The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-12-02, Page 217 0 . V Page 2—The Wingham Advance -Tunes, December 2, IVM TO THE ELECTORS OF TUR Y TO 1 FMISHiP Vanastra pool to close This past year I had the privilege of representin you on Turnberry Council. aid � �h won o cha�enging year and a good unless Introduction to municipal government. 1 would like the opportunity of serving By the end of 1876 it is expected "the only people who can survive Local Committee et for 1976 you for another term. budget 1 am fully prepared to give of my time that the Vanastra swimming pool year after year by losing money was $130,000 which indicated that and best efforts and will continue to will have accumulated a total are farmers." Mr. Gina did note the Ontario Plowmen's Associa- serve you faithfully when re-elected operating deficit of $82,000. Ap- that he did not think the pool tion had guaranteed $115,000 of on December 6. proximately $0,000 of this deficit should be dropped immediately. the total budget. is capital equipment which was The Ontario Plowmen's RE=ELECT not included in the original de- In other Development Com- Association have also indicated benture issue. mittee business the council they will advance the Local Corn. The deficit projection came to learned that W. Morgan, mittee $3,000 the year prior to the light at count council last Thurs- managre, of `u`,c lwu w w--tsrn ^!�- BEN MALDA'when y maLl:Il, alni i1,NW u!6 yGOi va asac day as part of the report of the tarioTlravel Association, had met match, which is repayable when Development Committee. The with the committee on November the event is over. committee noted that it had no 16 and outlined the proposed pro- Council endorsed recom- forLOR recommendation to make, but gram for the association in 1877. mendations coming out of that COUNCIL only wanted to bring the matter The association is proposing to meeting that all expenses of the Anyone requiring a ride to the polls to the attention of council for its reprint the Huron County bro.- county exhibits for 1876 and 1877, feel free to phone 357-3728. information and discussion. chure, as well as the brochures and advertising the 1978 .I.P.M. Council generally agreed that for the other seven counties, to- would be borne by the Local ` evet'y municipality in the County gether with other advertising in Committee. of Huron has residents making 1977. Each of the counties in the The County will loan the Local y use of the facility. region will provide a grant of Committee funds as might be re - It has been indicated however, $3,500 to S.W.O.T.A. quired, on request. If the match is To the Electors of the committee explained, that it The Huron council agreed to a financial success, after all ex - is possible this facility will close the grant provided that certain pee of the Local Committee Turnberry Township: if additional financial arrange- changes were made in the bro- are paid, the county would be re- ments cannot be made. chure. Councillors wanted the paid up to the maximum amount Tuckersmith Reeve Elgin agricultural component of Huron loaned. It was also agreed that respectfully solicit our support Thompson told the meeting that presented more fully and the sif6 the County will be entirely re - he would "pull the rug out from of the International Plowing sponsible for the cost of the under" the operation in the near Match for 1978 to be marked on county exhibit at the match. F 0 R C OUN C I 0 R future because it could not ' `go on the centrefold map. Council also agreed a further losing.,money like that." It was also stressed that a loan of ;1,500 in 19766 and pro - While he agreed that everyone number of other pictures should vision be made in the 1977 budget in the county was benefiting from be changed as there were too for an additional ;5,000. the pool he said there was "no many of Goderich in the 1976 In another area the Develop - at tfye polls on way you can make recreation pay edition for the liking of the ment Committee reported on a for itself." majority of coun6l members. meeting with Tree Commissioner Gerry Ginn, reeve'of Goderich The Development Committee Murray Scott and Assistant Tree Monday D e e e m be r 6th Township, su bested that oper - also reported to council on a Commissioner J. Dietrich to re - tions of the 1 was a "timely meeting with the local committee view activities in that depart - topic when we've just had a of the International Plowing ment over the past year. Thirty recreation study and are talking Match to discuss the financial as- permits have been issued by the about area recreation." pests of the 1978 match. It was commissioners to clear tutees, "As far as I know," he added, noted that the Bruce County most of these being in connection with small areas being cleared to square fields. LY,NN HOY Concern was expressed at that MOH fears alternative meeting over the maximum fine under the Trees Act. It was felt this was not a sufficient deterrent Anyone wishing transportation to the polls pleasefor farmers clearing land. It was to the two -county plan p learned that Lambton County, w similar to PHONE 357-3435 Huron Medical Officer of g p Huron's,which as a has been successful in setting u a district health coun- - Health Dr. Frank Mills told cil with Perth County the provin- charging both the bulldozer County Council last Thursday cial government might well force operator and the owner, when that if Huron does not agree to Huron into a five -county body. land has been cleared in con According to Dr. Mill's report, travention of the by-law. if the steering committee which It was agreed that in future this On Dec. 6 OPP investigate is presently examining the pro- practice would be followed in posed Huron -Perth Health Coun- Huron. VOTE seven accidents cil idea were to recommend Sunday was a busy day for the against proceeding the provincial rry � v WALKER Township Councillor 07 years experience in road engineering •Past 3 years in busi- ness management *Married with 4 children .. •Concerned with Maitland Valley flooding For a free ride to the polls please contact me at 357-1737. On December 6, 1976 Support WALKER LLOYD X To the Electors of TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP ,,ox� HAROLD ELLIOTT for Deputy Reeve With my experience in the past four years I feel I can make better use of your tax dollars than in the past. FOR A BETTER FUTURE IN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL AND COUNTY INTEREST, I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT ON MONDAY, DECEM• EE 6. ELLIOTT, Harold I X PRESENTS GIFT SETS WITH THAT 11111111111111PV.�,z� 77, I ---------- —r---------------- CLIP THIS BALLOT AND DEPOSIT IT IN THE BOX IN OUR STORE: 4 I I I 1 One ofS I LEE VANCE LIMITED Rexall Heating Pads _ I Valued I I at 9 8 1 Name I $998 I Address I eoch I I Telephone 1 Just fill in this ballot I I` and you could win! Draw to be held December 18_1976 --- J �,UGGAGE S IGHT Caribbea II Saturn M safari lIIF� 0 Samsonite The search for perfect gifts ends here at Middleton 's. Set -to -go luggage is the sure Christ- mas hit for family members ... and all special people on your Christmas list. Browse through our great variety of co-ordinated and matching pieces of luggage by - 40 Samsonite of Canada MAKE NO MISTAKE, SHOP ... MIDDLETON'S HOME FURNISHING Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario WIN! A Solid Maple Boston Rocker from Middleton Is Valued at $79°iis Just fill out the ballot below and deposit it in the ballot box at Middle ton's. Draw to be held December 18. Name .................. Address ................. Town ................... 4 Phone .................. OFFICIAL BALLOT ■ BRIAN W Ontario Provincial Police de- reaction might be to lump Huron five-part tachment in Wingham. Two asci- in with the Thames Me BU RN EY dents that day injured three Valley health council which covers Oxford, Elgin and Middle- people. Leonard J. Sangster, Wingham sex counties as well as the cittM was the sole occupant of a vehicle of London and St. Thomas. he was driving which left the The report notes that "to lose, FOR travelled portion of Huron County our autonomy as a two -county TURNBERRY Road 20, west of Sideroad 36-37, health council and to be swal- East Wawanosh Township. The lowed up in the tremendous popu- COUNCIL vehicle entered the north ditch lation of a five-part health council and struck a tree. Sangster was would be undesirable and would treated at Wingham and District meet with just as much opposi- —Born and raised in the Township of Hospital for a contusion and tion from interest groups now opposing the health council and abrasion to his nose, and releas- Turnberry. possibly would be too late then for Egon W. Fehr and Evelyn J. ,fUrther consideration." —Farmed in Turnberry for four years Fehr were both injured as a re- Steering committee member sult of a single car accident on Warden Jack McCutcheon said a —As a ratepayer in the Township I am Huron County Road 7, east of good Huron -Perth health council Highway 4, Turnberry Township could do the area a lot of good. interested in giving Turnberry sound, when the vehicle he was driving "At this time I would certainly responsible municipal went into the north ditch and have to support it because of happen if don't." government struck a fence. what might we —If elected I will t to represent eve try P every Evelyn Fehr was treated at BLACKMAIL? Goderich Reeve Stan Profit Wingham and District Hospital resident of Turnberry by being your voice for an injured nose, forehead and asked if Huron was being black - neck and released. Egon Fehr mailed into a two county system" on council was treated for multiple abra- because it's the lesser of two sions to his forehead and scalp evils." Thank You and was discharged. Dr. Mills explained that it is Besides the two accidents with still unclear about whetheK the Brian W. McBurney injuries, OPP officers also in- council will have any financial vestigated five other accidents. controls or will be merely ad - Anyone wishing a ride please phone 335-3761. Total property damage was es- visory. He said "It's a two-edged timated at ;8;600. A total of 19 sword. If it gets nasty, we're the charges were laid under the ones who have to do the nasty Highway Traffic Act and 20 work." He suggested that the For Turnberry Township warnings given. council would also have to do the Six charges were laid under the unpopular job of cutting back Vote Liquor Licence Act and five spen ding and closing ho pitals if a l b L I O V D under the Criminal Code of Canada. Y budgets. rry � v WALKER Township Councillor 07 years experience in road engineering •Past 3 years in busi- ness management *Married with 4 children .. •Concerned with Maitland Valley flooding For a free ride to the polls please contact me at 357-1737. On December 6, 1976 Support WALKER LLOYD X To the Electors of TURNBERRY TOWNSHIP ,,ox� HAROLD ELLIOTT for Deputy Reeve With my experience in the past four years I feel I can make better use of your tax dollars than in the past. FOR A BETTER FUTURE IN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL AND COUNTY INTEREST, I ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT ON MONDAY, DECEM• EE 6. ELLIOTT, Harold I X PRESENTS GIFT SETS WITH THAT 11111111111111PV.�,z� 77, I ---------- —r---------------- CLIP THIS BALLOT AND DEPOSIT IT IN THE BOX IN OUR STORE: 4 I I I 1 One ofS I LEE VANCE LIMITED Rexall Heating Pads _ I Valued I I at 9 8 1 Name I $998 I Address I eoch I I Telephone 1 Just fill in this ballot I I` and you could win! Draw to be held December 18_1976 --- J �,UGGAGE S IGHT Caribbea II Saturn M safari lIIF� 0 Samsonite The search for perfect gifts ends here at Middleton 's. Set -to -go luggage is the sure Christ- mas hit for family members ... and all special people on your Christmas list. Browse through our great variety of co-ordinated and matching pieces of luggage by - 40 Samsonite of Canada MAKE NO MISTAKE, SHOP ... MIDDLETON'S HOME FURNISHING Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario WIN! A Solid Maple Boston Rocker from Middleton Is Valued at $79°iis Just fill out the ballot below and deposit it in the ballot box at Middle ton's. Draw to be held December 18. Name .................. Address ................. Town ................... 4 Phone .................. OFFICIAL BALLOT ■