The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-23, Page 5u
Belongs Under
Your Tree
I►u There are Christmas Gifts at
Buiadall just waiting to be
purchased, wrapped and put
under your tree. Come On In
and Browse Around Today.
■Ir -
Gather around. a
er" with
friends over the
yea r.
The team made up of Desmond
Priced at
time cross-country skiing, and
Many a fine home knew the radiating
comfort of their warm living room heat-
er at the turn of the century.
Authentic design with chrome highlights
"Ornamental top removes exposing a 6"
cooking plate. Burn coal or wood.
The Comfort Heater is 52" high and a
centre widtk of 15'/z". The loading door
is 9" x 10 The shipping weight is 210 lbs
Fireplace, Heater and Barbecue Grill
2 sizes available all Cast Iron
Enjoy the classic colonial styling of this
Franklin Fireplace the year round. In
the winter, lounge in the cozy warmth of
its open fire. Close the doors on your
Franklin and it becomes an efficient
heater radiating chill chasing warmth
from handsome, hand poured cast iron
surfaces. Built-in damper control lets
you maintain a low fire for hours and
quickly start it up again by opening
doors. Units vent to the rear or through
the top. They may be installed in exist-
ing fireplaces or on the hearth. Add to
your pleasure by equipping your. Frank-
lin with optional, Ember Chef Barbecue
Grill, Decorative Brass Knobs, Safety
Spark Guards and Fire Tiending"Tools.
26" model 11991,
Smoke pipe and Fittings extra
See our selection of fireplace accessor-
ies, grates, screens, fire tending tools,
- Everything you'll need to add warmth
and pleasure to your Franklin Fireplace.
Hand tools for your
handyman make great
gifts to stuff in his
16 -oz. Claw Hammer Refill Propane
with wood handle Cylinder.
4 19 -° 98
All -Purpose Steel 26" x 8 Pt. Disston
Hock Saw. Hand Saw.
�yl 39) ® 99
12'x'/2" Lufkin 24" Stanley
Tape Rule. - Auminum Levet.
"" available for
Arrow All -Purpose Arrow Staple
Staple Gun. Gun
The Wingbalm AdratneaTimes, December 23, 1146 -•-Page 5
Rel ��Or Editor: Joa Lour _
Co -Editors Mm AMID rAkm
John Henry is charged with gp be made a mistake by giving Mm,A"
possession of narcotics (mari- the gW a rWis hpme. Have you
juana) on December and, 1676. never made a mistake lh in - e? I
Age: 18 years; Occupation: tbink it is utttjtrt to judge a person
student. for such a crime ni one To the Ratepayers of
The above is a [fictitious sum- one offence, Juveniles ,
mons requesting the appearance get in with the wrong crowd and
of John Henry in court for the are influenced so greatlythat
n session of marijuana. A they t4md to �y trame Turnberry Township
student who was intelligent and narrow path. Is the answer to
one of the top students in his charge them, fine them, give
class, innocent of the charge but them a criminal record and may -
caught in the situation was con- be, just maybe, correct their
victed of the charge and fined ways?
$100.00 or two months in jail plus I'm not stating that I'p in favor would l I ke to thank a l l
a criminal record or "his of legalizing marijuana by any
name on the books". means. I just think a criminal those who supported me at
Is this justice? record is a bit harsh for a first Pp
Take John Henry, a typical offence. When applying for a job the pol Is December 6.
teenage searching for a good there is one particular question
time but not wanting to get in on most applications. Do you
trouble who went to a respectable have a criminal record? If you
class party sponsored by one of answer, "yes", in most cases, Wishing everyone t h e
his close friends. John had a good you don't get a chance to explain 1
time dancing with some girls and yourself. You have just lost the compliments of the season.
mingling with the crowd. It came job.
time to go home and a friend of
his needed a ride home. This I agree thele must be some
friend of John's had in his pos- reinforcement of the taw. Of- Bill Kieffer
session one-half ounce of mari- fenders shouldn't be�(b-le to break
juana and John realized this but the law and get away, "scot
since he wasn't involved in "that free". I would suggest that first _.
stuff", he figured it didn't need to offenders be fined $50-$100 and
bother him and proceeded to take warned that a second time they 11
his friend home. On route to his wouldn't be as lucky. But a
friend's home they were stopped criminal record for someone who
by a policeman and since the has once stepped out of line? A .
"pot" was in full view it was person who has different values
quickly discovered and identi- and morals than we have? Should
fied. Since John Henry was in the they be charged? 'Are they
possession of the car and its con- criminals?.
tents and he knew about the pres- "Mary Jane" is the alcohol of
ence of narcotics in his father's the different generation. As far
car he was charged with pos- as I'm concerned both could be , µ
session of marijuana. John was banned from society but right ?`r : ,► %'� :�
not impaired. 'He had not been now we still have to face the
drinking. problems resultingfrom both
For the first time in his life evils.
John was takgn into a police sta- In time, I think the law will be- r
tion. He had --his finger prints come more lenient but in the
taken and a formal report written meantime what can an ordinary
on his convibtion. Wow! He had person do? Not a "heck" of a lot
really gotten himself into a mess. except hope and pray that your
A few months later in a court 'son or daughter is never brought ► '"
room he was proven guilty ac- home some night by a policeman "g •'
cording to the law and fined $100 who has charged him -her with ► '
or two months in jail with a two possession of narcotics. It can '
}ear criminal record. If he kept happen in the best of families; ► "
"his nose clean" for two years his Opp statistics will show you that.
record would be pardoned. I know what I'll do. I'll be wary of
What a way to start into adult- who my friends are and I won't�l
hood. John was an upstanding p ng glue friends a ride home until I've
citizen in the community. Since frisked their poickets.
he was a student he couldn't very Being charged with possession May the Blessings
well go to jail for two months and of narcotics doesn't always mean
besides that ... he was too proud. that person is a dope freak. The Of the Christ Child
lie had had to inform his parents odd time an innocent person gets 0
be with you all through
of the situation and even though tangled up in the mess. My ad- this l02'40i1S holiday
they were aware of the facts, they vice is to give such a person a GAS g y
were disappointed in their son. break until you fully understand avd a1wa ys-
John was saving all his money to the circumstances. Oiti- sincere thanks.
go to college next year but he'd There is a lot of good in teen -
have to dig into his savings to agers today so don't let some -
cover the fine. There went part of thing like this become a block be
his tuition fees. Teenagers are tween yourself and the person — Bluevale, Ontario
always out trying to find some- whether you be a parent, teacher
thing new and exciting. They are or concerned friend. Consider
only trying to find the best way to vourself in their shoes and please
live. Many of times, young people have, not pity, but understand -
who aren't even involved with ing. Don't Generalize and Don't
drugs happen to be in the wrong Condemn! –=
place at the wrong time, and like Mary Anne Alton,
John are charged and convicted. Co-editor
A gift the whole Teacher Interview
family will enjoy p� t
A new addition to the physical
education staff this year is Mrs.
Maureen Lisle. She was born"
3 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM: and raised in Ottawa where she
NEPTUNE MODEL 4'x 8'- ENGLISH OAK FINISH - $299.00 lived on an apple farm. She at-
tended a district high school
• Roc Boston Balls with 2 52" Cues $18900 twenty-five miles away from her
• Rack, chalk and instruction book. home. Being involved with gym
• '. solid core bed. nasties Mrs. Lisle is a very active ,
• Micromotic bed levellers.
• Other models available. Starting at person. To spend more time in-
volved in what she enjoys she be-
longed to the Upland H .,
g e p Harriers y
Table tennis - fun Track and Field Team. r -
In her school years Mrs. Lisle
competed at the National level in }•
for everyone the long jump and discus events
and won a br t tl both
onze i e to
Also at the EOSSA level ofi,.
competition she claimed the wo-
men's gymnastic title.
Mrs. Lisle attended Queen's "
University in Kingston, Ontario. i
j During her five years of study she
received her B.A., B.Sc., B.Pe.,
R Fd. After graduating from
n Queen's ,he staved and taught for,
T- three years. She also was the
coach of their basketbau leant. It t ,_
was during her second year of
teaching that she got married.
After her three years of teach
ing at Queen's Mrs. Lisle decided
i she wanted a change so she HRS. LISLE
i moved to Wingnam and began
teaching at this school, F. E. athletics, her devotion to running
'Madill She teaches grade 9, and as anindividual person. May
lu and 12 physical education and all your endeavors be successful
grade 9 science She enjoys and may your life bring you hap -
teaching here very much and piness now and always.
Complete feels that the school is well run -Judy Malda
)nstructron and that the students are respon-
assembled 12991
sible and well disciplined. Mrs.
's Lisle coached the junior girls SAFETY AWARENESS
legs basketball team and led them CO\TF:S'I'
*Regulation size into the sem;-f• 1 Sh 1
_ II'sa greafieehilig
having friendsas
�c�lnd�rful :1. �'uu'
.�l � Ilrl�llllil�.
and aIways -yoifre w ished
all the „trod Ihin".i• 14011
.o rit fly deser% e.
The Burleys
1, r,
Coca hlvs,, tl,.
Every one .. .
1 { and e,;pecially \'OIJ. OLlr
thanks to otnc .incl all,
i tna s e a so
coaches gymnastics and is at-
The F E. Madill Secondary
School won the Huron -Perth
tempting to form F. E. Madill's
Safety Awareness Contest held at
first cross-counrry ski team.
Clinton on December 14, 1976,
Mrs Lisle spends her spare
The team made up of Desmond
11 North St. E.
time cross-country skiing, and
Phair, Graham Rutherford, Don-
Wingham, Ont.
reading books. She does a lot of
ald Thacker, Harold Davidson
running, especially long dis-
and staff advisor Mr. G. Edwards
tances. Even now that the snow is
how advances against the win -
PH. 357-3650
here she stili tries to run her five
ners from Oxford County at Lon -
or six miles a day. As her philo-
don on February 8, 1977.
- Mon, - Fri. 8:00 - 5:30
sophy Mrs. Lisle believes in the
Hwy '
right of an individual to be. an
individual and to he respected as
More school news
8:00 - 12:00 Noon
I feel Mr -9. Lisle is a person to
on page 7
be admired for her success in
_ II'sa greafieehilig
having friendsas
�c�lnd�rful :1. �'uu'
.�l � Ilrl�llllil�.
and aIways -yoifre w ished
all the „trod Ihin".i• 14011
.o rit fly deser% e.
The Burleys
1, r,
Coca hlvs,, tl,.
Every one .. .
1 { and e,;pecially \'OIJ. OLlr
thanks to otnc .incl all,