The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-16, Page 12ding
Pass 13-•�Viroam Advance -Times, December 16, 1876 in thely� �� is
-- - lro�men up set Green Machine valued at $0 milllgn on lower
Concert h@Id at '�` """ � sided doors. Up ,o� tbat plaint it Production of 186 million pounds.
In a close game which didn't from every angle from every in fact
What's S new a swung to the Ironmen's favor Ironman and as fan "CliFergus anyone's game,
down one, DI GEL GETS
Units! Ch u re h until the last five minutes of the Andy" put it, "Boy that Fergus
game, the lronwden upset Fergus goalie is good." Second star was seemed B be Bennett
t iA play • � /�
wAO7I>eT6R —
The United Dave Bennett missed most of RID QI:.S
Huronview? 6 to 2 in Junior D action at the Sandy Fitzgerald with a pair of the game as he was hit by the _
Ont"66 hold its Christmas con- Howick arena last Wednesday. goals and as assist and despite puck in ams warm-up and QUICK.
es t es Sunday evening and, The Ironmen jumped into a two getting a jaw injury in the game pm-
weather, it was goal lead in the first with Sand Sand was skating at to s picked up 7 stitches in the head.
g Y Y 1°8 P P� • Special anti gas/
Fitzgerald blasting a rebound all night. Third star was Ironman Hats off to the referees who kept antacidingrformula �1
a Dr. Toll, of Sesforth, arranged led by W im ° from the back -boards at 3:39 and goalie Doug Inglis who came up the game on the move and as i .Patented ingre `
Rev. Welley Ball was chair- and introduced a musical pro- volunteers. Everyone joined in picked u the game sheet from went breaks up
MW and after welcoming the gram on Sunday afternoon. The singing "Happy Birthday" to Russel Jones getting a beauty at with some big saves with perhaps P P g , 7
11:35 when he broke in stone and the big one that stabbing catch of the referee he asked "How's the trapped distressing
audience gave a short prayer. Seaforth Citizens' Band, which Miss Mary Turner, who cele- weather outside? I sure hope the trapped gas
Un. Leone Kaster played the with i o the deke flipped the a low shot with sure goal on the
Pl includes artists from :the Sea- braces her 100th birthday this wind has gone down and visibility • Multiple antacids
piano for carol singing which forth, Dashwood and Mitchell month, and Mrs. Florence Mes- Puck into the net behind Fergus label and the score 3 to 2. is better tha on the trip here, quickly neutralize
opened the program. goalie. excess acid
P areas, played several marches ton played a piano solo. cause 1 hav 75 miles to drive
A recitation was given b Jason At 4:34 of the second Sandy Russel Jones played a whale of • Di Gel liquid or tablets m
g Y and Christmas carols. There Ten residents enjoyed a bus Fitzgerald made it 3 to 0 with a game with a pair of goals and a home." mint or lemon/orange
Edgar; The McMichael Sisters, were dance numbers by Sylvia tfip on Wednesday afternoon to Ironmen play Markdale at
Janice, Karen, Judith and Wilson, Lora and Lisa Strong; Simcoe to see the Christmas Russel Jones drawing the assist. pair of assists and u was DI -GEL. First the gas. Then the and
Rhonda stepdanced to the ac- Bert Fergus kept on the move certainly evident that Russel is Howick arena tonight, Dec. 15 _
vocal duets by Paul Stewart and decorations. The trip was and again next Wed., Dec. 22.
companiment of their mother, Ann Allen; Cathy and Vicki arranged by the Clinton Radar and with a pair of goals before rounding into the form that made
Mrs. Ron McMichael, on the vio- Ororke ; Jack Gaiser and Stanley Club and was very successful. period end closed the gap to 3 to 2. him the team's top scorer last
lin and Art Gibson on the piano. Haist. Peter Malcolm played two Third period was filled with year. He was putting some body
Action rhymes were given by Selections on the bagpipes and action with both goal tenders kept into his checks as Fergus' Mike
Mrs. Art flit—' class of wee Douglas Stewart led a carol sing busy. In fact the long hair of Hill's face seemed to reflect when
L Fergus' goalie was actually wet he sank behind the boards from
tots; a recitation by Darlene accompanied by Miss Papple.
Kalish; piano solo by Mary Ellen Pearl Gidley thanked the enter- Howick ands from sweat as the Ironmen tested our view after being on the
Gibson; a singsong by the Juniors tainers on behalf of the residents. him from every angle in rapid receiving edge of a Jones check. only mor e
and a play by Mrs. Doreen Winte- Listowel first succession. At 14:06 of the third, It' was nice to see a real
mute's class. The annual Christmas Fair was Randy Gerrie, the Fergus cap- improvement in the local boys
A recitation by Debbie Mont- held on Monday which gives the loss of season lain picked up a foolish 5 minute winning face-offs. The winning of • gomery and Mary Beth Riley's residents an opportunity to do penalty for high sticking and key face-offs did a lot in keeping Shon days till
th uck control p p
ReAhow, C"MWVW
Rill W
Llil W DeveWPEWM
tri IstKw
call Collect
class spelled out Christmas; some shopping. The gt is were On Saturday night in Listowel, w t e e sa to s ame ire ►n e p
ukelele selections were given by displayed on tables in the audi- Y g penalty box the Ironmen rubbed In this win the forwards were
the senior class; a recitation by torium. The event is sponsored by Howick Juveniles, playing a de- into his wounds no less than 3 certainly using their point men
Debbie Edgar; play, "Child Psy- the Huronview Auxiliary with fensive game, gave Listowel Cy- power play goals. Yes, goals by and wasn't that a fine shot by Chr*lstmasl.
chology", by Mrs. Betty Bell's gifts and donations from several clones a lesson and defeated Tom Graham, Dave MacDonald Dave MacDonald that caught the
class; "Important Things" groups in the county. Tea and them for their first loss of the and Russell Jones in the last 5 left corner of the net? Dave
(Meaning of Christmas) by Mrs. cookies were served in the craft season. minutes of tie game and the certainly is turning out to be a
Leone Kaster's class.; piano solos room in the afternoan by the In the first period, Don Adair Ironmen had a 6 to 2 win. real goal scorer and a big asset
by Lynne Chambers and Patty Jo Auxiliary. scored with Bill Fraser and WHISTLE STOPS: Despite his on the defence. Despite the.6 to 2
Small Twenty members of the Clinton Garth Dickert drawing assists, team's loss the first star of the score, it was really a close game.
Rev. Ball showed a colored Old Time Club entertained on then it was Don Hastie who game was Kevin Johnson in net That 5 minute Fergus penalty
film, "The City That Forgot Family Night with a program of scored the second goal, with Hary for Fergus. He stopped rubber was the big reason for the one
Christmas". He wished everyone music and dancing. The evening Gibson assisting. Listowel got
a very merry Christmas and abrought back many happy one back as Murray Williams, the
Happy New Year and the children memories to the residents who league leading scorer, made it 2-1
received treats, bringing the at end of the first. 10-2 for Gold and Blue
°g °g had not seen some of the old time
enjoyable evening to a close. dances for 40 years such as the In the second, Listowel tied it
waltz country, French minuet, with S. Adams scoring, assisted The Ironmen spotted Markdale have gone to Russel Jones. Seems
waltz cadril, barn dance, etc. by M. Williams. Then Bill Fraser two goals then came roaring back they got the wrong number first
Marie Flynn arranged the pro- connected on a neat passing play to register a one-sided 10 to 2 win giving Dave the goal and. Russel
gram and shared the piano ac- from his teammate Dave Town- in Junior "D" action last Sunday the assist.
companiment with Mary Broad- send. Jerry Olchowski scored at Markdale. As Atwood has dropped out of
OPP investigate foot, Frank Forrest and Norman from Dave Townsend to make it Yes, Markdale jumped into a 2 \
j Pe the league there has been a re-
Speir played violin, Harold Black 4-2. At /1:52 of third period R. Mc- to 0 lead in the first on goals by shuffling of the schedule, but
break and enter and Hugh Hodges guitar, Andy Laughlin scored to make it 4-3. Rod Barlow and Mark Fry. keep in mind Wednesday night at V
Orr saxaphone and Bob Glenn did From then on Howick played a But Coach George Skinn fired 8:45 at Howick Arena is Ironmen
the calling. Elsie Henderson and solid defensive game. the boys up and they came out on Hockey Night and plan on getting
at Howick school Nelson Lear sang a duet during On Sunday, Howick defeated the fly in the second, scoring no out to cheer the Ironmen. Looks
intermission. Tara 10-0. Scoring for Howick less than 8 goals. Bernie Haines like a fine young team which is ' \�
The Wingham Detachment of �\
the Ontario Provincial Police M Hugh Love was welcomed were: B. Nickels, 3 goals, 3 fired a pair with singles credited presently sitting on top of the
to the Over 90 Club at their Dec- a ' ; H. Gibson, Ron Haas- to Sandy Fitzgerald, Dave Mac- league.
were called to investigate a ember meeting. Mrs. Myrtle noot, Bill Fraser (2), D. Town- Donald, Russel Jones, Dave
break -and -enter at the Howick Parker and Ethel Hill accom- send, W. Omand, and Rick Bennet, Jim McGee, and Tom
Central School sometime on Fri- anied at the fano for a carol Powell.
day night or Saturday morning. A p P Graham to to the Ironmen an 8
pocket calculator and an assort to 2 lead afte the second. Yes, Christmas is only a short time away. If you're'Wonder-
ment of used watches and rings Then to add a little frosting to�
ii„ii,t the win Paul Inglis and Dave ing what to buy for all those sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts,
were stolen. The investigation is
continuing. Bennett scored in the third to y� «� uncles —all the people you're giving gifts to keep your
The detachment also investi wrap up this one-sidedlOto2win. a� II eye on upcoming issues of The Wingham Advance Times.
gated six motor vehicle collisions ` WHISTLE STOPS: Nice to see p ,,,� We'll have lots of gift suggestions 'and ideas to make this
which caused an estimated $6,450
in property damage and injuries Jim McGee back in action after Christmas buying season a little easier for you!
his head injury., Steve Caslick
to three
P� was back in his role ' of thrti
On Saturday afternoon a play maker, coming up with L J
vehicle driven by Arnold M.
1. nary a goal but five big assists. the
Mathus, Exeter, was involved in Russel Jones saw a lot of ice time Al.(� f L� IIT
a two -car collision on Highway 4, ;, getting double duty being used on y„++,IIaQd \ the Wingham Advance -Times
north of the junction of Huron forward and defence and played
Road 20, Belgrave. Mathus was a strongtwo waygame. The I' '
treated at Wingham and District referee must have thought it Ads OUO- e to Chr istm �s �rFt - �rvrn�.
Hospital fora lacerated scalp and �r
`` was "Be good to Dave Bennet WINGHAM J �
foreign bodies were removed Day” as they credited Dave with
from both eyes. He was treated a pair of goals whereas the first 357-232
and released." one should have gone to Sand -—
Saturday night, cars driven by H Fitzgerald erald and the second should,
Thomas D. Miller, RR 4, Brussels
and Randy Somers, Brussels,
were involved in a collision on
County Road 25, west of sideroad f x
20-21, Morris Township. Douglas
Cloakey, RR 4, Brussels, a'.
passenger in the Somers car, was,
treated at Wingham and District
Horpital for a laceration to his <"
head and released. Gerald Rut Everyone wants
ledge, Wingham, a passenggr in '•�
one of the cars, was treated for a
laceration to his head and re
-- = to reduce
leased. _ " _ _- _.- - -
OPP officers conducted 22 '9 - — ---- - -- -_ --
investigations during the past -
week. Twelve charges were laid -- ---- new home costs.under the Highway Traffic Act -
and 16 warnings issued. Three
charges were laid under the _
Liquor Licence Act.
LADIES OF THE sf Andrew's Presbyterian Church Women's Missionary Society packed
boxes of Christmas cheer for 40 people who were being remembered. Mrs. Helen Clark,
Mrs. Margaret Hastings, Mrs. Doris Bushell, Miss Merle Wilson, Mrs.Reba Gilmore,
Mrs Helen McKague, Mrs. John McKague, Mrs. Catherine Wilson, Mrs. Ethel Day and
Mrs. Marie Phillips packed boxes for Huronview, Wingham and District Hospital,
Brookhaven, Lucknow Nursang Home, Brussels Nursing Home and shut-ins around
Here s a new reportthat suggests how�..t�
W-_ ..J7 IL-C&I111111 1134111111101
Ontario's present urban development standards
are among the highest in the world However.
the standards set by our municipalities vary
considerably, a fact which in some instances adds
` greatly to the cost of new housing
Your Ontario Government believes that re$I tic
1 development standards throughout the prop
would lead to continued high quality new housing.
.� but at a lower cost. This case is strongly presented
in a new report. "Urban Development Standards
A Demonstration of the Potential for Reducing
Costs." issued by the Ontario Ministry of Housing.
•aft The report points out how more realistic standards
could significantly reduce home mortgage
payments. and indicates that adoption of such
standards would in some areas lead to more
economical use of land. energy savinqs. reduced
pressure on agricultural land. and greater feasibility
for public transit
If you would like a leaflet summarizing the main
features of t -he suggested new standards write to
Communications Branch
Ministry of Housing
56 Wellesley Street W . 2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2N5
Ministry of Housing
John Rhodes, William Davis,
Minister Premier
Province of Ontario