The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-09, Page 10_ c. i ° . .. •• `+t -.rat y. ,rc yr ., ..... �' . .. ..n•. ». ..r,..., q .� p.. .0
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The-, owick Grapevine
ELECTIVES On Thursday, November 18, the
The second term electives for two grade 8 classes visited the
the Juniors have started and this Royal Winter Fair in Toronto.
term there are eleven different They left the school at 9:00 a.m.
electives to choose from: and arrived in Toronto at 11:45.
(1) Mr. Livermore is teaching The classes spent four hours
hockey at the community centre- touring the fair and then left.
(2) Mr, Farnell is teaching They had supper and were home
Mn Chap' Travelling. at 9:00 p.m. All thought it was an
(3) Mins Wombwell is teaching educational and very enjoyable
cooking and 80 far they have experience.
made apple crumble, chocolate —Lynne Chambers
squares, and chocolate chip STAFF VS STUDENT
(4) Ceramics is being taught by The student volleyball teams
Mr. Stewart• have been attending after-school
(5) Mrs. Smith is teaching Wit- volleyball practices. They are
tand (6) Miss McKinnon is teaching sharpening their skills for the up -
(6) coming games.
counted cross stitch. On Tuesday, November 30th, P
(7) Mr. Maher is teaching the teachers and students hada F
crafts. newcomball game. It was an
(8) This term there has been a exciting game. In the end the stu-
new type of elective added to the dents defeated the teachers 33 to
group and it is called Primary 16. Fe
Student Helpers Club. This is On Thursday, December 2nd, tt
where the students in the elective the teachers were to play a game TC
go to the primary grade class- of volleyball against the Walker -
rooms and help the young people ton OPP. Due to winter weather, BI
by listening to them read, check this game was cancelled. In-' fant
their number facts, review nur- stead, the teachers of Howick and Piet
sery rhymes and help them the boys' volleyball team played tize(
count• two games. The boys' team de- Unit
(9) Mr. Stretton is teaching feated the teachers in the first G. I
Outdoor Education. game while the staff managed to Af
(10) Ukulele is being taught by come out on top in game number dinn
Mr. Shaw and Mr. Parsons• two, the scores being as follows: and
(ill Mrs, Nixon is teaching first game, boys' team 15, Mrs. yam rimen and I)avid, Mr. - -- -" """- "' """ "' "" ""••`
typing• teachers' team 9; second game, and Mrs. Kevin Pletch, Mr. and and Mrs. John R. M line, ansh,d
and Mrs. Clarence Henning. SOMETHING WHICH STARTED as ust a classroom exercise in English turned into a
With this list of enjoyable boys' team 7, teachers' team 15. Mrs. WayneMr. and Mrs. Tom CQlins, and Those attending were Mc. and r I g •
topics to this listomI'msuretle We ho Pletch of Wingham, , Mr. and Mrs. Allan McColeman, Mrs. George Fischer, Mr. and morning assembly for students at Wingham Public School last Friday morning. Students
pe, at a later date, that Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins of all of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harold Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. in Grade 8 were taking the 'ballad' in class and writing their own compositions. They
students had a difficult choice as the OPP and the teachers will Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wal- finally put them into skits. One ballad was put to music by Sherry Green (guitar), Susan
to which one they wanted to take. have the game of volleyball. ker, Shelley -Ann and Tracey -Lee Harold Grant of RR 4, Wingham; Larry Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. grown and Shelley Jones. Steven Fitzsimmons narrated "Murder by Death", t
—Tammy Brown —Susan Mann of Schomberg. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grant, Mr. and Marty Cretier and Amy -Jo, Mrs.
Mrs. Don Dosman, Kevin and Hilda Bolt, Miss Mildred Henning
and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker,
Lots of lau h s as Wl Euchre winners Turnberr Daryl, ; Sheila and Kevin
y and Mrss.. Irerene Henning.
• BELdrRAVE — Four tables of
sponsors variety concert euchre evening
were played last Wed Conway -McDonald
nesda eveat the Belgrave
BLUEVALE — Laughs were munity, Donna Johnston, Kevin weekly euchre in the WI Hall. /Courier
enjoyed by both the old and young Schmidt, Marjorie Campbell, Winners for the evening were: Lasj week T-shirts with the vows -exchanged
when the local Women's Institute Mark Breckenridge, Steven high lady, Mrs. Lawrence Tay- Turnberry Central crest were of- A wedding of interest was
sponsored its annual Christmas Johnston, Tracy Jarvis and Greg nor; high man, Bert Johnston; fered for sale at $3 each. About
on Friday even solemnized 27 Barrie, Ontario, on r
Pm'tY Y ng• Moffatt. lbw lady, Mrs. Hugh Rinn; low 200 of the shirts were ordered by November 27 when Mrs. Pearl
The members opened the con- Some lively step -dancing was man, Mrs. Laura Johnston (play- pupils, teachers, bus drivers and McDonald of Wingham was
cert with several Christmas enjoyed when Sandra Moffatt ing as a man). parents. The shirt sale, which united in marriage to Clarence
carols, asking the children in the Joann Shaw and Debbie Johnston partially benefits the finances of A -
audience to join in singing "Away gr=aced centre stage and later the Student Parliament for in- Conway of Arthur Township.
in a Manger". Recitations were when the four McMichael sisters, Bluevale Matron c honor was 011ie Martin
tramural school projects, was and Lincoln Martin was best <
given by children of the com- Janice, Karen, Judith and very successful. The order has man. a
Rhonda, entertained. Mrs. Mildred Stewart, Mrs. been sent to the manufacturer Russell Hershey officiated at h
Zelma Herto Laurie and Wayne and the shirts should arrive be- the ceremony. I
Belmore CC A play, "A Slight Mistake", g, Yn _
was acted by Mrs. William de- Hertog and Cathy visited on Sun- fore the Christmas break. 1 .Y.
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell A reception was held at the $
BELMORE — The meeting of Vos, Mme• Alex MacTavish, Mrs. In addition, the Student Parlia' Village Inn, Thornton, Ontario;
Stamper. r,
the Chamber of Commerce was Robert Peel and Mrs. Wendell meat is holding a draw on a T- with the immediate family as
held Dec. 1. Lorne Fischer was Stamper. Members of the Blue- shirt for pupils within the school. guests. Q
the chairman and Mal Dickson vale Young People's Society They will reside in Wingham.
Mph p y per- Tickets are 10 cents each or three a
was the secretary. Plans for the formed a skit, Mrs • R. Taylor for 25 cents. The draw will be g
Dec. 17 party -dance for the C of C Members of the Institute, not made on Monday, December 14.
were discussed. The annual anxious to do it all, asked theristmas Fair The Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2, Ch
dinner meeting is to be held on audience to participate in a story is unit leader 3 and 4 pupils and their respec-
Jan. 5. entitled "Betty Boop, Popeye and BELGRAVE—The evening five teachers a&e busy preparing a
Committee members were the Wolf". Mrs. Allan Campbell unit of the United Church Women for our annual istmas concert at hospital
chosen for erectingthe new gave a humorous reading entitled Y ng to be held on Tuesday, December
ng met on Tuesday even Nov. 30 Y, a
arena. The over all chairman is "A Mother's Letter to a Newfie at the home of Mrs. Robert Tay- 21 at 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium.
Walter Renwick, vice-chairman Son" for with 13 ladies present. Mrs. Everyone is cordially invited.. is big -
r was
is Mac Inglis, secretary is Mary Institute9s
f�Hee Haw". miff Logan opened the meeting The forthcoming
have inseired sev- The Christmas Fairs sponsored
tions on
Eadie, and treasurer, John Wil_ with A Canadian Friendship P p°
helm. On the building committee, All members participated, each Carol Service". eral classes to hold mock elec by the Auxiliary to the Wingham
Walter Renwick, John Moffat, one playing a rhythm band in- Mrs. Robert Taylor conducted tions. It will be interesting how and District Hospital was termed
Doug McPherson, Jim Cham- strument and dre*qed like a man the business. The following offi- their results will compare with a huge success by gift case con-
bers, Jack Stafford; finance, or woman on the television show cers were elected for 19177: Lead- the actual people elected. vener Mrs. William Forsyth. It
John Wilhelm, Mary Eadie. Bill of the same name. er, Mrs. Robert Taylor; assistant —Grade 8 was held last Friday and was
Mulvey, Bruce Harkness, Rosa Santa Claus made his appear- leader, Mrs. Ross Higgins; opened at 10:30 a.m. by Miss
Chambers; publicity, Harry Bus_ ance shortly after, giving each secretary, Mrs George Procter; Armstrong clan Gwendolynne Norris, director of ONE OF THE SKITS which explains the 'ballads' written by Grade 8 students at
by, Bob Martin, Dean Dickson child a bag of candies. patient care. Win ham Public School was entitled "Which One Shall I Date". Caryn Mann portrays the
assistant secretary, .Mrs. Murray � The fair, which ran all da g
Brian Marston, and George. Vincent; treasurer, Miss Annie met at Belgrave Y, sold girl who has this quandry. Bruce LeVan is the 'gang leader' who fights over the girl while
Reports from the committee., Cook; program, Mrs. John Kerr; articles which were mostly Karen Wood is narrator. Two gangs battle over the girl as she ponders her problem.
members will be heard at the Belgrave social conveners, Mrs. Cliff BELGRAVEeiThe Armstrong donated by members of the
monthly meetings. families held their Christmas get- Auxiliary. However other
Logan, Mrs. Norman Cook, Mrs. together on Sunday afternoon in women's groups. in town donated
Mrs. Kenneth Licht and Robert Grasby; community
Se• . Y the Women's Institute Hall. a lot of the toys, handicrafts and f
niors en o Wayne of Milverton visited on friendship, Mrs. Lewis Stone- Those present were Mr. and Mrs. home -baked goods. Each
1 Sunday with her parents, Mr. and house; pianist, Mrs. George , g Year a
Ch• Johnston. Mark Armstrong, Belgrave; Mr. the Fair is doing better Finan zea-
ristmas party Robert Hibberd. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong, Jeff cially.�
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dunbar of Mrs. Ross Higginns led the pro- and Terry, RR 2, Lucknow; Mr. A total of $566.62 was sold, $83 ` p
Stratford visited on Sunda with
FORDWICH —The Senior Citi Y gram "Customs of Christmas in
Other Lands Around the World" and Mrs. Roy Taylor and Rene of of which was at the bake table in -
zeas held their Christmas art his mother, Mrs. Joseph Dunbar. -
P Y Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. James eluding jellies, jams and pickles. X f p
in the hall on Nov. 29, which took Christopher Campbell was a assisted by Mrs. Norman Cook, Leishman, Tracey and Trena, of There are still lots of items for
the form of a hot turkey supper at Patient in Wingham and District Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler and Mrs. Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Glen those who want to do their Christ -
7 p.m., catered t9 by the ACW of Hospital recently for the removal William Coultes. Walker, RR 3, Wingham; Mr. and mas shopping from the Auxiliary.
Trinity Anglican Church. Seventyof his tonsils.,
Mrs. Mel Craig, Bluevale; Mr. They are being sold at the Gift
sat down to supper. Rev. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith of and Mrs. Frank Workman, Craig Case in the lobby of the hospital.
Fleetham said grace.
Arthur and Mrs. James Smith of Reception and Peter of Cranbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth said that pro -
After supper a brief business Brussels visited last Friday with BELGRAVE—A reception Mrs. Donald Nolan, Pamela, ceeds from the Gift Case are im
period was held. President Wray Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong. p and Kim, Mark and Michael of Wal -proving rovin each year and the Aux -
Cooper Y '� •,�,
Cooper welcomed everyone and We are sorry to hear that Mrs. dance was held in the Women's ton; Mr. and Mrs. 'Larry Martin, iliary appreciates the help which
Stanley Bride expressed thanks Wilfred Walker is a patient in the Institute Hall on Saturday Michelle and Christopher of St is received from the community.
to the ACW for catering. Mr. Wingham and District Hospital evening in honour of Mr. and Clements d and Mrs. John
Cooper said plans are in progress and that ,Kenneth Scott is a Mrs. Greg Cook, newlyweds. Carswell, Julie and Jennifer n
to build a cabinet to hold early Patient in University Hospital, Music was provided by the Music wiTeeswater; Mr. and Mrs. Jack c
Fordch records. London. Makers. S
Taylor, Mark and Trudy of Wrox Special music f
A sing song of Christmas carols Before lunch was served the eter; Little Lee Anne Duskyof
and floral
was held, led b Austin Stinson • • young couple were asked to come
Y White gift to the platform when Clifford New Hamburg; Steven,
and Mrs.
and Minnie McElwain with Violet Robert Taylor, Steven, Kevin and arrangements
Beswetherick at the piano. Coultes read an address and
Robert Taylor Debbie of RR 1, Belgrave. g
A program was presented by s e ry i e e h e Id Y Presented them WROXETER — The United
the groups. Mrs. M. McLaugh- with a gift of money. Both Greg
and April Messengers meet Church was decorated with two
lin's group presented a solo by BLUEVALE — The children P expressed their thanks. lighted Christmas trees either s F
Austin Stinson,' a humorous skit and teachers of the Sunday BELGRAVE — Twenty-two side of the pulpit, floral arrange -
by Mrs. Marion Dinsmore and School were in charge of the children attended the Christmas ments of red and white carna-
Mrs. C. Carswell, a takeoff on White Gift service at the United Belmore meeting of the messengers at tions, a potted poinsettia placed
Hee Haw. Mrs. Florence Wilson's Church on Sunday morning. Knox United Church, Belgrave, by Mrs. William Wide in x
group presented a humorous skit, Arlene Johnston and Alan Edith Mulvey of Fergus visited on Sunday morning. Alison memory of her sister, Mrs. Gavin
"In the Shade of the Old Apple Campbell were the leaders with this week with Mr. and Mrs. Len Roberts led the children in games Muir, and one placed by the UCW
Tree". Mrs. Reiter Johnston and Elaine Campbell, Timmy Dar- Metcalfe of Belmore. Mr. and and stories until the Christmas in memory of Mrs: Harvey Me -
Miss Minnie McElwain sang. low, Karen Johnston, Valerie Mrs. Metcalfe visited with Mrs. tree ornaments were distributed Michael and a bouquet of red
Mrs. Eva Harris and Mrs. Johnston, Greg Carhpbell, Paul Clara Rintoul of Wingham. to each member to finish as their roses placed by Mr. and Mrs.
Florence Wilson did the acting. Johnston and June Stamper, An auction sale for Dick Kon- craft. Stewart Higgins from their 40th
Roy Kennedy supported the tree assisting. Ings was held at Belmore on The Christmas story was told wedding anniversary the pre -
and Roy Simmons was the The scripture reading was Saturday. and each child helped by bringing vious evening.
clergyman. given by Murray Hastings. Mrs. The community extends deep- colored pictures which were Rev. Ball took as his sermon,
Mrs. Evelyn Wilson's group Alan Campbell sang the solo, a sympathy to the Tom Inglis arranged on cardboard to "The Ins and Outs of Christmas"
presented a poem, "What Would I "Little Lord Jesus Is Born". Mrs family, upon the death of Rhoda, demonstrate, "What Christmas in his usual inspiring manner,
Like for Christmas?" given by Mel Craig told the story to the Mrs. Tom Inglis. Means to Us". The offering was and led the choir in a lovely
Evelyn Wilson. Misses Violet and children. Marjorie Tucker, Mrs. Eldon received and dedicated. Each Christmas Anthem. Miss Marcia
Lenora Beswetherick showed The theme of next Sunday's Renwick, and the Walter Ren- child was given crafts to take Gibson presided as organist and RECENT EVENTS IN HISTORY weren't the only ones depicted in 'ballads' written and
slides on the Holy Land. Miss morning service will be "The wick family of Belmore, gathered home to place on their own prior to the service was accom- put in skit form by the Grade 8 students at Wingham Public School. "The Red Knight of
Violet "Beswetherick gave the First Light of Joy" and in the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Christmas tree. The meetingGermany" was one of the ballads
paned by her father, Art, on the performed at lest Friday morning's assembly. Rose
commentary. They were thanked evening at 8:30 a candlelight Horton of Atwood for Christmas closed with the singing of Christ- piano in a number of Christmas Ohm portrays 'Wup May', Ruth Taylor is 'Manfred vonRichtofen' and Bob Alton was 'A.
by Mrs. Wilson. communion service will be held. celebrations on Sunday. mas Carols. hymns. Roy Brown'. Scott Cornwall narrated the ballad.
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