump and student council President Tom
grind. The reindeer turned out to Walker. Of particular note were, a i1 �OOt�IhOfe t
be Messrs. McLennan, Mali, paint -by -numbers set for the new ipVer sem'
Gavreluk, Willis and Farnell drill `art teacher, a printing pressor eal:tra prizes w� - A gr� w� ye" -
they achieved of the biggest stage destroyer for one of the 1 ^1"s1J� � - 7�1_,. New 1
laughs of the day. Mirror staff advisgrs and half ti 1 L/W
Runner up for the best animal each of one slide -rule to Messrs.
portrayal of the day was aon 'Hawkins and McLennan in an
hands dpwn by an arachnid effort to get ."The Hawk" and
Wroxeter Personals
Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson were 'Mr'
Mrs. Stewart;Musgrove were Mr. and t6g. David Gibson and two
and Mrs. Bob Musgrove and great-grandsons of Kitchener,
family, Mr.' and Mrs. Doug Lance Gibson of Stratford. q�
Weber and Kevin of Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams
Clarence Ott of Listowel and Mr. visited New Year's with Mr. and
and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher of Mrs. Stewart Musgrove.
Walkerton. New Year guest's with Mr. and 110
Mrs. Vern Clark were Mr. and For this special draw, our re ular Wintario ticket
Mr. and Mrs. Les Douglas Mrs. Ed Stewart and Leah of y g
spent several days with.Mr. dna Harriston, Mrs. Gordon Un- qualifies you for all 5 regular $100,000 prizes
Mrs. Alex Stewart of Kitchener. derwood of Gorrie and Jack
Milligan of Wroxeter. Special prizes of $50,000-$20,000-$10,000
Mr: and Mrs. Vern Clark 0
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith 101 Special prizes of $5,000
Pollock and Todd at Bramalea, visited Mrs. Ethel Carmichael 101 Special prizes of $2,000 0
pnd, accompanied by- them, and Mr. and Mrs. James....__ 101 prizes Of $10,000
visited one evening with Mr. and Robertson of Goderich on New and thousands o tr'ther special prigs .
Mrs. Harold Pollock of Stratford. Year's.! 0
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jack Clarke, postmaster, is in .ti,.for a total of more than 123,000 prizes worth more than $5 million
Your teattlar Wintario ticket number gives you There will hr over 27,000 E25 prizes for the last
'Wintemute and Dennis were Mr. University Hospital, London,
and MTS. Olkver Riley, Maty Beth where Mrs. Clarke' visited _ on thousands'of chances to win in this First Special three digits in the three Special draws. Priz"es
Draw of 1979. It's good for all regular tax-free shown are basedon issuance of 102 series of tickets.
and Lynda and Mr. and Mrs. Ron _ . New Year s' Day. 0
prizes PLUS THREE SPECIAL BONUS Theclaiming period on all prizes is one year
Riley of Wingham. Sympathy is.. extended t0 MTS' • . DRAWS featuring one draw for $50,000, one f r Live on Global from Uxbridge! Tune in at 9 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Statia and George Griffith and family and $20,000 and one for $10,000.
Miss Maggie Griffith in the loss
family, Mr. and Malls. Harvey
Heimpel and family spent New of a dear son, brother and VN
Year's with ..their parents, .Mr. ew,, i1c-k Griffith.
and ffit'h Wes H�tpel. John R.
Mr. andbck
,..,Neil of Blyth 1�isited f
New Year guests with .:
- their aunt, Mrs. Nora Moffatt,
and Harold during the holidays.
Mrs. Nora Moffatt and Harold 4.,
t Christmas weekend with
New year corn*eir families in London. >
Gordon 'Pete' Yeoman is a
patient in Wingham and Distr'ici OL Get your -ticket now!' 0
like o lamb Hospital. 0 0 01101 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
The new year got on to' a 'very
quiet start around this area and
officers at the Wingham detach-
ment of . the Ontario Provincial
Policeare hoping it is an omen of
things to come. `
Sgt. Roy Anderson . said the
OPP received onlyfour minor
complaints, none of which
amotinted to anything, and in-
vestigated only a couple of minor
accidents over the New Year's
"We're hoping a good start
makes a good ending," he added.
FAMILY FEUD, a spoof of the TV game show, was one of and Ian Mann are two of the characters and Santa -Claus
the acts In the Madill Christmas assembler. Tom Henderson was the emcee.
The Christmas assembly at
Madill opened with protpssional
music capably played by Anne
Campbell and Barbara Cameron.
The first feature act was a drama
club production called "The
Chipmunks" and the audience
was amazed at how much the
rendition sounded like the
professional version. Both the
Grade 12 carol singing and skit
were well received and were
followed by a song by Dar 1 Seip,
whose singing voice atn of be
distingi,+s �d frurn of �
Johnny ��..
'fi., drama clue en
tertained with a very
pantomime ?IW music in w tr.
Marni Walsh played a very at
tractive music box and Stephen
Pritchard her farmer owner. The
audience, by its applause,
showed how much it appreciated
the very polished acting and
innovative juxtaposition of the
diminutive Marni, prettily
dressed in a white dress with red
trim, and the stoic Stephen in his,
garb of shirt and patched blue
The musical segments of the
Christmas program are always
important, and the choir, led by
Mrs. Douglas, and the carols
sung by the Grade 12 classes set
the tone for the concert.
Mr. Elgie played a novel'
arrangement of "White
"Christmas" and the Grade 13 -
classes sang a carol the music of
which was familiar but whose
JOHNNY CASH—A guitar-pickin` Daryl Seip amazed
words seemed to have a special
. Fie megnigg for the staff and
audience with hirthentic rendition of Johnny Cash s
` a"I
CHIPMUNKS --A realistic production of "The Chipmunks" by the Madill Drama Club
opened the Christmas assembly.
One of the numbers wM& was, entry: Mr. Cardy in tae of a
spider terrorizing Mrs- Doug'"
:'Y favorabl Y and very
capably performed was the in "Little Miss Muffett". She was
Abbott and Costello ddt. "Who's saved in the nick of time by Raid
on first?". 'Mirror Fsaturga and the corpse was lofted off by
Editor Rachel Wallace and Gail the biggest elf the audience had
Thompson played the loads and ever seen: Mr. Edwards, who
kept the audience laughing was very disappointed that the
throughout. students recognized him in his
Christmas fantasy, what does disguise'
that bring to mind? Certainly rpt Mr. Simpson, as Little Boy
distinguished teachers deeksd Blue, will be no threat at all to the
out in costumes galore! Well, memory of Satchmo Armstrong,
that's what it was. Santg (and and Mr. Elliott, who seems to
w ie J course) portrayed by have the Pillsbury advertising
Ther than the principal and contract sewed up, provided
ice principal respectively; Mrs. some excellent comic relief.
"NW' working �� .
The assembly aided with a
portrayal of the nativity scene,
narrated by Greg Gunby and
acted by the Grade 13 students.
The concert ll
rt was very we
received, not only by the
audience but by the participants
as wet, and even the visitors
from the school board, B. P.
Morin representing Wingham,
Turnberry and Howick and
Marion 744, representing West
Wawanosh and Ashfield, ap-
peared to enjoy themselves.
In the firm belief that there can
be no .surfeit of good wishes, the
staff of the Madill Mirror exteldds
sincere hopes that the year ended
well for its readers and that the
new year will be even better.
p i
- 1
Vane's Drug Store, Winowirn
Batteries, Accossorles, repairs to all mokes.
D F i
J. . a r
145 Ontario St.
Stratford, Ont.
pt,v r and Mrs. Pratt were Other acts, sach J kC
as ac amp-
sy{checked and frolleky- and bell and Jill Lisle kept the 10 0 i 0 • • 0
Pre great helps as Santa's audience amused and all the - •
el � us; Mr. Edwards was having a nursery rhymes were well- 0 /
gi va time playing with the toys represented.
0 me
he rs supposed- to be packing, One of the highlights of the12C11
par r,cy a pogo stick. assembly was the presentation to 01
selected staff members, each in
Santa's rhythmic reindeer turn seated in Santa's lap, of
gambolled onto the stage in a eminently suitable gifts. Santa
stylized bunny hop, noticeably was Mirror Ed t.Pr Alison
degenerating from time to time Roberts and Mrs. Santa was
into a rather convulsed bump and student council President Tom
grind. The reindeer turned out to Walker. Of particular note were, a i1 �OOt�IhOfe t
be Messrs. McLennan, Mali, paint -by -numbers set for the new ipVer sem'
Gavreluk, Willis and Farnell drill `art teacher, a printing pressor eal:tra prizes w� - A gr� w� ye" -
they achieved of the biggest stage destroyer for one of the 1 ^1"s1J� � - 7�1_,. New 1
laughs of the day. Mirror staff advisgrs and half ti 1 L/W
Runner up for the best animal each of one slide -rule to Messrs.
portrayal of the day was aon 'Hawkins and McLennan in an
hands dpwn by an arachnid effort to get ."The Hawk" and
Wroxeter Personals
Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson were 'Mr'
Mrs. Stewart;Musgrove were Mr. and t6g. David Gibson and two
and Mrs. Bob Musgrove and great-grandsons of Kitchener,
family, Mr.' and Mrs. Doug Lance Gibson of Stratford. q�
Weber and Kevin of Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams
Clarence Ott of Listowel and Mr. visited New Year's with Mr. and
and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher of Mrs. Stewart Musgrove.
Walkerton. New Year guest's with Mr. and 110
Mrs. Vern Clark were Mr. and For this special draw, our re ular Wintario ticket
Mr. and Mrs. Les Douglas Mrs. Ed Stewart and Leah of y g
spent several days with.Mr. dna Harriston, Mrs. Gordon Un- qualifies you for all 5 regular $100,000 prizes
Mrs. Alex Stewart of Kitchener. derwood of Gorrie and Jack
Milligan of Wroxeter. Special prizes of $50,000-$20,000-$10,000
Mr: and Mrs. Vern Clark 0
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith 101 Special prizes of $5,000
Pollock and Todd at Bramalea, visited Mrs. Ethel Carmichael 101 Special prizes of $2,000 0
pnd, accompanied by- them, and Mr. and Mrs. James....__ 101 prizes Of $10,000
visited one evening with Mr. and Robertson of Goderich on New and thousands o tr'ther special prigs .
Mrs. Harold Pollock of Stratford. Year's.! 0
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jack Clarke, postmaster, is in .ti,.for a total of more than 123,000 prizes worth more than $5 million
Your teattlar Wintario ticket number gives you There will hr over 27,000 E25 prizes for the last
'Wintemute and Dennis were Mr. University Hospital, London,
and MTS. Olkver Riley, Maty Beth where Mrs. Clarke' visited _ on thousands'of chances to win in this First Special three digits in the three Special draws. Priz"es
Draw of 1979. It's good for all regular tax-free shown are basedon issuance of 102 series of tickets.
and Lynda and Mr. and Mrs. Ron _ . New Year s' Day. 0
prizes PLUS THREE SPECIAL BONUS Theclaiming period on all prizes is one year
Riley of Wingham. Sympathy is.. extended t0 MTS' • . DRAWS featuring one draw for $50,000, one f r Live on Global from Uxbridge! Tune in at 9 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Statia and George Griffith and family and $20,000 and one for $10,000.
Miss Maggie Griffith in the loss
family, Mr. and Malls. Harvey
Heimpel and family spent New of a dear son, brother and VN
Year's with ..their parents, .Mr. ew,, i1c-k Griffith.
and ffit'h Wes H�tpel. John R.
Mr. andbck
,..,Neil of Blyth 1�isited f
New Year guests with .:
- their aunt, Mrs. Nora Moffatt,
and Harold during the holidays.
Mrs. Nora Moffatt and Harold 4.,
t Christmas weekend with
New year corn*eir families in London. >
Gordon 'Pete' Yeoman is a
patient in Wingham and Distr'ici OL Get your -ticket now!' 0
like o lamb Hospital. 0 0 01101 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
The new year got on to' a 'very
quiet start around this area and
officers at the Wingham detach-
ment of . the Ontario Provincial
Policeare hoping it is an omen of
things to come. `
Sgt. Roy Anderson . said the
OPP received onlyfour minor
complaints, none of which
amotinted to anything, and in-
vestigated only a couple of minor
accidents over the New Year's
"We're hoping a good start
makes a good ending," he added.
FAMILY FEUD, a spoof of the TV game show, was one of and Ian Mann are two of the characters and Santa -Claus
the acts In the Madill Christmas assembler. Tom Henderson was the emcee.