The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-23, Page 154 OCCJDINTAL LIFE -OF CALIFORNIA
* $5375 Provides $25,000 insurance at age 30
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'Hoping all the precious
things in Life will come
An early legend says the first
C,'hristmas tree was really an ap-
ple tree. The tinsel baubles which
bedeck the modern Christmas
tree are said to represent the
fruit which for early Christians
symbolized the fall of man in the
garden of Edeh` and his recla-
mation by dKbirth of Jesus.
There arelegends, too, con-
cerning the pine tree. One says
that the Holy Family was saved
from Herod's soldiers by a pine
tree. During the flight to Egypt,
Mary was tired and they sought
shelter in the hollow trunk of
a huge fir tree. As the soldiers
approached, the tree bent its
branches to conceal the hud-
"tiled little group. The legend says
the Baby Jesus then blessed
the tree - which explains why
you can cut a pine cone length-
wise at Christmastime and
see the imprint of His little
to you this Christmas! CL - Christmas / T�'�
Warm thanks. SANTA CLAUS COULD NEVER get aion with—t R d 1 h
needed his Elves during 'The Magic. of Christmas' presented dbysthei HowickHFigure ,
Towns „e also F�� J.
Skating Club at the Howick Community Centre, Sunday afternoon. In rear from left, _
Elves, Evelyn Stroop, Karen Bell, Margaret Kreller,
9 John Stroop (Rudolph), Kendra
Robertson, Diane Hart and Jackie Burns. Front, Reindeers, Sandra Bender, Lisa
Mercier, Kevin Statia ( Ice Bird), Leisa Heimpel and Paul Coughlin. If you're looking for the Christ -
mm spirit, take a trip to Santa
NORTH HURON Claus, Indiana or Christmas,
School Fair Board names ttowns best known of the many
� CREDIT UNIONentertainstowns and cities with names
W 1 w which reflect Christmas in some
Limited f f • way.
The Wingham Advance -Times, December 23, 1976-P89e 15
o ►ee rs or r I season husbands, guests There's a Bethlehem in Con aNcni, our dear fi iends, he blessed
necticut and six other states.
BELGRAVE — The annual Chettleburgh. FORDWICH — The Women's Virginia and Missouri-. boast a %Xith it joy0tis 0iristinas filled with
�- 1_ meeting of Belgrave, Blyth, Belgrave, Mrs. Lewis Stone- Institute met in the community Noel; there's Advent, W.Va., and peace and happiness.Warm thanks.
-� Brussels School Fair boars was house, Harold Vincent, Mrs. Tom hall on Tuesday evening, Dec. 14, Mary is found in. Kentucky;
held at the East Wawanosh Pub- Cameron, Mrs. John Gnay. when the members entertained Joseph in Oregon and Utah.
lie School on December 8 with Blyth, Mrs. Jack Coultes, Mrs. their husbands and other guests There's a-.W-iseman in Alaska, Petrofina Products
one in Arkansas, and a Wiseman-
' eight in attendance. William man. Wittich, Mrs. Mary Wight- to a delicious turkey supper with town in Kentucky. You'll find Raymond W. 8 Ann Hogg
w , president, called the all the trimmings, convened by g
Coulter Good Will in West Virginia and and Staff
`` meeting to order. The minutes of Brussels, Mrs. Ken Johnston, Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mrs. Edgar
r Y Chester Higgins, Mrs. Jim Gar- Gedcke, Miss Minnie McElwain Joy in Illinois, Kentucky, MIs
the Dec. 4, 1975 meeting were gg souri, and Texas.
i read and the financial report was mss. and Mrs. Stan Bride. There's Mistletoe, Kentuck
given. The 1977 fair will be held Auditors, Mrs. George Procter, The president, Mrs. Clarence Tree L y
on September 14. Mrs. Lillian Campbell. Carswell o s, owsiana, and an Ever-
The illiani 1 pened with the Mary green in six states.
w The election of officers and ng people are to sell Stewart Collect and asked Rev. b !
directors was conducted by Mrs. advertising: Auburn, Ron Snell; T. Fleetham to say grace. Among
Janisa Coultes. They are as fol- Belgrave, George Johnston; , guests who were entertained
lows: .past president, Peter Blyth, Bill Taylor, Eldon Cook; were the 4-H leaders and their n
I 1 deGroot; president, William Brussels and Walton, George husbands and members of the Christmas Days At
r Coultes; 1st Vice, Ross Procter; Michie, Clarence McCutcheon; ukulele band who provided some
\. 1 2nd Vice, Jack Higgins; Secre- Wingham, Howard Walker, Bob of the entertainment. The White House
-y tary Treasurer, Joyce Vincent. Taylor., Ross Higgins. The program was convened by '
Directors, Morris Township: The prize list revising com- the public relations officer, Mrs. Through the years, Christmas
hq 1st Line, Ross Abraham,.Mrs. P. mittee for the Grain,. --Hay, Elmer Harding and with the help at the White House has been
Y Campbell; 2nd Line, Mrs. Harvey Poultry, Livestock, Farm of members the ukulele band and at like Christmas any
_ Mechanics and S where in America. �-
�-•-----w*�•...........�;,......:.;., /. Edgar, Glen Sellers; 3rd Line ports Classes is children provided a concert
u�y r Mrs. Stan Ho as follows: Chairman Ross which concluded with the reading In 1800, President and Mrs.
•011 W Holiday' per' 4th Line, John Adams invited friends to a
%7�'1� / George Procter, Garner Nich- Fater, Jack Higgins, Murray of the Christmas Story and carol1" r ;J o"; 5th Line, Mrs. Wm. Me- Shiell, -Jack -Currie, Jim Bake ----singing atappropriate arts of Christmas gathering at a White:
P House yet incomplete, with damp
Arr, Don Procter. laar, and Murrayincent. 'the sto walls and cold rooms.
Hoping the beaa�tif'ttl nieniories � � y story. � 3
East Wawanosh Township: 4th The other committee to revise The roll call was answered with
of a fa mill iI Cli i'i:,tiiias will be Line, Ronald Snell, Mrs. Arnold the rest of the prize list excluding a symbol of Christmas by the Things were merrier five years
the Institdte and School Work members. It was decided to send later when Thomas Jefferson en
Cook; 6th Line, Mrs. Wilma tertained Christmas guests with
slzarecl b?� �ol� and those ?/ou lo2'e. Scott, Mrs. Audrey Fenton; 9th Classes is: Chairman, Mrs. John leaders to the course on quilting lively violin tunes. In 1835oun
Line, Murray Vincent, Larry Gnay, Mrs. George Procter, Mrs. with Mrs. Mel Penny offering to relatives of Andrew Jackson
Askes Brothers Construction Taylor; loth Line, Mrs. Jack Jim Hunter, Mrs. Richard be one of the leaders. The course filled his stocking with a corncob
Shiell, Mrs. Richard Moore; 12th Moore, Mrs. Peter Campbell, will beiven in Janus Wing- a`
Lucknow — 528-2726 Wingham - 357-3053 Line, Murray Shiell, Mrs. George Ml's. Glenn Coultes, Mrs. Lewis ham. g January at � Pipe. tobacco and trinkets.
Young Tad Lincoln invited
Stonehouse. Mrs. Harding wishes to thank street children into the White
The next meetin is 1 t d f
E. s a e or everyone for their help with the House and his father bade them
January 19, 1977 at the East program and the following day, welcome. Benjamin Harrison or-
Wawanosh Public School. when the WI members went to dered the first Christmas tree set
the nursing home with part of up in the White House and Calvin May your holidays be merry and
their program, Christmas Story Coolidge started the practice of marvelous ... festive wishes from Santa and us.
and carol singing, and also some lighting a tree for the nation on
of the ukulele band. Gifts to each the lawn.
Silver Decorations resident of the home were dis- Franklin D. Roosevelt and his
j Are Easy To Make tributed and lunch was served, large family celebrated Christ WARREN HOUSE
�i ' Silvered decorations are easily the staff helping the WI with the mas with parties for family,
made from berries, geed pods tea, coffee and juice, and serving. friends and staff. Mrs Eisen -
Radio Shack
` and sprays of it`y When this was completed then hower usually wore a bright red
Pour a small amount of a- Mrs. T. McEwa(who teaches dress while presiding at holiday Wingham, Ontario
0$ luminum paint ( the kind used crafts had a gift for all the ladies gatherings for her grandchildren.
for metal surfaces( into a con- of the WI from their friends of the
tainer of "Ovater. The paint floats home, teapot stands which they
( on the water. nip materials to be had made themselves.
silvered into the water and dra" Each member of the WI has a
out slowly Hold over the con friend at the home to whom cards r
tainer until dripping stops Hand; and gifts are sent throughout the �
et there he love in a dry place for 24 hours year. STMAS
` at Christmas . .
w1len all the world •
is warm and bri ht
with dreams.
4 In the hushed landscape `
•K > of this glorious season,
r we send tidings of I? PAC
comfort and ,joy and
continuing thanks to all!
Bob and Joan Middleton and Staff
. � •fir -'-+mac
STyRocoo M '� svRA, W,Tl�
•, kj�T FLOG,c
MA14� firkx/GN - ---
FUN TREE _N -au can make a decorative tree for your table or
hallway. Stick ordinary wooden toothpicks into styrofoam balls,
enough to form a pyramid. Spray with white or green flock.
vw,u MILKS, un(an ( (pion, Mary Caslick, Karen Elliott,
Colleen Raymond unavailable for photo.
"Merry Christmas" and a "Happy New
Year" from the staff and management at
Gemini Jewellers'. We thank you for your
patronage and hope that we have made
your festive season a merry one.
emini rs
4 CJ 357-2U0
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