The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-25, Page 5To the Ratepayers of
I have enjoyed seven years of service to
Turnberry Township as a Councillor.
Now I request your support to elect me as
Deputy -Reeve.
Advance -Times
BELGRAVE ARENA—Harold Jardin, Ken Wheeler, Keith Van Camp and John Congram
work on strengthening the side walls in the community centre which is expected to be
completed in time for hockey and other he
sports by the new year. All plans for the
repairs have been approved by the Ministry of Labour.
In ' t
Robert Hibberd sod WWiam
Campbell o« attended
North Bruce County Loyal
Orange Lodge on Saturday aftw-
noon in Allenford.
Miss Linda Taylor of Pickering
spent the weekend with her
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gleet
Coultes and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T ylar of
St. Ann's, Ur. and Mrs. 1 Rae
and Jatnle of Guelph were week-
end visitors with their parenik,
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Coultas.
Mrs. Robert Coultes is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kirton of
Powassan spent last week with
their cousins, Mrs. Elizabeth
Leslie and Ernest Michie and
visited with other cousins' in this
Mrs. Lulu McLaughlin of Lon-
don, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mac-
Pherson of Wingham visited one
day last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Armstrong.
On Friday Mrs. Jack Taylor
and Trudy of Wroxeter visited
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis of
Scarboro spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor
and attended the 40th wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
George Carter held in Belgrave
WI Hall.
Mrs. Hazel Procter is a patient
in the Wingham and District Hos-
Weekend visitors with Mrs.
William Gow, who is a patient in
Wingham and District Hospital,
were Mrs. Leonard Brindley,
Brenda and Susan of Dungannon
and Mrs. Jack Ladd, Goderich.
Euchre wl n n erS Visiting Mrs. Gow on Monday
were Mrs. Al Hendry of Bolton
BELGRAVE — Weekly euchre and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wales and
started last Wednesday evening Glenna of London.
in the Women's Institute Hall Roy de Haas of Bolton and
with seven tables in play. Michael Wales of London visited
Winners for the evening were: on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
high lady, Mrs. James Coultes liam Gow.
and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse with
Mrs. Stonehouse winning the BELMORE
draw; low lady, Mrs. Olive Wal-
ker; high man�Mark Armstrong; The Belmore "Sugar Kuties"
low man, Lewis Stonehouse. have accepted an invitation to
Due to renovations at the arena la the Ripley
euchres will be held in the WI t Y P Y girls' hockey
Hall. Next euchre will be yy�_ team at an exhibition game in the
nesday evening, November 24 at Kincardine Sports Complex Sun -
8 o'clock. Everyone welcome. �Y, Nov. 28th at 4 o'clock. All
supporters will be appreciated.
The Ontario Hospital Associa- pital operating costs has been
tion recently ran an advertise- achieved largely through pay-
ment in The Wingham Advance- ment to hospitals by the provin-
Times which indicated that the cial government for the services
association was interested in giv- provided to insured patients. The
ing the general public an insight actual level of payment for each
into the workings of local hos- hospital varies and is based on a
pitals. From replies to this ad, global budget for the hospital ap-
the OHA has now compiled a proved by the Ministry of Health.
series of questions and answers Since the late 1960s, the
to those inquiries. Here is the Government of Ontario has also
first in *series which will appear Provided at least two thirds of the
input costs of all hospital expan-
We/ II give you 100gallons of furnace fueloil in The Advance Times.
Question: How did hospitals sion and extensions. The remain -
start in Canada? ing money required has been do-
/ /i Answer: The first hospital built nated to the hospital by the com-
FREE we let your tank run out. in Canada dates back to 1639 munity.
Budget Approval Helps
CO-OP Guarantees to keep you warm this winter. If we let your tank *Conditions of Guarantee
run out, the next 100 gallons are on us, free.
Let us deliver your fuel oil automatically. Your
tank capacity must be 200 gallons or larger, and
CO-OP Petroleum drivers have earned a solid reputation for
your home must be your prime residence with
dependability. They're backed by a weather computer to tell them
year round occupancy. Also, provided your
when your tank needs refilling. We'll delivery quality Fuel Oil all
credit is within approved limits, you will be
eligible for CO -OP's Delivery Guarantee.
winter long. We guarantee It.
This offer will not apply if our failure to deliver
Have CO-OP deliver your Fuel Oil and let us worry about keeping
results from interruption of supply, impassable
road conditions or any other factor beyond our
you warm.
Cow -operatives 1 19 -
for you
We like to know our customers
by name!
when the Hotel Dieu of Quebec Through this budget approval
was established, followed in 1642
by the Hotel Dieu of Montreal. Process, the Ministry of Health is
The first major hospital build- in a position to directly influence
ing period in Canadian history the service program and facili-
was between 1840 and 1920, when ties which any hospital is capable
such orders as the Grey Nuns, the of providing. Hospitals addi-
Sisters of Providence, the Sisters tionally have a small amount of
of Misericorde, the Sisters of St. discretionary income. A hospital
Joseph and many others, estab- is permitted to keep approxi-
lished more than 100 hospitals in mately one third of the "differen-
communities throughout the tial charge" for semi -private or
country. private hospital rooms over the
The firstypublic general hos- standard ward rate and receives
pital in Ontario was the Toronto small grants through wills, be -
General Hospital built in 1829 and quests and other types of dona-
the second was the Kinggton tions.
General Hospital built in 1835. The amount of discretionary
Both of these hospitals and al- income available to hospitals is
most all the other public general quite small.
hospitals established in Ontario
before 1959, when the govern-
ment brought in thg Ontario Hos- Expect to meet
pital Insurance Plan, were built
by public subscriptions.
Depend on Patient Charge fund goal for
Previous to 1941, hospitals de
pended for their operation funds
on charging patients who could Belgrave arena
afford to pay and by applying to
charities of various levels of
government in order to be reim- BELGRAVE —The fund rais-
bursed for services given to indi- ing committee for the Belgrave
patients. Arena Renovations would like to
gent pthank all those who contributed to
In 1ati the Ontario Hospital
the recent canvass. Although
Association, the representative
association of hospitals in the final results are not yet available
Province of Ontario, started the it appears that the goal of $15,000
first major pre -payment plan for in local contributions will be
hospital costs. The Blue Cross reached. A special thank you to
plan foAhospital care was started the canvassers.
in order to assist residents of the Renovations are well under
way and hopefully with the help
province to pay their hospital of volunteer labor will be com-
billa and to assist hospitals to put plated by late December.
their operating budgets on a
firmer basis.
In 1959, when the Government tu►ss" ttr°D� �
of Ontario joined with the
Brussels Government of Canada in the —
L , provision of a universal hospital
Belgrave. Ontario 887-6453 care system for the province, On-
tario Blue Cross provided vale- U
able staff C3 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES O F ONTARIO to get the government port pla�n offs o -- - PHONE
- - f a good Start.357-2320
Since 19ti9, the financing of hos-
The Wingham Advance -Times, November W WN—Page s
December 6
—Born and raised in the Township of
—Farmed in Turnberry for four years
—As a ratepayer in the Township I am
interested in giving Turnberry sound,
responsible municipal government
—If elected I will try to represent every
resident of Turnberry by being your voice
on council
Thank You
Brian W. McBurney
To the Electors of:
As a candidate for the Huron
County Board of Education I
ask for your support on Mon-
day, December'6, 1976.
To the Electors of
East Wawanosh,
Morris and Blyth
I respectfully solicit your
support to
as your representative on the
Huron County Board of Education
*Married with a young family
•Occupation: Insurance Agent
*Two years experience on Board of Ed.
*Presently Chairman of Education
•Presently Chairman of Finance
•A parent who is genuinely interested in
the education of our children and the
rising costs of education to the rate payers.
On December 6th vote to Re -Elect
R. John Elliott r X
Insurance Anent