The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-16, Page 7Be Igra v e U C W names officers The Wingham Advance -Times, Decisn'ar u• W6--Pft`
BELGRAVE — The Christmas prayer, followed by several Coultes, Donelda Lamont,
general meeting of the United Christmas carols and meditation Doreen Anderson and Doreen
Church Women was held Decem- atter each carol. The offering Taylor sang two number., "Star —
ber 7 in the Sunday School room was received and dedicated by of the East" and "Mary's Lulla-
with a good attendance. Mrs. Vincent. One large candle by", accompanied by Joanne
The meeting opened with the was bruning throughout the Gou1tes• Mrs. Cliff Logan read a
worship service conducted by service and everyone lit her story entitled "Stop Picking on Ile
Mrs. Murray Vincent, Mrs. candle from it. Mrs. Vincent read Martha Mrs. Ross Anderson
George Procter and Mrs. Bob a poem entitled "Christmas read a portion from the Decem —Members of the Wingham bring some kind of reward to us.
Taylor with Doreen Anderson at Wish". The worship service he Observer written by the Ministerial -Association sof the
and their Mike Milosevic read the d to us.
the piano. The theme for the closed with the hymn, "Joy to the moderator, The Rev. Wilbur
service was "Candles of the World". Howard, and entitled "It Couldn't spouses met Monday fora tare -
well luncheon in honor of Rev. —Mrs. Eileen Clark of AR 1,
Lord". Mrs. Vincent led in A quartet consisting of Janice Happen Here -- Could It?". and Mrs. T. K. Hawthorn of St. Auburn, is a patient in St.
�) Aff%^ ANIL^ Affitak The business period was con- Paul's Anglican Church. Rev. Joseph's Hospital, London,
ducted by the president. Mrs. and Mrs. Barry Passmore hosted having spinal surgery. Her
Kenneth Wheeler. Reports were the event and Rev. A. J. Nolan father, Alex Dark (formerly of
G111TE'R1 qG given from the different com-Presented the Hawthorns with a Wingham), who has been living
mittees. The nQxt meeting will be Y. parting gift from the association. with Mrs. Clark for 13 years, is
held on February 1. The meeting # Rev. and Mrs. Hawthorn leave now a resident of Huronview,
closed with all repeating the Miz- Wingham to serve Dorchester the Clinton- He will be 84 on Christ-
pah benediction. 'Y beginning of the year. They have mas Day.
GIfTs Officers for 1977 are: past ministered to the people at St. —Mrs. Whitney (Kay) Grose,
president, Mrs. Ross Anderson; Paul's since 1969. Jackson Crus., Listowel, was
president, Mrs. Kenneth Wheel- transferred by ambulance from
—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett Victoria Hos London to
Lfirst vice-president, Mrs. f `'. , visited over the weekend with Listowel Memorial
Laura Johnston ; second vice- Hospital on
Laura , "
president, Mrs. Cliff Logan; Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, Saturday, Dec. 11, following
treasurer, Mrs. Helen Martin;
df Toronto, and attended the Living major surgery. Mrs. Grose has
� " Christmas Tree service at been a
` secretary, Mrs. Harold Vincent. t patient in London since
People's Church on Sunday eve- November 16.
Committees: Church in So- Hing .i
ciety, Miss Annie Cook, Mrs.
t * Ross Higgins; World Outreach, H—The ladies' dou1�'o Pro-
vided special music iitAhe wor-
—Mr. and Mrs. Evan Wilson of
Mrs. John Kerr; stewardship and ship service at St. Andrew's Wheatley called on Art Wilson on
Christian development,
finance, Mrs. Robert Grasby; Presbyterian Church on Sunday the Weekend.
Mrs. morning. It will also present
s Anderson, . MrsWilliam special Christmas music next
CoRosultes, Mrs. Janisa Coultes, Tuesday evening on Channel 8's
Bulova f•iko Mrs. Leslie Bolt; In Church Sery Circle 8 Ranch. • -
ices, Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse, —Mrs. Del Burkhart returned Christmas dinner
Watches stop Annie Cook, Mrs. Bert John. Monday evening from a three -
manse committee, Mrs. SEVERAL BASIC EXERCISES are beingtaught at the y P precedes WI most
• • Robert Grasby, Mrs. George 9 gymnastics sessions held at F. E. da re -Christmas tour to
Columbia Rings Johnston; social committee, Mrs. Madill Secondary School each Tuesday evening sponsored by the Recreation Department Frankenmuth, Michigan. A high -
John Roberts, Mrs. George of Wingham. Rita Brophy and Cheryl Delmage do handstands being supported by Judy light was the annual Christmas The Anglican Church *omenof
Caravelle Clocks Procter, Mrs. Clarence Hanna; Hanula and Judy Lancaster. Suzanne Reid and Susan Hubbard do a kneeling stretch. concert at St. Lorenz Lutheran St. Paul's catered for the Christ -
Church. mas dinner enjoyed Friday by
Christ -
auditors, Mrs. John Kerr, Mrs. --Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sut- the ladies of the Wingham branch
=harms George Procter; nominating cliffe of Summit Drive and his of the Women's Institute.
committee, Mrs. Norman Cook, • • mother, Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe of
Mrs. George Procter. Hospital services r v i e e splanned Goderich,attended service in the ajoyblem�eaall,'the the very
Braeelets enjoyable president,
Teeswater United Church on Mrs. Alf Lockridge, thanked the
Sunday morning when Rev. catering ladies.rysta1 Arnold Proud baptized Daniel A short meeting was then Md.Christma Iy•n•ser•assoe•at•onJohn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roll call was answered by thePendants
McPherson of Kitchener. Follow- ladies telling what they would
The early 1977 hospital worship held at 8 p.m. on January 19. The service as his church, St. And- ing the service, a family dinner like for Christmas. Christmas
Jew11 rCasesW M S theme services were designated when group commented on several rew's, will host the event. Details was held at the home of Mr. and carols were sung with Mrs.
ee ythe Wingham Ministerial Asso topics for discussion after the of the service will be made public Mrs. Doug McPherson, Tees- Sewers at the piano and gifts
BELGRAVE — The WMS held ciation met Tuesday of last week prayer service. Special song at a later date. water. were exchanged.
]]���J at the home of Rev. Barry Pass- sheets will be printed and Mr. The ministerial involvement in —Rev. T. K. Hawthorn ba
Completely cut their Christmas meeting on Dec. P-
W I N _ ' ..j gat the h more. January 2 will be in charge Armstrong will plan the order of the 1978 Plowing Match was also tized two children at the Sunday The program conveners, Mrs.
/, Side Q� home of Mrs. John C. Mc g g P g Foxton, Mrs. Lockwood and Miss
-.-- . — e v. v�err and wrapped. � Burney. Mrs. Joe Dunbar pre- of Sacred Heart Roman Catholic discussed with Mr. Kaufman of morning service in St. Paul's An
_________________� 73 Church; January 9, Pentecostal Lucknow telling the involvement lican Church. Presented for Myrtle Johnson then held a
I— sided and opened with a call to g waistline -measuring contest with
I CLIP THIS BALLOT AND DEPOSIT IT IN THE � worship. Hymn, "It Came Upon a Tabernacle; January 16, St. sl n gtl me special of his church, Lucknow United, in baptism were James Alan Mac- ng
BOX IN OUR STORE: '�' I Midnight Clear" was sung. Paul's Anglican; January 23, St. the 1976 match. Mr. Kaufman Kay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- Mrs. Robert Powell winning with
�J Andrew's Presbyterian; January Mon day even i n spoke of a need for visual pre- colm MacKay, and Kendra her balloon measuring closest to
���iislll "No Richer Gift", from the 30, Salvation Army; Februa 6 g sentation enabling the public to
Own Jewellers February g P Catherine Pewtress, dalrghter of her waistline measurement. The
I j Glad Tidings was read by Mrs. and 13, Wingham United; Feb- A very unique and heartwarm- respond instantaniously. He Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pewtress. remainder of the ladies resolved
I Dunbar, Mrs. Garner Nicholson, ruary 20, Sacred Heart; Feb- ing Christmas Special will be stressed that about 150 persons Mr. Hawthorn, in his sermon, to either learn how to blow up
���iii111 I Mrs. Iv Cloake Mrs. Mac Scott ruary 27, Lucknow United; presented b CKNX Television on would be needed to staff the asso balloons or eat less!
I Name � y y, y spoke about judgment, saying
Address I and Mrs. Victor Youngblut. March 6, Pentecostal; March 13, Monday, December 20th, at 6:30 ciation's display, six to twelve at that each day is Judgment Day, Several games of whist were
I Telephone I "Joy to the World" was sung St. Paul's; March 20, St. And- p.m. The special, entitled "A one time. All felt that the minis- for the things we do each day then played by the ladies.
and offering was received and rew's; March 27 Salvation Ar- Christmas Gift" is produced in terial offering at the match
I Draw to be hold Decombar 18, 1976 _— cooperation with the Singtime should be a corporate witness for
c ------------------------ J dedicated. Bible readings by my.
Mrs. J. C. McBurney, Mrs. Present at the meeting were Association of United Churches. Christ. Listowel Missionaries
Come in and enter. .. George Fear and Mrs. Joe Dun- Rev. Barry Passmore, Rev. Wil- The setting is an old town at the A final decision was made, re -
bar were followed by a prayer. ena Brown, Rev. R. J. Arm- turn of the century. Music and garding the plowing match, that
no obligation, nothing to buy Christmas poem or readings by strong, Rev. T. K. Hawthorn, song tell the story of a lonely the group determine the nature are guests of Institute
each of the seven ladies present Pastor Ron Baker, Rev. A. J. watchman who has lost the joy of and theme of its presentation and
were much enjoyed. Nolan, Capt. Bruce Hardy and Christmas. New friends he meets also research denominational in- WHITECHURCH—Mr. and January, all the growth is burned
M* Rev. D. Kaufman. Mr. Arm- on Christmas Eve help him to volvement regarding finances Mrs. James Stanley of Listowel off with heat.
The secretary's report was strong opened the meeting with find a very special "Christmas and participation.., were guests of the local Women's Mr. Stanley told of his many
given by Mrs. McBurney and the prayer. Gift". Miss Brown closed the meeting Institute when members held experiences with the natives
treasurer's report by Mrs. Due to the transfer of Mr. Haw- Guests include soprano Linda with praver. The next meeting their Christmas get-together on bringing their dying friends to
Youril lut. Mrs. Garner Nichol- thorn, Capt. Hard was a - Phaneuf from Port Elgin, tenor will be held Januar 4 at the Sac- ember 8.
son and Mrs. Cloakey are to P Y P g Y � him, how he prayed for them and
pointed as secretary. Father Larry Marshall from Shallow red Heart rectory. Mr. Stanley was introduced by how many times God answered
J19111"Vollers make up the programs and Mrs. Nolan reported that the church Lake, The Teen -Tones from the president, Mrs. McGuire. He his prayers by restoring them
Mac Scott will type them for 1977. signs are now on main street and Goderich, and Rev. Peter Wal- read a scripture lesson, then and giving the natives a new faith
The roll call was a Christmas commended the co-operation of ford -Davis from Port Elgin. showed slides of where he and his in God.
RTQtt1tA verse. Fifteen sick and shut-in the town of Wingham and the Here is a Christmas Special the wife and family began their work Mrs. V. Emerson thanked Mr.
calls were reported. assistance of Ted Whitby. entire family can enjoy, and the as missionaries in the bush of Stanley and presented him with a
GJ 357-2670 Mrs. Dunbar closed the meet- Plans were discussed for the date again is Monday, December Africa. There were 5000 people gift.
,�y� ing with prayer and lunch was proposed Week of Prayer ser- 20th, at 6:30 m., on CKNX Tele- Belmore there with ver little contact with The meeting began with a pot
, p/}: served by the hostess. vvice,, a 45 -minute servia to be vision, Channel 8. the outside world. They danced luck dinner at noon. Immediately
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Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chambers
visited on Sunday with his
mother, Mrs. Margaret Cham-
bers of London.'
The winners of the Bellmore
Intermediate hockey draw were:
first prize, Dave Montgomery of
Teeswater; second, Kirk Beau-
dion, Teeswater; third, Rene
Taylor, Belgrave.
The Jeffray families of Bel -
more congregated on Sunday to
celebrate Christmas at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffray
and family.
from January to June one to
seven days a week.
People in that country carry
their babies on their backs. All
live in a compound where every-
thing is shared. After the age of
12, children are faced with
choices between good and evil.
They believe there is a God but
they consider Him Someone to be
The country is full of termites
which eat clothing and many
other things. Houses are made of
bamboo, straw and sticks and
farms are cut out of the bush. In
PART :CIF THE PROGRAM at the Wingham Area 4 H
Achievement Day at F. E. Madill Secondary School on
Saturday afternoon was the presentation of awards. Grace
Elliott, RR 1, Wroxeter and Karen Moffatt, RR e, Wingham
were the only two to get Advance Honors Awards. The first
part of the year's work was called "The Cereal Shelf
after dinner, the gifts beneath the
decorated Christmas tree were
distributed by Mrs. Fisher and
Mrs. McGuire. Each opened her
gift and told the identity of her
Secret Sister.
Mrs. McGuire opened the
meeting by leading in the singing
of the Ode, the repeating of the
Collect and the Lord's Prayer.
She welcomed the visitors, guests
and members and gave a read-
ing, "Getting Ready for Christ-
mas". She emphasized the ad-
vice: "Don't abbreviate the word
Christmas and never use abbre-
viations for Christ's work".
The minutes were read by Mrs.
Fisher and a financial statement
given. A thank -you card was re-
ceived from Mrs. Evan Keith. A
committee was appointed to plan
the anniversary dinner on Janu-
ary 15. Roll call was answered by
everyone drawing the names of
their Secret Sisters. It was
agreed to leave the price as neap
the dollar value.
Carol singing was enjoyed with
Mrs. Don Ross announcer and
Mrs. Farrier pianist. A ( hrist
mas play was presented by Mrs
McGuire, Mrs. Fisht r. Mrs
Johnston Conn and Miss Merle
A report of the Women's Instit
ute convention held at Chesley
November 15 and 16 was read for
Mrs. Bill Evans, the delegate, by
Mrs. Emerson who then. pre-
sented Mrs. McGuire and Mrs
Fisher with Branch Life Member
badges for their work in th
branch Mrs. Millan Moore ga
two readings. "The Night Ref,
Christmas" prompted mane
join her in recitation, while "
Master Is Coming" told the >
of a woman who was so bush
paring for the Master tha t s'
not recognize Him whc
appeared in the form of
lady, a cripple and a littk,.
At the close of the i of
Mrs. Fisher played a rl$kinR
Christmas songs and tlprjoy
of The Queen conclude
able afternoon